the Metta Wtm I AN ( INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd. Publisher 23 'fears Ag I From th' rt )J M. . 2 1 1 '5, if lATHENA, OREGON, MAR. 21 1919 THE UNEMPLOYED. An exchange observes that for many years the business community has suf- I fered from periods oi depression. The most characteristic feature of these periods was the great number of peo- pie who were nut of work. It seemed a hideous anomoly that hundreds of thousands ofjwho ardently desired work ! could find nothing to do. It was a break-down in the existing social and economic machinery. These periods of depression a. id un employment used sometimes to drag along four or five years. People could not find work until there wad a good demand for merchandise. And they could not buy merchandise until they had work. It was a vicious circle of idleness and inaction. 'The experience of the war has de monstrated that it is not always neces sary to spend millions in public pro jects to find work for the unemployed. Under ordinary conditions there are as many employers seeking help as there are workers seeking jobs. But they may live long distances apart ar.d they don't find each other. Hence, unem ployment, and all Us miseries and dan ger. The recently organized United States Employment service has iound work for millions of men. This greatly in creased the fighting power of the Unftecj States. But it has also suc ceeded in carrying the country through a big part of the readjustment period without disaster. There have been suggestions that the appropriation for this national em ployment service be discontinued. It would be a very serious mistake. This service should be made a permanent bureau. It will prevent industrial de pressions from starting. Every time you put an idle man to work, you stop a center of social unrest and possible bolshevism. The work of the Employ ment Service is a triumph of American efficiency. Those who know the man for his official actB of the past, believe that Ben Olcott will make a good governor. That he will (ill the office to the very best of his ability and in the interests of the whole state, is pledged in the following notable paragraph from his statement made on assuming his gub ernatorial duties: "The many serious problems, incident to this tine of re construction can be solved with credit to the Btate if we cun have the same oneness of purpose, the same sort of cooperation by patriotic citizens, the same sort of willingness to subjugate selfish interests for the good of a great cause as Oregon has displayed through out this war period." Complete plans, adaptable to any city in the United States, for an effec tive "Own your own home" campaign, have been formulated by the U. S. De partment of Labor and the literature iB now ready for distribution through the Division of Public Works and. Con struction Development of the Depart ment. Twiuly cities already ure get ting under way with their drives for home building and home owning. With a sentence of three yeirs in a federal prison and a f 10,0110 tine hanging-over him, J. Henry Albers. Port land milling man, is doubtless in ripe reflective mood at the presont time. His seditious utterances against the country that adopted him and made it possible his acquirement of n million in wealth, muBt be paid for and the court has assessed the cost. Byron Ha., ks s learning the art preservative in the Press office. W. H. H. Scott, who is attain talked of by the populists for sheriff, was in Pendleton Tuesday. Born, in Weston. March 12, 180H, to Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rogers, a girl. j Born, In Athena, March 15, I8DH, to Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Parker, a girl. I weight I) pounds. Mother and child I doing well, and Jack still able to j shave. Born, in this city, March 17. 18U6, to Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mosley, a girl, j Virgie Stamper, Florence .lones and Edith Post were Press office visitors yesterday. The young friends of Nellie Froome met at her home Tuesday and enjo' ed a fine lunch and the occasion being her ninth birthday. Those pres ent were Kitty Cholson, Maurice Hill, Carrie Bloeh, Maud Gholson. Mabel Carden, Carrie Sharp. Ceorgie Hansel, Bessie McKay, Eva Hill and Ethel Brady. Pendleton's bicyclists have started a good-roads campaign, their first object of attack being the highway to the Umatilla agency, which it is desired to put into permanently good condi tion. Wednesday T. D. Taylor left for Pendleton where he has accepted a situation in W. D. Hansford's hard ware establishment. "Till's" many friends in Athena are loth to see him go, but what is Athena's loss is Pen dleton's gain. The people of Pen dleton will find in Mr. Taylor all that is required of an honest, upright, use ful man. Wm. Winship, Athena's popular drsvman, and Mrs. E. B Post, were united in marriago at Pendleton, Wed nesday, Rev. I. N. Richardson, offici ating. The contracting parties aro well and favorably known to all of our readers, and are held in high esteem by a host of warm friends. May they travel the path of life in r 'ses and sunshine, is the wish of the Press. At the council meeting Monday eve ning, Mayor Hollis made a few appro priate remarks before stepping down and out. Mr. Hiteman, the new may or, addressed the assemblage. He hoped for peace and harmony among the members of the board, and wanted economy to be the watchword. Play Safe Jtmtetlsit to the Boss Order That Holt Combined Harvester Now and be Sure of a Delivery 1 Pendleton. STUROIS & STORIE Walla Walla. Fortunntoly the cost of mnrrlnfje licenses has not Advanced. It's the upkeep, however, thnt hurts. The Churches. Methodist Episcopal Church. Usual Sunday school and morning service next Sunday. At night there will be r sacred concert consisting of solos, duets and choruses. The public is most cordially invited. The Christian Church. Remember April 6th, "Ever.ybod.v-Go-to-Church." We begin this week to prepare for Easter. We are plan ning for the greatest Easter the church has enjoyed in many years. Come next Sunday and get in line for these great davs. Preaching at 1 1 and 7:!I0; Sunday school at 10. B. B. Burton, PaBtor. Bnptist Church Notes. The worship of Cod is essentiai to the highest development of persons. The church provides the opporunity to participate with others in this highest function of the soul. Come to the tol lowing meetings: Bible school 10 a. m. ; preaching at 1 1 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. ; B Y. P. U. at H:!il), p. m. Sun day. Musical director, George C. Jack and Stallion SALE Wednesday, March 26 at Dayton, Washington " I will sell a Carload of Mammoth Jacks and Percheron Stallions nl.l .it Public Auction to the highest bidder, rain or shine. I personally selected re gardless ot cost these Jacks in Missouri, anu Know mem to be the linest lot ever offered at Public Auction in the state of Washington. Every Jack or Stallion sold on a guarantee to be a i() par cent, breeder. SALE TO COMMENCE AT 1 p.m. TERMS CASH COL. DAVE HARCLAY. Auct'r LEW W. COCHRAN "Darkest Ilusslu" goes on nccoinJng gloomier mill more mysterious. Saw Another Chance. "jr "Say. that lot you sold me Is three rent under the water." "Is Iff' "Yes. It Is, and you know It." "Well, It's a good thing you told me. I can let-you have a bargain In a canoe. -HUrfSatfJy(t. Notice of Final Hearins. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph Sheard, deceased. Nolice is hereby given that the un dersigned as administratrix of the above-entitled estate has filed her final report With the clerk of the above en titled court and that the judge thereof has designated MondEy, March 24, 1919. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, as the time, and the office of the Judge in the county court house at Pendle ton. Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place, when and where hearing shall be had thereon. All persons interested are hereby notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, whv said report should not be approved, the administratrix discharged and ber bondsmen exonerated. Dated this 7th day of February. 1919. Lydia Sheard, Administratrix. Executor's Notice. In the County Court for Umatilla County, Oiegon. In the Matter of the Estate of James F. Zerba, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed Executor of the estate of James F. Zerba. de ceased, by the above entitled Court, and that he has qualified as said exec utor as by law required. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to the undersigned, or to his attorney. Homer I. Watts, at his office in Athena, Ore gon, verified as by law required, with in six months from this date. Dated at Athena, Oregon, February T, 1919. Virgil R. Zerba. Executro. A Chinese Doctor is not paid while his patients are sick. He is only paid to keep them well. We write fire insurance on the same principle that prevention is better than cure. The premiums you pay on a Hartford policy buy more than indemnity in case of loss, ffhey buy advice on fire prevention. You can get through us, every help in that direction that the Hartford Company has developed during the 108 years it has been study ing fires and their causes. It will pay you to inquire into this service. B. B. RICHARDS INSURANCE Custom and Wholesale Rolled Feed S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Omee on Third Street. Athena Oreicor Ksvwawssiwwwi HHHIHIUMmHHtllll The decision of the State High way Commission to let the contract for hardsurfaciug the road from East land this way at the same time it lets contracts for the East End section, would indicate that the surfacing will be completed this year. With the coming of Spring, filth, rubbish and debris in the alleys sug gests the time has arrived for a clean ing up process. See to it that yours is cleared away. Pcrhnpn the Ocrmnns planted so ninny mines It was Impossible to re member wliefe all of them w ere. Boiling points are vaporizing points. The full, uniform chain of boiling points is necessary in high quality gasoline. Red Crown has them. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (caiuoraisj Guy ( ronk, Special Agent Athena, Oregon. Coming The Chandler Six Motor Car 'Famous for its Marvelous Motor' Demonstrations each Saturday afternoon at cthena, begin ning March 29th. t Fur Further Information, cali me collect George Shields Chandler Agent Phone 472 MILTON. OREGON f 1 ,f "Tisn't the size of a plug that counts," says Jim. "It's the way it tastes and how it lasts. A couple of squares of Real Gravely keeps me satisfied." Good taste, smaller chew, longer life is what makes Genuine Gravely cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Write to: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE, VA. for booklet on chewing plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block - - Athena. Oreg. niiiiiinminmi ESTABLISHED 1865 illllll! Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. American Beauty Flour Is aade in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. n-aMHniniimiMiiiiiMim thena, Oregon. We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street, Athena, Oregon Nil THE UNIVERSAL CAJJ The Ford Model T7 one-ton truck is prov ing a splendid tirrv. pnd money-saver'on the farm. It is very flexible In control, strong and dependable in service. It has Xhink it reay become one of . the farmers' necessi- uven ties 0ne Ford truck Mr. Farmer is equal to half a doz en teams and it won't "eat itshead off" when not working. The very low price makes it popula r with ghrewd farmers who analyze co .iditions on the farm. Let us talk it over, Mr. Farmer. Price with out body, $550 f. o. b. Detroit. Can deliver, and furnish Bodies at once. Burke & Son Garage Phone 82, Athena, Oregon