She ityM tm AN NDKPKNMjKN T NEWSPAPER F. b. Boyd. Publisher tTHENA. OREGON, MAR. 14 1919 THE FIRST TEST. Camouflaged Philosophy. No (nitiBtililte for work Is wtrlrerj satisfactory, not t-voii lulierii fn. Mnny n soldier (ojf will Mud he hn OOlKrowu Mis job us well us his old clothes. Returning soldiers nre nor to I he gtVell jobs their services lire to be ecu red. Play Safe Unensy lies (he henrl thnt went n crown; hut anyhow there are but near so many of (hem. Order That The watch on the Rhine has ceased to he a Uermno boast and has become no American jole. Those 37 Senators have little 'to stand upon in their endeavors to frus trate the formation of the League of Nations. With such a partv exponent of the League as ex-l'resident Taft, for instance, and the undivided support of such influential Republican papers as the Portland Oregonian, the action of these Senators turns out to be pure ly a political filibustering move. But the forecast of results is shown in the Pennsylvania elections Tuesday, which are commented upon editorially by the Cleveland Plaindealur as follows: 'The first definite tests of public sentiment upon the auestion of a league of nations comes in the twenty-second Pennsylvania congressional district where a special election was held Tues day. JohnjH Wilson, Democrat., was elected over John K. Jamison, Repub lican, in a section of Republican Penn sylvania where Republicanism is both a religion and a lifelong habit. "Mr. Wilson made his fight upon the league of nations issue. He ap pealed to this Republican district to elect him as a sign of ita approval of what the President has been doing here and abroad on behalf of inter national peace. A vote for John Wil son was everywhere advertised as a vote for Woodrow Wilson and the league of nations. By contrast, the Republican candidate from this dis trict, while taking no stand personally for or against the league declared that he expected to be governed in refer ence to the question by the course of his party's leaders. That made him the anti-league of nations candidate. "There can be no mistaking the meaning of John Wilson's electiun. A afely solid Republican district revers es its politics in order to signify its adherence to the league of nations. The incident is encouraging to every believer in such a league. There is nothing cheering in it for Honry Cabot Lodgo'a 117 club." Expenditrues for highway work in the United States this year arc likely to amount to a half billion dollars, or even more, according to a recent state ment by officials of the Bureau of Pub lic' Roads. United States Department of Agiculture. On reportB received from State highway departments, the bureau estimates the expenditures for roads anil bridges at 9llrJ5.00O.00O or (110,000,000 more than the average, expenditures for l!in: and 1017. This estimate docs not include, however, the additional Federal funds which will be available if the umendment to the Pout Office appropriation hill, making 60,000,000 immediately available and (75,000,000 more on July 1, is enacted into law. Somebody ought to send a rush tel osruin to Medicine Hat to stop fur ther shipment of weather. That news Item about the plan to sink the German warships should be listed as "Important If true." If the Itnlser has heard ninny of the things that are being said about him. no wonder he has ear trouble. Holt Combined Harvester Now and be Sure of a Delivery Whatever It paid for propaganda In this country the German government seems to have been badly stung. Pendleton. STI JRGIS & STORIE Walla Walla. Who would have believed five years ago that Uncle Ram would today have a post office In Coblenz, Germany. Ilerlln Is described as "dancing mnd." The tango Is undoubtedly more alluring than the goose step. In this year of grace some of those hoary old phrnaeg and expressions like "king's ransom" are due for revision. The post office department expects to have airplanes working now thnt they are no longer demanded for fighting. Cold weather Is said to be eradicat ing the Inst traces of Influenza. Thnt makes cold weather a little easier to take. The price of flour may come down but It Is not likely to come very far while the millers are using $2.20 wheat. Not only is Influenza more deadly than war, but It is more fatal than an automobile on a Sunday afternoon In summer, Little. Known Hero. Of the ninny stories of heroism dur ing the war on which Official records are silent but which nre being brought forth with relaxation of the censor ship is that of Captain Larconibe of the antiaircraft defenses of the Lon don (Eng.) district. Ills Job for four years has been to find anil dispose of German aerial bombs that fulled to explode when dropped on London, After each nlr raid, nnd In Hie early part of the war there were many, Lar conibe and his men would go about the city seeking the "duds." It was dan gerous work extricating them from wherever they happened to drop, trans porting them out of the city and ex ploding or otherwise destroying them. During the excitement after a raid few people thought of the bombs that failed to "go off," but all of them have ceased to be a menace to the city. Inconsiderate winter landed with both feet In the lap of snilllng autumn. If I'aderewski can get harmony out of the Polish situation he will Im mensely increase his reputation us a musician. 23 Years Ago. Krom the Press ol Mar. 14 1896 Berlin Insists on discussing the war's origin When she ought to be looking for some way to persuude people to forget It. The expert financier who says that the value of gold can't come down till prices fall has possibly got his tonneuu before his motor. If the Yankees were not strapping big fellows Ihcy never would Hud room on Ihelr uniforms for nil their merited Insignlu ami decorations. That German while book soon to be published telling the secret history n the origin of tluj war ought to make mighty Interesting reading. After receiving bulky copies of speeches by congressmen for several years, no one is going to be excited over the postmark "aerial mall." Another race that Is going to force the recognition of its claims upon the International peace conference Is the far loo little known human race. The cereal crops of the United States were worth over 7, 000,000, 000 to the the farmers who raised them in U'lH. The product of these crops, all to gether, was a little under the total for 1017, but, while the prices of some of the cereals were lower in 1018 than in 191", the prices of others were suf ficiently higher to make the total value of the cereals greater in 1018 by more than a quarter of a million dollars. The Penneylvaina election would in dicate that President Wilson's submis sion of the League of Nations issue to the American people direct, In prefer ence to handing it over to a coterie of disgruntled, olistructive politicians, was a step rightly taken. Up to date nobody seems to have devised a decoration to be worn by the patriot who Mould have seen serv ice overseas If he had not beeu loo old. Europe should realize by Ibis time that boundary lines are of less Impor tance than trustworthy neighbors and that uniform democracy makes neigh bors trustworthy. The dollar-a year men quit the serv ice of the United Slates government with exceptional credit In the public mind for having earned a whole lot more than their salaries. The squirrel is again fnakine in the beauteous sunshine. Mitt Bush and family have moved from town to the country. Dr. L. Dell has received official not ice of his appointment as judge of election. Mr. Wm. Piper was in town Wednes day and took home with him a fine new organ. Farmers are again busy plowing and seeding after a temporary rest caused by the late freeze. Prof. M. G. Royal, . of the Weston Normal school, will preach in the M. E. church next Sunday morning. Chas. Norris has leased the "Till" Taylor property and will soon take possession. Charley promises to show the editor a garden down there that will make even a son of the Flowery Kingdom green with envy. Angus Gillis and John Echart have nearly completed the belfry for the big bell at the Baptist church. The bell was hoisted yesterday from the ground to its resting place in the bel fry. Turner Callender is a genius of no small calibre. His latest in the line of invention is a sail, which he uses to propel his bicycle to good advantage. Clark Wood, tditor of the Leader, and Wm. Worthington came over from Weston Tuesday to bask for a time where there is life. Last Friday witnessed the closing exercises of the Athena public school, after a very successful term of six months. Yesterday a party of ladies, under the espionage of Mrs. Beale, were pi loted out to the country home of Mrs. Hardin Mansfield, where a jolly day was spent. The party consisted of M s Frank Beale, Mrs. Leeper, MM. Callender. Mrs. Ellie Edington, Mrs. Fred Boyd, Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson. Mrs. Jas. Nelson, Mrs. Jinks Tavlor. Mrs. Andrew Willaby, Mrs. Willis Bush. Ed: The Spaniards continue their demonstrations of patriotic fervor and hostility to the United States brought about by the United States favoring the granting belligerent rights tc the Cubans. . . A revolution in Spain would insure Cuban independence. Notice of Final Heaiir.s. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph Sheard, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as administratrix of the above-entitled estate has filed her final report with the clerk of the above en titled court and that the judge thereof has designated Mondty, March 24, 1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, as the time, and the office of the Judge in the county court house at Pendle ton. Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place, when and where hearing shall be had thereon. All persons interested are hereby notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why said report should not be approved, the administratrix discharged and her bondsmen exonerated. Dated this 7th day of February, 1919. Lydia Sheard, Administratrix. "hoes" in It Red Crown's uniform chain of boiling points gives easy starting, quick and smooth ac celeration, high power, long mileage. Mix tures have holes" in the power chain. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. Total . no m . i (iisgruntieii. niivirucUYc noiilicians, mm m waffll uinR st.'ii riohllu rakaii jT"-3S5UHb I It'ir.ay bethel strict enforcement oi iriw the curfew "ordinance would serve to r Jt( 'Jjlkjlt curtail juvenile delinouenrv in Athena. Ill t Jmv mW Iri Just picture, if you can, Kernel I QS K fa4M 3 112. 1 Wood's corpulency .ill d IflHW waist line togs. H-u-h-h, Ellen V mPtkmW il 4tJM STANDARD OIL COMPANY Kind Old Lady (visiting penlten X'VtfS " tijB (.CtUlwui.) tlary) Ah, my poor fellow; you look V5fM 3t4a9 like nn lamest man. tt'hj did they put Tf ""s" 'I' Poor Fellow Yer right; It was a fhP fjjiftl fflP I I Fhame, leddy. They put me here Just wtmjB&&1mmSSww JB 9tt fer tryln' to open up a little business. of , . f. Ifi , Vv K'ud Old Lsdy- Why, (bat was an JtlCtlJTY outragol What kind of a business W: &EmV2tT3? D Guy Cronk. Special Agent Athena, Orenoo. ' Executor's Notice. In the County Court for Umatilla County, Oiegon. In the Matter of the Estate of James F. Zerba, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed Executor of the estate of James F. Zerba. de ceased, by the above entitled Court, and that he has qualified as said exec utor as by law required. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to the undersigned, or to his attorney. Homer I. Watts, at his office in Athena, Ore gon, verified as by law required, with in six months from this date. Dated at Athena. Oregon, February 1. 1819. Virgil R. Zerba. Executro. ' A Chinese Doctor is not paid while his patients are sick. He is only paid to ke'ep them well. We write fire insurance on the same principle that prevention is better than cure. The premiums you pay on a Hartford policy buy more than indemnity in case of loss. They buy advice on fire prevention. You can get through us, every help in that direction that the Hartford Company has developed during the 108 years it has been study ing fires and their causes. It will pay you to inquire into this service. B. B. RICHARDS INSURANCE Custom and Wholesale Rolled Feed S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calio both night and day. Oalli promptly answered. Office on Tblro Street. Athena Oregor Charter No. 4515. Reserve Dist. No 12 REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the First National Bank, It Athena, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on March 4, 1919. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $686 299 88 it o J0'!!1 'janS " : 686 299 88 686 299 88 u. t. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) 12 500 oo U. S. Bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged as collateral for Slate or other deposits or bills payable 20 000 oo uuuua o. cenmcaics oi inaerjteaness owned &, unpledged 40 UIIO oo Liberty Loan Bonds, 3 1-2, 4, 4 1-2 per cent, unpledged 1 200 oo Bonds other than U S Bonds to secure nostal savincr H.nn.h i nnn Securities other than U S Bonds ot including stocks) owned un- pled 905 oo 1 otal bonds, securities, etc. other than US , M.,wnTi uuiik ju per cent or sUDscription ). . . Value of banking house j t t Q Aflfl Equity in banking house Furniture and fixtures Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Cash 72 500 oo 1 200 oo 3 000 oo 9 000 oo 1 000 oo 51 079 5S Net amounts due from banks and bankers, and trust comnani',', W than included in Items 13, 14, and 15 . . . Total of Item 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 80 3' j j Chicks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due U S Treasurer Interest earned but not collected approximate on nn,.., '.,( urn. ' ceivable not past due . Bn. ...... .i.i. t I... ... t b..i . .. 13 937 44 .... .. ..fcnj, mm ouDscripnons 978 05 50 00 625 00 85 00 $ 921 070 46 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits 11 926 65 Less current expenses, interest, and taxes oaid. ' 5 348 42 Circulating notes outstandine Net amounts due to National Banks .... , ma r.-.;K..i j- 7 3H4 $ 50 000 00 50 OOO'oo 6 578 23 12 500 00 Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding .... 2m on Total of Items 32 33, 34 and J5 8 282 46 Individual deposits subject to check. . . 416 347 81 Cert's of deoosit due in less than 30 days (other than money borrowed.'.' ' ' 283 082 31 Total of demand deposits other than bank deposits! subject to reserve Items 36, 37, 38, 39 40 and 41 ... t69g 430 u Postal Savings deposits .!',..!!, 342 2 1 Total of tims deposits subject to Reserve, items 42, 43, 44 45 ' ' $342 21 Bills payable, other than with Federal Reserve Bank, including all obliga tions representing money borrowed, other than rediscounts 60 000 00 Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank 20 000 00 Liabilities other than those above stated 13 937 44 Toul $921 070 46 State of Oregon, County of Umatilla, as: I, F. S. Legrow, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ol my knowlodge and belief, Fi s. LeOrow, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me 1 Correct Attest this 14th day of March, 1919. u . ' a. B.. RICHARDS, Notary Public T ZZj. for Oregon. My commission expires Mar. w B. Shaffer, . Mr. I R. T. Cannon, lirccUir: Take it from me says the super to the engineer "You can't ever beat good old Gravely Plug. It!s got the real tobacco taste that keeps a man satisfied." Good taste, smaller chew, longer life is what makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Writt ft: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE. VA. for booklet on chewing plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch THE BARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Kichols Hotel Block - - - Athena, Oreg. UIOHIII miiniiimnmminnmmt)MM ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. American Beauty Flour Is trade in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ol the very" best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers 8c Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. OMIIHIIIIIIOI Waitsburg, Wash. tiuinnitiMini We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and? Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street, Athena, Oregon The Ford Model T one-tor, truck is prov ing a splendid time and money-s&ver on the farm. It is very flexible in control, strong and dependable in service. It has Think it reallv become one of Over the farmer?' necessi- Mr Fa'rmpr -ieS" ne Ford truck' lVir. r armer ,s equal to half a doz-i en teams and it .won't "eat its head off", when qpt working. The very low price makes it popular with shrewd farmers who analyze conditions on the farm. Let us talk it over, Mr. Farmer. Price with out body, $550 f. o. b. Detroit. Can deliver, and furnish Bodies at once. Burke & Son Garage Phone 82, Athena, Oregon