The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 07, 1919, Image 2

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tM -IMOBPKNDtSMl V; .'PAl-'liH
S !'lf,B, Boyd. Publisher
An order has been placed with fan
Eastern printing house for a beautiful
ly lithographed testimonial which is to
be presented by the city to Athena
boys who have been in the service of
their country, in token of appreciation
and esteem in which the soldier is held
by Athena citizens. The awarding of
these testimonials in in keeping with
the practice followed by every hamlet,
town and city in the nation, and thei
distribution is made on the sole
basis of patriotism, for the sufficient
reason that partiotism is the mother
lode from nich the bulwark of a na
tion is created and perpetuated. Once
b man is called to the colors, answers
the demands of his country to the beBt
of his ability and receives an honor
able discharge at the hands of the Gov
ernment in recognition of, and in re
ward for services rendered, there may
be distinctions but . thoro cannot be
discrimination. Otherwise, patriotism
would be lowered to a purchasing level
fostering class aggrandizement, rec
ognized in degree only as fate or cir
cumstances favored in acts of heroism
or deeds of valor. Patriotism is not
confined to person, creed or race.
Hence, personality and degree of ser
vice is engulfed in a blending of united
endeavor in upholding the honor of the
Nation. Degree of service allows of no
discrimination whatever, while distinc
tion is won by individual effort and re
ceivos reetgnition irrespective of rank,
color or personality.
nother horror of
Kt is itmtot Imk-v
on the lthiue. V. .
Newark Philosc iher Learned Some
thing During the Course of an
Afternoon's Leisurely Stroll.
There Is said to be a scarcity of gold
coins. Why not use eggs as a substitute?
The war did some good. It taught
us the difference between Dutch and
And the war aftermath Is like a pho
tographic process It develops a lot of,
Unlike precious metals, It is cot the
scarcity of common sense that makes
It valuable.
No war ever ended with so little
opportunity for the "I Told You So'
guild to sny It.
Editorial writers see in the signs of
a great labor movement a disposition
to equalize in a measure, an inter
national wage scale. Should this re
sult, they see co-ordination in some
branches of manufacture, especially in
that of iron and steel, with America
and Britain leading in production. The
elimination of Germany almost totally
from the iron trade, they contend,
leaves this country and Great Britain
to supply the demand, and with wage
scales much the same as now
being agitated and contended for in
both countries, would practically null
ify commercial warfare.
Granting that Irvin Cobb is a more
humorous humorist and a more ver
satile quill pusher than Kernal Wood,
we do asseverate that Irv. has nothing
on the Kernal from the viewpoint
of physiognomy. As a "looker, " the
Kernal has ol' Irv. backed oh" the trail,
judging from the merits of a halftone
picture of Cobb which was recently
printed in the Oregonian and tbia is
tossing no boquet at Wood, either.
Spooking of Cobb, reminds us. Irv.
uncorked a descriptive sentence during
hiB lecture at Walla Walla the other
evening, which the Press can gleefully
and conscientiously apply to the
kernal -"A ripe, rich, fleshy oyster
without a shell on it I"
Their loss of a million dead does not
Dear out any contention that the Brit
Ish are not fighters.
Once a marine always a marine, ap
plies to the spirit of the heroes of
Chateau Thierry.
The last hope of the German propn
gandlst la to sow a few seeds of Jeal
ousy among the allies.
Germany's rigid elimination of non
essentials does not Include the lopping
on oi liars of looters.
Secretary Daniels' report reveals our
navy was mightily successful in com
hating the cooties of the seas.
The more German ex-royalty talks,
Ihe more It proves that it is Just as rot
ten a loser as it was a winner.
Perhaps when the boys get home and
Icon the price of civilian clothes they
will decide to stay In the army.
The censors, however, were not ask
ed to do the impossible by keeping se-
rot the return of the American troops.
Die German spy system In America
II have to go down as the hugest
unworkable infernal machine In his
The headline "Somewhere In France"
lias given way to "With the Ameri
can, French or British armies in Ger
It may he nil right but it sounds sus-
ilelnus to hear that a mnn named
'astro has been elected president of
ortugal. .
Speaking of Liberty bonds, how
would you like to he a hoche with a
Strong box full of autocracy bonds and
stomach T
There are nlmost as many "rone sto
les" coming out about the peace con
ference as there are pipe dreams In
an aero club.
The lowing herd wound slowly o'er
the lea. The day had been a delight
ful one for walk'ng and as we swung
along In our two ls and hobnail shoes,
a heavy stick Ir our hand,, we rtVnnt
deep from nat re's fount, learning
many things. the mild-eyed cows
made their lei rely way down the
road ind we ood aside to watch
them pass, the Id lines ran tbrongh
our mind, vngu iy yet with new ap
propriateness. 1 never before had oc
curred to us that we had oniy the
loosest concept i of what a leu was,
and now we resolved to find out.
Retracing our steps, we followed
the lowing herd to a pleasant farm
stead with a windmill, a silo, and a
large barn inscribed, "Grade A Pas
teurlzed Dairy," where we found the
Grade A pasteurized dairyman, by
name Ole Ycnsen. "Are these," we
asked, "your Grade A pasteurized
cows?" "Sure," sale Mr. Yensen ; "all
banc Ilnlsteln stock and not a plugged
one in the bunch."
"And where is the lea o'er which
they wander?"
Mr. Yensen regarded us with sus
picion. Flnnlly he said : "Ay bane have
a grade cow killed on a grade crossing
once. A man by name Lee he claimed
him nnd das railroad paid him snventy
fi' dollar and Ay get nothing. He bane
move away now. Ay don't know where
he bane gone and Ay don't care."
We know now what a lea Is, but we
didn't get It from Yensen. Newark
Immortal Author of "Don Quixote"
Responsible for Many of Our
Most Famous Sayings,
Current prices will have a most
helpful effect in encouraging the
American people to save food that Eu
rope may be fed.
In the occupied territories shopkeep-
rR are forbidden to charge Americans
more than they do Germans. This is
the hardest blow of all 1
With the thought of yesterday's epi
grammatists in mind, it should be set
record that no one has handed
down to this age more homely and Im
mortal sayings thnn Cervantes. "Don
Quixote" Is, full of them: "Why do
you lend on a wild goose chase?"
Sure as a gun;" Within a stone's
throw;" "Little said Is soonest mend-
"There Is no love lost between
"Honesty Is the best policy;"
All Is not gold that glitters:" "A
ord to the wise is sufficient;" "The
pot calls the kettle black ;" "Counting
your chickens before they are
hatched ;" "My thoughts ran a-wool
gathering," and "As secret as the
One need not look far behind to find
nyid as a March hare" also attrib
uted to this prolific Spaniard, but
really it was an inspiration of the
English poet, John Skelton, who lived
In the time of Edward IV. "Set the
cart before the horse," as well as "I
have other fish to fry," comes from
sixteenth century Rabelais, while "A
bird In hand Is worth two in the bush"
goes all the way back to Plutarch.
Crown Prince Willy says Luden
dorff undervalued the power of the
United Slates; but the United States
never .undervalued Willy.
Airplane mail routes are marking
out divisions in the free, franchise! CM
air. Presently there may be charted
ways Mid property In the blue.
Itcgardloss of (he rail administra
tion's efforts that extra cent a mile Is
going to keep passenger service from
returning to normal for a lot of folk.
For the reason that Oregon counties
are ready to match state money for
road improvement, sentiment favoring
the proposition is crystalized. The
proposal of submitting the issue to
referendum would cost the state the
useless expenditure of 100,000 to
hold an election. Senator Kitncr and
othors are right in their contention
that the legislature should declure that
an emergency exists, and pass a bill
authorizing the issuance of the road,
bonds, thereby saving the state the
cost of an election. w
The Portland Journal opines that
there is no known mason why the pa
role officer of the Oregon penitentiary
should not be abolished. The position
has boen used to disorganize and dis
rupt affairs at the prison. There is
now an efficient warden at the'pen
itcntiary who can function both as
warden and parole officer and save a
useless salary.
The ex-crown prince has renounced
ids right! formally. Like the famous
old lady when her (line enmc to die,
he was resigned because he had to be.
In "Little Old New York."
If a certain actor hud accompanied
a party of round-the-towners the oth
er night he would have been either
thrilled or embarrassed, says New
York Sun. After the theater the par
ty went to the Waldorf roof nnd saw
one of tho actor's former wives' the
center of a gay, laughing party. The
next stop was at the Astor roof where
there was another former -wife of the
same actor dining with n handsome
young gallant who danced divinely
and at the last stop on the Majes
roor was the third former wife
a dinner to several women nnd
French army officers. It was
tell which was the most be;
They all seemed happy. It Is femlnd
ful of another actor who went to an
other theater than his own to sec a
Play. He was seated next to a former
wife and her husband. They all c hat
ted pleasantly together and later
supped together. A strange town
this New York.
American tourists should figure on a
stay at Prague, Bohemia, where the
hotel proprietors are reported as hav
ing "cut their rates more thun 100 per
Anyhow, the men between thirty sev
en and forty-six who laboriously pre
pared to answer all the queries of the
questionnaire learned n lot about them
selves. ,
Tho special Victory odition of the
Pendleton Tribune is before us. It ii
J a very creditable edition, displaying
vr marked care as to accuracy in nrcsent-
i .ing to tho resftlibg public, Umatilla
county a war endeavors. The text is
well written, and typographically, the
American enterprise Is catching on
in France. In the Voafel region, ho
tels are being planned for the tourist
I'Ush anil the fnrtltl.wl k.LJ fc..
..Tribune's usual atandaroVrf excellence the Americans are being preserved for
IS upheld. I ngnts."
Government may take over the meat
Industry, hut that seems rather out
of character. Fancy kicking to the
government because your chuck steuk
Is tough !
A I general thing, when mother
and Ihe girls are getting the house
ready for company they can agree on
nearly everything except what to do
with father.
If the world could learn to think Id
the actual terms or one human race
Instead of in arbitrary terms of many
rncs Its problems would he pushed a
long way toward solution.
No state, for Its population, pro
oiu-es less or nres essentials
New York, say the statisticians,
man does not live on food alone,
about vaudeville and statesmen?
American Invented Electric Fan.
Michael Faraday devised the elcc-
tro-mnenetlc rotation apparatus In the
year 1822. Bnrlow In 1823 produced
the rotation of a star wheel placed in
the field of a strong magnet.
These devices wore very crude nnd
simple, however, and developed In
finitesimal power. Undoubtedly the
first electric motor employing mag
nets wound with many turns of wire,
and also comprising I motor which util
ized both permanent steel magnets and
eleetro-mngnets, was that perfected by
Prof. Joseph Henry of Princeton uni
versity, In tho year 1831. Henry pro
duced reclproentlng motion as well as
the rotary motion by electro-magnetic
Henry's motor, according to Elec
trical Kxperlmenter, was the fore
runner of the present day electric motor.
Philippines Grow Beet Hemp.
Hemp may grow nil over the world,
hut the famous Philippine fields are
the ones we know best as yet. They
have a real monopoly on the crop, as
their soil seems to be especially adapt
ed for It. The abaca, a they call It,
looks very much liko the banana tree.
They belong to the aame family, but
the fruit of the hemp tree is not edible,
nnd the liber of the banana Is not
strong enough to use.
The very best quality of hemp grown
In the Philippines comes from the
fields ubout Mount Mnyon to Luzon.
The dust and ushs of this majestic
volcano have formed the most rerfect
soil for Its culture, a aoll that la found
nowhere else lo the world.
m" - yY - )
be ......rung 6i...v..iiy.
Now Is the time for all good Ameri
cans to be patient. It is true that the
times are out of joint. Nothing is done
the way It should be done, a plague of
Incompetence is upon us, there has
been a general slowing down In all
branches of business and industrial life
and a general lowering of the average
of social efficiency. But it Is the war,
and we must have patience. Don't flare
up and tell us that it takes ten min
utes to get your "party" on the tele
phone, nn'd then, like as not, it Isn't
your party at all. You ought to be
thankful for any party.
And the elevators! And the clerks!
They do not wait on you. You wait on
the clerks, oh, so long. And it Is going
to be worse for a while. But It Is
the war, and It is to be expected nnd
we will have to put up with it. Busi
ness and industry nre In the hands of
recruits who have not been to training
camp. But they are being trained as
fast as possible, and by and by the re
cruits will be veterans, the times will
get back in joint, things will be done
the way they should be done, efficiency
will again reign, business and indus
try will be speeded up and all will be
well. In the meantime, while the cap
tains of industry nre training the rook
ies and doing their best to get the
world running smoothly again, it is up
to us to be more patient than we ever
were before and smile nil the while.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
T ll)
sent M Years Ago.
bard to
.... ,
Minnesota Physician Hat Discovered
Method of Condensing Buttermilk
and Retaining Nutritive Value.
In a recent Interview with Dr. Wil
liam Grelck of St. Paul, Minn., the
fact was brought out that immense
quantities of buttermilk have been
wasted. Doctor Grelck is a member
of the American Chemical society and
for yenrs has devoted much study to
the milk problem, As a result of his
efforts a method has been discovered
for condensing buttermilk into a semi
solid smooth substance of the consist
ency of Ice cream.
All the nutritive value of the but
termilk, is conserved in this product,
and it Is especially suitable for use in
bread making. From eight to ten
pounds of this material when added to
a barrel of flour produce a loaf of
greater food value. The milk protein
The roads are drying' .Up and the lurk
and the robin are with us.
The revival meetings which have
been in progress in the Christian
church closed Monday night. The to
tal number of accessions was 2P.
Hugh Worthingfon of Weston, nas
accepted a situation in a Pendleton
grocery store.
I J. M. Craig of Walla Walla, has ac
cepted a "case" in the Press compos
ing room.
I Albert Bales. Philip Price and Ella
Craigen attended teachers' examina
tion at Pendleton this week.
Our hose team should begin to train
for the tournament. The officers of
the association will meet in Pendleton
on the 15th to decide on a place where
the tournament will take place.
Prof. Pickel. the artist, will endeav
or to organize a class among our young
ladies in decorative art painting.
The Press is pleased to state that
Prof. R. O. Hawks is now able to be
Born, in Athena, February 1, 1896,
to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hansel I, a boy.
Mrs. Lowell Rogers and Mrs. Adam
Knox were central figures in a runaway
below town Sunday night. The. buggy
pole tore through the neck-yoke and
scared tne team., i he ladies weri
thrown to the ground and Mrs. Roge
severely hurt. The buggy is a wreck
Mrs. F. B. Boyd entertained the fol
lowing named ladies at her home yes
terday afternoon:''' Mesdamcs Johns,
Csllender. Osburn. Rosenzweig, Kirk,
Cox, Young, Brady, Hawks, Leeper,
Edington. Freeman, Hollis, Wilkinson,
Glass, DePeatt, Beale; Misses Beale,
Young and Booth.
The country north of Milton has a
unique society known as the Arena
Club, composed of people of widely
different ideas on politcial, religious
and sociological subjects. It would
seem that such a society might resem
ble a congress of Kilkenny cats, but in
stead, everything is harmonious.
Aitit it the limit.
the Contractor
"You'd think any.
body buta kid would
know that genuine
Gravely is bound
to give more real
tobacco satisfaction
than ordinary
Good taste, smaller
chew.longer life is what
makes Genuine Grave
iy cost less to chew than
ordinary plug. 4H
Gbnuinb Gravely '
far Mill OH ihfwlni flut,
The Churches,
Methodist Episcopal Church. '
We were grateful for the good crowd
present last Sunday morning and that
we are permitted now to hold our reg
ular Sunday services. Sunday school
at 10 o'clock and preaching at 11 next
Sunday morning. Memorial services
helps to make up the deficiency in our in the evening. The Rev. H. F. Pem-
Derton, District Superintendent of
The Dalles District, will preach. He
will also preach and hold the quarterly
conference Monday night. The people
of Athena are invited to come and hear
this excellent speaker.
present-day flour substitutes. The
vitamines of the butterfat help to de
fine the structure of the brend, besides
producing an agreeable milk flavor;
and the sugar of milk, aside from be
ing of great food value, when com
bined with the dextrin In flour makes
a fine brown crust at a comparatively
low baking tempernture; It saves
fuel and prevents unnecessary loss of
Omar Repudiated.
"A book of verses underneath the
bough," began the man who quotes.
"That's far enough," interrupted
Miss Cayenne. "The loaf of bread
must be curtailed to limit the wheat
consumption. The" jug of wine te out
of place in a prohibition community,
and even as to the book of verses-
I'd ratherjtear somebody read tho war
Baptist Church Notes.
We take great pleasure in announc
ing that all services will be resumed
this coming Sunday. The Bible school
will meet at 10 a. m.. preaching at II.
Union meeting at the Methodist church
at night. Let us make it a great day.
This should be a rally day in which
the whole community will show our
gratitude for the staying of the epi
demic among us. You will be greeted
with the glad hand by pastor and
church. E. R. Ulevenger, Pastor.
Executor's Notice.
the - County Court for Umatilla
County, Oiegon.
In the Matter of the Estate of James
F. Zerha, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed Executor
of the estate of James F. Zerba. de
ceased, by the above entitled Court,
and that he has qualified as said exec
utor as by law required. All puis ma
having claims against said estate are
notified to present the same to the
undersigned, or to his attorney. Homer
I, Watts, at his office in Athena, Ore
gon, verified as by law required, with
in six months from this date.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, February
1819. Virgil R. Zerba,
The Christian Church.
We are happy to announce that reg
ular church and Sunday school meet
ings will be resumed next Sunday. school at 10, preaching at 11.
Union meeting at the Methodist church
at 7::i0.
What a delightful fellowship we en
joyed last Sunday morning. We have
every assurance that the splendid
meetings of last Autumn will soon be
realized and work in the church and
Bible school again engage our minds.
Brethren, I can think of nothing more
empty than life without the church and
the blessings it so freely bestows. Be
in your place Sundav. B. B. Burton,
Catholic Church.
Regular services will be resumed at
the Catholic church Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock.
Peyton Brand f ;
Plug packed in pouch.
Patted Plants
Cut Flowers, Funeral Designs
We have made arrangements at the Foss Hardware
store to handle our business here. Call and see these
plants, and find at what small cost you can have nice
Rosos, Peonies, Window Boxes and Flower Beds.
We can tell you the different plants that grow best.
Telephone 46 F 15
Pendleton Marble & Granite Works
r ' " i
T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor
A. J. Parker, Proprietor '
Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block
Athena, preg.
i a. A A 4 A A A il
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
American Beauty
Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ol the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Blucstem
wheat grown' anywhere. Patronize home industry. Ypur
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash.
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
We can make deliveries on all styles of
Ford Cars within a few days after your
order is signed. Let us have your order
now and avoid the Spring rugh. There
will be no change in the following prices:
Touring Car, $525.oo
Runabout, - 500.oo
Chassis, - -
Sedan, - -Ton
All f. o. b. Detroit
We also carry" full line of parts and
accessories at all times. Let us see you.
Burke & Son Garage
Phone 82, Athena, Oregon