OOOD ftOADS SUPPLEMENT t . Now is the Time for Every Voter to come to the aid of Umatilla County THE QUESTION? Muddy roads each winter and dusty roads each summer, or good roads the year 'round? ' '. ' ' if : "' Which do you choose? For the development of Umatilla County there can be but one answer, GOOD ROADS m Let's make it possible to ship our products to market. Let's connect up with the national highways and make it possible for tourists to come to Umatilla county. Lets make possible business and social. traffic between communities. Let's get that $576000 the state of Oregon wants to give us if we willi match it for the development of Umatilla county's roads. EVERY VOTER should go to the Polls on March 4th and mark his or her ballot 300 YES It vaii nant tviAlri n uhnva m mnk in m wlii:H nnulvurMinn ti r tn n vaiir nil in :i vv or1 ill ;t nv xnmi: in a 'MM VU MVV V IIMUMIM ' immh; i ..- r. i ....... iimhxui VI l.uv ir. - - - - " . ' W money as well as the roads.