i Press Paragraphs B. B. Richards was in Pendleton Tuesday. Sim Pulley was in town Wednesday from Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Ocie Barton are here from Midvale, Idaho. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Baddeley were Pendleton visitors Wednesday. Mrs. It. B. McEwen with a party of ladies motored to Pendleton W ednes day. Ben Dupuis. Montana land urometer, was in town Wednesday from Pendleton. Mrs. Otha Reeder is'reported ill at I her home on south third street. Mrs. Will Wyrick, of Pendleton, is a guest of Mrs. Omar Stephens. Mrs. Ethel C. Scott was over from Walla Walla this week, visiting rela tives. Jim Lieuallen and Perd McBride, Weston stockmen, were in town Wed nesday. P. S. LeGrow and M. L. Watts were in Waitsburg, Wash., Wednesday on business. Bob Raymond was up from his Prine ville stock ranch this week, on a bus iness visit. Uncle Dave Taylor has again been confined toliis home with sickness the past week. Pendleton Marble & Granite Works T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor PENDLETON, OREGON. PATRONAGE SOLICITED iniiMiniiH Bring your KODAK FILMS to us for expert finishing at city prices The Athena Drug Co. Frank J. Harris, Managing Partner THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Hardware Shelf and Heavy BARRETT BUILDING, :: ATHENA. OREGON Sutton Concert Tonight, at Christian church. Thomas Lieuallen, prominent Adams resident, was in Athena yesterday, j Jack Allison of the Sturgis-Storie company of Pendleton was in the city Wednesday. Michael Ryan has been Jn Athena this week from Spokane, where he spent the winter. The city council met in special ses sion last night ar.d ordered a new pump for the city water system. Misses Veva Cook and Alice Finnell of Pendleton, wero week-end guests of Mrs. B. D. Tharp In this city. Shelby Alloway, who enlisted in the Navy.Jnow stationed at Bremerton, is visiting his mother in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Willaby are pre paring to move to the ranch recently leased in the Cold Springs s ction. Orel McPherrin announces that his auto stage will leave Athena for Pen dleto.i, at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. The annual automobile show at Pen dleton opened yesterday afternoon at Happy Canyon pavilion, and will close tomorrow night. M. W. Hansell returned Wednesday mornine from a business visit to Lew- iston, Idaho. He accompanied his, brother, Ray, to Lewiston. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Ware write that they are at Loa Angeles, enjoying life. Mr. Ware has noticably improved in health during their travels. Mrs. Pink Harbour, children, and sister, Mrs Gerking of Weston, were in Athena Sunday attending church services at the Christian church. A daughter was born on March fl, 1919 to Mr and Mrs. Hugh Lieuallen at their home west of town. The lit tle one has been named Joanna Mae Orders have been issued for the re turn of the Rainbow division, (tne 42nd) from overseas. Many Oregon boys are in the ranks of this division. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Tharp, Mrs. W. R. Tavlor and Mr. and Mrs. Davison went down to Pennleton Saturday eve ning to hear the Maud Powell concert Jack Parker was in Pendleton Wed nesday. He accompanied French Cng- lar. a oromlnent and influential citizen of the Freewater section, to the county seat. W. R. Tavlor and Ralph McEwen who have been buving and shipping stock for several weeks, shipped a car load over the Northern Pacific Wednes day to Pasco. Pendleton Tribune: Mrs. George Sutton lArlouene Clevenger) was the soloist Sundav at the funeral of the I late Clair Myers which was held at) I the Baptist church. ' , J. H. Eidenour arrived in Athena I Monday from Reedsport, Oreg. where ! he spent the winter in carpenter work. I He has visited the past month in Port land and Auburn, wash. Arnold Wood, administrator of the estate of William H. Wood, deceased, has filed his final report of the estate which has been approved and Judge Marsh has issued decree of dismissal. I The construction measures and the lieutenant-governor bill will be voted on by the voters of Oregon on June 8. Notices of the special election are being sent to the county clerks of the state. Wanted. Reliable party to take agency for a high grade Automobile Tire and Tube, on a very liberal per centage basis. Address, Tri-Statt Tire Co., PorUand, Oreg., 72, Hth St. Adv. K SET our Fancy Pack Winesap Apples Florida Grape Fruit Very Choice Fine Assorted Nuts . Nice and Fresh Our Hams are the select table kind, sugar cured and hickory smoked; just the kind of ham that makes the best and most satisfactory eating. What is nicer than a slice of good, sweet, juicy Ham a-frying in the pan. Buy a whole ham and then be pre pared to serve a meal in a short time. THE PURE FOOD GROCERY Quality. Quantity, Service. Phone 171. This Stc? e Closes Evenings Marshal Dobson is again on duty, having returned from College Place sanitarium, where he went some time ago to receive medical treatment. He is much improved in health. Joseph Rainville was in Athena Wednesday from his ranch near Mis sion. Mr. Rainville's children were recently allotted land near the Miseion ami it is this land that he is farming. John, Milton Swaggart has filed suit in the circuit court against George W. Swaggart et al. in an action to clear title to land in possession of plaintiff under the will of Nelson Swaggart, de ceased. A. J. McAllister, of Pendleton, a partner in the Athena Drug Company firm, wns in the city Wednesday for a few hours. Mr. McAllister recently disposed of hi business interests in Pendleton. Matt Mosgrove, former Athena mer chant, was in town this week. He will aoon leave for Alberta, where he has large farming interests, and where his son Tom has been residin; for some time. Mrs. Eleonor, . McPherren arrived home Tuesday mofning, after several months' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Oswald, at' Long Beach. Calif. She spent the-y'past week visiting friends in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haworth are again residing in their home on Adams street, between 4th and 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Harris, who for a time occupied the Haworth residence are temporarily living at the D. Scott Fisher home. On Thursday, March 27, the local W. C. T. U. will be visited by the state president, Mrs. Mattie Sleeth of Portland. An all day session will Be held in the Methodist church, and an afternoon luncheon served the mem bers of the W. C. T. U. A. M. Gillis came down from Wash tucna, Wash., Wednesday evening and transacted business in Athena. His son, Lloyd, has received his discharge from the Marina corps, and will finish his education at Pullman college. At present he is at work on the farm. Y orrest Zerba returned home from Camp Lewis Saturday after receiving his discharge from the Army. Prior to coming to Camp Lewis, Forrest was stationed in New York city. He is glad to get back home and is to be found in his old position in . Zerba Bros.' garage. For Sale. Six sets of butt chain harness, just overhauled; 40 Bhotes from 20 to !00 pounds; six head good young work mules; Q, head horses one 5-section steel harrow; one a 1-' inch wagon: 2 sets double buggy har ness. Will take your note if it's good Sim J. Culley. Adv. Lawrence Tharp writes that he is enjoying life, in training with the marines, at San Diego, Calif. He has been promoted to duty as stenographer in the headquarters department and expects to get his release in time for spring work at home. He will again attend school next year. The homes of Wm. Pinkerton and Floyd Pinkerton, his son. have been visited this week with the flu, mem bers in eac'i family being ill with the disease. Mr. Pinkerton's daughtsr, Mrs.JMaurice Frazier, is also ill at her home near Miltor.. where the disease is again raging, so it is reported. The local lodge of Knights of Pyth ias is being rejuvenated with a contin uous flow of "new blood " A goodly number of young men of the commun ity have recently joined the order. More applications have been received for membership, and initiations are the feature of each meeting. In'the accofint of the funeral of Mrs, Buroker. last week, mention was not made of the participation of the local Rcbekah lodge in . the funeral cere monies and this amend is made. Mrs, Buroker was an honored member ot the order, and the Athena lodge ap peared in a body to do her honor. Sidney Barnes is employed as sales man at Stephens' Pure Food Grocery. Sid. who followed camouflaging whil with the 116th Engineers in France, finds opportunity to wield a facile pen and brush in illustrative show window cards for the store. This on the side when he is not weighing out bacon and beans. East Oregonian: Clark Dunlap thoueht he would surprise his mother last night when he returned unexpect edlv from San Diego, where he has been in the naval aviation servire Perhaps he did; but Mrs. Dunlap had supper all ready because she dreamed the nitrht before that her son was coming home. Mr. West, of LaGrande, was in town over Sunday. He will be remem bered as being a member ot the firm of Miller & West, who bored the arte sian well for the Athena Land & Trust company some years ago. Mr. West has contracted to bore wells on the premises of Cass Cannon and J. A. Kirk, on south Third 6treet. Dick Thompson is in Fendleton at tending the autmobile show, where he is exhibiting the six-passenger model Sti-phens Salient Six. Mr. Thompson is Umatllla'county agent for the Ste phens line of cars. The Stephens is a comparatively new entry for automo bile honors in this territory and doubt less will prove popular with the trade. In reporting the hearing of three Athena boja in the juvenile court at Pendleton, the East Oregonian says: In the juvenile court yesterday before Judge Marsh, Wilber Harden, Richard Cartano and Russell Carden, three young boys of Athena, were found guilty of incorrigible charges and sen tence suspended upon the good behav ior of the boys who were paroled to the care of their parents. BARGAINS Three lots Ladies Shoes All sizes, at startling prices. Former price, $3,50 to $5.50, Bargain price to $3.98 Henderson Corsets Discontinued Models." Values, $1.25 to $3.50 Bargain prices $1.98 I ! 2 lots H t0 WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 I 1 I .' H Athena Department Store The East Oregonian reports that the Rev. E. J. Conner, a native Indian, Was on Sunday elected as minister for the Presbyterian Indian Mission, Tu tuila church to hold office for five years and to fill the place of Rev. J.M. Cornelison. A formal vote was taken at the church by wthe Rev. Francis Mor gan, and the Indians decided not to re elect Rev. Cornelison as missionary. Announcement is made to Athena friends, of the birth in a maternity hospital in Pullman, Wash., to Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Markee. of a daugh ter, on March , 1819. The mother, a former popular Athena girl. Lucile Kemp, has been with her pare Us, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Kemp, at Colton, Wash., during the absence of her hus band in the army. Mr. Markee ar rived last week at Camp Lewis from overseas, where he was leader in a Coast Artillery band. Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Barnes enter tained at dinner Wednesday, the occa sion being in honor of the 87th anni versary of the wedding of Mr. Barnes parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnes of Weston. Guests seated at the table were: Mr. ana Mrs. a. a. carnes, Misses Doris and Mamie, and Sgt. Sidney Barnes; Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd, and J. H. Ridenour, beside the host and hostess and small daughter and son, Mary Jean and Jack. Miss Anice Humes who is teaching north ot town was the only member absent. The "bride" was the recipient of several presents in silver, china and flowers. HIM1 The Churches. Athena Garage ZERBA BROS. Props. Bnptist Church Notes. The Church invites you t? turn from the toil of life to the rest and refresh ment of worship. Good music will add to the joy of the day. Come at 1 ) a. m. and study the Bible with us. Come at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. for the worship of the church. Come at H:!!0 p. m. and enjoy the Young Peo ple's hour. Methodist Episcopal Church, Exceptionally good crowds were at church last Sunday both morning and night. We expect this to ba (repeated next Sunday at all services, Sunday school included. "How Much Do You Weigh" will be the subject of the sermon at night, at which the Minute Men will make their first speeches. The Christian Church. We are glad to see new faces in the church services and are hoping to soon have the entire membership and othei friends in regular attendance. We have fixed on the first Sunday in April as "Everybody-Go-to Church-Sunday." But come voursef next Sunday and get the habit. Next Sundav night tbs pastor will lecture on "Jerusalem," giving some of bis experiences and observations in the Holy City. You are invited. Ser vices at U and 7 :30. Sunday school at 10. B. B. Burton, Pastor. We have again taken over the management and garage work and we are ready for old and new customers. . We are equipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding Now MONUMENTS! Get our prices be-i si - tore placing your order. Berry Monument Works F. M. Bary, Prop. 11th and Main Street near O. W. R. . N. Passenger Depot WslM Walla Wash, W. A. M1LLKK UxppBieeBUtiv and then you see a type of home whereby one or more of your thoughts are expressed. In our of fice we have some ideas that are worth consider ingdesigns for the homes barns, and other build ings, that are the work of experts. Call and see them any time. . Tum-a Lum Lumber Company