AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAHEK F. B. Boyd. Publisher Subscription Rates. One copy, one year W-00 One copy, six month f 1.00 One copy, three months 75 I The spectacle of Pentose and Poin dexter criticising the League of Fret Nations proposition reminds one of a duo of fleas attempting to halt a pach yderm parade, remarks Colonel Wood, editorially. j Judge Bichards has struck a com mendable stride in dealing out assess ments to lawbreakers. The time has come when a crimp must be put into refractory violators of city ordinances. While the bushwhackers are whack ing, Wilson is on his w ay to Franco. LE5I i FORGET Higby Harris, of Milton, with a fortune estimated at somewhere be tween 1BO,000 and f.400,000, has failed to do his pait in the United War Work drive to provide comforts for our fighting men. LOYALTY COMMITTEE. TAKES PLACE OF COW'S MILK Hlnflenhtirg rcslen as many tluiux us he has died? Agnln a Sultan's drenm o'f a life of cigarettes, rose leaves and sherbet has been shattered. Substitute Derived From Pressed Al. monds Has Been Found to Give Fair Degree of Satisfaction. Substitutes for cow's milk seem to be obtainable from vnrious vegetable sources. Drs. H. D. Chapln and Lud wig Knst of New York reported their experience with almond milk, y$lch oi politeness should entitle him to the shopkeeper's consideration. It was only a few years before the war that this practice came gradually to be abandoned. The reform was largely due to the action of the more Import ant tradespeople In the principal towns, who exhibited notices In their shops saying, "Gentlemen nre request ed not to remove their hats," In Poland and Russia visitors are expected to leave in the hall not only their goloshes, but hat, cont, and stick as well, no matter how short their stay. Clients calling on professional men are expected to do the same. UMPIRE IN PLACE OF BULL Important Scientific Discovery. The use of water holding fine sand In suspension Is n novel plan for sepa rating materials of different specific gravity. A chemical solution of a den sity somewhat greater than that of the lighter mnterlal has served In the . i?,u neuter intiienui hub bcivcu hi It's hard to tell whether a nfnn with pn-paren n ,.. m "" " ibor,ltory, but this 1ms been commer UIHIIJIMIB " ...... .. plot nine suits of clothes Is a hoarder, fore handed or a dude. ,nds line, covering with water ami unsatisfactory on account of the ring In the Icebox overnight nn9 , , . .,.,, th(, difficulty tTHENA. OREGON, DEC. 6 1918 1 That labor will come in for its full and deserved share of the country's prosperity is indicated by a voice from the top, when Charles M. Schwab of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, ad dressed a meeting of 4,000 captains of business and industry at Atlantic City, and said: c believe in the fairness of Amer ican labor. I believe the only founda tion apon which anything can perma nently rest is the economic use of syetything, whether it be labor, ma terial, manufacture or what not. Any foundation or organized labor or cap ital that ia on a false basis must fall, lam not opposed to organized labor. I I believe that labor should organize in individual plants or amongst them selves for the better negotiation ot .labor and the protection of their own rights, but the organization and con trol of labor in individual plants and manufactories, to my mind, ought to be mad; representative of the people in those plants who know the condi tion!,. In the years gone by I serious ly doubt many times if ' labor has re ceived its fair share of the prosperity of this great country. We, as manu facturers, have got to open our eyes to a wider vision of the present and 'the future, with reference to our work men. We have got to deviBe ways and means by which capital and labor, that have BO often been termed synonymous, shall share equally, not in theory, but in practice." There Is so much good news from the front these days it Is hard to ap preciate all of It. Barbers are charging 80 cents and $1 for haircuts. It's time for bald headed mm to laugh. "Why worry about sugar?" queries an advertisement. Nobody does. One worries ubout no sugar. The only difference between the Hun and the skunk Is that the skunk doesn't pretend to he something else. Wouldn't It be dreadful If that influ enzn should make It unsafe for legis latures to convene this winter? Archaeologists have discovered a safety pin .1,000 years old. Evidently there is nothing new under the son. then pressing out with a fruit press or by hand through four layers of gauze. The water may be twice the weight of the nuts, the pressed-out liquid being further diluted. The almond milk fer ments much less ' easily than cow's milk, Is richer In easily digeRtlble fat and In phosphorus and Its small amount of carbohydrate makes It less likely to cause sugar fermentation. It has been tried In more than one thou sand ndults. Though some dislike It, no actual disturbances have been caused by It, and It has served well for temporary use In such conditions us nephritis, typhoid, Intestinal putre faction, malnutrition and secondary anemia. Milk Is similarly prepared from the soy bean, already nn Impor tant source of oil for margarine and soaps. This milk, which may be freed from Its strong bean odor by heating to boiling point, contains 8.13 per cent of casein and 30 ounces of the beans I are said to yield 46 ounces of cheese. cost of the chemicals and the difficulty of removing thorn from the substances separated. The mechanical mixture containing sand held up In water by agitation hps been found tn take the place of th"e true solution of the same density. It Is stated that with quartz sand and water, conl may be freed from its ordinary impurities, and mag netic iron ore sand gives a fluid of sufficiently high specific gravity to float quartz, limestone and feldspar, while such heavy particles as those of galena ore or metallic copper may be used for fluids to float off still heav ier solids. General Foch smokes 2-cent cigars. So do many people In this country, but they have to pay C cents for them. RIGID RULES OF POLITENESS Women's hats costing nbove $15 will be taxed. But crushed and bleeding father will have to pay the tax, too. Orders prohibiting the further manu facture of fancy shoes also are remind ers that originally feet were not ornaments. A clergyman says that kissing Is n relic of the dark ages. So Is sleeping, but we could never find a satisfactory substitute. . The following editorial an extract of which we reprint, appearing sorne time ago in the Philadelphia Enquirer, ia receiving widespread commenda tion and should be read and digested by every intelligent man, woman and child: "Panic is the worst thing that caa happen to an individual or a com munity Panic is exaggerated fear, and fear is the most deadly word in any language. The fear of influenza is creating a panic, an unreasonable panic that will bo promoted, we sus pect, by the drastic commands of the authorities. Let a person become ex cited over the daily reports of new cases ; let him brood over them ; let him shake his 'head in dismay and with every little acho or pain that may be harmless in itself give himself over to dismal imaginings, and he is providing a fertile field for an attack. His mind fears it, becomes receptive to it, in vites it." If the new Influenza originated In Germany, Spain has a good libel suit against the person who christened it "Spanish." The food board says we should save our prune pits. Most of us are willing to give up the entire prune, if that will help any. Some good will have been accom plished by the influenza if It brings about the Induction of fresh air Into public vehicles. "Flu" musks improve the appearance of many men, but when worn by wom en they take much of the joy and beauty out of life. L The petty, bushwhacking methods I employed against President Wilson by 'certain members of the Senate in hi participation in the peace conference in France, exactly measures their cal fr, iber us compared to that of the FreB '! ni, to their infinite bolittlement. Ileal statesmen, the world over, will Afeauge his standard by these words. Wbhich he uttered prior to Bailing for 'Europe: "The gallant men of our armed torces liavo fought tor ideals they knew to be their country's ideals I owe it to thorn to see to it that no false or mistaken interpretation is put UBon them. It is now my duty to play WWtull part in making good what they orrerm tneir nvis to obtain. I can (link of no call to service which would transcend this." Germnn soldlerR complain that the Ynnks "yell so burbnrously when they charge." That's not barbarism lt' the battleery of freedom. Continental Countrlea Carry Forms of Salutation and Courtesy to What We Conalder Extremes. In nil continental countries men lift their hats when saluting one another. It Is also customnry for them to un cover their heads on entering any kind of private premises, including offices, and In some parts even banks. It was, until recently, considered ex tremely rude for a man In Poland to enter even a shop without removing his hat, and It was not unusual for a customer who omitted this formality to be told that he would be attended to when cornpllnnfe with the rtor?'.ids Held High Rank as Physician. Dr. rhlllp S. Physlck, often called "the Father of American Surgery," was one of the most eminent physicians of his day, ranked very high as a prac tical surgeon and was exceedingly popular as a lecturer. His father, an Englishman, had charge of the estate of the Penn family. The son was born In Philadelphia July 7, 1788, was educated for the medical professior partly In that city and partly In Edin burgh, Scotland, where he was gradit ated with high honors. On his return to the United States he began to prac tice in Philadelphia and soon won pro fessional honors. In 1831' Doctor Phy slck won a national reputation by the successful performance of a surgical operation on Chief Justice Marshall, followed by a perfect cure. He died In Philadelphia December 16, 1837. "I'm tired of canned beef," complain ed the summer boarder. "Some fish wouldn't go bad." "That's easily fixed," responded the genial farmer. "Ezry, open a can of sardines." Mexican Editor Is of Opinion That Baseball la More Spectacular Than Scientific. Jose Campos is the editor of the Ex celsior, a dally paper of Mexico City. When In New York recently the Mexi can spent nn afternoon at a baseball game. He thus records his Impressions in New York Herald. A large game of baseball was cele brated this af ternon In the Polo arena in the city of the Bronx, a large ride by train from New York city. As is the custom of, the United States of North America, many of the business houses closed for the afternoon, so em ployees might attend the spectacle. At least 3,000,000 civilians, soldiers and ninny women and children were pres ent The pitcher for the New York city troupe was very valiant and charming. The baseball clothing Is not as pretty as that worn by the toreador, but the players carry well. The game Is played with the hands, but Is not like pelota In any respect. The ob ject Is to keep the ball off the ground, and the troupe which does so the long est wins the game. In place of a bull baseball has an umpire, a man who does not play the game, but who Is authority of the game. Unlike the judge of the bull fight, he stands on the field. He is not goaded with pikes, banderlllas and finally the sword, as Is the bull, but is the recipient of abuse from both play ers and the multitude seated in the I huge arena. Instead of "another bull,' the crowds when displeased yell "Get the hook !" The umpire Is also called a "robber" and a "big fathead." The people at a baseball game con tinually are eating or chewing gum or smoking. But these occupations of the mouth do not prevent a perpetual yell ing. It Is difficult for one knowing lit tle English to understand the things cried at the players or the umpire. But I assume from the manner of expres sion that words common to the lower classes are used. On a large board at the back of the field is enumerated the number of times that each troupe drops the ball. The troupe dropping the ball the few est times wins the game. Unlike the bull fight, it is difficult to predict which will win. In that respect the American game of baseball is typical of all things American It Is more spectacu lar than scientific. I think If I under stood English perfectly and had played baseball all my life and had not been born a Mexican I should like to see a baseball game every year on my birth day anniversary. Youd hardly know Pete was chewing Yet he say he gets more satisfaction out of his small chew of Gravely than he ever got out of a big chew of ordinary to bacco. "Real Gravely has a pure, rich taste," says Pete. "It's sweetened just enough, and one small chew holds its good taste so long. I figure that this class of tobacco costs me nothing extra maybeless than I'd have to spend for ordinary plug." goes futihtr that's mh) j con get the goad taste of this elm of tobacco aithout extra cut. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in z pouch rTrnH v j 4 va oi i MgiMaeMaatuiaaMia We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street, Athena, Oregon K!-H British aviation officials conclude that bnchelors make the best air fight ers. Married men fight better when they can get behind something. The London Chronicle doesn't llk. the English the American soldiers speak. The American soldiers do not peak English but plain old United States. Pendleton Marble & Granite Works T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor PENDLETON, OREGON. PATRONAGE SOLICITED From the esteemed woman's page one gathers that some of the winter hats are poke shaped. That may be the kind that pokes one In the ear on a crowded car. Turkish atrocities are doomed to dis appear. F.ven the time-honored custom of tying ladles of the harem In sacks and throwing them Into the sea must be abandoned. imiiiiMmiiiiiiiiiinniiciimniHMi Some of the hoys In France sny the trench rats are as big as cnts. If other things are on a proportionate scale cooties must be about the slie of mud turtles. Oarry Hermann says If the govern ment decides against baseball next season, the magnate! will obey. Oh, Indeed? Well, now, that's mighty mag nanimous of them ! yharlcu S. Hughes wuuld have added weight to the deliberations of the American peace -onimiasion. That he is not a member of the commission is perhaps due to his political affiliations, which in this momentous instance could well have been overlooked, if such be the reason. Partisanship ia a rock Of .disaster which has caused wrecks in the past, and there are evi dences that the Democratic ship is sailing around in that locality. Above a row of war-made graves "somewhere in France" Is this inscrip tion: "For your tomorrow they gave their today." Few words but they con vey an Inspiring thought! ' The iMiy w ho can gather eight pounds of walnut or butternut shells will have enough to muko one gas mask. As for ,the meuts, If he's a true boy, he will jaever let them go to waste. fee t- j Kecent corrections In . the map of Qreenlaud show that It contains 180, OOf more sQUare miles than It bus hith erto been credited with. However, It Is apt thought that this will help fu ture potato crops. Athena will have a 100 per tent membership to the Red Cross in the drive which begin December 16. U any on does not have the , one dollar1- for membership fee, somebody will loan it to bin. This la no time for fussy folks. It Is no tlmo for caustic complaints of service lu restaurants or stores or of fices. It Is a time for lessening till Aminfli fin others and for tiehteiilng I In every possible way the burdens on the overworked. ' l i for baby's health and comfort Keep dampness and chill from the home with Perfection Oil Heater. Lights at the touch of a match. Gives steady, even heat for many hours on one filling with Pearl Oil, the ever-obtainable fuel. , Easy to carry about. No smoke or odor. Economical. Buy Perfection Oil Heater today. Dealaraaverywhera. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Callfenie) IHteWi I 1 I UeW MMsl PERFECTION OIL HEATER GUY CRONK, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Athena These Heaters For Sale By Foss Hardware, Atnena. S. E. Darr, Adams. Watts & Rogers. Weston. J. S. Nbrvell. Helix. THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block - - uthena. Oreg. i ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Public Service Commission Notice. Sulpm Oreoon. November 29. 1918. In the Matter of the Application of the Pacific Telephone ox Telegrapn Company for increase in its ex- ehnn0e rates U-F-348. Tn- You will nlease take notice that the unnlientinn of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company for increase i 1 its locsl exchange rates in the State of Oregon has been set for hnnrinir irt No. 262 Court House. Port land, Oregon, on Friday the 13th day of December, 1918. at 10 o'clocK, a. m At which time ana place an op- portnity will be afforded ;to all lnter . .i.ut novtiaa In he heard. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ur OREGON. By E. W. Wright, Secretary. Sure. en.,n,i,o Tt- nppmn to me these beauty specialists should be called dentists. Kmmhhs Whv. Old fellOW? Souibbs Because they always work on the tooth of time. AMERICAN BEAUTY i-i ctvi in rLuuiY Is made in Athena, by- Athena labor, in one ol the very- best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry-. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. -- Waitsburg, Wash. hiiimimiiTQM For Sale or Trade. ii nd 12. Block 5. 100x120 ft. ..nrm.r into nn Main street. Athena. Make mo cash offer. What have you ont tn trade? Would I uild a garage on this to lease to responsioie puny. j. . uane, care Y. M. C A., Walla Walla, Wn. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court for Umatilla County, Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of Maria Allen, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the above entitled court, executor of the estate of Maria Allen, deceased; and that ail persons having claims against the said estate should present them to me or to my attorney. Homer I. Watts, at his office in Athens, Ore- nn ojithin six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. ....... . t... l... Said claims to be verineu as vy mw required. Dated Nov. 15th, 1918. Albert Allen, executor. THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Truck is just another arm and hand to the business man, adding through its manifold usefulness to the possible volume of his business, and at Another tne 8311,6 me duDun Hand for The value ofevery. In so many ways its all DUSineSS r0Und utility serves the urgent demand of business-big or little the retailer and wholesaler, the manufac turer and consumer, the contractor and farmer. Everywhere where business ex ists there is a present want for the Ford truck. Consider the price $550, without body, f. o. b. Detriot. Let's talk it over with you. Notice of Final Account. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of B. D. Clemons Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I, as Administratrix of the above-named estate, have filed my final account and report with the ClerU of the above en titled court, which court haB appoint ed 1 1 :00 o'clock in the forenoon on De cember 7, 1818, and the County Court room in the Court House of Umatilla County, Oregon, at Pendleton, in said County, as the time and place when and where all persons having any ob jectiona to anything in said account and report contained, or to anything done by me a: Administratrix, may present the same and they will be heard, and at that time and place ssid account will be settled by the Court. This notice is published pursuant to n order of said court maae on nov mber 7, 1918. Clara E. Clemons, Administrator. Burke & Son Garage Phone 82, Athena, Oregon Summons all the forces ar.d resources of the Republic to the defense of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities have ranked as one of the fifteen distinguished institutions cf the country for excellence in military training, has responded to the call. The College is distinguished not only for its military instruction, but Distinguished also for Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: In Agriculture, Commeirt, Engineering, Fore try Home Erono-itcs, Mining, Pharmacy, aad Yocaiional Education. Its wholesome, purposeful student life. Itt democratic college spirit. Its successful graduates. Students enrolled last year, 3453 ; stars on ita service flags, 12561 over forty percent representing officers. 'College opens September 23, 191S or cftulog, new Ilhraatcd Booklet, inJ other information write to the Registrar CdiwSkWtQt&