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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1919)
kN INDEPENDENT, N EW81M H t P. U. Boyd, Publisher Everybody profiteers. should help pinch Ihe cATHENA. OREGON, MAY 9, 1919 Complaint is made that paper boxes and other wrappings once containing flowers strew the roadside at the Ath ena cemetery, much to the detriment of cleanliness and orderly surroundings usually associated with the silent city of the dead. It is as necessary to keep the surroundings of the cemetery clean and free from rubbish as it is to keep it clean within the enclosure, if the true precepts of order and tidyness are to be observed. This unnecessary litter can be easily obviated by indi vidual attention paid to carrying away and destroying used paper wrappings and receptacles. There are yet a few potential sub scribers who have not availed them selves of the opportunity to voluntarily take over their quota of Victory bonds, according to their rating at the bank. The executive committee had hoped that in this last popular loan to the Federal government, it would be un necesssary to solicit, but it is evident that a few remaining outside the ranks of volunteeis, aro waiting to be called on. ..' Colin V. Dynient. eminent journal -ist, Red Cross service man and Dean of the bcnuoi or journalism, wasnington University, closes a personal letter to the Press man with this statement: " . . I looked over the editorial page of the Press with much expecta tion to find some mention of our mu tual friend, Colonel Wood. Not finding any of his hide taken off in this par ticular issue, 1 was profoundly dis appointed. Wood iB a scoundrel and I hope you won't let him rest many more weeks without telling the public what he really is." Wo thank Mr. Dyment for his words of sympathy and support in our life long feud with this verbose and vi tuperous viper, and assure him the aforesaid hide, though growing tough and leathery with age, will still be ex tracted from the Kernel' worthless old carcass, hs necessity arises. . With a new pumping plant for the fttljena water system in transit from vth a EtiiK and lawns and gardens yet holding their own, under supply from the present plant, the outlook for u normal supply this season is improving. Camouflaged Philosophy. i Uefore mnrrlaee they belong to busi ness women's organizations, afterward to card clubs. The best -vay to please the nuns Is to sink their fleet. Then It can't be trained on them. As long as wo have Mexico there thu United States will alwuys be bor dering on something. Can't they get up some substitute better for that sadly overworked phrase, "tho acid test?" There may be married soldiers, of coarse, who find upon reaching home that the war Isn't over, jf However, the busatt'nll players who return from the army will find women liuve not uAurprf their Jobs. With ,11m Increased tax on tobacco, the home fires burning Is go to be a further expense. It's strange Unit some foreigners who work so hard In the Interest of their native land come to America to do It. Bolshevist rtussln, entirely surround ed by food and well-paid labor, would soou be cured of Its economic lunacy. Nothing Is so certain nlmut the map of Europe ns the fnet that It will not bo tho suuio ns it was live yours ago. All business women, however, nre not "bachelor girls," as It takes real business ability to run a home nowadays. Not even the most Intensely loyal American jet has suggested printing the hotel menus In the English language. The BtitlSB government proposes more sporls us an antidote to unrest, ltut even Nero supplied bread us well as games. Gradually Interest In the ex-knlser Id dying out. Nobody seems to enre to know what Mud vt whiskers he is grow lug. What, hy the way has become of the old fashioned tlu? Doctors have nothing on statesmen In capacity to disagree upon the same set of symptoms. It may even be the other way. As the world's "grub boss," to bor row a section hand phrase, Uncle Sam need not fear any dictation from the hungry. We have , been expecting It ever since we heard how the cost of feed Is cutting off the hens. There are to be artificial eggs. Maybe the cheaper flivver Is being brought In to offset the threatened drive for popularity the airplane Is about to make. The British government experts are reported, to hrfve devised a silent nlr plane motor, but so far the experts are also silent. Man was born to brag. And for the most part, Just now, bis boasting Is confined to telling how long he has worn that old suit. The number of American propagan dists who nre actually spreading the awful doctrine of "America first" Is ruptdly Increasing. Bring out the champion optimist medal for the man who Is seeking to secure college men to serve as mis sionaries to Itussla. Embattled war gardeners should re member that this Is not pence but mereky an armistice and go on with their preparedness program. Prices as they now stand Indicate that this year's thrift garden will be almost as Important an Item of econ omy as last year's war garden. We do not wage war on babies. The nearest we come to It is taxing the baseballs and bats, which are meat and drink to tho American boy. That new-fangled machine that gives a rider all the motions of n joy trip In nn aerial tiler without leaving the spot bus the advantage of safety first. One of the Big Berthas which was to reduce Purls to an ash henp Is to be placed on exhibition us a curiosity In that city. How have tho mighty fallen 1 The fact thnt "13" Is generally re garded as a lucky Instead of an un lucky number may he cited as evidence thnt human nature Is undergoing u change. 23 Years Ago. From the Press oi May 9, 1896 J Chance Rogers was in town Monday. He has just finished a term of school. S. PI. Forshaw of Portland connected with the Daily Sun, has accepted a position as city editor of the Pendleton Tribune. An infant son was born a couple of weeks ago to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pierce in Chicago. Born, in this city, April 27. 18116, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus jGillis, a boy. Wm. Bernard of Weston, was in town Tuesday with a phonograph. Born, near Helix, on May 1, 1898, to the wife of Frank King, a girl. Maurice Johns and family will soon move to the Wormley place west of town. ('has. Henry will soon leave with a big eastern sheep drive in the capacity of packer, J I Yesterday Chaa. Norris purchased for his wife the sorrel driving horse that J. N. B. Gerkiug has driven for several years. The services of the Athena band have been much in demanl by candi dates this week. John McKay and Mrs. Alex McKay visitod friends in Athena Monday. The McKay brothers have g ne into I usiness in Pendleton. Last Thursday night Pythinn Lodte No. ail, K. of P.. conferred time ranks on Reed Hill, several Weston htethren were in attendance. Several families, friends of Dr. h. Dell, gathered simultaneously at his residence on the night of Apiil !I0, and gave him a thorough surprise. The occasion in marked by the doctor's 68th birthday. E. E. Purrington. John P. McMauus, T. J. Kirk, John Adams and J. R. Eddy have incorporated the Tribune Publishing company. The utuount of the capital stock is tfOOO. Captain General Wevler is quoted in u Madrid dispatch as saying that the action of the congress of the United States in regard to recognizing the belligerency of the Cuban insurgents has served to increase their number and In consequence it will be necessary to postpone the inauguration of polit ical reforms until the rebellion is crushed. General Weyler is also said to have admitted that the financial situation in Cuba is serious. will preach on "Mother Love.'" You will be intvrested and helped by at tendance upon this service at 11 a. m. Preaching again in the evening at 8 o'clock. The Bible school meets at 10 a. m. Mrs. Mclntyre is the super intendent and will make the school in teresting and instructive. B. P, Y. U. at 7 o'clock. Mr. 0. E. Draper, countv S. S. worker, will hold a meeting for all workers at the Baptist church at 3:30 next Sunday. The Christian Church. There is something unspeakably beautiful and helpful in the thought and purpose of "Mothers Day." Let the tender memories and inspirations which this day brings, guide your feet lo the church next Sunday. We want the sermon and singing and decora tions and your faces, all to speak of Mother. Let us make it a day to remember. At night Mr. Burton will give a sermon-lecture to "The Unwilling Doubt re." He will have occasion to speak of the hand of God in Egypt. He will tell of his visit with s native Jew to the "Wailing Place" by the temple walls at Jerusalem and of the black Jews of Abyssinia. Sunday school at 10; preaching at 11 and 8. B. B. Burton, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church. Those who so much enjoyed our Easter service and our sacred concert will be glad to hear our Mothers' Day treat next Sunday night, consisting of a beautiful anthem by the choir, solos by Mr. Emmel. Mr. Pratt and by a number of the young Indies, a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Pratt, besides other in teresting exercises. There will be Sunday school and Mothers Day ser mon in the morning, all being invited. Notice to Stockholders. Notice is hereby given to the sub scribers of stock in the Farmers Grain Elevator. Company of Athena, Oregon, that a meeting of the subscribers of stock in said company is to be held at I he office of said Elevator at Athena, Oregon. June !, 1919, at 3 p. rr. of said date for the purpose of fixing i the number of directors in said corpor- ' ation to be less than three and for j the purpose of electing said directors. ' F. A. Berlin, A. R. Coppock, Cass Cannon, M. Melville Johns, William Read, Doted at Athena, Incorporators. Dreg, May 9, 1919, John S. Harris, deceased, by the above entitled Court. All persons hsvi tg claims against the ahove entitled es tate should present them to me at Athena. Oregon, or to my attorney. Homer I. Watts, at his office in Ath ena. Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice; said claims to be verified as by law re quired. Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 18th day of April, 1910. Henry A. Barrett, executor. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of I Oregon for Umatilla County. I In the Matter of the Estate of Fannie 0. Myrick, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern that Olive Lee has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Fannie 0. Myrick. I deceased, and has qualified as such, j All persons having claims against her estate are required to present them with proper vouchers to the said ad ministratrix at the law office of Will M. Peterson, in the Smith-Crawford Building at Pendleton, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first pub lioation of this notice which is made on the 2nd day of May Hit, Olive Lee, Administratrix. t Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Administratrix. Notice of Final Account. In the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for i mat ilia County. In the matter of the estate ot Lucinda Hlteman, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account and report In the above entitled mat ter and that the above entitled court has fixed Saturday, May 31, 1919, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. "6f said day as the time and the county court room In the county court house at Pendleton, Oregon, as the place for hearing said account and report. Any and all objections to said final account and report should be filed In the above entitled matter on or be fore -said date. HENRY DELL, Administrator. mnam, I m B y)ud think he 'd have better sense says Big Brodj Extra Test (or Carcass Smoothness All fabric "feather edged" at overlapping points to pre vent internal ridges. Ra CINE "Tim isn't extravagant, exactly, but he don't know what to buy. He nims to get the biggest plug (or his money. "He would get real tobacco satisfaction with Genuine Gravely and spend less money for tobacco." Good taste, smaller chew, longer life isvthat mukesGen nine ( Iravely cost less to chow than ordinary plug. " Write to: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE, VA. for Looilet off chewing plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch Notice to Creditors. In the County Court for Umatilla Countv, Oregon In the Matter of the Estate of John S. Harris. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed exec utor of the last will and testament of Notice of Final Account. In tin- County Court of the State ol Oregon, for Vmatilla County. I In the matter of the estate of Mary LaFave, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned hag filed her final account and report In the above entitled mat j ter and that the above entitled court I has fixed Saturday, May 31, 1919, j at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said j day as the time and the county court : room In the county court house at Pendleton, Oregon, as the place for hearing sn!d account and report. Any and all objections to said final account and report should be filed In the above entitled matter on or be fore said! date. CARRIE D. BERGEVIN, Administratrix With the Will Annexed. "PXTRA value has al ways been the prime feature of Racine Tires. Save money. Use the RACINE Country Road Tire "Extra mileage" is the ver diet of every user. Join the army of Country Road en thusiasts. Unmatched in serv ice and true mileage worth. Athena Vulcanizing Shop R. A. Thompson, Prop For Your Own Protection Be Cer tain Every Racine Tire You Buy Bears The Name RACINE RUBBER CO. RACINE, WISCONSIN IIHIIIHI The Propho' Painiess Dental Parlors Pendleton's cTWost cTWodern, Up-to-date Dental Offices We take pride in having a modern four-chair dental office and equipment; something new and different. We do only the high est grade of dentistry. You can get work done cheaper elsewhere, but buying dentistry is like buying anything else you get just what you pay for. Cheap prices, cheap material. We will tell you what your work will cost you before start ing. You will get the very best material and workmanship, GUAR ANTEEING everything to please you and to be absolutely Pain less. Work finished in one day, when practicable. THE PROPHO PAINLESS DENTAL PARLORS 755 Main Street (Over Pendleton Drug Co) PENDLETON, OREGON THE PARKER E3ARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block - - Athena, Oreg. " tH fifiiHiiMiiinunni The Churches, Baptist Church Note. Mothers' Day will be appropriately observed. Special music of a high order will bo furnished. The pastor BUILD NOW All building material pric es will probably reniair stationary for several years. Farm Building should be planned now. Ask to see our FREE PLAN BOOK on Farm Buildings. Silos pay for themselves in better feeding the first year. Machine Sheds more ma chinery rusts out than wears out. llogsheds Hay sheds Barns Chicken houses-Homes. LUMBER CO. Mllllllll mimic unimit ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. American Beauty Flour Is ttade in Athena, by" Athena labor, in one oi the very- best equipped mills in the Northwest of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry". Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Waitshurg, Wash. Athena, Oregon Miim H4 We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. LOGSDON & MYRICK Main Street, Athena, Oregon THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Model T one-ton truck is prov ing a splendid time and money-saver on , the farm. It is very flexible in control, strong and dependable in service. It has Xhink it reav become one f the farmers' necessi- uveir ties 0ne Ford truck Mr. Farmer is equal to half a doz en teams and it won't "ea't its head off' when not working. The very low price makes it popular with shrewd, farmers who analyze conditions on the farm. Let us talk it over, Mr. Farmer. Price with out body, $550 f. O. b. Detroit Can deliver, and furnish Bodies at once. Burke & Son Garai Phone 82, Athena, Orego