The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 08, 1918, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Hubcriptioii Kales.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One Copy, three months 75
c4THENA. OREGON, NOV. 8, 19)8
To the partisan only does the result
of Tuesdays eUl.on spell politics dis
aster. The mere fact that Republicans
may control the legislative branches
of the Government under the presiden
cy of Mr. Wilson for the next two
years does not necessarily mean the
end of constructive legislation, nor a
less exaction of stern justice from
Germany. A united America was
in the war to win, and Republicans a
well as Democrats have done their
part toward winning it. The man foi
whom streets and squares in Europeai
cities are being named still stands un
tarnished as the champion of worli;
democracy and will bow to the verdict
of bis countrymen, though it did not
conform to his appeal of October 2fth.
The appeal, no doubt made for what
he considered best, was absolutely un
necessary and was couched in Huch
terms as to be easily and effectiveh
converted into an adverse political
triumph. With absolutely nothing to
stand on, with no hope of republicai
victory at the polls, Mr. Wilson's pica
hal the effect of directly questioning
the sincerity of republican statesmen
with the inevitable result .that within
little more than a week's time that
party rotuied itself into action and de
feated the appeal with the ballot.
If the English drive along much
further we shall all be obliged to
lejirn how to pronounce the names of
a whole lot of new towns.
These are times when the slacker
and the conscientious objector are en
tlrely In sympathy with the feminine
reluctance to tell one's uge.
The government Inst year coined
445,000,000 cents. We'll f uy that folks
who hnve been titklng care of the
pennies huve their hnnd full.
Uy cutting out gasoline on Snndny
and avoiding the dusty roads the
American proletariat will have no
further use for the Saturday bath.
The promise that no more wheat
flour will be used to innkt dynamite ti
all right, but It says nothing of what
may be used to muke wheat flour.
The nice thing about the crop spec
ulator's strategy Is that he doesn't
care whether It's drought or too much
rain that Injures crops or n cur shortage.
Ukulele players are to help with the
Liberty loan drive, despite the popular
'pinion that ukulele plulng Is a non
sensical beg pardon, nonessential
Army recruiting ofllceis hnve very
properly become as reuss-urlng about
a middle-aged man's prospects of life
as an Insurance agent .selling an en
dowment policy.
A good punishment for tho kaiser
would be to collect nil the mean news
paper paragraphs that have been writ
ten about him In American papers and
make him road them.
Nero fiddled while Home was burn
ing nnd now Prince Rupprecht comes
along and devotes his time to love
making while his army Is having the
daylights kicked out of It
President Wilson points out that tho
whole nation Is now enlisted In the
of liberty. And vlien a hun-
llllon people enlist in any cause
in nan i u i mom.
costing above $1 a pnir aw
uxi'u. w 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 ii i .'MB mm two-
nd have gone np In the lust feu
-Is nothing whatever In the
young life of the male iiujorlty.
"j The boy now doing so gloriously In
France will be surprised when he
owns fat official package from
Washington, expecting a citation, and
finds an extra Income tar assessment.
The more physicians called to the
ervlce, the more necessary It becomes
for the public to forget Us limivtnnry
aliments, gtt some healthful exercise
und keep generally in good physical
", '
American soldiers show deficiency,
ncconllutf lo the crown wince.. Got
aftferinr (M fact titt lie lilmtulf
supposed' to have seveinl cylinders
missing the remark is about what one
could expect
The air mall may in time become a
possible competitor of the freight
The Liberty loan is more than a
loan ; It is the gift of permanent free
dom to the world.
Mutton Is bow cheaper tban most
meats, but usually there is none when
one goes to buy it.
A few Liberty bonds put away for
Christmas presents will meet all ob
jections to useless giving.
By giving your auto a rest on Sun
day you will also be giving one to
your friends In the country.
Every man has a talent of some
kind and this Is the tittle when the
country can use every lean's talent
The Income taxpayer gets no sym
pathy. The larger the tux the more
enviable Is the privilege of paying It
Most every good American mother
who didn't raise her boy to be a sol
dier raised him to be a sailor In these
What has become of the old-fashioned
farmer who n.-ed to huve
gorgeous pipe dreams of "dollar
wheat P
Soldiers In France are crying as one
man for plenty of dill pickles. Thus
are all boarding school girls trium
phantly vindicated.
In addition to all the other food
substitutes the German newspapers
are now feeding their readers on punk
substitutes for news.
The only thing regrettable about the
return of the oyster season Is that
somebody Is bound to r.'fer to It as
the "succulent bivalve."
The weather man could make a
great hit by arranging till thundet
storms this season for Sunday, when
nobody cures any more.
In spite of all the strafing that has
keen directed against them at home,
the De Haviland fours seem to he do
ing their share of strafing the Germans
it the front.
Berlin newspapers no doubt made
the most of the way this country
quailed under the terrors of a pos
sible shortage of confectionery and ice
cream soda water.
They say Jokes never die hut since
all the express companies have been
merged that one about Eve being cre
ated for Adam's express company will
simply have to pass.
Considering some of the concoctions
Imported from Germnny under the
name of sausage It Is not surprising
that the Teutons have been so success
ful in the devising of obnoxious gases.
Not the least significant sign of our
will to win Is the zeal with which the
American people respond to every re
quest of the government to save, serve
or sacrifice. Such a spirit Is invincible.
We are threatened with woman bar
bers, now. Will It be possible for
women to lenrn that razors are to
shave with rather than to cut laun
dry soap and corns und sharpen pen
Hosenlment on the part of a man
laken Into custody under misapprehen
sion In the registration roundup Is
ant surprising. No sound-minded
American likes to be mistaken for a
There Is some curiosity as to what
will come out when the various words
necessary to express "Irreducible mini
mum" are culled out of the Gcrmnn
vocabulary and linked together for
.illiclnl use.
Paris papers urge the French hrldes
9t American soldiers to demand that
their husbands remirln In France when
he war Is over. Now let us observe
which Is boss a French bride or an
American .soldier.
t k
Robert G. Irtgersoll's Beautiful Trib
ute to Women Has Been Sur
passed by Few Writers.
It takes a hundred men to make
an encampment, but one woman can
make a home. I not only admire
woman as the most beautiful object
ever created, but I reverence her as j
the redeeming glory of humanity, the
sanctuary of nil the virtues, the pledge
of all perfect qualities of heart and :
head. It Is not Just nor right to lay
the sins of men at the feet of women.
It Is because women nre so much
better than men that their faults are
considered greater. A mun's desire Is
the foundation of his love, but a wom
an's desire Is born of her love. The
one thing In this world that Is con
stant, the one peak thnt rises above
all clouds, the one window In which
the light forever burns, the one star I
that darkness cannot quench, Is worn- j
au's love.
It rises to the greatest heights, it
sinks to the lowest depths. It forgives
the most cruel Injuries. It Is peren
nial of life nr.d grows in every climate.
Neither coldness nor neglect, harsh
ness nor cruelty, can extinguish It. A
woman's love Is the perfume of the
heart. This Is the real love that sub
dues the earth the love thnt has
wrought all nilrncles of art that gives '
ns music all the way from the cradle
Bong to the grand closing symphony :
that bears the soul away on wings of
fire. A love that Is greater than pow
er, sweeter than life nnd stronger than
death. Robert G. Tngersoll.
The 1918 food reserve is the only
safe insurance for 1919 food supplies..
Miss Hilda Muhlhauser is assistant
manager of the newly organized Unit
ed States employment service of tha
department of labor.
Aerial Tank.
An aerial tank has been Invented
and put into practical use by Italian
soldiers who have astounded the world
by their extraordinary feats In moun
tain warfare. An Austrian machine
gun emplacement was so situated on
a mountain side that It poured a har
assing Are into an Italian post. The
Austrian position was unassailable by
ordinary means, but It was necessary
that It be wiped out. A "Teleferiea"
car. many of which ore operated by
the Italians across chasms and up
mountain sides, was armored and
equipped with machine guns. Volun
teers were called for. and from the
many who responded two were chosen
to man the guns. This improvised
aerial dreadnought was then swung
out across the valley. After one or
two exploration trips at a dizzy height,
the men In the car finally located the
Austrian post and quickly put it out
of action.
plaintiff for want thereof will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for in
said complaint, namely: For a decree
if the Court forever' dissolving the
boi rls of matrimony row and heretofore
existing bafvyesm plaintiff and defend
ant for an absolute divorce from the
defendant, for the care and custody of
Charles Barnee, minor child of plain
tiff and defendant, and for other equit
able relief.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made hereii by the Hon
orable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the
above entitled court, on the -2nd day
of October, 11118. The first publica
tion of this summons will be made in
the Athena Press newspaper on Friday
the 4th day of October, luig and the
Inst publication on Friday the 15th day
of November, J 9IH.
Dated this the i;nd day of October,
1918 A. D. Will M. Peterson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Postoffice address: Pendleton, Oregou.
To the Clerk ol School District No. 29,
Umatilla County, Oregon:
Following is a statement of the es
timated amount of money needed by
the district during the fiscal year be
ginning on June 17th, 1918, and end
ing on June 30, 1919. This' budget is
made in compliance with Section 217
of the School Laws of 1917, and in
cludes the estimated amounts to be
received from the county school fund,
state school fund, special district tax
and all other moneys of the district:
I St i mated Expenditures
Conservation is the All-American Job
an army of four million soldiers
must be fed from this year's crop.
The following letter was written by
the wife of a man fighting overseas to
a member of the Salvage club, an offl
clnl organization for preventing war
waste :
"Deor Sir : I called at your office on
Wednesday -at one o'clock, but was told
you were engaged on salvage, and that
I could not see you. I wanted to ask
you about Bert's teeth what he lost
nt the front In the mud do I still have
to keep up the payments of them on
the Installment plan? I feel quite sure
that your Salvage club what they
talks about would have the matter put
right If you would only mention It.
Vourp Kesnertftillv " " '
Speed Indicators.
A useful Instrument, especially In
clouds, Is the air speed indicator. This
tells the pilot his speed through the
nlr. It also helps him to know wheth
er he Is rising or descending. For In
stance, If the speed of the machine fly
ing level Is 100 miles nn hour, any
speed registered abate thnt will show
that the machine is coming down, nnd
anything below It that the machine
Is climbing. The difference in speeds
will show to what extent the craft is
descending or climbing. There is also
u proper fore-and-aft level to indicate
climb and descend, but for various
technical reasons the pilot usually de
pends on the air speed Indicator.
"There is no substitute for milk as
a food for growth. Portland mothers
should make a drive on father's purse
to the extent of one vimii si JTt pnr
fnr everv child.'" -.
$100 Reward, $100
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure In all its stages and
that Is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly
Influenced by constitutional conditions
requires constitutional treatment. HaU's
Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and
acta thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces of the System thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, giving the
patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing Its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith In the curative powers of HaU's
Catarrh Medicine that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any ease that It fails
to cure. Send for list nf testimonials.
Address P. J. CHF.NEY & CO.. Toledo.
Ohio. Sold by all DrUKgtst. 75c.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
Genevieve T. Barnes, Plaintiff,
Ora 1 ee Barnes, Defendant.
To Ora Lee Barnes, Defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby requested to appear
and answer the complaint of the
planitiff filed against you in the above
entitled suit and court within six
weeks of the date of the first publica
tion of this summons towit: on ol
before Saturday, the ltlth da-' of No
vember, l!)li; and you will take not
ice that if you tail to answer or other
wise plead thereto within said time the
Pendleton Marble & Granite Works
T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor
mutt a a ittti4fra-8vtHcMi9CNfrt
Teachers' salaries . . . . J
Apparatus and supplies,
such as maps, chalk,
erasers, stoves, cur
tains, etc
Library books
Repairs of schoolhouses,
outbuildings or
fences . . ,
Improving grounds . .
Playground equipment
Janitor's wages ......
Janitor's supplies ....
Light and power
Clerk's srlary
Postage and stationery
For the payment of
bonded debt and in
terest thereon, issu
ed under Sections
117, 144 to 148 and
422 of the School
Laws of Oregon, 1917
Total estimated amount
of money to be ex
pended for alt pur
poses during the
year $15,205.00
Kstimated HecelptA
From county school fund
durinE the coming school
year S 1,900.00
From state school fund dur
ing the coming school year 370.00
Cash now in the hands of the
district clerk 35.00
Estimated amount to bo re
ceived front all other sour
ces during the coming
school year, county high
school tuition fund 600.00
Total estimated receipts, not
including the money to be
received from the tax
which it is proposed to
vote i 2,905.00
Total estimated expenses for
the year J15.205.00
Total estimated receipts, not
including the tax to be
Balance, amount to be raised
. by district tax 112,300.00
Dated this 24th day of October,
Board of Directors School District
No. 29.
Only perfect satisfaction
can account for the use of
ZEROLENE by the ma
jority of automobile own
ers. Leading coast distributors
also testify that it is "a
most satisfactory motor
They know from the rec
ords of their service de
partments and we know
from exhaustive tests
that ZEROLENE, cor
rectly refined from se
lected California asphalt
base crude, gives perfect
lubrication with least car
bon deposit. Get our lu
brication chart showing
the correct consistency for
your car.
At'dealT everywhere and
Standard Oil Service Station,
Correct Lubrication for the
"L"-Had Type Engine
This, the "LM-Head
type of automobile en
gine, like all internal
combustion engines, re
quires an oil that holds
its lubricating qualities
at cylinder heat, burns
clean in the combustion
chambers and goes out
with etthaust: ERO
LEN5 fills these re
quirements perfectly,
because it is correctly re
fined from selected Cali
fornia asphalt-base
Notice of Final Account.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County. '
In the Matter of the Estate of
B. D. demons Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that I, as
Administratrix of the above-named
estate, have filed my final account and
report with the Clerk of the above en
titled court, which court has appoint
ed 11:1)0 o'clock in the forenoon on De
cember 7, 1918, and the County Court
room in the Court House of Umatilla
County, Oregon, at Pendleton, in said
County, as the time and place when
and where all persons having any ob
jections to anything in said account
and report contained, or to anything
done by me af Administratrix, may
present the same and they will be
heard, and at that time and place said
account will be settled by the Court.
This notice is published pursuant to
an order of said court made on Nov
ember 7, 1U1 ti. Clara E. demons.
Meat recant photograph of M. Jean.
iy, the French mlnlttir l yar,
Ike Standard Oil for Motor Cars
GUY CRO.K.SpecialAgent. StandardOil Co . Athena
Notice To U-Jitnrs.
In the Courty Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Milton I, Hays. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern that Will
M. Peterson has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Milton L.
Hays, deceased, and has qualified as
I such. All persons having claims
against his estate are required to pre
sent them with proper vouchers as re
quired by law to the said administrat
or at his law office in the Smith-Crawford
Building in Pendleton, Oregon,
within six months of the date of the
first publication of this notice.
Dated this 36th diy of October,
A. D 1018. Will M. Peterson,
Administrator of the estate of Milton
L. Hays, deceased.
If you only knew to
bacco you'd get a pouch
of Real Gravely today.
Then you'd have a sat
isfying chew, a good
tasting chew. It lasts so
much longer that any
man can chew this class
of tobacco without extra
a a a a
It goes further that's
why you can get the good
taste of this class of tobac
co without extra cost.
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
10 a pouch-arid worth u
A. J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block - - - Athena, Oreg.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
thena, Oregon. - Waitshurg, Wash, f
The Ford Truck is just another arm
and hand to the business man, adding
through its. manifold usefulness to the
possible volume of his business, and at
Another the same time doubling
Hand for the Vllue of every hour
Bn-inr-Qc In 80 many ways its 311
Du&mess round utility seryes the
urgent demand of business-big or little
the retailer and wholesaler, the manufac
turer and consumer, the contractor and
farmer. Everywhere where business ex
ists there is a present want for the Ford
truck. Consider the price $550, without
body, f. o. b. Detriot. Let's talk it over
with you.
Burke & Son Garage
Phone 82, Athena, Oregon
Summoai all the forces and resources of the Republic to
the defense of Freedom
"th- havered oSS
fifteen distinguished institutions of the countrv for
military warning, ha. responded to the calT TlTfiSe t.
dftingimhed not only for its miIitJry function .hit
Distinguished also poa
It. itrong industrial cour. for men and for women-
la Ajncuhure. Commerce, ttait, fLZ
Home Economic.. MiaiiSSS0
Vocational Educnic. """"I'.aa
In wholesome, purpotcful student life,
Iu democratic college .pirit.
It. .uccwsful graduates.
CalWgm opens September 23, lglg
Fot catafat. a.. lUuiratri Bu,,, Ut iafoouua tt ffnifcjblllli j