Press Paragraphs 1 Mrs. S. C. Stune visited Saturday in Pendleton. B. B. Richard: has been ill the'past week, but is again at hia place of bus- Ralph Stages and family spent the week end in Weston. Casper Woodward is spending the week at his Adams county ranch. Casings? Yes, see Dick. A nice, new stock to select from. Advf Mrs. Minnie Willaby baa beeff quite severely ill theast week, but is improving. When in Pendleton t When jn'Findleton"go up over theJPendleton Drug Store (the old Milarlgpi; building) and see the new DENTAL OFFICE that has been Installed there. It is a four chair office with all modern equipment, where they are prepared to practice Dentistry in all its branches absolutely PAINLESS. All work GUARANTEED. EXAMINATIONS FREE. ' . : . PHONE ONE THOUS.AND. 755 jjAIN STREET. ".'V DR. B. G. VINSON, MANAGER Bring your KODAK FILMS to us for expert finishing at city prices The Athena Drug Co. Frank J. Harris, Managing Partner THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Hardware Shlf and Heavy BARRETT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Dean Willabv were in Pendleton Wednesday. For Sale. Pure bred Barred Rock cockerels. J. C. Burke, Athena. Miss Ruth Wiley and Miss Adah D Freece visited friends in Walla Walla Saturday. Dr. F. D. Watts and E. M. Smith of Weston, were in town Wednesday afternoon. Bctter'bring in those'old casings and let Dick repair them before you need them. Adv. , Dave Stone spent Saturday and Sun day at College Pace sanitarium, visit ing his wife. A couple of inches of snow fell yes terday, which adds materially to the supply of moisture. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burke are visit ing with relatives in Corvallis and Portland this week. "Billy" Winship has returned from a visit to Colfax, Wash,, and other IJjoiisses Maude and Velva Mansfield I ware over irom wajia nana ouuuaj I visiting Miss Pauline Myrick. How about a coat of paint for that car? See Dick about Acme Quality paint. The best over. Adv. Mias Elva Snyder of Pendleton, was the guest of the Misses Margaret and Jennie May Walker last week. ' Burke & Son have made a change at their garage by fitting up a stock room for Ford parts and accessories. Mrs. W. E. Dobson visited at College Place, Wash, over the week end, where Mr. Dobson is taking treatments. The O.-W R & N. Co. had a force engaged this week in graveling a por tion of the freight yards in Athena. ti, wiwu t Canonic, bearbie Ore gon men of the 62nd Infantjy, alsfr division, arriveo in mew 1001 j.ubb day. Dick has just received a shipment of Racine casings direct from the factory. Better come in and select yours now. Adv. The Rev. W. A. Pratt spent Wednes day in Pendleton, attending a group meeting connected with the Centenary Movement. UanM Havnie arrived home Sunday oupnimr from Seattle, having been discharged from the Navy. He will rem.sin in Athena. M. n,l M .Inhn Walker left Tues day for Portland, where Mr. Walker was called to the bedaide of hia bro ther, Alex. Walker. AiwhiaflMtk -was over thia wee from Walla Walla on business connect ed with the Clausena furniture store where, he is emnloved. ' 11 Leon Miller an family have moved iflttttiie Nelson house, corner 01 tn In and Adams streets. Mr. Miller is em ployed at Zerba Bros. Garage. Mrs. David Taylor, who haa been in very poor health since having the in fluenza in the early winter, is alowly imDroving, and is taking treatments for rheumatism. Clay Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Jackson north of Athena, went Banllafnn loaf KllflriaV. And Will re- i main there to attend the last semester of the Pendleton high school. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson leave this week for their ranch in Montana, near Great Falls, where tbey will re side. A carload of household goods and tarm implements preceded them. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shick, Miss Lois Porter ; and Art Chapman were Athena people I uttonriini. a socia meeting )I tne ren aiiniiuniK dleton Woodman Camp Monday night. 1 . 1 1 1 1 ip i i m mm i v m. 1 i ja&smm- war v - - zzammm$ OUR DRIED FRUITS ARE THE LATEST SEASONS CROP HEALTHFUL AND DELIGHTFUL MUSCATEL CIWES our Fancy Pack Winesap Apples Florida Grape Fruit Very Choice Fine Assorted Nuts Nice and Fresh Our fruits are dried so that they hold their flavors, color and aroma. You will find them appetizing and and healthful. I Come in and let us show you how nicely they are pack- I ed and how delicious they are. Fruit is good for you; it should be on the table for every meal. THE PURE FOOD GROCERY Quality. Quantity. Service. Phone 171. This Store Closes Evenings, Jeff Stephens, of Umatilla, spent, the week end with his bteether, Omar, Stephens in Athena. J recently re covered from an atta5f influenza, during which for several nays hia life was despaired ot. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haworth have returned to Athena from Pendleton to reside. Mr. Haworth resigned his position with the Pendleton Trading company, where he has been employed for several months. The Standard Oil comnanv has an attractive Hinnlav of Zerolene in one of the show windows at C. A. Barrett fy. fin 'h thin weak Thp. dftenration is by Guy Cronk, local agent for the Standard Oil people. Tlpfln and Virffil Willabv will enaace in wheat farminc havinp leased 4&0 acres of wheat land in the Cold Springs district. It is understood that Virgil will run the ranch and Dean will con tinue to carry mail for Uncle bam. Only one more case of scarlet fever has been reported this week. This is at the Eaton home, where two other children had th$ fever, as reported last week. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Radtke is recovering rapidly. This afternoon, at her school in Dis trict No. 118, Mrs. S. C Stone, as sisted by the school of fifty pupils, will serve a Washington a Birthday dinner to County Superintendent Green and the board of directors of the school. ' P. C. McElhany of Umapine, has purchased the Keen barber shop, tak ing possession of the business this week. Mr. McElhany has a lamily of wife anl three children. They will occupy a house on Jefferson street east of Fourth. Jesse Myrick . making substantial improvements on his residence prop erty, on High street, west of 3rd, re cently purchased fm Mrs- Maloney. Theirooms will .be enlarged, redecor ated, and modern bath facilities added. Remember, this evening at the MpthnHiat church dininp room, a sumn- tuous Washington's Birthday Dinner will be served. All the gona tmngs in season. Let the people of Athena give the ladies the generous patronage they deserve Emery Achilles was called to Spo kane, Sunday night, to attend hia fa ther. Rev. E. W. Achilles who haa been very low in a hospital there for some time. His daughter Mrs. Oliver Dickenson has been with him since last week. Dave Stone ia in the sheep business inX modest way,- ms .Jiojatnge at pre ent numbering four head His bro ther-in-law, Joe Elliott, being inte ested for some reason or other in ylo welfare of the flock, suggests tnat Dave purchase a $200 sheep dog. LawsdfcBooher went over to Walla Walla Weflfoesday, where he submitted to an operation for a slight growth on his head, which was performed by Dr. Keylor. Lawson was accompanied by Lloyd Ritchie, returning the aame evening. Miss Laura Purcell, who has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. W. Hansell, for several weeks will return tomorrow to her home at Ore gon City. Miss Purcell will be accom panied home by her brother, Otto, who will visit his home there for a time. The revival meetings at Weston, under Evangelist Taylo, of Los An geles, are reported to be increasing in interest, the ball on Main street being filled nightly with the congregations. A large chorus is giving splendid mu sic under the direction of'the evani;el ist's son. Miss Doris Barnes is in he city from Weston, visiting her friend, Mrs. Alfred Castello, at the Pinkerton home on College street, and also relatives here. Miss Barnes, who is presiding officer of the Eastern Star chapter at Weston, visited the local rhapfer Wed nesday evening. ff . Weston's committee for securing a soldier memorial building 1 for .Jkaf; town reported to the commercial paeb-. ciation of that place that the f pre liminary work was well under, may. Dr. F. D. Watts has donated a 1J fftr the site of this building on Main strrtj, adjacent to the city park. Mrs. Lee Raymond, who is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Parker, expects that her husband, who is in the quartermaster's depart ment of the service in San Jran'Cisco, may soon receive his discharge. Mrs. Raymond has. been residing in Seattle until recently. V-'A coterie of Athena boys are facing sBriouB 'trouble, brought about by a number of reprehensible and inexcus able acts ranging from breaking win dows to smashing insulators on the big power electric line with slingshots. The latter offense will probably cause action to be taken by the district at torney. Through judicious advertising in county papers, and having a large list of stock, agricultural implements, wagons, hacks, harness, etc., to offer. Marion Haneell's sale Tuesday was attended by a large crowd and fairly good prices were bid. Col. Yohnka cried the sale while F. S. Le Grow and W. S. Ferguson served as clerks. Mrs. Horace P. Belknap is over from Prineville, visiting her mother, Mrs. W. S. Ferguson, in thia city. Since arriving here Mrs. Belknap has re ceived the happy news from her hus band. Dr. H. P. Belknap, who i in the overseas Bervice, that he haa se cured his release from the army and will arrive home Boon. Weston Leader: Wheat in Weston fields is reported to bavu be Bargains Three lots Ladies Shoes All sizes, at startling prices. Former price, $3.50 to $5.50, Bargain price $1.98 to $3.98 2 lots Henderson Corsets Discontinued Models. Values, $1.25 to $3.50 Bargain prices 69c to 89c WES,EIX THRJFT STAMPfcj. 'phone 152 Wi Athena Department Store damaged by freezing to what extent has not yet been definitely determined. Some farmers estimate that they only have from a third to half a stand. Con trary to the usual order, wheat sown early withstood the cold better than that which had just come up, which only goes to show that there are no set rules to govern farming. Reports from the reservation say that no dam- has been noticed here. David Tillman Stone made his initial boto the world and to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David T. Stone, at Col lege Place, Thursday, February 20, 1919. The little stranger tips the scales at 7 1-2 pounds, and the an nouncement of hie arrival is received with much pleasure by relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Stone. Sergeant Sidney Barnes came over from Weston Monday and took over the position he held with the Preston Shaffer Milling company prior to his enlistment in the army. Sergeant Sid finds his art of camouflaging availeth him little when it comes to wrestling Uth Itd.lh aoclto nf thp ataff of life. Buf fo the doughty non-com's credit be it- said, that though he has done litttp hard work for two vears nast the boys say he is hardening in nicely. A consignment of 25 refugee garments, one sweater and five pairs of sox were taken by Mrs. Le Grow, local acting chairman for the Red Crois. to Pendleton Tuesday afternoon, and turned in to headquarters. For present work, the Athena ladies will be engaged in making thirty garments in muslin underwear, received for this branch by the chairman. Active work will be resumed at the Red Cross rooms on Main street, next Wednesday afternoon. J. S. Ritchie, of Forest Grove, ac companied by a brother from Iowa, was in Athena Tuedav on a short visit to hia son, Lloyd. The brothers left Tuesday evening for Iowa where they will visit their boyhood home. J. S. lamented his inability, to spend a few bouts at Weston, where he was for merly engaged in farming. He left it with the Press man to pay his' com pliments to Sim Barnes over there, and to inform Kernel Wood that In Jim's opinion, the Kernel could be more appropriately classified as being a "beardless shrimp," rather than a "rich, ripe, flabby oyster without a shell on it." Hllv'IMMIIIIIIIIH ItlMMIMtMlf MIMHIM j Athena Garage ZERBA BROS. Props. We have again taken over the management and garage work and we are ready" for old and new customers. We are equipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding nimiNiin MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street nearO. W. R. tS. N. PaBBenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. S. K. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calia both night and day. Oalltpromptly aunwerd. Offlca on Thlra Street, Athena Oregor " DB. C. L, TREAD WELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON EYE SPECIALIST 0emm Fitted v.,,- IpH In BarretrUuilding, : Athena )ffioe 631; Residence K65 il Now ''I and then you see a type of home whereby one or more of your thoughts are expressed. In our of fice we have someileas that are worth consider- ing,designs for the homes f M barns, and other build ings, that are the work of experts. Call and them any ttm&jfr 11 1 n'l'w.-'v Tum-a Lum Lumber Company I . ; 1' am mm .V .A f urn -.. ' - in vmmp .pup 19 !