Press Paragraphs Sheriff Taylor was in town Monday from Pendleton. J. E. Gorman was in Athena Mon day from Portland. " A. B. Grover is spending several days with relatives and friends in Pen dleton. Mr. and Mrs. Otha Reeder and Mrs. A. A. Fosa were in Walla Walla yes terday. Judge Phelps adjourned circuit court Saturday evening to reconvene Febru ary 'ii. Announcement We have opened a four chair Dental Office , at YS5 Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon Over the Pendleton Drug Co., corner Court and Main The Public is invited to call and inspect our Establishment More Later Bring your KODAK FILMS to us for expert finishing at city prices The Athena Drug Co. Frank J. Harris, Managing Partner THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Hardware Shelf and Heavy BARRETT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON For Sale. Pure bred Barred Rock cockerels. J. C. Burke, Athena. Circulation Manager Allen of the Portland Oregonian, was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow left Wednesday evening on a short visit to Portland. - 'Gary Taylor, manager of the J. C. Penney store, made a business trip to Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. Win Burden returned home from Pendleton Wednesday, consider ably improved in health. Mrs. Hugh Mclntrye had as her guest over the week end, Mrs. C. N. Holmes, of Walla Walla Mrs. D. H. Mansfield was over from her borne in Walla Walla Friday and Saturday, visiting friends. A. Phillips, well known Weston citizen, made one of his periodical visits to Athena, Tuesday. Claude Coomans came up from The Dalles this week and spent several days with friends in Athena. Arnold Koepke, recently discharged from the service, has resumed his studies at the University of Oregon. Rev. Pemberton of The Dalles and Prof. Hall were dinner guests at the Methodist parsonage Monday evening. Wanted Girl for general house work. Good wages and everything to make work easy. P. 0. Box 194, Athena, Oreg. Charles Nelson, who recently leased hisVarage in Weston to the Simpson Autd Company of Pendleton was in the city Wednesday. Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Mrs. Hugh Mc Intyre, Mrs. Ralph Cannon and Miss Laura Mclntyre were in Peudleton I! I .hoMium Improvements at the home of Mr. i anrlMrs. Henry Dell are being com- ,'JAj .. -t - i. 1... ,1 pieieu ny me laying umuwuuu floor in the living room. The "Goat" pool and billiard hall will be opened today by W. S. Will iams and Son, who have secured the fixtures from Tobe Bush. Wednesday was the birthday anni versary of Abraham Lincoln, a Nation al holiday, and as such the local Post office force gave it due observance. The notices for the special road bonding election, which will be held March 4th, have been posted through out the county as prescribed by the election laws. Harold Robie, son of Hugh Robie of Thorn Hollow, has been discharged from the Army and was in the city this week visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Vaughan. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. McCIure left yesterday for their home at Albion, Wash., where they will reside in the future, and where Mr. McCIure owns residence property. Mrs. E. A. Dudley has received a letter and photoeraph from the little girl in France, whom she adopted for the year. The little one is of prepos sessing appearance. Remember the Hansell sale at the Hoy Winn place on Pine creek one mile north of Weston, next Tuesday February 11. Salestarts at 10 a. m. Free lunch at noon. iV M... A. Baker, former newspaper man and postmaster of Weston, was in Athena Monday. Mr. Baker is painting and decoratingat the McCon nell home west of town. Misses Clara Haynie, Lela Stock still, Audrey and Mildred Winship; and Ralph Haynie, Elmer Stockstill and Lawrence Baker motored to Pen dleton Saturday evening. I I'iSHHJH OT.I III'! 5BSesaMM8ClfE OUR DRIED FRUITS ARE THE LATEST SEASONS CROP HEALTHFUL AND DELIGHTFUL GET MUSCATEL CRATES p Mt. Vernon Milk 15c the can Macaroni Spaghetti, Verm'clli 10c package Toilet Soap 4 bars 25c Sunbrite Cleanser 2 for 15 Our fruits are dried so that 'they hold their flavors, color and aroma. You will find them appetizing and and healthful. , Come in and let us show you how nicely they are pack ed and how delicious they are. Fruit is good for you; it should be on the table for every meal. THE PURE FOOD GROCERY Quality, Quantity, Service. Phone 171. This Store Closes Evenings The hirth nf a daughter, at. the Nie-'W coll maternity hospital in Pendleton, ! to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eagerf thi city, is announced. The yoflng lady has been named Annabelle. Sim Culley, West in farmer, is of the opinion that Red Chaff wheat sown by hitr last fall does not look good. He thinks the wheat miy have been damaged by freezing weather. Mrs. Oliver Dickenson has been at the home of her father. Rev. E. W. Achilles, in Spokane for several days. Mr. Achilles has been critically ill and his daughter waa called to his bedside. In. A. Miller left Sunday for Port land, where he went to purchase a new nwujge of furniture for his store. Mr. Millerrill spend several days at Shepherd Springs before returning home. Mrs. Alfred Castello and little son are here from Portland, visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Eliza Pin kerton. As Ada Ely, Mrs. Castello will be remembered by many Athena people. Mrs. Lillie Miller has opened a real estate office in the building where she formerly conducted a millinery store. Mrs. Miller will devotj her undivided attention to the real estate business hereafter. Chief Dobson is at College Place sanitarium this week, taking treat ment for a serious attack of rheuma tism. During his absence from fie city Henry Miller is wearing the mar shal's star. News is received that Lieut. James Sturgis sailed from Bordeaux, France, on February 2nd. He will be met in New York by his wife and brother. Lieut. C. C. Sturgis, and is expected home soon. Mort Meach, who will be rememler ed by Athena base ball enthusiasts as a pitcher on the Pendleton team in days gone by, was in Pendleton this week from Vancouver. Wash, where he'is engaged in business. Another consignment of potted plants and beautiful cut flowers was received this week at the Foss Hardware store from the Parr Rose Gardens of Free water. These plants and flowers are receiving ready sule here. It is announced that regular meet ings of Mackenzie Chapter, O. E. S. will be resumed next Wednesday even ing, when installation of officers for the ensuing year will take place. All members please take notice. James Phillips arrived home Tuesday evening from Camp Lewis, where he was mustered out of the service. Jas. in common with other boys who have trained in the army, returns to his home in fit physical condition. Art. Shick, of Miller's Uuderaking department, took the remaina of Fred Morrison, who recently died at Je rome, Idaho, from Helix to Walla Walla, for'liurial Sunday. The fun eral was attended by a number of friends and relatives of the deceased, who went to Wlla Walla by auto mobile. Ik) Monday. February lAhis the anni versary of the birth of Ftancis Wil lard, and a memorial meeting will be held by the local W. C. T. V. at the home of the president, Mrs. Deeper, on 3rd and Adams streets. Business of importance to the society will be transacted, and a special offering taken. Two cases of scarlet fever have been reported to Athena health authorities. The homes of F. B. Radtke and George Eaton are quarantined on account of the disease, there being ono case in each home Measles is also reported, the home of Frank J. Harris being quarantined, his little son being afflict ed with the disease in mild form. Arrangements for measuring and weighing children between the ages of one and six years, to secure accurate statisticsor the United States gov ernment, ere made last fall when the influenza epidemic forced a postpone ment of the work. Yesterday, mea surements and weights of -Pendleton children were taken, the work in other parts of the county to follow imme diately, i The LadicB Aidsocieljr of the Meth odist church wilrrvc a Washington's birthday. dinner at the church on I'ri day aviang, February ' 21 ." beginning at ti o'clock. Chicken and other goad things which these ladies know so well how to serve, will be included on the menu at 50 cents per plate. A mus ical program will be rendered. In the event qianntinc requirements should conflict, the food will be sold Saturday at the Red Cross rooms. Frederick Flint has returned to Athena from Seattle, where he was engaged in shipbuilding work, and is now getting ready for his annual sheep shearing expedition into Montana when the season for the extraction of the fleece comes 'round. Fred, while he walked out with other unionized snipworkers, strongly disavowed to Judge Richards the other day any propensity to fostering a Bolsheviki hirsute growth, or in aoyt manner showing inclination to associate with the "Reds." He has a plausible story of his own which he relates in this con nectionand we believe that the Judge believes him; only he won't admit it. Warehouse Unroofed. A strong wind struck this section of the, county Saturday night and resulted in damage to some extent. The roof at the. Farmers' Union Grain Agency plant across the track west of the 0.-W. R. at N. railway, was partially blown off, the wreckage strewing the side track on the east side of the ware house. Fortunately, where the roof Bargains Three lots Ladies Shoes All sizes, at startling prices. Former price, $3.50 to $5.60. Bargain price $198 to $3.98 2 lots Henderson Corsets Discontinued Models. Values, $1.25 to $3,50 Bargain prices 69c to 89c WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store was uncovered, there was no grain in storage, so the damage results only in replacing the destroyed portion of the roof, which amounts to covering practically one hilf the east nortion of the building. The wind also picked up a sheep shed on the Barrett place near town and tossed it from over a bunch of sheep without injuring one of them. Tree limbs were blown pro miscuously about over the streets and telephone wires were out of commis sion in some instances. 23 Years Ago. l?rom the Press 01 Feb. 14 1896 How about that valentine? J. H. Hiteman has filed his petition as candidate for mayor. Fred Fischer has opened a harness shop in one of the Fischer buildings. I Marshal Gillis has had a gang of four Indians at work on the streets this week. The sunken places along the line of the water system received es pecial attention. A juvenile dance was in progress at the opera house' Wednesday evening. It was a treat given the little ones by Ed Murphv and Mrs. Harden. Chet McCollough and Alf. Johnson furnished the music. Marriage licenses were issued Mon day to the following named persons: leon Cohen and Margaret McCann; Miller Hall and Luella Morgan; Ed Saling and Irene Irons. Monday, February 10, was the tenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Miller A reception was given a number of the worthy couple's friends, at which whist and refreshments were enjoyed. Gifts of tin were tendered the "bride and groom" by the follow ing guests: Mrs. Leeper, Mrs. Eding ton, J. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. M M. Johns, Mrs. L. U. Lively, Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr. and Mrs. E. DePeatt, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Osburn. Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Lake France. Mrs. Cullender, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Beale, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd. Chief Joseph, the veteran Indian warrior, who is now at Colville, Wash, expects to visit Young Chief as soon as the snow disappears, and the In dians on the reservation are arranging to accord him a grand reception on the aboriginal plan. MK'tHMHinmiiiiiii imimumihiiiium; Athena Garage ZERBA BROS. Props. We have again taken over the management and garage work and we are ready" for old and new customers. We are equipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street nearO. W. R. Cfc N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. S. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calib both night and day. Calli promptly amwarxl. office on Third atr-et, Athena Oregor DR, G. L, TKEADWELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON EYE SPECIALIST Ulapaes Fitted Office in Barrett Jiuiklrhg, : Atheua Phone OffkeH;lleideucn 866 Now and then you see a type of home whereby one or more of your thoughts are expressed. In our of fice we have some ideas that are worth consider ing'designs for the homes barns, and other build ings, that are the work of experts. Call and see them any time. Tum-a Luna Lumber Company J