Press Paragraphs E. A. Dudley is driving a new Pre mier car. TAttorney.Wstts was a Walla Walla visitor Wednesday. y-W. S. Ferguson drove over to Walla Walla Wednesday. Seth Haworth has moved into the Spencer cottage on Adams street. Mrs. Omar Stephens and , son Dale spent the week end with relatives in Penileton. for first class, reliable, guarantee Dental work, Bee Dr. Sponogle, Den tiat. Adv. H. A. Barrett is in Portland on a short business visit. Mayoi Banister of Weston was in the city Wednesday. kj mr. ana Mrs. r. i,eurow were Walla Walla Wednesday night. Sam Haworth is employed in the mechanical department of the David son garage. Mrs. Dean Willaby has been substi tuting for her husband as mail carrier on the rural route. Dr. Hart has located in Athena to practice medicine. He has offices in the Barrett building. George Blomgren and his cousin, Ted Enberg, the latter just returned from service overseas, were in town from Weston Tuesday. Mrs. Bert Piersol was down from her borne on Weston Mountain, visit ing Athena friends this week. s Marshal Dobson has erected bitching racTft" on Current street, at the corner 1 ' ,.f Tl,;.,l Annnaita tha mtu hall George Frail, representing Sturgia & Storie. delivered a new Holt cater pillar to E. A. Dudley, Wednesday. n i u d E i Pendleton Marble & Granite Works T, A. WYLIE, Proprietor PENDLETON, OREGON. PATRONAGE SOLICITED MHiiuiiiiiiiiiiniHiimienimuMmmimi Bring your KODAK FILMS Mr. Gladheart, late of Roman, Mon tana, is working in the barber shop during the absence of Lloyd Richey. Mr. and Mis. Orell McPherrin have taken up their residence in Weston, moving to that place several days ago. B. Richards drove over to the StaTiTLi le Wednesday afternoon and purchased a quantity of baled alfalfa hay. W. R. Taylor and Ralph McEwen shipped another carload of hogs Wed nesday, over the Northern Pacific to Pasco. Besides the regular branches of den tistry. Dr. Sponogle specializes in Pyorrhea and diseases of the teeth and gums. Adv. Don't forget the Cochran Mammoth Jack and Percheron Stallion sale at March 2th, at 1 p. to us for expert finishing at city prices The Athena Drug Co. Frank J. Harris, Managing Partner THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Hardware Shelf and HeaVy , BARRETT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON Dayton, Wash., m. See adv. Lieutenant Governor Moore of Ida ho, accompanied bv Mrs. Moore, has been a gujsi at the home of Mrs. Jane Wallanthia week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logsdon, Mrs. Mansfield and Miss Velva drove over from Walla Walla last evening, re turning last night. Mrs. Sam Jin kins, a well known Pendleton woman, died in Portland Tuesday, where she was recently taken for medical treatment. John Benson attended a meeting of the "Dokies" at Prescott Monday eve ning. He reports way-up doings in the mysteries of the order. Henry Miller was called to St. Hel ens, this week, where his aged mother is critically ill, and for whom little hope for receovery is entertained. Stock in the Farmers Union Grain Agency elevators is being offered for sale this week, for the purpose of liq uidating outstanding indebtedness. Miss Kathren Froome will arrive home Saturday evening from the Uni versity of Oregon, to spend a week's vacation with her parents in this city. . Lloyd Richey, who has been in ill health for several weeks, left Monday for the home of his parents at ForeBt Grove, where he will recuperate for a time. Lawsun Booher, who has been at College Place sanitarium for the past two weeks, will return to his home here today, coming over with Mr. Richards. Mrs. Sabina Morton returned Satur day from a visit to Seattle and Sound pints. Mrs. Morton will leave sbort- Iwor Washington. D. C, on a bus iness trip. The ladies of the M. E. Aid society met at the home of Mrs. J. C. Burke Tuesday afternoon and worked quilting. Refreshments were served ! by the hostess. Special trains from outside points I to Walla Walla for the Tractor Show I April 23 to 25 inclusive, and half ! freight rates on all machinery shipped i there for exhibition purposes, is an nounced. Worlm n are beginning on repairs to the residence of Mrs. L. P. Wil mot, damaged by fire some time ago when occupied by Mi. and Mrs. Robt. Beckham. An entire new roof is being placed on the house. YUMJYOM! BAT OUR SWEET AND JUICY HAMS BACOlf TOO VsLicecf GET our Fancy Pack Winesap Applgs Florida Grape Fruit Very Choice Fine Assorted Nuts Nice and Fresh C "AtheHams are tjie select table kind, sugar cured arid hickory smoked; just the kind of ham that makes th; best and most satisfactory eating. What is nicer than a slice of good, sweet, juicy Ha a-frying in the pan. Buy a whole ham and then be pri pared to serve a meal in a short time THE PURE FOOD GROCERY - Quality, Quantity, Service. Phone 171. This Stoic Closes Evenings r Several Athena devotees of the bil liard game went over to Walla Wall; Wednesday to see Hoppe. the inter nationlly famous billiard expert, in an thibition game. ttornev Will M. Peterson was in e citv Wednesday from Pendleton, on legal business. Mr. Peterson has recently recovered from an illness of several weeks duration. rs. Casper Woodward drove to Wal- a Walla yesterday, accompanied by Mrs. Cha3. Gerking and children, Mrs. B. D. Tharp, Mrs. D. T. Stone and Eon, and Maxine Elliott. E. E. Edwards, brother-in-law of R. A. Thompson, is here from Heppner for the spring and summer and will assist Mr. Thompson in selling the Stephens Salient Six automobiles. Alva Pierce, for SO years a farmer in the Juniper country, died at Cheney, Wash., Saturday, after a short illness, aged Ti years. He had been a res ident of Cheney for the last 12 years. The first German irony cross to be seer, in Athena is on exhibition at Ste phens' Pure Food Grocery. It was sent to Mrs. Jane Carden ,1 y her son, Percy Wilson, who is in the Array of Occupation at Coblenz. Harry Keller, of the IJStb F. A., sends a collection of interesting photo graphs of the huge guns of his battery in action. In a letter to a friend, Harry intimates that he is perfectly willing and ready to return home. Lieut. Glen Dudley is gradually ac customing himself to the pursuits of civil life and farm duties. He will operate a new Holt tractor, equipped with a battery of power-lift plows, as soon as weather conditions permit of plowing. Charles Norris has accepted a pos ition in Charley Nye's harness shop at Walla Walla. He and Mrs. Norris will soon move' to that city. Since disposing of His place at Cornelius. Oregon, Mr. Norris has been seeking a location. Mrs. John Stanton has volunteered her services as nurse in the family of Rev. S. E. Powell, the Methodist min ister at Weston, in which there are several cases of influenza. Mrs. Stan ton and another nurse are caring for the patients. A number of local Pythians jour neyed over the hill to Weston Wednes day night and fraternized with the members of Stevens Lodge, of that city. The visit was rewarded with considerable pleasure in participating in initiatory work. Mrs. James McSherrv returned Sun day from a visit with her husband at Tacoma. Mrs. MeSherry will return to Tacoma during April to remain per manently She found'her brother, Lawrence Sharp, doing well, being em ployed in the shipyards. Tl' Miss Katheryn Wilson, of Cloquet, Minnesota, is in the city the guest of Miss Vera Grant, teacher in the high school. Miss Wilson's home town was in the devastated path of the great Minnesota foreBt fires of laBt October, when many lives were lost and mil lions in property destroyed. Percy Wilson, writing from Coblenz, Germany, to his mother here says things are going as usual in the Army of Occupation, and he does not expect his discharge from service before next fall. He sends an iron cross as a scuvenir, and says those little trinkets are easy to be obtained there now. The Leader reports that Mrs. J. W. Jones has arrived from Montana to as sist her mother in caring for her fa ther, W. H. Beathe, who has had the misfortune to become totally blind. Mr. Jones will arrive later and they will make their home permanently in Weston, where they have property interests. J. E. Froome is local agent for Greenwood's Improved Business and Income Tax Record, one of the most simplified and satisfactory account systems for the business man and farmer now on the market. Call at the St. Nichols hotel and inspect the system, one so simple that a child can understand it. A very interesting lecture, the first of a series, by Rev. Burton, was given at the Christian church' Sunday even ing, the subject being "Jerusalem." Mr. Burton, who has traveled exten sively, and was formerly a popular Chautauqua speaker, will favor Athena audiences from time to time with these instructive and entertaining lectures. Alfred Castello, of Portland, former ly a well known young man of Weston, came up from the metropolis this week on a short vacation, to join his wife and little son who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Eliza PinKerton for sirne time. Mr. and Mrs. Castello went down to Pendleton yesterday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ely. Interest in trap ehooting continues unabated n Athena, and good scores have been made by individual shooters. The highest score made to date is that of Omar Stephens, with a total of 61.. Beginning Sunday, the Athena club will shoot under handicap fcr a trophy. Members of the Pendleton gun club ac companied by Gus Peret, professional, came up yesterday afternoon and shot on tbe local grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Johns and email daughter, Nellie May. arrived home Sunday evening, after a winter spent at Hollywood, Calif., and Van couver, Wash. Flint is again in the University of Oregon,.having obtained his release from the Navy. They left their mother, Mrs. M. M. Johns, well, having celebrated a birthday on tbe lnth. when twenty-seven relatives, of Portland and Vancouver gathered to do ber honor BARGA!NS Three lots Ladies Shoes All sizes, at startling prices. Former price, $3.50 to $5.50, Bargain price $198 to $3.98 2 lots Henderson Corsets Discontinued Models. Values, $1.25 to $3.50 Bargain prices 69c to 89c WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store 5 lWednesday evening at Masonic Hall a specially pleasing session is reported by members attending the regular meeting of McKenzie Chapter, 0. E. S A delicious Artntiem luncheon was provided by the commit tee, Mrs. B. B. Richards, Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn, and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson. The Chapter will be visited on the next meeting night, April 2, by the Grand Worthy Matron, Mrs. Settle mier, of Portland. Weston Loader: Dr. C. H. Smith, formerly first lieutenant, is now Cap tain Smith, having received his new commission February 22. He was re commended for promotion last October. Captain Smith saw much active and dangerous Bervice in dressing stations on the western front, but is now bil leted in a small French town, awaiting his turn to sail for home. It is not too much to say that every man, wo man and child in the Weston country is his friend and rejoices in his pro motion, Markham Anderson, nephew of Mrs. M. L. Watts, who is on furlough from the naval service, spent Wednedsay night at the Watts home. Mr. Ander son was a member of the crew of the liner Northern Pacific when she ran aground at the entrance of New York harbor. Later the huge vessel was floated and is now in Brooklyn navy yard for repairs. Mr. Anderson was en route, returning to report for dutv, and left yesterday for New York. He enlisted in the navy for a four years term, but hopes to be released this fall after tho return of Amcican troops from overseas. Massed pussy-willows, with Irish green as the color scheme, decorated the table Monday evening, when Mrs. R. B. McEwen had as St. Patrick's Day dinner guests: Miss Sherman, Miss Grant, Miss Wiley, teachers in the Athena schools; Miss Pauline My rlck, Mrs. H. A. Barrett, and Miss Wilson, of Minnesota, who is a guest of Miss Grant. Mrs. McEwen was assisted most efficiently in receiving and entertaining her guests by her two Small sons, Ralph and Edwin. Miss Esbensen, another teacher, was unable to enjoy Mrs. McEwen's hospitality on account of illness. The Athena Knitting Club enjoyed an especially pleasant meeting on last Friday afternoon. The club voted to continue as an organization for an other year and elected the following officers: Pr fiident, Mrs Victor Burke; Assistants. Mrs. J. A. Kirk and Mrs. H. Mclntyre; secretary-treasurer, Mm. L. Sherman. The ladies decided to adopt four French orphans, for the coming years work, and will exact 26 cents dues from each member, per month, for their support. Meetings will be held the first Friday afternoon in each month in the Red Cross room, when every one will be made welcome. Refreshments were served in conclu sion of the meeting, MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument Works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near 0. W. R. . N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. Athena Garage ZERBA BROS. Props. We have again taken over the management and garage work and we are ready for old and new customers. We are equipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding it Foley's Honey nut Tar sure wills, prevents pneumonia. Now and then you see a type of home whereby one or more of your thoughts are expressed. In our of fice we have some ideas that are worth consider ingdesigns for the homes barns, and other build ings, that are the work of experts. Call and see them any time. Tum-a Lum Lumber Company