m . , i Otha ReedeAiad business in Milton Wednesday. Found. A neck fur. Egquire ati this office. Still selling fine quality Winesaps. P. P. G.-Adv. ,:' "Pink" Harpour, of Weston, in the city Wednesday evening. v fy, $4 M'llar mad?, a business trin . I II ion Tuesday HtWnuui' liurkc: & Son sold their first Ford JFfor 1919, to George Piper of Helix lasts weei. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Foss and Mr. and Mrs. Otha Reeder were In Walla Walla yesterday. Rabbit hunting is proving an allur ing sport for several Athena boys. The bunnies are found iae rye grass nais uuove town. Miss Ida Kelly, a former Atheni girl, now an expert professional nuffieJ came over trom walla Walla to nurse Mrs. (Jhas. Kirk. ITi a Mrs. Louis Bergevin and two daugh ters, Elvena and Celena are ill at a hospital in Walla Walla. rs. M. W. Hansell left this morning or Sunnyside. Wash., where she will isit Mrs. Robert Partch. iss Lucille Taylor Was home Sun day from Walla -Waits, where she is ttending business college. 4 - Dr. Keylor of Wallir'lWaila;, was in the city Tnesday bemjf called here to counsel in several flu clses. If you owe Ware's Pharmacy, please call and settle at once with Miss Paul ine Mvrick, at Athena Drire Company. I. W. Ware. The Red Cross this week turned in to headquarters, as pairs of socks, M Red Cross sweaters, 10 sweaters from the Knitting Club, and 12 boys' suits. Born, to Mr. and Mrs Joseph Clem- January Hth, a sou. The young ster weighs nine pounds and his the distinction of being the first haby born in Athgha in 19 II). Eldoff King, son of James King, re siding on the Weston mountain, has returned to Ccrvallis, where he is at tending. A. C, after being home on a vacation. He was a member of the S. A. T. C. Bring flour KODAK FILMS to us for expert finishing at city prices The Athena Drug Co. Frank J. Harris, Managing Partner THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Hardware Shelf and Heavy BaRREIT BUILDING, :: VtilENA, OR12GON Archie Rice, former clerk in the Athena Department Store, who has lately been employed at Echo, is visit ing his brother in this city. LjJntil this morning, when a Chinook "wind moderated the temperature, the thermometer has registered close to zero every night this week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Martin, of Lebanon, Oregon. Dec. SO. a son. Mr. Martin was formerly manager of the picture show house in this city. Latest news from Jesse Edington is that he was with the Army of Occupa tion, marching toward the Rhine. He is a member of an Engineers corps. Mrs. John Harrison mother of Mrs. Charles Kirk arrived at the home of her daughter, from Brownsville Tues day evening She will remain during her daughter's illness. Milk Prices. Beginning February 1st, on acount of increased cos of feed, we will be compelled to charge ia l-3c per quart, and 7c per pint for milk. Caton & Son. Lawrence Sharp writes his parents that he ranked third in shrapnel shoot ing at Mare Island, where he is with the U. S. Marines. He states he will soon leave on a voyage to China. Mrs. W. E. Dobson resumed teach ing in the Waterman district Monday, after the holiday vacation of two weeks. Her school, so far. has not closed on account of the flu epidemic. Change of Schedule. Until further notice, the Pendleton-Weston auto stage will make only one round trip daily, leaving Athena at 10 a. m. and returning, Uave Pendleton at 2:30. Frank Sanders, who was last week reported critically ill with the flu, is now convalescent, as is also his wife. Two new cases in his neighborhood northwest of town are Mrs. Alex Mc- Llntyre and Emery Achilles. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Anderson were in the qity Sunday from their home near Helix. They had taken to her home in Milton." Mrs. W. H. Bailey, who had nursed the case of Mrs. Glen Martin, who died of the influenza, near Helix. Hamp Booh-jr was over from Weston Wednesday. He reported that by con forming to strict quarantine regula tions, Weston has reduced its flu epi demic to a couple of cases, and they were nearly ready to come from under quarantine. Mrs. Delbert Gore writes tier pa rents,, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Taylor, that MrjjClore is but slowly recovering from a serious case of the influenza at their horhe at Abingdon, 111. The other members of the family were afflicted with the disease during the fall. Mrs. Gribble, of Chico. California, moiber of R. A. Gribble. teacher in th nulilic schools, arrived in the citv Friday evening and is a guest at the home of her son. Mr. Gribble is re covering from a serious attack of the flu and his wife is also :onfined to her bed with the disease. Lester Norman, of the 1 1 8th Engin eers, the first Pendleton member of the 4 1st division to return from overseas service, says the East Oregonian, ar rived there Tuesday morning from Camp Dodge Iowa where he was mus tered out after his arrival from France. He left France just a month ago and .was on the ocean lil days. Aleak in the city pipe on Main rsireet allowed water to seep through a defective connection in Dick Thomp son's gasoline service tank wtth the I result that John D. push fluid cotr 1 '(a-Kiaekttrereiii became destandardized. For awhile Guy Cronk, local Standard Oil agent, was put strictly on the de I fensive by a bunch of joshers. It is understood that there will be no church services again next Sunday, on account of prevailing sickness. The final report shows that 10.42 people in Umatilla county enrolled as members of the Red Cross in the re cent Christmas Roll Call membership drive. And, by the way, we have seen no correction in the tabulation error which gave Athena credit for only 4B3, when the total enrollment here was 501. In a letter to the Press, wherein he renews his subscription, Walter Ely writes from Tacoma: "You will prob ably be wondering if I haven't been away from Athena so long that most all of the home news would seem strange to me; this is not the case however, and I particularly enjoy your column of 'twenty-three years ago.' " Mr. Elv is in the employ of the Hen ningsen Produce Co. and ia prospering, according to friends who have 'seen him since going to the Sound city. 23 Years Ago, From the PresB 01 Jan 10 1896 OUR DRIED FRUITS ARE THE LATEST SEASONS CROP HEALTHFUL AND 'DELIGHTFUL Caravan Coffee MUSCATEL CRAPES Shasta Tea Our fruits are dried so that they hold their flavors, color and aroma. You will find them appetizing and and healthful. Come in and let us show you how nicely they are pack ed and how delteious they are. Fruit is good for you; it should be on the table for every meal. THE PURE FOOD GROCERY Quality, Quantity, Service. Phone 171. This Store, Closes Evenings Wo are having spring weather and farmers are preparing to plow. Some hungry individual forced the door of the Farmers Meat market Monday night and took about 60 pounds of veal. A silver medal contest was held Fri day at the Waterman school house. The speakers were six in number and all pieces were rendered creditably. Miss Tillie Voorhies bore off the med al. The others contesting were Earl Waterman. Lottie Wagner, Alice Brooks and Beta Saunders and Earl Saunders. Twenty eight fine, grain fed hogs were sold in Pendleton Saturday for 2 cents per pound on foot. A license to wed was ssued on Monday by the county clerk 10 Samuel J. Carney and Sadie E. Owens. James Froome this week received direct from the Cohn factory a beau tiful alto horn for which he paid 4 I. Thus slow but suro the Athena band is acquiring a superior grade of instru ments. About 40 members attended the meeting of the populist county exec utive committee which was held at the court house in Pendleton Saturday af ternoon. Dr. G. W. King the assistant chairman, presided and Colonel Wil iam Parsons acted. as secretary. "DamoDjand Pythias" will Ve given under the auspices of Pythian Lodge, No. 29. K. of P.. Monday night. Wil liam Rasmus, the leading "Damon" of the Pacific Coast has been secured and will be assisted by the following cast: Pythias, Chas. Kinzie: Dionysius. F. B. Boyd; Damocles, Lake France; Pro- cles. C. D. Stansell; Philistus. J. W. Maloney; Lucullus, James E. Sharp; child of Damon. Eva Hill; Calanthe, Miss Leola Young; Hermion, Mrs. C. C. Sharp. Pendleton papers last week exhibited an immense amount of gall in giving that town the credit for closing the big wheat deal and claiming for Pendleton the distributing point of all the wheat which passed from the hands of T. J. Kirk, C. W. Hollis. T. P. Page. Rus sell, the Rigbys, and others who have their wheat stored in Athena ware houses. The unlimited gall of Pendle ton in claiming everything in sight, east to Weston, west to Umatilla, north to Helix, and as far as the line of Union county to the south, is ridic ulous in the extreme. Come off the perch. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our thanks to our friends lot their sympathy and kindness extended to us in the loss of our son and brother. Mrs. Rosetta White and family. BL Surprise to Mother. The little girl worked lierself.trp. Into tliut lorm or nan temper which Is gun crolly known to parents under the name of "a tantrum." But her mother did not make tile common mistake of chastising her while she was In that mood. She railed the little girl to her side nw argued with her. "Dear child," snid the mother, "don yo umuw inai wjivu you get yourse Into such n state nobody loves you?' "Dear mother," answered (he ohlli controlling herself with difficulty ttni speaking thrtmgh her clenched teetf "when I nm In such a state I don' care n darn Whether anybody loves m, or not I" Clexelan Plain Dealer. Belgium After the War. Attention Js. culled by the Belgian Bulletin to the fact thnt In the dis trict of Liege after the war the eoal mines of the linsii of Liege will re organize In still greater proportions' the food service which (hey had cre ated for the miners, hut which the food shortage forced them to suspend. The syndicated coal mines In question will open establishments to furnish to the workers food, clothing, shoes, etc., at cost. farming In Australia. Conditions governing agriculture In Australia are described hy Commercial Agent Juan Horns In Ills report on "Agricultural Implements and Machin ery In Australia and New Zealand Special Agents' Series No. 100." "American farm tools and machinery are well Liked In Austrnllu, but they are not, In some Instances, adapted to the needs of the native farmer. There would be a greater demand for Ameri can tractors If they could be used on ground that has not been cleared of stumps. Many other details regard ing the farms and their requirements ore dlscugsrwl la the report. rJMulti Blade , RAZORS v 6. mm m - The Multi-Blade Razor is essentially an "old style" razorr except that it has removal blades and a guard that; can be instantly attached, making it a perfect safety razor. It was designed to meet the demands of thousands of men who prefer to shave with a flexible, keen cut ting diagonal stroke of an old style razor but who cannot hone a razor and keep it in cutting condition. It lies flat against the face, slicing the hair off smoothly. $2.00 $2.50, $2.75 WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store ," Sinister. The latest German defep.se of hospi tal bombing led ItepresentsUlye Tagu.8, to remark; "That, defense Is as sirjistpr, nnfl n shows conditions as ntiPHi cs n,n speech of the rich business fflilB, who chuckled : "I ought to get myself S IP'v type writer. The paint is nl cgininqf o(T thls one. Just look fc.ere pa ,nv coat." IIHVIIIIIIIIIIIHIIH MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street nearO. W. R. 8. N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. g. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and day. (Jail promptly answered. office on Third -ltret, A t hen ii Oregor DK, C, L, TREADWELL PHYSICIAN AND SURWEON EYE SPECIALIST Glasses Fitted Office in Barrett Building, : Athena M!iiiiiiiiiiinmt Style Witkout Extrayagaie is to be (ouu&m U garment ordered from A. E. ANDERSON & CO. STAILIUiG YOD JNEED CHICAGO W. J. Carsten Local tUjreottii Athena Garage S. G. LININGER Prop. Notice etter have vour overhauling done now No kind of an engine or car is too large too small or too complicated for us. We also build Bug and Truck bodies of all kinds and descriptions. You will find our prices cheapest in the long run, for we guarantee you satisfaction. All we ask is a chance to prove these statements to you. We are strangers here. Give us a chance, We are equipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding BEAVER BOARD (1 FOR BETTER WALLS & CEILINGS n YOU can't axpect Beaver Board results unlesathla trade-mark i on the back ot th board you buy. With Beaver Board TOBlla and ceilings there's solid comfort. The cloijely-meshed pure spruce fibre of this good lumber product resists heat, cold and sound better tha&bth and plaster or other wall building materials. You don't have to depend on outs fng Beaver Boanl wulla and ceilings. quickly nailed to the studding of new bulldil or directly over old cracked plaster and din Beaver Board has endless OSes SDOU Just the thing to line your wo! hop nd ft' even belter lor tho building of a beautiful new rooto In some wast space in the buua. ' in a new booklet, "Building Mori Comf tt into the f Pnrm-Hotfe," youll find merry euggeyjjprs. It's free. Hp getber with mi actual piece of Beaver Boaid.il ye n kM us. Tum-a Lum Lumber Company Jabor for build- ever Board is i or partitions wall paper. Ithe farm. It's . ... -I,