Advertising The Athena Press circulates in the homes of readers who reside in the heart of the Great Umatilla Wheat Belt, and they have money to spend mm Notice! If this notice is marked RED, it aig nines that your Subscription expires with this issue. We will greatly ap preciate your renewal $2.00 per year Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mall Matter VOLUME XL. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 21, 1919. NUMBER 12 E 15 Umatilla county must contribute 20.000 pounds of old clothing for the refugee population of Europe, and Athena's portion is 1500 pounds The collection of this material will be un der the direction of the Red Cross, and the time for collecting it has been set for next week, March 24-ail, inclusive. Mr. and Mrs. Frooine have kindly consented to receive all donations at the St. Nichols hotel. Those unable to bring their donations to the hotel may have them called for on Saturday, the nuth. if they will communicate with Mrs. Le Grow. Mrs. Sharp or Mrs. J. A. Kirk, of the Red Cross. Those residing in the country are es pecially asked to donate generously in this drive, as the bulk of the towns people's supply was sent in the former drive. The following notice has been re ceived for publication: To the Officers and Members of Umatilla County Chapter, American Red Cross: A call has been made on us for 10 tons, i. e. , 20,000 pounds of old clothes, by our national headquar ters through divisional headquarters at Seattle, for the refugee populations of the devastated war torn regions of the battle zones of Europe. Shoes, under clothes and clothing of all kinds for men, women and chil dren suitable for people living in small villages and in the country is the es sential need. No uniforms or flimsy materials wanted. Old garments that can be made over by the refugees is the principal requirement. The call is urgent. The time set for the collection in this county is March 21 tn 29. See your local Red Cross officers and arrange for a house to bouse collection. Ship by freight, express or mail to Claud Fenland, County Chairman, Pendleton. Oregon. R. W. Ritner, Chairman. Umatilla County Chapter American Red Cross. WILL ATHENA HAVE A BALL TEAM THIS SEASON You can put your sport ear to the ground and distinctly detect mutter ings of approbation favoring a base ball team in Athena this season, com posed ot local players. There is no mistaking the sounds which indicate a real come-back of the great National game. Tangible assets of this season's base ball prospects locally, just now Include "Rusty" Shick, southpaw; grojnds and grand stand; Billy Littlejohn. pre mier fan; Sid Barnes, expert score keeper; Bill Parker, mascot. "This is the nucleus, but it's enough and plenty to start the game here this season." remarks one enthusiast, who believes in getting out among the fans and stirring them up. With the return of the boys from the army and their fitting back into their accustomed places in the community, normal con ditions will be resumed and the old time spirit will assert itself once more. The average fan believes base ball to be the proper brand of amuse ment, and perhaps next week the Ffess wiil be able to publish a list of prospective player talent. X y anS, Logsdon -Mansfield. The wedding of Albert W. Logsdon Miss Maude Mansfield occurred Monday, March 17, at 3 o'clock, in Walla Walla, the cerenuny being per formed in the Central Christian church with Rev. A. R Llvrette officiating. Only immediate relatives weruivssent to witness the nuptiaU. ' We.WRng an nouncements indicate that the young couple will be at home to their friends in Athena, after April 1st. They will occupy the Mansfield residence on 4 th street. Both ore well known in this city, where the bride grew to woman hoods, having lived here with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mansfield, until going last summer to Walla Walla to reside. The groom is one of the proprietors of the meat mar ket, with which he has been connected for several years. The newly weds w'll receive a royal welcome from their large circle of friends. Franch Orphans Adopted. ,a people have responded gen--lOMly in the adoption of "Trench fatherless children, and Mrs. Le Grow, who as head of the local Red Cross has charge of the list here reports that eighfnave been spoken for as follows: Athena Library Board, Alfred Laroche five years old; Mrs. Jennie E. Barrett. Robert Lebouc, aged 2; Athena Knit ting Club, Marcel Leblond, aged 10, Rene Inwjller aged , Guy Jacques aged 5, and Lonis Jacques, aged 7 ; Margaret and Pauline Scott, Alice Inwiller, aged 18; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Banister, Pierre Lacombe, aged 8. One other nam will doubtless be taken today. mm NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of tho Week Eriefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. P. P. Gouley, 73 years old, who has lived in Marion county since 1859, when he crossed the plains to Oregon from Michigan, died at his home In 'Salem. James Asher, George Udy and Claude H. Huffman are dead as a result of an internal explosion of a Scotch ma rine boiler in the basement of the Corbett building In Portland. United States Senator McNary is now visiting at Birmingham, Ala., and will not return to Oregon until April, according to a letter received by the senator's brother, John H. McNary. Charles H. Green, United States wool distributor and administrator for the Pacific northwest, has forwarded his resignation to Washington and will close his office In Portland April 1. Captain James P. Shaw of Milwau kle has been appointed by the board of control as commandant of the Sol diers' home at Roseburg to succeed Commandant Markee, who has resign ed. Indorsements of R. A. Booth for highway commissioner and appeals that he be persuaded to remain on the commission, are being received by Governor Olcott from all partB of the state. An inspection of all the high schools in the state to see If they comply with the requirements for standard high schools is now being made by J. A. Churchill, superintendent of public in struction. More than 40 of the farmers of the Scholls neighborhood, south of Beaver ton, attended a soils school, conducted under the auspices of the Washington County Farm bureau, in the Scholls Grange hall. The Jersey breeders of Jackson county have organized an association to assist in promoting the breeding at high-class cattle, under the name of the Rogue River Valley Jersey Breed ers' association. Farmers' and homemakers' week and rural life conferences at Oregon Agri cultural college, which were aban doned last winter because of war con ditions, will be held next winter, De cember 29 to January 3. Sutherlin will have a cannery the coming season large enough to take care of the present fruit crop. Two buildings will be erected to take the place of the Sutherlin EverfreBh plant, destroyed by fire last summer. It has been announced that June 17, 18 and 19 have been selected as the dates for the department encampment of the Woman's Relief Corps and the Grand Army of the Republic. The en campment will be held in The Dalles. Except for the final details, the Pen dleton Golf club has completed the purchase of Its course, lying on the hills north of Pendleton. Forty acres are in the tract and the club is now planning for one of the best courses In the northwest. The new high service reservoir of the Astoria water system will be ready for use on May 1. The big bowl is located on the crest of a hill about two miles from the central portion of the city, and will have a capacity of 20,00,0,000 gallons. The Western Oregon Tie & Lumber association will hold a meeting In Portland Saturday, Marsh 22, to take further action toward having the pres ent regulations for the purchase of railroad lumber rescinded, so that eioh rjllroad can buy its own lumber. TheV'regon State Bankers 'associa tion has assisted county agents in the distribution of 2000 of ie first edl tioa of 3000 Oregon farm record books. Fifty banks co-operated in th- distrib ution, placing copies in the hands of the most progressive farmers n many parts of the'jrtate. Chrome miners who suffered losses because of the slump In the market for their products at the close of the war are urged to write to the secre tary of the Interior at Washington that proper blanks may be Bent them for filing claims for compensation from the federal government. Seven suits for damages aggregating about $41,000, were filed at Prlneville against Twohy Brothers company, con tractors, by large landowners under the Ochoco Irrigation project, who claim their crops were damaged by the wilful diversion of the water fol lowing the tearing up of canals by the contractor!. Two more highway improvement Boundary Dispute (Copyright. LARGE AUDIENCE GREETS THE SUTTON ENTERTAINERS projects have been added to loose on which the state highway commission will receive bids at the meeting in Portland on March 26. Both are for paving contracts. They are: Oregon Washington highway, Umatilla county, from end of Wild Horse pavement to a point two miles east of Athena, nine miles, and Columbia River highway, Wasco county, from The Dalles to Seufert'a Section, two miles. Ten thousand tons of asphalt and 50,000 barrels of cement will be used od the two projects. The havoc wrought by the recent in fluenza epidemic is shown by a report issued by the bureau of census, which gives the deaths in Portland from this cause during the 25 weekB from Sep tember 14 to March 1 as 1425, 109 of the number dying directly from pneu monia. The management of the Beaver Hill coal mine at Marshfield has under taken additional development ' and is increasing its output. The company found the demand for fuel the past winter greater than it could supply and there are large orders to be filled this summer. State Fire Marshal Wells attributes to carelessness fire losses aggregating $134,645 in Oregon during February. Fires in buildings with defective flues, the report says, resulted in 29 business men being put out of occupa tion and caused a property loss of $59,645. The report does not Include losses in Portland. Commercial and farming Interests of Deschutes county are lined up in sup port of a bond issue to the full amount of the 2 per cent state limit as a means of providing co-operation with the state highway commission in the con struction of the proposed The Dalles California highway. Such an issue will amount to approximately $126,000. It has been officially announced by the Lebanon Rod and Gun club that the annual field trials of the state club will be held at Lebanon in September and that the Pacific Coast Field Trials club of Alameda, Cal., will be held there at the same time. The Washing ton and British Columbia clubs will also be represented by several teams of running dogs. Ord Castle, county surveyor, recent ly returned to Toledo from the Wald port country and brought with him samples of paraffin, asphalt and other oil Indications. He says the people about Waldport are much excited over the prospects for oil. One well has been drilled t a depth of about 3000 feet and it 1b understood that-the oper ators have struck a gas flow. Aliens who did not make declaration of their intention to become citizens prior to January 1 of till year cannot be licensed to fish in this state at all, while those who did make such dec laration may have their licenses re newed for gill net and troll fishing, but not for set net fishing, according to an opinion given by the attorney general to Master Fish Warden Clan ton. State Engineer Cupper returned Fri day from inspecting four new irriga tion districts in the Rogue river val ley, hich, when the irrigation sys tems re completed, will bring 39,500 acrr , ef rich land under irrigation. The four dlstriWare: Medtord, cov ering 20,000 acres; Talent, covering 8000 acres; Gold Hill, covering 1500 acres, and Rogue river, covering 10, 000 acres. While It Is unlikely that any per manent work can be started before fall on the road between Pendleton and Echo, the Umatilla county court has a crew of men at work now scarffylng the graveled portion and grading the dirt road. Thli road, on the old-Oregon trail, one of (fee main routes from Portland to eastern regon, last year was the source of much complaint from travelers. The farmers of eastern Clackamas county attended a jschool in practical dairying at Sandy. Lectures and dem onstrations were given on breeding and feeding dairy cattle, calf raising, herd record keeping, silos and silage, se lecting dairy sires and judging dairy cattle. The instructors were E. B. Fitts and E. L. Westover of the Ore gon Agricultural college, and County AEcnt R. G Scott. One measure thct was intended to go On the ballot at the special election on June 3, will not appear ror tne reason that it was omitted from the bill calling the special election, doubt less by an oversight. The measure is senate joint resolution No. 17, Intro duced by Senators I. S. Smith and Handley, and providing that the right of eminent domain be extended to the condemnation of property for making mine and forest roads. According to an announcement just made by the American Jersey Cattle club, the cow Old Man's Darling II, owned by Pickard Bros, of Marion, Or., has broken the world's official test record for junior 4-year-olds of the Jersey breed. During her yearly test, which ended on February 1, this phe nomenal cow produced 984.86 pounds of butterfat, adding 98.86 pounds to the existing record and coming within 17 pounds of breaking i lie world's rec ord for mature cows. , 4 hJiglif fatalities, outof a total of 575 accidents, were reported to the state industrial accident commission for the week ending March 13, six of which were due to recent accidents and two to accidentB previously reported to the commission. The fatal cases were: F. A. Stanley, Portland, steel worker; Frank Wilson, Reedsport, lumbering; Ed Hiram Hardle, War- renton, lumbering: Bozo Kancac, fort land, Bteel worker; George M. Towe, Ashland, policeman; B. F. Luick, Kroll, lineman. Deaths due to acci- lents previously reported were E. E. ' awrence, Astoria, flouring mills; A. W. Pickett, Portland, steel worker. Slow Sartorial Reconstruction. The question of civilian equipment has Its humorous as well as Its seri ous aspects for the hnnorohly dis charged soldier or sailor. Some are lucky enough to return Immediately and completely to "cits," while others, less fortunate, must content them selves with a sort of half and half adornment. It no longer causes astonishment to detect a pair nf neat ly creased trousers hanging stiffly be neath military khaki overcoat, or to see til? short ! jacket of the sailor covering nn otherwise perfect civilian outfit. These are soe of the minor problems of reconstruction. New fork. Sua, GROWING CROP CONDITIONS NORMAL IN THIS VICINITY From all reports, the condition of the growing wheat crop in this vicin ity is normal, and but little if any re seeding will have to be done as the re suit of winter freezing. ReportB from the Weston neighor hood are that a considerable acreage will be reseeded where fields of grain were frozen out, and other sections of the county report loss from this source. The fields to be reseeded. as a rule were sown last fall with red chaff and in some intances, Jenkins club. In the Athena district, proper, most of the acreage was sown to hybrid No 128, and a splendid, healthy stand is to he seen in the fields. Samples were shown in town this week by J. N Scott, who last fall sowed a thousand acres of this variety. His Bamples displayed more than ordinary stealing propensity, while the color of th plants gave evidence of strong vital ity. It seems to be the general opinion with Athena growers that hybrid wheat withstands the rigors of winter much better than do the other wheat varie ties. At the local mill Hybrid is pro nounced a good milling grain, and doubtless it will be the principal var iety to be raised here. A large and appreciative audience gathered at the Christian church audit orium last Friday evening, to hear the ' concert given by Mr. and Mrs. George Sutton, local entertainers, who were ably assisted by Miss Hazel Burton, pianist, of this city, and Misses Mun selle and Shangle, of Milton. Each number on the program was enthus iastically encored, the performers gen erously responding. The concert, the program of which follows closed with the reminiscences and popular songs of the S. P. D., where Private and Mrs. Sutton served during their period of enlistment, as music directors: Program. Where My Caravan Has Rested Teschemacher Lohr Mr. and Mrs. Sutton. ' A May Morning, - - L. Denza Mrs. Sutton. Reading, - The Sweet Girl Graduate Miss Munselle. (a) Oh, Heart of Mine, - - - T. (bl The Fate of the Flimflam, Arthur Bergh Mr. Sutton. (a) Rustle of Spring, Christian Sinding (pi The Chase Rheinberger Miss Burton, (al The Wren - Liza Lehman (b) The Woodpigeon - Liza Lehman Mrs. Sutton. The Lost Chord - - Sullivan Mr. Sutton. Reading, - - The Lsst Hymn Miss Munselle. i al Oh, Dry Those Tears. Teresa Del Rlego (b) Springtide - - Becker Mrs. Sutton. One Fleeting Hour. - Dorothy Lee Mr. Sutton. Reminiscenses from the S. P. D, - Army Jokes and Songs Mr. and Mrs. Sutton. VICTORY DRIVE TO BEGIN APRIL 21 HAD GLIMPSE INTO FUTURE Man In Seventeenth Century Saw Wondrous Possibilities In the Development of the World. One hundred and four years ago. at this season, the war of 1812 was prac tically over. Pence was signed, at Ghent, on the evening of December 24, 1814; and then things moved fast, ac cording to existing stnndnrds. On December 2(1. one of the American sec retnrics left Ghent for London, and od January 2, 1815, he left England for New York, where he arrived some time In February, and his news was Im mediately delivered to the citizens by printed handbills. Other cities, how ever, hnd to remain In Ignorance dur ing the time It would tnke a fust rider to urge his galloping horse over the roada between them and New York. The telegraph was not yet Invented, although Joseph Glanvll, a seventeenth century preacher with an Interest In the possibilities of Invention, had (old the Royal society (hat "to confer, at the distance of the Indies, by sympa thetic conveyances, may be ur usual to future times as to us In literary cor respondence." Glnnvll. by the way. also told the Royal society that "to those who come after us. it may be as ordinary to buy a pair of wings to fly Into the remotest regions, as now a pair of boots to ride a Journey." Income Tax Officers Here. The followingc ooncerning assistance from income tax deputies is self-ex planatory: "By direction of the Com missioner of Internal Revenue, I am authorized again to station my dep uties at vari ius points throughout the state to assist those who failed to com plete income tax returns within the required time, and to render any other service that may be necessary or de sired. Any adjustments of incume taxes should be made now, as an ex tensive "drive" for delinquents will soon be undertaken. Income tax offic ers Miller and Chamberlain will be at Athena from and including March 31 to and including April 1, 1019. It is the wish of the Department that every one interested should take advantage of the opportunity afforded by the visit of these officers. Respectfully, Miltcil A- Miller. Collector. (From the East Oregon! an.) Preliminary organization of Umatilla county for carrying on the Victory Liberty Loan campaign next month was undertaken Tuesday afternoon at a conference between W. L. Thompson who bas been named county chairman, and others who have been instrumental in putting over th campaigns. One thing has been made clear to the local Liberty Loan officials. Wbi e the short term notes offered in the Vic tory Loan will be much more attractive as an investment than the bonds of other loans, it is considered as abso lutely impossible to float the loan ex cept upon a patriotic basis. All mes- , sages from the treasury department and from the district and state organ izations emphasize that the people as a whole must prepare to participate in this new loan and must be made to B. Galloway rea'ize ttlat ,ne-V are obliged to assist in tiayiiiK ine price ui euriy vjciury. Mr. Thompson has named the same district chairmen in the county as have handled past campaigns ' with one ex ception. Fred H. Moes, new cashier of the bank of Helix, has been named as chairman of the Helix district to succeed Carl Kupers, former cashier and chairman. Much of the same ma chinery employed in past campaigns will in all likelihood be used and an active solicitation drive will undoubt edly be held. The campaign will open on April 21 and will close on May 10. A statewide conference will be held in Portland on March 38 and Chairman Thompson and several other represent atives of Unia tills county are planning to attend to see that proper consider ation is given this county in the deter mination of quotas. It is believed at this time that the county quota will be considerably leai than the quota of the Fourth Loan. There was no disposition on the part of those present at the conference to shirk the responsibilities and duties of this new task and they confidently an ticipate that the citizenship of the county will support them in maintain ing to the end the splendid record which has been made in war endeavors. The boys with the army of occupation would much prefer to come home than to stand watch on the banks of the Rhine but last week at a divisional review they assured General Pershing that they were willing to finish the job they had undertaken. The committee bel eves that a like sentiment will be manifested by the people at home who1' have supported the boys with their money throughout the war. Buys Reeder Place. Frank Berlin this week purchased the old Reeder homestead north of the city limits, comprising 12.1 acres, from Mr. Hunter. The consideration for the place, including the growing crop, was fnu.VOO. The farm will make an ideal home for Mr. and Mrs. Berlin and family, and we are glad to welcome them as permanent residents near ths city. Mr. Hunter, who bought the place from Henry Koepke a couple of years aRO, will at once move to the Walla Walla valley, where he has pur chased a large wheat acreage. For Pendleton, Only. Dick Thompson, the Stephens Salient Six man, did not exhibit his demon stration car at the Pendleton auto mobile show, after making arrange ments to do so. He advertised in a Pendleton paper, and made other ar rangements to show his car, but was refused space in the show at the last minute. The reason given was that only Pendleton dealers and not "out siders" could be permitted to exhibit in the show. Sheepmen Will Be Busy. In a few days Umatilla county shoop men will be entering upon one of their busiest periods of the year. Then the lambing season will he in full swing. Henry Barrett is prepared to take care of his lamb crop, and expects an ex ceptionally large percentage from the fact that sheep have wintered well and are correspondingly strong in vitality. Remarkable Repair Ship. To enable the American destroyer and chasers In British waters Imme diately to effect repairs and renewals there was a repair shin stationed at Queenstown of a remarkable charac ter. The vessel, of about D.000 tons, was a floating machine shop, foundry and store, able to do any kind of re pair work short of drydoek work. The linkery produced long loaves of crust ed bread for all the ships, and once created a most elaborate birthday cake for Admiral Sims. German eihclency la not conspicu ous In the effort to aet up a atable government The Chandler Six. George Shields, of Milton, represent ing the Chandler Six, a popular car in this territory, was In the city Tuesday. Mr. Shields contemplates demonstrat ing the Chandler in Athena on Satur day afternoons, beginning March 20th, weather permitting. See the Chand ler advertisement on page two of this issue. Prices have advanced to such an ex tent that the gifts we used to buy for $1 und that appeared as If they cost $2, now really cost $2 and look like SO cents. Only Brigade With 155s. Corporal Ed. Sebasky, writing from Hohr, Germany, under date of Febru ary 23 to his mothei here, offers the opinion, general among the troops in occupied Germany that they will re main until peace is established, "for," he writes, "we are the only brigade with 15(5 G. P. P. guns up hero. Tho brigale is made up of the lltith and 148th regiments, F. A. Wo are in two towns cIobo together. Some of the old troops are in the 146th. The boys of the regiment have gotten up a show called: 'Home Again.' It sure is good, and Jock 6oieman is one of the performers. They'' have played in all the towns around here, and it sure made a hit. I think they are going to get a chance to put it on in Paris. Am enclosing a picture of 'Cubby' and his gun crew." W. C. T. U. Institute. There will be a County Institute held by Mrs. Mattie, Sleeth. State President of tne W. C. T. U.. in the Library Building at Pendleton, on next Tuesday. On the following Thursday, Mrs. Sleeth will come to Athena. ,where an all day session will bo held in the MethodiBt church, und refresh ments served the members and familiea in the afternoon, fho afternoon ses sion will begin at 2 o'clock, and an evening meeting will ba held, to which the public is cordially invited. War Relics Displayed. Sgt. Sidney Barnes has his collection of war relics comprised principally of hand grenades, on display in a show window of the Pure Food Grocery. For a background, he has one of his char acteristic cartoons, depicting a Yank in the gleeful pastime of blowing a Hun into smithereens. The grenade collection, representing each of the allies, is supplemented with a one pound shrapnel shell and a gas mask, the latter worn in service by the ser geant. ' Copious Rainfall. With 'the clearing up of weather conditions, Wednesday morning, one of the longest rainfalls of the aeason terminated in a day of sunshine. The rain fell Sunday night, Monday after noon and night and until Tuesday af ternoon. The ground is thoroughly saturated and plowing has been delayed.