The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 09, 1919, Image 4

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    Keep a Picture Record
of Your Outing
'TVHE Autographic Kodak
furnishes a convenient way"
of keeping record of your out
ings, vacation trips, names of
friends, age of children and
any other memorandum you
may wish to make at the time
you are taking pictures. Let
us show you how simple it is.
The fexaM Store
PHONE 331 II will pay you to watch our Windows
I use" for teenk dat anny man
Could be da gooda 'Merii-a n.
No mattra where upon dees earth
lies com' da lamia for bees birth,
So long he speak, w'en he eea here,
Enongh Inglalce so he can cheer
And Joosta ware hees hat an' say:
"Da red da, whlta, blue, hooray!"
I use' for teenk eet eea enough
Ef you could joosta maka blnff ;
Pretand to love your fellow-man
But also akeen heem all yon can.
Eet mak no odds how mooch you He
So longa, w'en da flag go by.
You Joosta leeft your hat an' say:
"Da redda, whlta, blue, hooray!"
But dat was wrong. My head was bone!
For now w'en corn's dees Veectra Loan
I see how mooch eet mean to me.
An' all men here an' ovra sea.
An' no one here, not anny man.
Can be da gooda 'Merican
On loss be mak' hees money say:
"Da redda, whlta, blue, hooray!"
War Gswings Stamps are the best
remedy for an over-worked bank account
Inasmuch as there Is an armistice,
may one tell "central" what one thinks
of the telephone service without incur
ring arrest for uttering sedition?
Nowadays love prefers a car to a
cottage. . .s
Now to the time; ah, friend, no longer
To scatter loving smiles and words
of cheer
To those around whose lives ore now
so dear.
They may not meet you In the com
ing year.
Now Is the time.
1 It Twr l
mm ""-"
A French preparation for soup sea
soning Is made of two ounces each of
sweet marjoram,
parsley, savory,
thyme, lemon peel,
and one ounce of j
sweet basil. The ,
herbs ore dried, I
fj, ground flue and
slfti'd until well
mixed. This pow
der keeps Indefinitely; it should be
used sparingly.
Kitchen Bouquet. Put one cupful
of sugar In an Iron frying pan and stir
until It melts to a dark brown color.
Add half a cupful of water, stir, add a
clove of garlic chopped, a chopped
onion, six whole cloves, a tenspqonful
of salt, a saltspoonful of black pepper
and n dash of tabasco sauce. Simmer
SO minutes, strain nnd bottle for use.
This will keep for months. Nice 10
color and to flavor sauces.
Amber Marmalade This Is better
than the original orange marmalade.
If the hitter taste Is at all objection-
nnter JUlte one orange, one grape
fruit and one lemon; wash nnd wipe
dry, cut in thin slices, discarding the
seeds. Add 12 ctipfnls of water, three
quarts, nnd let stand over night. The
next day cook until the peel Is tender,
then set away again over night. The
next day ndd ten cupfnls of sugar
and cook until It Is thick. Put In
glasses and cover with poniftln. This
mnkes n dozen good sized glasses.
To make a cheap strained honey
for the table with the lioney flavor,
add a quart of water to live pounds
Of sugar, and boll, ndd one pound of
strninetl hrtney to the sirup while
warm, mix well and It Is ready to
Mixed Spice for General Use. This
Is nn old nnd valued New England
recipe. The mixture Is used In plum
pudding, fruit cake and mince pies.
Mix and sift thoroughly twice, two
tnblespoonfuls of powdered cinnamon,
one tublespoonftil each of powdered
cloves and allspice, two tablespoonfuls
of powdered mace and one grated nut
meg. Put away In a tin box or tight
glass jar and keep ready for use. The
fluvor Improves with age.
"Around the World in Eighty Days"
was onco n fantastical dream. Prom
New York to Washington, by airplane,
In eighty minutes, is now an even more
wonderful established fact.
The government of Poland with I'ud
ertwskl at the head, has been rec
ognized by the allies. It was pre
dicted from the start that lie was the
man to bring about hnrmouy.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past thlrty
flve years, and has become known as the
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pol
son from the Blood and healing the dis
eased portions.
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for a short time you will see a
srreat Imorovement In your general
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Bend
for testimonials, free.
F J. CHENHY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
8old by ill Drugprlsts. '3c.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of D. G.
McKenzie, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it may concern that Alexander
McKenzie has been appointed executor
of the last Will and testament of Dan
iel G. McKenzie, deceased, and has
qualified as such. All persons having
claims against his estate are required
to present them with proper vouchers
to the said executor at his home in Ad
ams, Oregon, or at the law office of
Will M. Peterson in the Smith-Crawford
Building at Pendleton, Oregon,
attorney for the executor, within six
months of the date of the first publica
tion of this notice, which is Friday,
the 18th day of April, 1919.
Alexander McKenzie, Executor.
Will M. Peterson,
Attorney for Executoi.
Notice of Final Account.
In the County Court for Umatilla
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate of Cath
erine A. Zerba, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above entitled matter
and that the above entitled Court has
fixed Saturday, May 10, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m., of said day as the
time, and the County Court room in
the Court house at Pendleton. Oregon,
as the place for hearing said account
and report. Objections to said final
account and report should be filed on
or before said date.
Ernest A. Zerba,
New Waists
Nothing in Ladies' Apparel is more attractive at this
time of year, than a beautiful Silk Waist. The new
styles are so dainty and pretty that everyone exclaims
over them. Just arrived, two shipments of new designs
and colors in these desirable garments.
Beautiful (leorjjette Waists in Flesh, Red
White, Bisque, Blue and Navy.
These Waisis are especially daintv and
attractive, and come in color combina
tions as well as plain colors. Bound
necks without collars in some styles,
with fancy curl's and buttons.
$4.98, 5.50, 8.90
Jersey Petticoats
These garments have been very popular
this season and we have just received a
new assortment of splendid styles and
colors. In Green, Black, Yellow, Navy.
Cope n, Orange and Tan.
$4.98 to $8.90
By FRANKLIN K. LANE, Secretary of the Interior
What Is Victory worth? What would we have given this time last year
to have been assured of Victory? What pledge would we have not made? And
now that our men have won will we hesitate to pay the bill? They paid, those
boys of the Argonne, in blood and life. They will pay, many of them, through
all their long lives In suffering and in weakness, "very soldier that we see is
a challenge to our hearts and to our pockets. They will not be a reproof. Their
eyes will never say that wo are, what they never were, quitters. We. too, can
carry on. Generous they wero and generous we will be. Our pride we will
prove by thanksgiving, not In words but in dollars loaned to Uncle Sam to ,iay
for bringing the boys back, for the guns that were never used, for the ships
that were not sunk, for the care of the men who did not die, "or the rebuilding
of the men who almost "went West."
All the wise men said It will be the fall of '19 before the Kaiser will be
driven into his own country. Our money would have gone throughout the year
to make that hope good. Hut the Hun was driven back. He lost heart and
cried "Kamerad!" a year before the promised time. And the Kaiser fled, a
fugitive from a beaten nation and so short a time since he had been in part
nership with "Gott"! How many Victory Bonds was it worth to hear ttV.t
news? Victory is not ours until we have earned it, paid for it and got the
receipt in the peace treaty, with a guarantee that we shall hold what we have
won the right to live In peace. Your Liberty Bond paid for the gun that
drove him into exile. And your Victory Bond will make sure that he will not
come back.
Dick Buroe, Once Well Known In This
Country Met His Death Fight
ing in France.
Late rrlvate Itlchard Bulge of Ihe
First Surrey rifles never wus a quit
ter, nnd, despite the fact that he was
at the half century mark, be enlisted
and died the death of a soldier. He
wus once the lightweight champion of
England, and was born December
19, 1805.
Dick Iiurge was a nnme well known
to the tight fans on both sides of the
Atlantic HO years or so ago, chiefly
because of his remarkable buttle with
Kid Luvlgne for the lightweight cham
pionship of the world. Dick wus sev
eral incites taller than the Saginaw
Kid, und he had a considerable ad
vantage in weight, but, much to his
surprise und that of the English funs,
he was knocked out iu the seventeenth
round. He gave ri good account of
himself before be fell, however, anil
there were times when the Kid had
reason to feur that he hud taken on
too good u man. After Burgi- quit the
ring he becuuie u light promoter. Thul
was in 19(H). He enlisted as n volun
teer In the British army in 1915 and
served with the colors for three years.
Detroit Free Press.
SAVE 16,000,000 BUSHELS
Rulers With Business Instincts.
At the outset of his Imperial career
the grandfather of the former German
kaiser, Frederick William, owed his
accumulation of money to his com
mercial dealings. One of his commer
cial undertakings was to start milk
rounds, which did exceedingly well, In
spite of being curried on sub rosa, for
the German courtiers found that the
imperial favor wus dependent upun
their patronizing the Imperial dairy.
In this way the old emperor created
n huge mill; monopoly in vurious cities,
and reaped a correspondingly large
profit. Kaiser, Wilhelm himself had
keen commercial Instincts, und had a
finger In most of the big German un
dertakings. In German; It was cur
rently reported that Bnllln was mere
ly the figure-head of the North Ger
man Lloyd line of steamships, und
that the knlser was the real man ut
the helm, and the same thing was said
of many other money-making concerns.
Farmers, Urged by Food Administra
tion, Provide Seven Extra Loaves
of Bread for Every American.
By adopting cleaner threshing meth
ods and by literally combing harvest
fields to gather grain formerly wast
ed, threshermen and farmers of the
United States this year saved fully
10,000,000 bushels of wheat, estimated
as equivalent to about seven one-pound
loaves of bread for every person In
the country. This result, accompanied
by corresponding savings of barley,
oats, rye and other grains, is shown by
reports from 33 grain states to the U.
S. Food Administration. Other states,
although not prepared to furnish defi
nite figures of conservation in the
grain fields, report greatly reduced
harvest losses. '
This rural food saving achievement,
accomplished In scarcely six months'
time, was In direct response to re
quests by the Food Administration,
which asked farmers and threshermen
to reduce harvest losses from about
3'A per cent. the estimated average
In normal times to the lowest possi
ble minimum. Country grain thresh.
Ing committees carried Into every
grain growing community the official
recommendations for accomplishing
the results desired.
In numerous Instances drivers of
racks with leaky bottoms were sent
from the fields to repair their equip
ment and frequently bad order thresh
ing machines were stopped until the
cause of waste was removed. But In
proportion to the numbe$ of persons
engaged in gathering the nation's grain
crop, cases of compulsion were com
paratlvely rare. The Food Adminis
tration freely attributes the success of
the grain threshing campaign to pa
triotic service by farmers, thresher
men and their crews, incioentauy
grain growers of the United States are
many millions of dollars "in pocket"
as a result of the grain saved.
Avery's Pride.
Conservative By the way, Avery, 1
understand you want the universal
franchise !
Avery Yes!
Con. Why, man, do you want your
wife to become a politician?
Avery It Isn't that exactly. Fact
Is, she has nlways been n politician.
Con. Well, what Is the reason?
Avery Pride, pride, my boy pure,
brute, male pride I
Con. How so? I don't see the con
Avery I don't like the Idea of be
ing married to n human being who
is classed with the Idiots I Londuu
United States' Fliers.
In his recent annual report MaJ.
Gen. William L. Kenley, director of
military aeronautics, stntPS that 4.HS0
men had been graduated us reserve
military aviators, the first rating for
pilots, by .Tune 30. Inst, with 110 bomb
ers, S"i bombing pilots, 46-1 observers.
SS'.l observer pilots, nnd 131 pursuit
pilots. In the year ended Inst June
30 there were 152 fatalities In train
ing, or an average of one death to
2.0R-I hours nnd 201,000 miles flown.
Stalled engines, usually due to an
error of the pilot, caused 80 deaths;
collisions, 30; nnd sideslips, 10. The
report goes on further to state that
440 balloon officers also had gradu
ated. tBo of whom were fully qualified
observers during the year. Scientific
American. f- .
The Man who Works for His Money
! gives full value for it and has the right to expect the
. .i i a- i : ... tt . : 1 1
; same when ne Days out ine rewaru .1 ma ion. c win
aet it every time at this Grocery Store, where big val
ue are nroverbial. We want the trade of those who
must be careful what they spend. They more tully
! annreciate the savins our service attords. Come in.
, g- j; "fW: v-r;'V-"-'i'j '
! giye us a trial and be convinced.
The EconomyfCash Grocery
Phone 561
and your Orders will be filled.
Quality Always Service First
Caliing on Portland housewives to
roll up their sleeves and don their
kitchen aprons rather than pay the
Increased cost of bakers' bread, and
declaring the 1-cent raise decreed by
the wholesale bakers as "arbitrary and
unwarranted," the Portland Grocers
and Merchants' association adopted
resolutions amounting to an appeal for
a citywide boycott on the "staff of
life" as manufactured by the city's
A $10,000 fund which the recent
legislature appropriated for the Ore
gon naval militia can be used toward
defraying the general expenses of
keeping the battleship Oregon In Ore
gon waters if the navy department will
consent to loan the vessel to the Btate
for an indefinite period. This offer
was made by Governor Olcott in a
telegram which he sent to Franklin
D. Roosevelt, assistant secretary of
the navy.
That Mrs. Ole Streed of Portland,
who so mysteriously disappeared from
Arlington, April 11, drowned herself
and her two little daughters, age 3 and
5 years, in the Columbia river, now
seems established. The body of the
youngest child, Vivian, was found in
the river about three miles below Ar
lington and the body of the other
child, Virginia, was found near ma
lock. The mother's body has also
been recovered.
Find more wheat, It came; more
pork. It came ; save sugnr, It was done.
So Americans answered the challenge
of German starvation.
Good will rules the new world as
fear governed the old world. Through
sharing food America helps make the
whole world kin.
Food control made sufficiency from
shortage, kept the rein ou food prices,
gave the uutlon's full stieugth exer
cise. Isn't that Jnst like the Yankees?
Nothing on earth could have prevented
them from going luto tie!
now that they're there
Come UOpie.
u .lsh to
Modern Armor.
The soldiers of oldwent forth to
fight, clad in cumbersome and expen
sive nrmor, which, while serving as
n protection, nevertheless hindered
thein from "putting forth their best
fighting strength. Today Martin Je
laltan, an Inventor of Rhode Island,
has made It possible for a soldier to
be protected by armor. He is one of
several dozen Inventors who have re
invented the coat of mall.
The device Is a bulletproof metallic
structure, which surrounds the body
nnd extends from the top of the shoul
ders to below the thighs. This steel
coat consists of two like parts held
together across the chest by means
of straps. Hooks attach the coat to
seml-cyllndrlcal pieces of metal which
fit closely about the upper part of the
lee and are fastened behind by straps.
The inner surface of the armor is
Mddwi The hsad is nrotected by a
lined mask coiuoosed of the same
wtal. Popular Sduuce Monthly.
How About
' Garden
1 Hose?
If you want a good, dependable garden
hose, one that will stand the gaff of hard
usage, we have it.
Ours is a superior grade of moulded hose
and is carried in all the wanted sizes.
We can make up a hose for you in any
length from 1 to 500 feet.
Prices with Couplings
1-2 INCH. 15c PER FOOT
5-8 INCH. 20c PER FOOT
Hose Nozzles and Repairs
Lawn Sprinklers
P. S. Have you seen the $15,00 fly rod
and the Martin Automatic reel that
are trnme to eive to some lucky fishei
o o o .'' ? yf r
If it isn't Here, it'sbver There. ,
Watts & Rogers
The, First National Bank
of Athena
Capital and Surplus, $100,000
.:r J