Ike Sta Wtw AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $ 1 .00 One copy, three months 75 WORD THAT H OVERWORKED 1 mL 0F Hm AppR0ACH -4THENA. OREGON, OCT. . . .4,1918 A liberty loan is simply a test of the loyalty and willingness of the people to make sacrifices in only a small de cree, compared with the willingness of our soldiers to do their part By com parison with the man in the trenches, in the signal crops, with the engineers, the flyers giving his life for the cause, the liberty loan subscriber act ually gives only three and one-half cents on each dollar he loans to his government, figuring on the legal rate of interest at H per cent. He receives back from the government 4 and one half per cent interest, pays no tax on the bonds up to :IO,000 and at ma turity receives the principal. Yet there are liberty loan shirkers in every community. The Press will gladly publish the names of all loan shirkers furnished it by the local executive committee, the county Patriotic League, or any other authorized body of war woikers. If publicity will smoke them out, we're right here to give it without costing anybody a sin gle cent. We'll pay the freight. "Discontinue sending paper after date of expiration of subscription un less the subscription id renewed and paid fur. This ii the ruling to be effect ire October 1, 1918. " This is the ruling of the War Industries Boar1, and the Press will comply with the ruling. With Bulgaria out of it and Turkey on the eve of collapse, it looks as though Austria will be the next of the brigand nations to Bue for peace. With the Hapsburgs down and out, the Hun will speedily be headed for the corral, Swisa Visitor In England 8omewhat Puzzle J Over Constant Use of "Up" in Conversation. The use of the word "up" ns ap plied to railroad destinations reminds a correspondent of the Manchester Guardian of some observations of a Swiss friend. "When I go back to my country," she said, "I shall tell them that they must use 'up' to every thing. Everything Is up. I am roused up In the morning. I wake up, I get up, I bullon up my dress. Why 'up?' I button It down. Then I eat up my breakfast, I drink up my coffee, and then somebody washes up the pots and cleans up the house. I pick up my umbrella and go out of the house, and when I see a friend in front I catch lier up. How can I catch her up? It Is ridiculous! It is nil up. You He up when you are HI, and you save up for a rainy day. Your English lan guage Is very funny. My employer put his head In at my olllce the other day and said, 'I want you to stop to Bight.' Ho I got up and put my cloak on. When he saw me he got quite worked up. He said, 'Why have you got your cloak on? I told you to stop.' I said, 'I have slopped.' Why was he nngry? I look inln the dictionary, and 'stop' means 'leave o(T,' and lie meant me to go on." Strong Seasoning Harmful. In an article about food and grow ing fat, a well-known doctor says In American Magazine : "When you continue to pour strong mustard and other seasonings Into your food day after day and week after week there can be no question that their effect is Injurious. It Is ex actly the same us If one used a drug of some sort. Constant use creates the desire to Increase quantities un til the amount used becomes positive ly harmful. "For example, every one knows that when mustard cr pepper Is put on the skin the skin reddens and In a few minutes a blister Is caused. And, since the skin can stand a great deal more than the membrane of the mouth and stomach, you can w ell Imagine the effect upon It when you pour strong mustards and peppers Into your stom ach. So If you are prone to Indiges tion and gastritis if you are not using too much seasoning In your food. Certain Birds and Animals Make the Best Kind of Sentinels That an Army Can Employ. A wounded soldier, asked what had surprised him most In the battle zone, i old of finding a robin's nest In an empty shell case. As a rule birds are the finest sen tinels In the animal kingdom. They become aware of approaching aircraft long before man hears anything. Early In the war parrots were kept at the Eiffel tower as sentinels, but they grew accustomed to the sound of en emy planes nnd were no longer of use. Pheasants always grow restless nnd chatter noisily If Zeppelins are ap proaching, even when they are far away, so far that man can hear no sound. What Is perhaps stranger Is the fact that such ordinary creatures as pigs should sight a balloon when It Is com ing over. The "blister" makes -no sound, yet, should one appear against the sky, miles from a farmyard, the farmer will be made aware of the fact by the curious antics of his pigs and the clucking of his hens. Toy dogs always are susceptible to the presence of danger, nnd many a pet shows uneasiness before n raid. Cats, too, show fear of gunfire nnd seem to know when danger threatens. Dogs, birds nnd horses are very sen sitive to sound. Watch the birds dur ing a daylight raid, listen to the dogs, and visit the stable where the horse restively stamps up nnd down. Hut that all animals can nccustom them selves to sounds that cause fenr Is proved by our cavalry horses, dogs that accompany their masters Into the Bring line, nnd the robin's nest In the empty shell case. Jerusalem Enjoys "Movies." The moving picture has acquired a sudden and enormous popularity In Jerusalem, particularly among the na tive population, according to letters from soldiers there. It Is Impossible to accommodate the crowds that try to attend the theater. People almost fought to get Into a big theater when the film depleting the occupation ot Beerstieba was shown. people will worship with the church of Christ. We give advance notice of -"vival meetings to begin about the tint of November. W. A. Pratt. The Churches. The Christian Chnrch. Last Sunday night we went to the Methodist church to hear and welcome the new pastor. Rev. Mr. Pralt warmed our hearts with a splendid sermon He will bring his congre gation to our church r.ext Sunday night. To all members and friends of the church, listen: Next Sunday is "Line Up Day." Let there be no slackers. We begin a three-months Go-to-Church campaign next Sunday. Get in at the start and see what your record will be Deiember 2slth. Now, listen again: Next Sunday night the subject will be: "The Army at Home and Abroad" The happen ings on the battle fronts have been so momentous in the last twelve days and the general news so thrilling that I cannot think of letting the day go bv without giving one service to jubila tion and patriotic expression. Every body come and join in the praise and thanksgiving. B. B. Burton, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church. Next Sunday, Oct. tlth, services as follows: Sunday school at 10; morn ing worship at 11. Classes for all ages in Sunday school, and those not attending elsewhere moat cordially in vited. Sunday night the pastor and Sherwin-Williams Paint Don't wrestle with the supposition that the Germans have been thrown back upon the Rhine, and it's all over but the shouting. There is yet manv a battle to be fought before the river of sutler kraut and weiners is reached; so just keep carrying on. Portland is receiving unenviable ad vertising from her newspapers ancnt her luggardlincss in the Liberty Loan drive. A email lesson is given in the promptness with which the state out bide uf Multnomah county is oversub scribing its quota. The difference between a quota of lo0,OUO and ono of I1H8.000 is just $1)8, 000 or 000 in excess of Wes ton's quota. We always did question Kernel Wood's contention that Athena was a auburn uf his little ol' brug. Athena was again put on the map at the Stale Fuir. Link Swagart had no trouble nor exercise In showing the Salem visitors whut a real Poland China bog looks like. He got the rib bons to show for it. Press dispatches intimate thai Aus tria ih "jarred" at Bulgaria's collapse. It only remains for the adding of brine for Austria to find herself pick- his potato patch this season has nut missed anything. The demand for tnbers is strong at good prices. I The millers, who are "in the air" ever present grinding and marking conditions have company in their di lemma, 'to say the least. With lase ball on the blink until after the war, activities in the square ireri Is all that keeps Jimmy Rich ardson truing. When you read of Minnesota being taken to u dry dock, bear in mind thut it was the battleship of that name. Feather Convicted Thief. X green feather decided a curious rase at Bishop, Auckland, Australia, recently. A man was charged with the .heft of a canary, but declared thnt v had bought the bird. Iu the course f evidence it was stated the prose Tutor's bird had a gren feather. El imination failed to uncover a green feather on the bird In question, but It iviis pointed out that It might have Keen plucked. Accordingly the case tvas adjourned to see If the feather ivould grow again. The bird was hand ed to the care of a well-known fancier, ind each party agreed that the case should be decided on whether the feather grew or not. A few days later llm fancier produced the bird, and It wns observed that the dark greea feather had grown again. Defendant ivas thcu tiiici! the dolluis and costs. Varnishes, Stains Linseed Oil Raw and Boiled White Lead, Turpentine Brushes. Glass, etc. Wares Pharmacy Agents ::? tr.it Z-jxjr.au rit:i:r.i;):r.rm Foley's Honey and Tar for chtluren.sate. sure. nw ojneaaai Government shipbuilders ore after more locust timber, fan you spare the tree? Curtail the vagabond dog nuisance In Athena. Gasoline For Sale 6 A. M. TO 6 P. M. ONLY Beginning October I The Pacific Coast Director of the Oil Divis ion of the Fuel Administration has requested that the sale of Gasoline and engine distillate be limited to hours between 6 a. m. and 6 p. m. The Standard Oil Company is glad to comply with this request and beginning October First all of our stations and delivery facilities will serve the public between these hours only. This request is made for the purpose of con serving man-power, and we know that our patrons will patriotically cooperate with the FuelAdministration in carrying out this im portant war measure. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA The (ioverninent Needs Locust Wood. A letter to the U. S. Shipping Board tells of the great need for locust wood. From 20,(0) to 40,000 locust nails are used in each ship. The Govern ment does not ask you to sacrifice all your shade trees but to sell those you can spare, and there is scarcely a grove in town or county but would be benefitted by thinning out. This com munity wlil do its part in meeting this need of the Government. Ml. 00 stumpage per cord will be paid for the wood. ' SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. Genevieve T. Barnes, Plaintiff, vs. Ora lee Barnes, Defendant. To Ora Lee Barnes, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby requested to appear and answer the complaint of the planitiff filed against you in the above entitled suit and court within six weeks of the date of the first publica tion of this summons towit: on or before Saturday, the loth day of No vember, 1918; and you will take not ice that if you tail to answer or other wise plead thereto within said time the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, namely: For a decree of the Court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defend ant, for an absolute divorce from the defendant, for the care and custody of Charles Barnes, minor child of plain tiff and defendant, and for other equit able relief. This summons is published pursuant to an order made herein by the Hon orable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled court, on the 2nd day of October, 1018. The first publica tion of this summons will be made in the Athena Press newspaper on Friday the 4th day of October, 1318 and the last publication on Friday the I5thday of November, 1918. Dated this the and day of October, .1918 A. D. Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffice address: Pendleton, Oregon. Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of Umatilla Coun ty Oreg. In the Matter of the Estate of Catherine A. Zerba, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Catherine A. Zerba, deceased. All persons having claims against said es tate should present them to me at Athena. Oregon, within six months from date of first publication of no tice. Dated at Athena, Oregon, Septem ber 20, 1918. Emest A. Zerba, Administra or. Real Gravely Chewing Plug is ,., j e solving tne xoDacco pruuiem for more men every day. Smaller chew. Better tobacco. The good taste lasts. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch and worth it Gravely loses to much longer it costs no more to ehmw than ordinary plug P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company Danville, Virginia OJStf THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block - - Athena, Oreg. nineiisniiiinitnnitu IIIIHMIII ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers thena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. I mms Notice of Pinal Account. fn -iiB County Giurt for Umatilla ", unity 'jrsgnn. In the Matter if the Estate of William 3. Scntt, deceased: 'ohea a Hereby given that the an terr.ii'tie.'l iilmiiustrators of the estate if V! ilium &. Seotr, deceased have filed heir dual ic.-nunr. and report in laid sMattj and that the above on Itterl mut .ihk fixed Saturday. Uct .1, .!HH. at 10 a.m. if laid late, an the time ben, ind the Omnty Court mom n be '..inntv Court house at Pe.ndle i.iin, QtMtllM Co., Oreo., in the place Jthere my and all objections if any hern .M ii Mid ilnal account ai d re tort, ihiuld He riled on or before said lute. .ieft St Athena, Oregon, this rlth lay if Sept., l9lH. Ithel C-arfleld Scott, W. ft. Taylor, Administrators. in the Circuit f ourt of the State of Oregon for I. 'mat ilia County. MutiM . Wallan, Plaintiff, vs. Claude. K. Walton, Defendant. To Ciaiide. K. Wallan, Defendant above named: b the r.ame, tl the State of Oregon. ?mi ar required to appear and answer i the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled suit ! on or before Saturday the 5th day of j Ortoher. i9H, which said date is six j k. from th; date of the first pub lication of the summons, and you will take r.oti.-e that if you fail to appear and .newer the said complaint or otherwise plead thereto within said time the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her said complaint on Ale herein, to-wit, for a decree of the court dissolving the bonds of matri mony now and heretofore existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, for an apeoluts divorce from the defendant, for the change of plaintiff's name and the reetoratmn of her maiden name to her. This summons is published pursuant to an order made by the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelpe, Judge of the tbove entitled court, on the 19th day of Au gust. 1918. The first publication hereof will be made on Friday the 23rd day of Au gust, 1918. and the last publication on Friday 4th day of October, 1910. Dated this the 19th day of August. 1918. Will M. Peterson. Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and postoffice, Pendleton, Oregon. IMMIMMMMMIIIIIIIMlltia THE UNIVERSAL CAR If you think you will be in need of a Ford Roust I aabout Car for this season, we would advise you to place your order at once, as the production has been III jl decreased III I Almost 60 per cent V III wheih means we will n t be able to supply the de- mand when harvest time comes. j We have the "Henney" Truck bodies in stockjto III ' put on for your order at once. J I Burke & Son Garage Phone 82, Athena, Oregon Summoni all the forces and resources of the Republic to the defense of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities have ranked as one of the fifteen distinguished Institutions of the country for excellence in military training, has responded to the call. The College it distinguished not only for its military instruction, but Distinguished also rox Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: Ip Annulare. Commerce, Enjineein,, forestry " '" ' MiuiDg, Pbsrnucv. and Vocitioail EducetioloT 1 ' , , Its wholesome, purposcfuUtudeat life. Its democratic college spirit, Its successful graduates. Students enrolled last year, 1453; stars on id service flirt, I2?g, over forty Bmsnt B.ni..,i.. :Js "0t , r . ..(..wv.nu.f, UUICCI. Collet opens September 23, 1918 ros mm mm sWs 1 mh,: WWm wri ft, tit tlinaT,TArnttCr