Is Your Bathroom Complete Good authorities tell us that no bath is complete without a healthful, in vigorating shower, afterward. See our assortment of Bath Sprays. Klenzo-Sprav with extra Rubber Massage and Shampoo attachments, onl v $3.75. Klenzo-Spray with Metal Spray and Rubber Mas sage attachment only $3.00. American Beauty Spray, only $1.75. A few suggestions that will make the Bath more pleasant and refreshing: Violet Toilet Ammonia, large bottle 25c Violet Bath Powder, sprinkle can 25e. Turkii-h Bath Towels, 25c, 35c, 50c and $1.00. I urkish Wash Cloths 10c. A nice assortment of the best Bath Soaps on the market, two bars for 25c. ATHENA DRUG COMPANY PHONE 331 It will pay you to watch our Windows -J OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST One negro was killed and another wounded In a gunfight In Portland. Samuel C. Harrison was accidental ly killed Monday while felling a tree south of Sodavllle. The total precipitation at Portland for the month of February waa 8:36 Inches, or 2.63 Inches above normal for tho month. During the past week 416 Industrial accidents wore reported to the state Industrial accident commission, but none were fatal. More than four miles of street Im provements to coat between $100,000 and $200,000 will be made by the city of Baud during the coming spring and summer. Kmltli French, a pioneer merchant of The Dalles, who during a half cen tury had figured pronilrT5TlM-V J" tlle business life of the county, died at the ago of 81. Charles 11. Jones, for 23 years editor of the Orogon Teachers' Monthly and known to evory educator In the state, died at his home In Salem alter an Illness of 20 months. February was an exceptionally wet month In Astoria. The official record!! In the weather observer's office show that the precipitation during the month was 11.29 Inches. The citizens of Molalla have donated a r'te of 32 aore:i arlfninlni: the north western part of town to the Molalla Fire Clay company, on which will be erected a one-kiln pottery factory. Plans are already being made for the 1919 combined Multnomah county fair and manufacturers' and land prod ucts show of Oregon, which will be hold at Gresham September 15 to 20. Approximately 12,000 men are out of work in Orogon, and nearly all of them are in Portland, according to District Director Smith of the United States employment service in Portland. Plans'were made for the state synod to cooperate In raising a fund of $10, 000 per year, which would give the ! college $15,000 a year in addition to its present income from an endow ment of over $200,000. Taxes to bo raised in Multnomah county this year total $9,790,005.40, based on a millage of 30.8 on a total valuation of $328,560,710. This shows an increase over last year of $1,314, 231.42, or 15.5 per cent. The Slnnott bill revesting title in the fedoral government to 93,000 acres of land In Douglas and Coos counties, known as the Coos bay wagon road land grant, has become a law through tho signature df President Vil30n. An offer of the national board of education of tho l'rosbjjjalfcn churches to donate one dollar for every two raised by Albany. 'college from other sources was made to ami accepted by the board of trustees of tile college. Charlal A. .Soars, who was reared In Albany and began his career as an tectrlcian there, has been appointed 1 manager of tie plant of the Mississip pi River Power company at Keokuk, NIa., the largest hydro-electric plant in fee world. Afly plan or the annexation of the Mosier frurt district to Hood River county, acj jrdlng to C. N. Ravlln, sec retary ofhe Hood River commercial club, wpfld probably have more op positioh in Hood River county than in the Mbsier fruit district. An immense pier Jutting Into the Pacific ocean for 2000 feet Is to be built at Seaside. The pier Is to bo 100 feet wide. At the outer end there will be a dance pavilion, and along the pier will be amusement devices and places for deepsea fishing. Thirty Inches of snow at Kirk, 40 miles north of Klamath Falls, with ' five feet at the Algoma Lumber com pany's logging camp some distance to the west, is reported by J. M. Bed j ford, who has charge of the timber ! on the Klamath Indian reservation. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of Umatilla county will celebrate tin, one hundredth anniversary of the found ing of the Independent Order of Odd Follows at Pendleton, April 26. The membersh.ip-.of the order In Umatilla county alono exceeds 3000 members. A meeting of the state highway com mission will be held in Portland March 6, to open bids on four road projects, and at the same time it Is expected the commission will discuss plans for the expenditure of the $10,000,000 pro vided in the bond issue authorized by the legislature. Wheatgrowers of Wasco county re port that the crop is in a condition which has rarely, If over, been better at this season of the year. The rain fall during the past three months has totaled more than 11 Inches and the ground Is thoroughly soaked. Fall wheat made an exceptionally good start before cold weather set In and prospects now are for one of the big cost crops that the section has ever produced. dames n. vv usuii, assistant sec tary of the Pheasant Fruit Products company, of Salem, was instantly killed when tho automobile in which he was riding was struck by a street car. Four other persons were Injured. Portland business conditions, as in dicated by statements for the month of February, are in a decidedly healthy state. Bank clearings for the month totaled $99,352,404, compared -with $72,567,265 for the corresponding month of last year, an Increase of ap proximately 33 per cent. The railroad administration has in formed Senator McNary that it can not grant the request of the Oregon Odd Fellows for reduced rates to the Grand lodge at Salem in May. Re duced convention, rates will be granted only to the Grand Army and Confed erate Veterans' reunions. By plans completed at a meeting of the Portland city council tho Home There is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other dlBeasea put together, and for years it waa sup posed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with lor: 1 treatment, pronounced It incurable. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, la a constitutional remedy, is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tha System. One Hundred Dollars re ward Is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. I. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Spring Garments Our New York Buyers are Watching the Markets every day to secure the best styles and fabrics for us at the lowest possible price. That is why We are showing Coats, Dresses and Suits at $5 ts $20 less than other merchants. Nfyw "Dolman" style Coats in Blue and Henna colors. Beautiful Velour an Crystal Cloth, $31.00 to $I.OO. Rose and Tan Coats in Velour and Gaberdine modes, in the newest paterns priced at $18.50 to $,57.50. Niw Suits in Tans ; i.d Bluts. the new box models, button and braid trim med, with fancy vestceh. Can't jjet enough of them. More coming every day. Selling at $17.50 to $35.00. Dresses? Yes; beauties in Silks and Ser ges. some with panel waist effect and belt, others with the new collars and trimming. The kind vou can't resist, $17.50 to $30.00. WE NOW HAVE A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF SILK SKIRTS AND PET TICOATS. COME AND SEE THEM. loiepnone company properties passed Saturday to the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company for a cons. dera tion of approximately $2,000,000. Phys ical consolidation of the properties Is expected to be completed within a year. The public service commission has set March 17 as the date for the final hearing on the application of the Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph company for an increase in the exchange tele phone rates in Oregon. It is estimated if these increases are allowed, ap proximately $600,000 a year will be added to the revenues of the company. Early construction of a woman's building on the campus of the univer sity of Oregon is virtually assured, in tho minds of university people, by the passage of the appropriation bill In cluding $100,000 toward this purpose. Another part of the same bill 'was an appropriation of $135,000 for mainten ance and current expenses of the In stitution. The Oregon Hardware Dealers' as sociation's annual convention ad journed at Portland after electing the following officers: President, A. L. Jameson, McMhinviUe; vice-president, Charles R. Orchard, Salem; members of the executive committee, W. E. Wadsworth, Harrisburg; U. G. Mc Kinzie, Goldendale, Wash.; F. E. Chambers, Eugene; P. A. KelJrum, Priirie City. Coos county farmers attended prac tical schools in dairying last week at Marshfleld, Myrtle Point and Coqullle. Lectures and demonstrations were given by E. B. Fitts and E. L. West over of the Oregon Agricultural col lege extension service and J. L. Smfth, J county agent. The breeding and feed ing of dairy cattle, calf raising and herd record keeping were some of the subjects discussed. Though the compulsory military training bill providing for military in struction in the high schools of the state was defeated in the legislature, the programme for military instruc tion under Lieutenant-Colonel John Leader of the University of Oregon, will be carried on in the 20 high schools over the state which have accepted Colonel Leader's plan, ac cording to the colonel. Lumber cargoes from the Columbia river during the month of February were unusually light. During the month 20 vessels loaded at the mills in the lower Columbia river district and their combined cargoes totaled 13,586,102 feet of lumber. Jtr the same period six vessej loaded 4,166,539 feet of lumber at the up-river mills, mak ing a grand tojal of 17,752,641 feet of lumbar that left the Columbia river In cargoes in ths' month of February. Tentative plans for improvements in the Klamath irrigation project were discussed at a conference at Denver a few days ago, from which Project Manager J. B. Eond has just returned. Extensions on a large scale will bo made in the local project, provided the congressional appropriation is suf ficient for this purpose. The reclama tion officials hope that the appropria tion will be fixed before March 4, so that they may go ahead with definite plans tor the year. Instructions to send a competent man to make a thorough examination of "he watersheds and storage reser voir sites of the Deschutes irrigation project have been liven by Secretary of the Interior Lane to the reclama tion bureau. Word of the order was brought from Washington by A. D. Anderson, representative of the north unit irrigation projoct in Jefferson county, who has returned from the national capital. Professor Crosby of Boston has been authorised to make the survey as soon as weather condi tions permit. Bropjl concessions are granted to the state commissions in regard to railroad functions by the railroad ad ministration In an order by Director General Hines, received by the public service commission. Mr. Hines orders that before rates of any importance re granted, either interstate or in trastate, they shall be submitted to tho state commissions interested for suggestions and advice. He orders also that state commissions shall have control of police regulations over rail road lines, such as spur tracks, cross ings, scales and physical condition of track and equipment and station fa cilities. FORCED TO DO GOOSE STEP American Soldiers, Headed by Bands, Paraded Through Towns by German Captors. Winchester. England. "Hended by hands, they paraded a bunch of As Americans, barefooted, through Jowhs, forcing us to do the goosestep." That was the experience of Edward A. Patennude of New Haven. Conn., of the One Hundred and Second In fantry, who arrived at the American rest camp here from Danzig, via a Danish Ued Cross ship. He was cap tured tn April with 182 other Ameri cans at Selcheprey. "The Germans tore my gas-mask off while we were still In the German lines and look my shoes iron) me. The Americans went days without n bnth. There were facilities for mithing, but iln.T:.-rmnii- simply wanted to be nieiffi and kept us from beliuj clean." THIS TELLS HOW TO FIGURE INCOME TAX Squarely Up to Every Individual to Get Busy by March 15 or Suffer Penalty. "Don't wait until the Anal due date, March 15, for paying your Income Tax and mnklng your return. Avoid the last minute rush. Any person can fig ure out his liability today ns well us he can next week, and if there Is any point on which he needs advice he can now set In touch with a Revenue man." This word of advice Is being given out by the Internal Revenue men who are collecting the Income Tnx in this state. L'very aid and assistance is being given freely to the public, En larged Held forces are helping the peo ple In every way possible to get their payments and their returns in by March fifteenth. But tile Income Tax men will not pull your door-bell or your cont-tails, nccordlng to the Collector's announce ment. It is squarely up to every Indi vidual to figure out his own case and to get busy If he comes within the scope of the new Revenue law. Did You Earn Thla Much7 Every unmarried person who re ceived Income averaging $10.25 a week during 11118 and every married couple who Jointly received Income averaging $38.50 a week should secure at once from the nearest Deputy Collector or the nearest bank n blank Form 1040 A. That form contains the Information he will need to enable him to figure his correct net income and any tax that he oweB the government. The law requires that every unmar ried person who had a net Income of $1,000 or over and every married per son whose net income was .$2,000 or over (Including the income of husband or wife and the earnings of minor children, If any) must make a return on or before March 15th. And this re quirement does not hinge on whether the person owes a tax. Taxable Income. An Individual must include under gross Income all gains, profits and In come derived from salaries, wages or compensation for personal service of whatever kind and In whatever form paid or from professions, vocations, business, sales or dealings In property of all khids, Interest, rent, dividends or profits derived from any source whatever. Very few items of income are exempt. Reductions include ordinary and nec essary business expenses, interest paid or accrued on Indebtedness, taxes of all kinds except Federal Income nnd excess profits taxes and assessments for local benefits, losses actually sus tained, debts ascertained to be worth less and depreciation on buildings, ma chinery, fixtures, etc., used in business. A further deduction Is allowed for con tributions to corporations operated for religious; charitable, scientific or edu cational purposes or for the prevention of cruelty to children or antmuis to an amount not exceeding 15 per cent of the taxpayer's net Income as computed without the benefit of the contribution deduction. The taxpayer is not allowed to de duct any personal, living or family ex pense, any amount spent for improving property or any expense of restoring property or making good its exhaus tion for which an allowance Is claimed under depredation. Figuring the Tax. t Before figuring the normal tax the $liviiiends are deducted as credits from net income, together with the personal exemption. As in previous years, divi dends of domestic corporations are ex empt from normal tax when received by the stockholder. The normal tux rates for citizens and residents are as follows: On the first $4,000 of net Income In excess of I he credits the rate Is 6 per cent; on .my further taxable Income the rate Is 12 per cent. The surtax rates apply to net In come of each individual in excess of $5,000. Tile personal exemption and the dividends are uot deductible before computing surtax. In the case of re turns by husband nnd wife, the net In come of each Is considered separately In computing any surtax that may be due. Form 1040 should be used for nmk'ng returns of net Income exceed ing $5,000, nnd the Instructions on that form will show how to figure the sur tax. Business House Returns. Employers nnd others who paid wtiges, salaries, rents, Interest or sim ilar determinable gains in on amount of $1,000 or over during 1018 to any person must file an information return with the Government. Blanks may be secured from the Collector. Every partnership must file a return showing Its income and deductions and the name and address of each partner, with his share of the profits or losses during the past year. Personal service corporations will file similar Informa tion for VIS. Few Specials Karo Syrup 5 lb can 55c, 10 lb can $1.00 Peanut Butter per lb 20c, 3 lbs 50c Golden Rod Pancake Flour pk H5c, 3 for 1.00 Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli 10 oz pkg 10c P & G Naptha Soap 1 bars 1.00 CRE CENT 99 COFFEE 30c lb. 3 lbs 85c Crepe Toilet Paper 3 large rolls 25c Star Naptha Wash Powder 35c, special 25c A FULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS Onion Sets The Economy Cash Grocery Phone 561 and your Orders will be filled. Quality Always Service First WKttHHIIIIHHH Rogers nowon the Jobgr 4 Ciood weather for Ducks, Wheat and cVleditation. We will soon offer a grand fishing prize-a high grade Rod worth $15.00 and an Automatic Reel, $4.50, Watts & Rogers Just Over the Hill HlltlMMMttMOiMHtMMf flt INCOME TAX PAYS FOR PUBLIC BENEFITS. "Viewed in its largest and tru est sense, the payment of taxes Is payment for benefits received or expected. Only from n nar row and essentially selfish and shortsighted viewpoint can the Individual propose to himself the evasion of tux liability as a desirable course cf action." : Daniel C. Itoper, Commissioner of Internal Kevenue. Tax Statements We hav3 ordered statement for those who have been accustomed to pay their taxes through us, and will send for others upon request. In paying taxes here you avoid the necessity of a trip to the County Seat as well as the inconvenience of standing in line an indefinite time awaiting your turn. Let us help you. The f irst National Bank of Athena aMiminiiiiiiniiiinii'i' C. A. Barrett & Co. Incorporated Consider your requirements for Field Fencing We also have a large supply of Oils and Greases We carry the Best.