I ..:-gi(Bw" r"" . ; n v. Press Paragraphs j Casper Woodward is in Spokane this week. For Sale. Bundle wheat hay. F. A. Berlin Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Leisiqger of Helix, were in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson mot ored over to Milton Sunday evening. Reverend Lockwood and Willard Bond of Pendleton, were in the city unday. r. and Mrs. Hart have rented the house in the north part of town, vacat- For Sale.-Bundjed wheat hay. j ed "J VlrB" ietba A. L. Swaggart, Athena. Wm. McLeod, deputy assessor, is For Sale. White Rock and Barred i taking the assessment of property in Rock cockerels. Phone 81 F5. I Athena and vicinity. Three carloads of live stuck waa Bhipped from this point . Friday after noon, lift y Miss Katheryn Wilson, who was the guest of Miss Vera Grant, left Satur day for Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. B. B. Richards received two car loads, fiO tons, of barley from Blue Mountain station this week. Lavvson Booher left Monday evening for Portland, where he will be under the medical care of Br. Aiken, iimmimmmiiiihi Pendleton Marble & Granite Works i T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor j PENDLETON, OREGON. PATRONAGE SOLICITED HniiiiiHiiuiimmiineinmiiciiimimtw Bring your KODAK FILMS to us for expert finishing at city prices The Athena Drug Co. Frank J. Harris, Managing Partner i 1 V M 9M Marion Hansell is serving on the grand jury, this week. E. J. Sommerville and family were in the city Wednesday from Pendleton. For first class, reliable, guaranteed Dental work, see Dr. Sponogle, Den tist. Adv. Potatoes Wanted. Have you Netted Gems for sale'' M. Melville Johns. Athena, Oregon. Omar Stephens went to Pendleton Sunday, and shot with the Pendleton shooters over the Round-Up traps. Miss Velva Mansfield came over from Walla Walla and spent the week end with relatives and friends in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant have returned to Athena from Condon to reside. They arrived here this week. Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens has been in Pendleton this week, attending her mother, Mrs. Kimball, who has been seriously ill. Besides the regular branches of den tistry, Dr. Sponogle specializes in Pyorrhea and diseases of the teeth and gums. Adv. Miss Jessie Brierley, teacher in the Milton high school, was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson. "Billy" Chamberlain, old-time Ath ena resident, was in the city this week from Pendleton, in his capacity as In come Tax collector. Mrs. M. L. I.eeper is a guest this week at the home of her nephew, Mr. F. E. King, and also of other rel atives in Pendleton. ABurke & Son have received a carload ofVFord cars this week and are now prepared to supply the demand as long as this consignment lasts. The Elks lodge of Walla Wa)la held highjinka Tuesday night and a big band of the antWred herd from Oma tilla county were in attendance. Wanted. A boy to work after school hours in the country. Will be given automobile transportation to and from work each evening. Phone 81F6. Charles Russell, who has been under the care of Dr. Nelms in Walla Walla returned home Tuesday evening, great 1 improved in health. He is better than he has been for many months. THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Hardware Shelf and Heavy BARRETT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON iss Kathren Froome has decided to ntil next year. She has accepted TsEoland a position in the ottice of 15. a ards. Bert Stone, of the Coast Artillery, who suw service in France, has been discharged from the army and arrived in the city Saturday evening. He is visiting his uncle, Sanford Stone. Mrs. W. E. Dobson has been ill the past week at her home on the West Side, with a severe attack of influenza. Pneumonia was threatened, but the patient is now considered out of dan ger. Mrs. Jennie A. Barrett went to Port land this week, on a business and plea sure trip combined. She was accom panied to Pendleton by Mrs. H. A. Barrett and her daughter, Mi9. C. C. Clinton. A. Reise, of Tacoma, has arrived in the city and entered employment with the Athena Department Store. Mr. Reise is a drygoods expert and will have charge of that department for Mr. Radtke. Clen Prater, brother of Mrs. Gary Taylor, who served in the old Co. K outfit of Walla Walla in France, was in the city the fore part of the week. He was recently discharged and re turned to his home in Walla Walla. The mother of Henry Miller died at St. Helens, Oregon, March IS, passing away before Mr. Miller reached her bedside. He was called from here on the day of her death. The remains were interred at Springfield, Oregon. Six parcels of Indian land, located on the Umatilla Indian reservation will offer for sale to the highest bid der, subject to appraised valuation. Information will be given upon appli cation to Superintendent Sw irtzlander. A letter from Edward Cox, at Long Beach, California, states that his fa ther. E. R. Cox, still continues in an ill state of health, and is confined in a hospital. It is thought the old gentle man mav have cancer of the stomach. Peter Crockatt, under the Univer-, sity of Oregon, gave a lecture to the pupils of the Athena schools Thursday of last week, his subject being the present economic conditions. Mr. Crockatt was formerly a resident of Athena. Zerba Bros, have installed a new Maeno for testing and recharging Ford magnetos. The little machine will find short circuits and other electric troubles which the Ford is heir to and will recharge without removing the engine from the I use. 2 Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins and Mr. and Mrs. Packet, of the Walla Walla valley, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coppock, neer town. Andre writes his mother. Kich-fMrsW. S. Ferguson, that he is now at Newport News, having sailed through the. Panama Canal. He en closes some splendid views of the can al, and thinks he will be on his way west in the near future. News is received here of the death Delbert Gerking, of the 316th Trench Mortar Brigade, who served seven months in France, has been discharged and is visiting relatives in Athena and vicinity. F. S. LeGrow, district chairman of the Victory Liberty Loan drive com mittee, attended a conference of the county district chairmen at Pendleton Monday afternoon. OJr. and Mrs. Arthur Coppock were in Alalia Walla Tuesday, having their young son, Melvin, under a physician's care there. He has an incipient case of leakage of the heart. Marshal Dobson has been confined to his home for the past two days, with illness. A nurse has been secured to attend to both Mr. and Mr. Dobson, the latter having influenza. Mrs. Fannie 0. Myrick, of Pendle ton, died suddenly of heart disease, yesterday morning, at her home there. I She was an aunt of Jesse and Miss Pauline Myrick of this city. YUM! YUM! BAT OUR .SWEET fj AND VICY HAMS BACON TOO GET our Fancy Pack Winesap Apples Florida Grape Fruit Very Choice Fine Assorted Nuts ' Nice and Fresh Our Hams are the selecj table kind, sugar cured and hickory smoked; just the kind of ham that makes the best and most satisfactory eating. What is nicer than a slice of good, sweet, juicy Ham a-frying in the pan. Huy a whole ham and then be pre- ' r pared to serve a meal in a short time. ;fT ' . ':''"-'W ... , , . j THE PURE FOOD GROCER Y Quality, Quantity, Service. '! Phone 171. This Store Closes Evenings of the infant of Mr. and Mts. A. Mackenzie Meldrum, at their Homo in Spokane, recently. The littlo one died from the effects of influenza, with which the parents and five other chil drenwere also afflicted: and Mrs Will Campbell were in n yesterday, having come over in thelKvCar from Hot Lake, bringing home Hank Caplinger. Mr. Caplinger was at the sanitarium for some time after having influenza. He is some what improved in health. Mrs. Walter Stewart of North Yak ima, and daughter, Mrs. Earl Emmet of Gregory. S. D., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stewart northwest of town. The two Mrs. Stewarts are sisters, and the niece is on her way home after visiting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts and II. I. Watts returned Tuesday from an auto mobile trip to Spokane. The roads were found to be in good condition and the trip was enjoyed despite the fact that one side of the chassis frame broke and had to be repaired in the Falls city. am Booher was unfortunate in los ing tM on Main street Monday fore noon Of course, no one found the money, as it has not been returned to Mr. Booher. Should any one have picked it up. he will now know the rightful owner and receive his hearty thanks, upon returning it Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McAllister, of Fendleton, were in Athena Sunday. having been called here by the death ot the little son of Mr. and Mrs Frank J. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. McAllister will leave soon for Los Angeles, Calif, to reside, having sold out their drug store intprpfctp. in Penflleton. V Seth Haworth and a companion ex- r ..: .,. f, a lon i.avaicu eeven v-uymc iujo nun, .. u.n on one of the Joseph Scott places the other day. The mother coyote was not encountered in the raid, but the two men consider that they had a profitable day nevertheless, as the bounty they wil receive amounts to $28. Charles Grant has returned to Ath ena from Condon, for the purpose of operating a restaurant and short order house. He is renovating his old stand on Main street, and after a thorough renovation, will open for business with next Sunday dinner. He will serve good meals at reasonable prices, giving his patrons the best the market affords. Mrs. W. C. Emmjl, who is receiv ing medical treatment in Pendleton, is regaining her former health, her Ath ena friends will be pleased to learn. MaBter Kenneth is with his grand parents in Portland, having gone down with Mrs. Michcner and Mrs. Roy Burke, on their return to their homes l there. Joe Thompson, son of J. V. Thomp son, who was forrmrly a member of the jlocksmith firm of Owen & Thomp son in Athena twenty years ago, was in town Sunday for a few hours. lie BARGAINS Spring Goods New Percales 25c per yard New Ginghams 23c and 26c per yard WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store is employed by the Warren Construc tion company who have the contract to pave the macadem road this summer. His father died at Puyallup, Wash . in 1908. and his mother resides in California. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Anderson, of Portland, were in the city a few days of last week, visiting at the M. L. Watts home. Mr. Anderson, who is a brother of Mrs. Watts, is a locomotive engineer and runs out of Portland in passenger service for the Southern Pacific. From here the vis itors went to Spokane Mv'UMIIIIIMMIHMMMMIHIMIHHMMMMMI Athena Garage A Burning Question After tho firo the question is not "Waa it insured? Tho question is "What is your loss?" Insurance is a fino thing but a home that doesn't burn is far b?ttcr. Our connti-ticn whh tho Hartford Fift'lnBtfrarico Com pany unablca is to offer you a fire prevention torvtn which will surround your homo and your family with every pre caution that" it h humanly possible trj take. It's worth PnpWf&g about. B. B. RICHARDS INSURANCE Custom and Wholesale Rolled Feed ZERBA BROS. Props. We have again taken over the management and garage work and we are ready" for old and new customers. TanaW We arequipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding MM III III HUM MIMIMIIf MM HIMHMI . 9 MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near O. W, R. &, N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. S. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all call tjoth night and day. CalUpromptly answered. Offloc on Third Rtr-et, Athena Orator : A. h. HART, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Barrett Building. Atneua Phoue 61 Office Hours, 10 to 12; 2 to 5 Highest Testing Herd in Oregon FED FROM TUM-A-LUM SILO. "To begin with, Henry Helmholtz of Redmond, had the highest herd in entire state of Oregon. Hia II H'ol steihs walked away from 1B00 cows in the teat and won first place in the November Record averaging lbs lbs. of milk and 11.11 lbs. of Gutter fat in ItOdays. The next highest herd, averaged only 655.1 lbs. df milk and liz.I lbs of butter fat. Mr. Helmholtz fed his cows Sunflower Ensil age and reports that the cows relished it as much, if not more, than corn euntlowers went 25 tona per acrep while corn wont S tons. INVESTIGATE SUNFLOWERS for Silage. Ask the County Agricultur alist. Sunflowers produce several times as much per acre as corn just as good feed'-can be grown on non -irrigated land. NORTHWEST STOCKMEN are go ing to Silos Dairy men Sheep men Beef Cattle men. are going to build TUM-AJLUM SILOS. TUM-A-LUM HOOP SILOS recom mended over all other types of silos by Washington State College and many county agriculturalists. TUM-A-LUM SILO The first silo in Morrow Co., The lirst si o in Jeffersop Co.. The first siio in Deschutes Co., The first silo in Cfook Co., The fl'st silo in Sherman Co., The most popular ailo in Umatilla, Yakima and Benton counties. The largest silo in Eastern Wash ington and Oregon. The coining Silo in Walla Walla Vallay. Hundreds in actual use built from our free plans and Instructions. BUIILD NOW Any farm building all huilrlintr ma terial prices stable will not decline Tum-a Lum Lumber Company I a I I