Hi iitfWiiiirl'TaffllajBS ' tr Press Paragraphs I For Sale. Alfalfa hay in the stack. Mrs. Ethel Scott. Virgil Willaby is home for a few days furlough from Camp Lewis. For Sale. Fcr good turnips, write to Carl Brutcher. Weston, Ore. Adv. Mia. Jesse Myrick and Mrs. Robert Beckhani motored to Walla Walla Wednesday Waiited. Man for general farm work, and woman fur household work. Phone .11 F5, Athena. Miss Mamie Sheard is the recipient ol a handsome Rouvenir pillow top from France, It is hand-made of Bilk and ribbon, and is indeed a thing of beauty. Mrs R. B. McEwen and little sons, accompanied by Mrs. H. A. Barrett and Mrs. F. B. Boyd, motored to Walla Walla Wednesday where they spent the uay. Stephens' Pure Food Grocery handles inly the very best in fruit and veg etables. For instance, look in the window at Mie display of head-lettuce and celery. Adv. The D. B. Banister family have re ceived the sad news of the death of Winona, little four year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Banister, at Paisley, Oregon. Friends here have received news of the death of Mrs. J. C. Smith, wife of a former physician of this city, who died at her home at Grants Pass re cently of Spanish influenza. The Athena branch of the Red Cross sent in to headquarters at Pendleton Wednesday, ten complete layettes for Belgian Relief, made and donated by the people of this city. Upon inspec tion they were highly praised at head quarters. A thoroughbred Whitj Leghorn cockerel, presented to the Red Cross by Mrs. J. R. Mathers, is beipg care fully kept and will be dispoxed of to the best advantage. He may prove to be a nucleus for a general Red Cross sale for Athena. Sidney S. Murphy, Flying Cadet in the Aviation training camp at Mathers Field, Sacramento, California, recent ly passed his examinations and re ceived his commission as Lieutenant. He has received the highest classifica tion in his branch, that of pursuit pilot. ! Dr. Fred Lieuaallen. who was recent ly reported wounded, writes his wife in Portland: "Am slightly gassed, and it affects my eyes; head and nose, 1 hut not the lungs. While quite pain ! ful there will be no after effects. The thing that bothers me most is the fact that I can't see, but the specialist g : sures me that my eyes will soon be all right." The cartons for Christmas packages to be sent overBeeas .have arrivea at the local Red Cioss headquarters, and a committee headed by Mrs. J. A. Kirk will have the matter in charge. The Red Cross rooms will be open for dis'iibution of cartons, on the fol lowing dates, from 2 till 4 o'clock Saturday. November 9th; Wednesday the 18th: Saturday, the 16th; Monday, the 18th; and Tuesday, the 19th. No Christmas parcels will be accepted for shipment after the 20th. On receiving a Christmas parcel label, it should be presented at the local Red Cross where the holder will receive a carton, with instructions. When packed, the box unseefljB and unwrapped, ready for in spectioiVshould be taken to the near eest collection station, -designated by the Red Cross. PONT THESE WyHi TEMPT WtmBkS YOUR i"ttr r I h THE MOST DELICIOUS THINGS YOU PUT ON YOUR TABLE WILL NOT BE APPRECIATED IF YOU SERVE THEM ALL THE TIME. YOU WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO TEMPT THE APPETITE. WE HAVE MANY THINGS THAT WILL MAKE YOUR MOUTH WATER, REVIVE YOUR YOUR APPETITE AND SPIRITS MAKE EVERY MEAL A POSITIVE DELIGHT, AND A HAPP MEAL AIDS DIGESTION. GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. , i Pure Food Grocery QualityQuantityService. Phone 171 THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Universal Ranges Elmer Taylor Is reported critically j ill at his home in Idaho. R. 'A. Thompson transacted busl- ness in Pendleton, Monday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kirk of Uma I pine were in the city Tuesday. Wanted To exchange good bureau for mattress. Inquire at this office. Miss Holdman of Pendleton, was a .veek end guest of Mrs. Orel McPher rin. Mr. and Mrs. Eert Warren were in the city Wednesday, from their home near Helix. Miss Margtirite Hopkins of Walla Walla, was a guest Monday of Miss Pauline Myrick. Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins drove over from their ranch Wednesday, spent the day in Athena. Misses Maude and Velva Mansfield over from Walla Walla and peirts,Sunday with Athena friends. Mrs. Robert Beckham and Mrs. Jesse Myrick went to Walla Walla Wednesday, and spent the day with friends. Ira McDonald, whose illness was reported in the Press some time ago, is now at the home of Mrs. Donald McDonald in Walla Walla. Mrs. Charles Grant and Mrs. Vernie Grant and baby daughter of Condon, are in the city visiting at the home of . and Mrs. Walter Booher. There are eleven women, in the bus- ss houses and offices on Main IreXln Athena who are doing tneir war bit By rilling places generally oc cupied by men- Lost A thoroughbred Lincoln ram strayed from my place west of Athena and I will pay liberal reward for in formation leading to Its recovery. Bern Banister, Athena. A. B. Steele has been confined to his home this week In incapacitated condition as the result of a carbuncle on the right knee. It Is evident that for once at least, Allyn is ameniable to the dictates, desires and wishes of his better half. Mack Cockburn, flarrlngly fluent with republican election lore, pestered the Press office with his corpulent presence Wednesday morning while en route from Milton to the county seat, where we suppose, he felicitated with Tom Thompson Frank Curl and the rest of the bunch. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Foss and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Taylor returned Tuesday evening from an automobile tcur of Central and Western Orego. After visiting at the John Foss home at Moro and the L- J. Foss home at Terrebonne, they went to Eugene, via Bend. From Eugene, they drove to U Portland. , TSvLouis Stewart is one of fifteen stu fl( the at Willamette University to be selected for a four months' term of Instruction at the officers' training ciimn at Camp McArthur, Texas, and left Salem Tuesday night of this week for the campjAnother of the Willamette Un4versj,tPHljdents of the fifteen selected, waS Royal Emmel, brother of W. C. Emmel of this city, and who worked for Alex Mclntyre during harvest. ( R. A. Thompson has taken terri torial agency for one of the most i pdjular cars on the market, the Ste pherK Salient Six. He is exhibiting a fine model of the machine at nis vul canizing plant on Main street. Mr. Thompson has leased the building lo cated first door west of his vulcaniz ing Khou. and will be in a position to offer storage facilities for a limited number of cars. Fay LeGrow and Homer Watts re turned Saturday from their Montana huntlnu trip, and as usual each se cured an elk in the fastness of their Rockv Mountain hunting grounds. They were accompanied this year on the hunt by E. A. Leanord of Waits- burg, and Lawyer Thomas of walla Wnlln. On the return trip, they en countered snow and a raging blizzard while crossing Gordon Pass into tne Swan river valley. One pack horse, losing its footing, tumbled down the mountainside, sliding for several hun dred yards. It was recovered next morning practically uninjured, but in its descent had stripped itself of the pack of elk meat, which was recover ed, also. Mjss Lula Tharp has been in a very critical condition at Hot Lake, with pneumonia, all during the past week, when for several days her life was despaired of. At last reports, ber condition was slightly improved. I B vRREiT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON NAME GUNS BETSY AND ELSIE FRANK P. WOODS We carry the best MEATS Thiit Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool uuritte Wholesome Meats. A, W. LOGSDON Main Stri ct, Athena, Oregon Yankee Artillery at the Front Follow Gallant Custom of French Cannoneers. Following a gallant custom of the French artillery, the boya of Battery B in one of our own F. A. regiments, decided to name their guns after those whom they considered the outstanding figures among the patriotic women of American history. Many were named but two were chosen. The first, according to Stars and Stripes, France, was Betsy Itoss, who, In her little house In Philadel phia, made for General Washington the first American flag. The second was Elsie Jnnls, who, in the little huts of France, made the first hit of the A. E. F. "These guns are of the railway ar tillery," the captain says, "and among the most powerful In France, and the names selected are now painted on the carriages, where they will be constant inspiration In the future, and, we hope, a credit to their namesakes," One of these two namesakes, who probably never thought of herself as a figure In American history at all, Is Just back from a tour of the front where she had a good many thrills, In cluding the thrill of finding her name In divisional general orders. There she delighted one of the bands by turning drum major throughout a long march, cheered up some young German prisoners by talking to them In their own tongue, and came away much pleased by the news that Elsie Janls II had just raised merry h with a German machine gun emplacement. WEARIED OF CONSTANT BRAY Spaniards Make Offer to Exchange Mules for Something That Has More Musical Sound. A little while ago It was reputed that the army mule In France, lnvnl uable for transport, was making him self obnoxious by his propensity to bray when In close proximity to the enemy. And now, according to ad vices received by the National Piano Manufacturers' association, the Span lards are anxious to dispose of their mules to us and to obtain In return pianos and other musical Instruments. Evidently what Wordsworth calls "the hard, dry see-saw of his horrible bray" Is no better relished by the esthetic consciousness of the Iberians than by the valorous gentlemen of France. It Is doubtful whether even nn Implacable futurist In music like Leo Ornsteln or Arnold Schoenberg derives genuine satisfaction from the student cantatas and blatant oratorios of the mule. Some cynics have de tected a resemblance between the voice of the bagpipe "anH" the mule's spontaneous lyricism, but this Is a libel. With patience one can detect n definite melody In the Scotch plbrochs and strathspreys, whereas mule music like the world In the making, Is with out form and void. As long as Spain Is not at war she can afford to dance the fandango and play the mandolin. When by the logic of events she Is swept out of her neutrality Into bel ligerency and has to haul cannon and wagons, she will wish she had the mule. Philadelphia Ledger. Saccharin Not Injurious. Some quite unfounded statements have been made to the effect that sac charin disturbs the digestion, Injures the kidneys, or is even responsible for gastric cnrclnomn. There Is no evi denue that saccharin or Its allies has tt effect whatever on the economy n when It is used In quantities larger than are required to sweeten foods and beverages to suit ordinary tastes. And this, in spite of the fact that saccharin has been In use for' more than a quarter of a century. The mere fact Hint It is an artificial substance remotely derived from coal tar does not necessarily render It poi sonous, as some seem to suspect. At the same time it Is, of course, value less as n food In the sense in which sugar Is a food, and even ns a flavor It to most tastes is Inferior to the natural substance British Medlcnl Journal. Rubber In Japan. The rubber manufacturing Industry In Japan has developed greatly within the past year In the scope and variety of Its products. In the export trade, too, its Importance Is increasing. The growtli of the industry may be seen from the steady increase In the Ira port of crude rubber. The official trade returns state that the import in 1017 totaled 9,88(1,032 yen over the figure for 1915. Formerly most of the auto mobile tires used In Japan were Im ported Into that country, but now the greater part of Japan's needs are sup plied by domestic manufacturers. The export of automobile tires has also begun with the development of rubber plants In Japan. Congressman Frank P. Woods of Iowa was unanimously re-elected chair man of the Republican congressional jMinpalgn committee. Mine Wreck-, Garden. While sitting on. the back porch of her home. Mrs. Wlilliim Dnlmetsch of the 700 block, on North Bromley ave nue, Scrnntpn, Pn.. saw the rear por tion of the yard sink Into a mine work ing, exposing numerous mine props, while a short distance away a similar Fettling expoed men at work In the mines. In each ease the gardens have dropped about 10 feet. The home of Matthew Scott has escaped damage, but the earth on all Rides has sunk, making the residence appear us though on an Island. Few streets In the city are suffering worse damage from mine caves than Bromley avenue. Gardens, posts, trees uud sidewalks have fallen in. Sweaters, Stag Shirts, Mackinaws Whether yoa prefeF a plain or fancy" model-whether you like combination or plain colors--you will find the gar ment of your particular fancy in this wide range of handsome goods. Never before has there been such a scarcity of wool never . before have prices reached such heights. With conditions like these prevailing we know that you will recognize and appreciate the values we offer here. " ' 1 Some of Them All Wool Sweaters $2.50 to $10.50 All Wool Stag Shirts 8 50 to 13.50 All Wool Mackinaws 8.00 to 15.50 WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near 0. W. R. 8. N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. It's absolutely neoes. sary that I collect now all outstanding bills due me, so that I can meet my obligations. N. A. MILLER S. V, Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON Special attention given to all calib both nisht and day. UallH promptly answered. Office on Third -arel, Athena Oresor EYES TESTED. OUSStS GROUND AND FIT1ED-UNSES DUPLICATED AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,- PENDLETON, ORE. Phone 609. The Well Dressed Man is well fortified in the battle for success. A. E. ANDERSON & CO. Chicago' t Foremost Tailor! east make you the finest suit of clothes you ever put on. W. J. CarsjP Loot RcprucnUtira Ms IMMMmilllllllUlltllllMtHII , &oodyear Tires Athena Garage Repairing Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty. ' - - - ttlttllltllHIIIIIIllllltllllllllltttl C. A. Barrett ii Co. Incorporated Attention Farmers! j We are offering you an opportunity to secure : aged Ewes for small price. They will keep down weeds on summer fallow and raise iamb and wool to repay you. milium ItlMIIMMUf MMtMlMIMMH Script Form Butter Wrappers Are Best i H i is i