Portable-economical Perfection Oil Heater is easily carried-up stairs or down, from this room to that-anywhere heat is needed. Lights at the touch of a match gives instant heat No smoke or odor. PERFECTION OIL HEATER Gives steady, comfortable warmth for many hours on one filling with Pearl Oil, the ever obtainable fuel. Cuts fuel bills, too, for less fur nace heat and fewer grate and coal-stove fires are required. Oil consumed only when heat is needed -no waste. Buy Perfection OH Heater today. Dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) UNCLE SAM'S ADVICE ON FLU U. S. Public Health Service Issues Official Health Bulletin on Influenza. LATEST WORD ON SUBJECT, Epidemic Probably Not Spanish in Origin Germ Still Unknown Peo ple Should Guard Against "Droplet Infection" Surgeon General Blue Makes Authoritative Statement GUY CRONK, Special Agent. Standard Oil Co., Athena These Heaters For 8ale By Foss Hardware, Atnena. S. E. Darr, Adams. Watts & Rouers. Weston. J. S. Norvell, Helix. MILK AS STRENGTH BUILDER ADVOCATED La Dr. Mae Cardwell, Back From Washington, Advises Housewives. Dr. Mao H. Cardwell, of Portland, who recently returned to Oregon from Gary, Ind., New York and Washington, where she was engaged in medical re search work for the Children's Bureau of the Department of Labor, Said In an interview: "The dairy Industries must he encouraged. The children of America mum have milk. They can not thrive without good clean milk. Housewives must use more milk. If they demand It the dairyman will find some solution to his problems and Will see that his cows get the feed and that he keeps them alive and in good health. However, if the women don't order the milk, the dairyman isn't go ing to keep his cows around just as pets and ornaments. Peed Is too scarce and labor too high for that. It's up to tho housekeepers. "Are you sending your breadwinners to work with all the vigor and strength you can muBter Tor them in (he way of proper food?" OHkn I)r. Cardwell. "If they don't get the right food they can't think or work well. The same applies to the school clllil-';n. See that they ftave milk to" dlnk; milk m puddings. The kitchen is the power plant of the familv and conseauently. of the nation. Don't waste a drop of milk or an ounce of butter, but use plenty.. The health of the nation Is the kitchen question. Milk is one of the main factors In a diet." Baby Expert Preaches Greater Use Of Milk. A milk bill and healthy children Is cheaper than a doctor's bill and an underfed, under-nourished child. It would be cheaper to start right. 80 says Mrs. A. Bayley, of the Parents' Educational Bureau, Oregon ConrjresB of Mothers, who has presided at the testing of thousands of babies. She finds the milkfed youngster of three or four years scores much higher than the child who has had little milk In his diet. Mrs. Bayley preaches a greater use of milk for young and old. ' Dairy Commissioner Sees Encouraging Signs. - J. D. Mlckle, State Dairy and Food Commissioner, stated recently that the dairy situation, in spite of high prices of feed and scarcity of labor, Is not all gloom. Reports have come to him 1 from various parts of the state show- I ing that the housekeepers are begin ning to see that they must pay more , for milk than they did a few years ago. j The dairymen are beginning to take heart, too, in some Instances and are ' looking to the future when the cow I of today will, be worth much more Washington. D. C (Special.) Al though King Alfonso of Spain was one of the victims of the Influenza epi demic In 1K and again this summer, Spanish authorities repudiate anj eluim to Influenza as a "Spanish" dis ease. If the people of this country do not take care the epidemic will be come so widespread throughout the United States that soon we shall hear the disease called "American" Influ enza. In response to n request for definite Information concerning Spanish Inllu enza, Surgeon General Rupert Blue of the U. S. Public Health Service has authorized the following official inter view : What la Spanish Influenza? If it something new? Does It come from Spain? "The disease now occurring In this country and called 'Spanish Influen za' resembles a very contagious kind of 'cold,' accompanied by fever, pains Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases slaughtered. And that future lsn t so far off If the dairymen only continue to have courage and patience. The wise man and the one who Is far-seeing, is keeping his herds intact. True, he won't keep the old boarder who would Just eat the food and bring no returns, but he is holding his good stock. The sensible housewife, too, must know a man can't feed and care for cows, keep a first class dairy, ani provide clean bottles and well pam dellverymen without some expense. The Oregon Dairy Council is doing much to get the situation straightened out. The exhibit at the state fair, the splendid cooperation of the Food Ad ministration, the public schools, Ore gon Agricultural College and tho Bu reau of Health, all help the educational work and are part of the great task of "keeping the home flree burning," which task includes the preservation of essential home industries and the health of the nation. A farmer may slaughter his dairy herd in three hours but he could Dot replace it In threo years. "The restricted use of milk would mean a serious loss of energy, and a serious menace to the winning of the war" says 0. A. Morgan In Hoard's Dairyman. ShoeB have gone up In price but we buy them. They are a necessity. Yet milk, the food that Is necessary to everyone, because it goes up, is too often cut from the diet. Isn't that a little inconsistent? Closed on Sunday Begining Sunday. October 20th the Oregon State Council Defense has requested that no delivery of petroleum products be made on Sunday. The Standard Oil Company- is glad to comply" with this request, and beginning Sunday, October 20, and thereafter until further notice, all of our distributing stations, including all our auto service stations will be closed on Sunday. No sale or delivery of any kind will be made on Sunday. As in the case of our previous announ cement regarding the sale of gasoline and engine distillate only between the hours of six a. m. and six p. m. (now week days only), this request is made for the purpose of conserving man power. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) As Dangerous as Poison Gas Shells In the head, eyes, ears, back or other parts of the body and a feeling of se vere sickness. In most of the cases the symptoms disappear after three or four days, the patient then rapidly recover ing. Some of the patients, however, develop pneumonia, or Inflammation of the ear, or meningitis, and many of these complicated cases die. Whether this so-called 'Spanish' Influenza is identical with the epidemics of Influen zn of enrllcr years is not yet known "Epidemics of influenza have visited this country since .1647. It is Interest ing to know that this first epidemic was brought here from Valencia Spain. Since that time there have been numerous epidemics of the dis ease. In 1880 and 1890 an epidemic of influenza, starting somewhere In the Orient, spread first to Russia and thence over nrnettcnlly the entire CM illzed world. Three years later there was another flare-up of the disease. Both times the epidemic spread wide ly over the United States. "Althouzh the present epidemic Is called 'Spanish influenza,' there is no reason to believe that It originated in Spain. Some writers who nave stuaiea the question believe that the epidemic enme from tlie Orient and they cull at tentlon to the fact that the Germans mention the disease as occurring along the eastern front in the summer nuu fall of 1017." How can "Spanish Influenza" be rec ognised? "There Is as yet no certain way In which a single case of 'Spanish innu pnEu' can he recoamlzed. On the oth er hand, recognition is easy where there is ii irouD of cases. In contrast to the outbreaks of ordinary coughs and colds, which usually occur In the cold months, epidemics of influenza mav occur at nnv season of the year. Tims the nresent eDidemlc meed most Intensely In Europe in May, June and July. Moreover, In the case of ordl narv raids, the general symptoms (fever, pain, depression) are by no means as severe or as sudden in tneir onset as thev are In Influenza. Final ly, ordinary colds do not spread through the community so rapidly or so extensively as does lnnuenza. In most oases a person taken sick with Influenza feels sick rather sud denly. He feels weak, has pains in the v ears, head or back, and may be sore all over. Many patients feel dlisy. some vomit. Most ot tne pa tients complain of feeling chilly, and with this comes a fever In which the leimseistiira rises to 100 to 104. In most cases the pulse remains relative ly alow. "In appearance one la strnck by the fact that the patient looks sick. His and the Inner side of his eyelids may be slightly 'bloodshot,' or 'con gested,' aa the doctors say. There may be running from the nose, or there may be some cough. These signs of a cold may not be marked; never theless the patient looks and feels very lck. "In addition to the appearance and the symptoms as already described, examination of the patient's blood may aid the physician In recognizing 'Span ish influenza,' tor It has been found that In this disease the number of white corpuscles shows little or no In crease above the normal. It Is possi ble ihat the laboratory Investigations now beins mode through the National Itesearch Council and the United States Hygienic Laboratory will fur nlsh A more certain way In which lndl vldual cases of this disease can be recognized. What la the course of tne disease? Do people die of It? "Ordlnarllv. the fever lasts from three to four days and the patient re covers. But while the proportion of deaths In the present epidemic has generally been low, in some pieces me outbreak has been severe and deaths have been numerous. When death oc curs It Is usually the result of a com plication." What causes the disease and how Is It spread? "BncterioloElsts who have studied in fluenza epidemics In the past have found In mnnv nf the cases a very Small rod-shaped germ called, after its rtlHonverer. Pfeiffer's bacillus. In other cases of apparently the same kind of disease there were found pneumococci, the o-prms of lobar pneumonia, aim nthnrs hnvfi hpen caused bv strento- cocci, and by others germs wltn long "Nn matter what particular kind of germ causes the epidemic, it is now believed that influenza is always annui fvnm IUTSoTI to IH'I'SDll. the germs being carried with the air along with the very small droplets of mucus Mnelled bv coughing or sneezing forceful talking, and the like by one who Hlrendv has the germs or tne ais ens. Thev mav also be carried about in the air in the form of dust coming from dried mucus, from coughing and sneezing, or from careless people who snlt on the floor and on the sidewalk. As In most other catching diseases, a person who has only a mild attack oi the disease himself may give a very severe attack to others. What should be done by those who catch the disease? It is verv ImDortant that every per son who becomes sick Wltn innueuz.u should iro home at once and go to Deu This will help keep away dangerous complications and will, at tne same time, keep the patient from scattering ti, e disease far and wide. It is nigniy desirable that no one be allowed to sleen in the same room with the pa tient In fact, no one but tne nurse should be allowed In tne room. "If there Is cough and sputum or rimnine of the eyes and nose, care hmilri he taken that all such Ois charges are collected on bits of gauze nr rair or naDer napkins ana Durneu if the natlent comDlalns 01 lever ana headache, he should be given water to drink, a cold compress to the foreneaa .....i iiirht- innnpn Onlv such medi cine should be given as is prescribed by the doctor. It is ioousn 10 an. iu .i,...,.,riut t,. ni-oaorthp nnn mav be dan gerous to take the so-called 'safe, sure and harmless' rememes aaveruseu uj nntent medicine manufacturers. "if tho nntlent Is so situated that ne can be attended only by some one who must also look after others in tne lam- llv. It Is advisable that such attendant wear a wrapper, apron or gown over the ordinary house clothes wnue in tne sick room and slip this oil when leav ine to look after the others Nnraes and attendants will do well ... ,,nr.t anninat hrenthtnii In doncer- riiaoaep trprma hv wearing a simple fold of gauze or mask while near the patient Will a nersort who has had Influenza before catch the dlaease again i it la wpII known that an attack of measles or scarlet fever or smallpox mi!iv nrntpcta n ucrson against an other attack of the same aisease. mis .nnonrt not to he trite Of 'SPanlSh in fluenza.' According to newspaper re ports the King of Spain sunerea an attack of Influenza during the epl .i. thirty vpnra airo. and was again stricken during the recent outbreak In Spain. How can one guard against Influ enza? "In irimrtllnB against disease Of all binria it is Important that the body be kept strong and able to fight off dis ease germs. This can be done Dy jiuv i., a Tiranur nrnnortion of work, play and rest, by keeping the body well clothed, and by eating sumcient wnoie enmi itmi nroperlv selected food. In connection with diet, It Is well to re member that milk Is one of the best all-around foods obtainable for adults ......ii an . hiiHren So far as a dis ease like influenza Is concerned, health iithnritlca everywhere recognize tne u.r. close relation between its spreaa and overcrowded homes. While It Is not always possible, especially In lilto the present, to avoid such overcrowding, people should consider the health danger and make every effort to reduce the home overcrowd ing tn a minimum. The value of fresh sir through onen windows cannot be over emphasized. whnn erowittiiL' Is unavoidable, as In street cars, care ahould be taken to keep the face so turned as not to In hale directly the air breathed out by annthAP nprann "It is especially important to oe ware of the person who coughs or naH without covering his mouth and nose. It also follows that one should keep out of crowds and study nincpa as much as possible, keep homes, offices and workshops well aired, spend some time out of doors each day, walk to work If at all prac ticable In short, make every possible effort to breathe as much pure air aa possible. "In all health matters follow the ad vice of your doctor and obey the regu lations ot your local and state health officers." "Cover up each cough and sneeze, If you don't you'll spread disease." The Moderation of Our Prices attracts attention but not as much among the discriminating, as the quality of the groceries we offer. Low prices with low quality is common. But we be lieve it is here only that you can enjoy price lowneas combined with quality of the highest rank. Come and judge for yourself. A car of Salt just arrived and the PRICE IS RIGHT Cottolene, small per pail $1.15 Cottolene, large per pail 2.75 Corn Flakes, two packages 25c Pink Beans, 8 pounds 1.00 Mexican Red Beans, per pound 9Mc White Soup Beans, per pound 15c Count y Club Coffee, one pound can 30c ii ECONOMY GASH GROCERY Phone 532 Quality Always Service First Hear Ye! Hear Ye! October half by How iminililM; ; about that unpaid bill? Did youever Stop, Think and Consider the fact that on and after October 1st that amount of money due us belongs to usT It is not yours to Keep, nor to invest, nor to spend Not a cent of it. We hnvo borrowed, stinted and pledged ourselves to help you through to this month. " Man is made of dust, Dust settles; Be a man. " We have Lumber, Hardware, Implements. We are Farm Outfitters. Come and see. Watts & Rogers Just Over the Hill iiiiiMiiinnM wss Show Your Patriotism! Buy a War Savings Stamp and Help Win the War wmemm For Sale at The First National Bank of o4thena iMMIMIMMm mniiiiiMinim Meeting the Problems of the Day Requires alertness to the ever changing wai-time conditions. You will always find us ready to help meet these problems as they arisj, and we are going to help you to meet them By the Expansion of Your Credit on and after September 1,1918, all book accounts will be lim ited to SO days' credit. If an extension of time is desired, THE TRADE ACCEPTANCE, a form of paper recommended by tbe Federal Reserve Banks, will be used. For detailed information, watch our ads, see your banker or call on us and we will be glad to explain. Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. H 111 . -4