I Wkt Mm Mtm AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPKB F. B. Boyd, Publisher tATHENA. OREGON, MAR. 7 1919 The evidence of returning officers and privates who were active partic ipants in the battles of the Argonne Forest, would indicate that the terri ble casualties sustained by portions of the American Army, resulted from the fact that only one road led into the forest, and over this one highway all troops, equipment, supplies and mun itions had to be transported. Further, this highway was the only artery of transportation for the wounded and sick from the front lines back to tbe hospitals. In addition to this handi cap of transpiration facilities the Ar gonne terrain afforded such admirable natural resources for defensive oper ations that for three years the allies had made no attempt whatever to ex ploit warfare on that front. When the Americans went into it to wrest the gonne from the Hun, they soon found that they were up against a masterly conducted Boche retreat, scientificclly protected by thousands of machine guns in rear guard action, emplaced generally in positions where they could exact toll before their eventual de atruction or capture. These conditions Contributed a balance in favor of the German armies opposing tho Amer icans for a time; but the doughboy "carried on" and one day toward the latter stages of the conflict favorable tenain was reached when, on a front of 10 miles, six inch guns were placed 40 yds. apart and a bar rage lasting for hours was rolled over a Bection of the forest. When the barrage lifted, not a vestige of life or verdure remained within its radius and the ground had been churned to a pulp. After that the Argonne was an easier proposition, up to the time of the sighing of the armistice. The Amer icans hud the Hun on the hip, and but three weeks more of warfare would have thrown his armies into a dis organized, demoralized rout. He quit just in time and hd knew it. This is tho verdict of the men who were there. Tho result of tho special election Tuesday shows conclusively that the people of Umatilla county want good roads. Tho provisions of the bill sub mitted to tbe voters for their approval satisfactorily cover the trunk road problems of the county, and with theBe problems taken care of the lateral or feeder jrmds will automatically be cared for by the release of funds hitherto applied on the main thorough fares. State and county have given the Highway Commission necessary financial aid to construct a Bplendid syBtem of highways and it is up to this commission to deliver over to the tax payers just what they have voted for -a dollar's worth of road construction for dollar, without any frills or sec tional favoritism. Hcgular hours unci plain, wholesome food brought the soldier out of the service in splendid physical condition; in nearly every instance, the wounded excepted, physiquo has been built up. If this can be done in the service, why no.t in civil life' With this thought in mind, the soldier is in a position to leail the nation in matters hygionic. Wo believe that we have just about gut Link Swaggart in the notion of subscribing for the Wcstoi Leader that is, if the Kernel continues to Btranglo verbosity, and holds the p. p. p. to "lowur'caso." Influenza conu-s back oftener than a i.. ten-twenty-thlrty slock company when It Haiti an rus town. . . KittonrtiMl foreign travel Is all right, hut a lot of t he boys abroad are aching to see America llrst. An apple a day may keep the doc tor uwuy. us the saw lias It, but nt the present price ot good apples It Is al most as cheap to have the doctor. Still, the apple Is pleusanter. "What goes up must come down," says the old saying, but there are t)toae who seem disposed to make the great rise In wages, due t war emergencies, an exception to this rule, j The dumping of hundreds of thou sands of pounds of high explosive ma terial, the product of labor, In the Ht ill so shows tho foolishness ot war or the fuullsuues of iumebudy. Camouflaged Philosophy. Perhaps freedom of the air Is aa Im portant as freedom of the seas. me mcrm 23 Years Ago. I Hrom the Press n Mar. 7 I8!i6 The bolshevik! are merely brutal; the Huns were scientifically brutal, j Preventive measures nre always ap piled most thoroughly after it is too late. Neither a borrower nor a tender be: For loan oft loses both itself and friend. And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry Nothing makes one appreciate a rec ord production of coal so much as a cold wave. Berlin is wrestling with a waiters strike, which Is not the worst of its troubles. How father Is going to miss the wages mother brought In from the mu nition plant! Money talks, but It's prPtty hoarse nt present from arguing with tho butch' er and grocer. Unlled States saved $7,000,000,000 hy the sudden closing of the war but you don't notice It yet. Sometimes we get it early and some times late, but we usually get our al lowance of winter. netting out of the war Is much Wee eating nt a restaurant and paying the cntliler at the door. The Austrian minister to Switzer land snys the future of his country Is dark. Green or blue? It sometimes seems as If duck hunt ing's chief charm lies In the fact that It Isn't one's dally work. It Is certain that the country has gone dry. but' how Is ordinary home made elder to be kept from breaking the law? Postponement of the race for a year may glveeSIr Thomas Upton time ta figure out some points on a brand-new Shamrock, Also, If the Yankees had been paying rent for their trendies In Frnnce, they would hnV6 demanded better accommodations. Often enough, the man who Is tnrdj getting up in the morning isn't any tar dier than the heat Is In getting Into the radiator. One startling difference In sitting down on a tin soldier and a chocolate eelnlre Is that In the first case you know It nt once. Nlneteen-elghleen will ever stand out in human memory as the yenr which did the most to make history of any In a century. There should be some, way to land (he food profiteer In Jail. He Is worse than the man who openly picks one's pocket In the street. It Is claimed that Germany still has an army of 1,000,000 men another striking bit of proof that an armistice Is not necessarily peace. Rabbit hunting In the snow Is excel lent sport If you don't catch any rab bits. If you catch n rabbit, tradition demands that you eat it. The ex-klngs of 'Kurope could make a good thing of It by forming a vaude ville company to come to America and make u tour of the country if Paderewski can prove himself a great statesman In ft crisis, a number of politicians iijuy'be tempted to get a piano and practice five hours dally. Inlin Shelley of Knglnnd lias had his nnmu clianged to John Hulls In order to Inherit $0,111X1,000. For that roll he ought to change Ids uaine to Cliokea-cow. That girl who ran away anil was man-led because she was spanked by her parents may or may not come back home, voluntarily, and ask for another spanking, When the soldier returns to his civilian clothes we shall expect more of bin than before as a result of the splendid disciplinary trulnlng which It has been Ills privilege to receive. Unlisted men when discharged are to be allowed to retain their socks. If they have industriously darned them the better pari of the hosiery prob ably belongs to the soldiers, anyhow I Plainly, Russia Is not one of those furry animals that can be made to rear up on Its hind legs, waits a hit and pose with a broomstick for u gun at the cominaiid of a human master. The man who reports that the czar Is alive but "does not care to be both ered and wants to be left nlone," has at least expressed the probable uttl tuile of Nicholas if he be alive. Admiral Peary proposes airplane ex ploration of the polar regions while Steftmssou believes the submarine would be useful. Most people prefer to do their polar exploring by wire lesa I ' An Arknnsas lieutenant, who never got across, Is mad as n hornet because lie was reported killed in action. In accuracies are frequently embarrass ing, but surely this man Is glad the report U) untrue. GOOD THINGS FOR THE FAMILY MENU. Iinnnnns make a most appetizing dish for a variety, as salad, dessert, or In place of a vegetable. B a k e ed Ba nanas. Peel and remove the coarse threads from six or eight bananas. Melt two tablespoon fills of sweet fat In an earthen linking pan and sprinkle on one-fourth of a ronspoonful of salt. Squeeze over the juice of one lemon and sprinkle on a half cupful of sugar; let them bake from a half to a full hour, basting frequently with the sirup in the pan. Serve as a veg etable with meats. Onlone Stuffed With Ham. Peel eight onions and cook In boiling wa ter until nearly tender. Cool and cut out tho centers, leaving a thin wall. Chop the onion removed ami mix with the other Ingredients to fill the onion cases, rounding the mixture well above the shells. To the onion add one cup ful of chopped ham, one cdpful of soft bread crumbs, half a tenspoonful each of salt and paprika, one table spoonful of chopped parsley, one fourth of n cupful of fat. and a cup ful of milk or broth. Salt may lie added to suit the tnste. Use the broth . to pour around the onions and let them bake In a hot oven a half hour The broth may be thickened a nil served ns n sauce with the onions. Nuts may be used In place of the ham. Tenderloin Cutlets. Take one pome' of beef tenderloin, one-hnlf pound each of veal steak and cooked hum, put all through the moat chopper. Crenm one-half a cupful of sweet fat will a teaspoonful of salt, a half teaspoon ful of pepper, work into the meat wli a wooden spoon; when thoroughly blended gradually work in a half cup fill of cream. Divide Hie mixture into eight or ten portions and press Into cutlet shapes, cover with egg mid crumbs and fry In deep fnt or in a smnll amount of fat In a hot frying pan. Serve with string henns, as paragus or spaghetti cooked with to ma to. County Clerk Ben Burroughs was up from Pendleton Sunday, a guest at the home of G. W. Hansell. E. L. Barnett and family arrived in Athena this week from Colton, Wash. Mr. liar a u has assumed his duties as cashier of the First National Bank. C. J. Carlson, Joe Ell and John Hai ley constitute the committee who will look after the firemen's tournament I in Pendleton, June 2, a and 1. Joe Rainville is surely having his share of ill luck. Not long ago he lost bis home and all it contained together with his barn, outbuildings, etc, by fire. One day last week his smoke house, which contained liaOO pounds of bacon, hama and shouldeia in process of preserving, were consumed by the fiery element. A whittling nartv was given nt tie residence of Kr. V. J. Beale yester day afternoon by Mrs. Beale and Mrs. I John Gross. Mrs. Edington was awarded first prize and Mrs. Caburn the fiooby. A number of the young flierds of Mrs C C Sharp surprised her at her home last evening. Games and re freshments. Those present were: Ruby and ivah Callander, Lida Beale, Belle Johnson, Hattie and Tillie Luna, Mae and Lillie Fisher, John Foss, Charlie and Fred Fisher. Charlie Stan sell. Dick Maloney, Charles Henry and Alf Johnson. The whereabouts of D. J. Wood ward, the well known toll gate man, is just now a query with his family. He lias been passing the winter at the tailgate, but about three weeks ago he was known to have been at Summer ville and Elgin. From there the fam ily thought he left fur the toll gate. ThiH week however, the Stark boys were at the gate and report that Mr. Woodward is not there, nor does the place bear the appearance cf having been 'inhabited for several weeks. February 20th was the fifty-seventh anniversary of t le wedding of Mr. and Mrs. A. S McGrew, pioneer residents of Weston, both of whom are in good health. Mrtfijl IRISH POTATO IS IMPORTANT In Northern Portion of Country It Is Stored In Large Quantities for Winter Use. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The Irish potato is the most import lint vegetable in the northern portion of the United States and Is stored In large quantities for winter use. It may be kept In the storage room in the basement, in outdoor storage cel lars, and In banks or pits. When stored In cellars, the potatoes may he put Into barrels, boxes, baskets, crates, bins, or on the floor, but must be pro tected from tbe light Rabbi Goldman to Speak The Athena people will have a shance to hear the noted converted Jew, Rabbi Goldman. He is to address the Pendleton people Sunday night, but will deliver his address in Athena Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Methodist church. Notice of Final Hearing. In the Countv Court of tbe State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph Sheard. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as administratrix of the above-entitled estat 1 lias filed her final report with the clerk of the above en titled court and that the judge theieof has designated Monrity, March 24, 1919. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, as the time, and the office 'of the Judge in the county court house at Pendle ton. Umatilla County. Oregon, as the place, when and where hearing shall be had thereon. All persons interest-id sre hereby notified to then and there 'appear and show cause, if any they have, whv said report should not be approved, the administratrix discharged and her bondsmen exonerated. Dated this 7th duv of February. 1919. Lydia Sheard, Administratrix. Executor's Not Ice. In the County Court for Umatilla Countv. Oiegon. In the Matter of the Estate of James F. '.erba, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that tbe un dersigned has been appointed Executor of the estate of James F. Serbs), de ceased, by (he above entitled Court, and that he has qualified as said exec utor as by law required. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to the undersigned, or to his attorney, Homer I. Watts, at his office in Athena, Ore gon, verified as by law required, with in six months from this date. Dated at Athena. Oregon. February ., 1919. Virgil R. Zerba, Exeiutro. When your home burns or your store or your factory you get your Hartford check promptly. But insurance never pays a fire loss. After a fire you begin to see how many losses fire insurance faih to cover. Only after a fire can you realize the full value of fire preventic.".. A Hartford policy covers both insurance ar.d prevention. This double, service is of value in proportion as your pisjs is great. Ask us f tell you how many ways we can prevent actual fire loss, business loss, domestic loss ar.d ether losses. B, B. RICHARDS INSURANCE Custom and W holusale Rolled Feed Office .on Main St. ATHENA Mill on Current St. r Potted Plants Cut Flowers, Funeral Designs We have made arrangements at the Foss Hardware store to handle our business here. Call and see these plants, and find at what small cost you can have nice Rosos, Peonies, Window Boxes and Flower Beds. We can tell you the different plants that grow best. PARR'S ROSE GARDENS Telephone 46 F 15 FREE WATER, OREGON J iMmttmncmmiiiiii Pendleton Marble & Granite Works HillililUI T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor PENDLETON, OREGON. PATRONAGE SOLICITED Dependable 5pKS "Red Crown" is straight-distilled, 2SS! all-refinery gasoline. Look for the 'jgkgSa Red Crown sign before you fill. H STANDARDOIL COMPANY tf2o cr 7i-m& jquali(y Guy Cronk, Special Agent Athena, Oregon. lis your own money jou'n spending, soys Barney McGee "Go ahead and chew your sweet, sticky plug, if you like it. But there isn't an ordinary tobacco that's one, two, three with Real Gravely. The real good tobacco taste stays with it." Good taste, smaller chew, longer life iiwhat makes Gen nine Gravlyost less to ohesr than ordinary plug. Write to: Genuine Gravely DANVILlA VA. for booklet on chewing plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block - - - Athena. Oreg. IHtlllllllllll ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. American Beauty Flour Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ol the very best equipped mills in the Northwest of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. ihiihuimiiiiiiiiiw We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys ' Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street, Athena, Oregon j THE UNIVERSAL CAR j t The Ford Model T one-ton truck is pro mg a splendid time and money-saver, orm the farm. It is very flexible in control, strong and dependable in service. It has Think it reaUv become one of Over tlle farmers necessi ty!., -c ties' One Ford truck Mr. Farmer is equal to half a doz en teams and it won' "eat its head off" when not working. The very low price makes it popular with shrewd farmers who analyze conditions on the farm. Let us talk it over, Mr. Farmer. Price with out body, $550 f. o. b. Detroit. Can deliver, and furnish Bodies at once. Burke & Son Garage Phone 82, Athena, Oregon