Ufa Meua f xm AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $1.00 One copy, three months J IT ECHOES IN BERLIN ATHENA. OREGON, SEPT. 20,1918 America's entrance in the world war v. as purely for the purpose of ending v.ar, and to treat for peace with brig ands and outlaws who have ruthlessly Murdered and outraged tens of tbou ands of Serbian and Italian women, murdered children and ruthlessly laid waste an independent nation, would be to set the seal of approval on Ger many's perfidious treatment of Bel gium. The Hapsburg monarchy, rul ers of Austria-Hungary are but puppet .satellites of German autocracy, and this peace propoganda, long ago spot ted by the entente governments, is in spired by Hun militarists in the hope of causing dissension among the allied nations. The hope that the Pope's influence for peace may be brought to bear fruitfully on the Italian people, placated with minor territorial con cessions on the part of Austria, may cause Italy to accept separate peace, is perhaps the real subtle purpose of the Austrian peace move at this time. With Italy out ot it, thousands of Aus trian soldiers could be fed to the west ern trenches and relieve for a time the precarious situation in which the Hun armies now find themselves. The re ply of this nation, to a man, rests in the word of its President: "Force, force to the utmost, force without Htint or limit, tho righteous and triumphant force which shall make right the law of the world and cast every selfish dominion down in the dust." Portland will spread a dragnet to ro'ind up every idler in the city to relieve tho shortage of labor in the shipyards. And when the net is drawn, it will force every idler either to work, go to jail or into tho United States ar.ny. The la' or shortage in the Portland shipyards is acute at this time and is the cause for the deter mination of Mayor Baker to force every man to work. Apparently the mayor has struck at the kernel of the situation by proposing that nun work ing in the ship yards at high wages one or two days, then idling for four or five days, be sent before their draft boards, if they be of draft age or be taken before the municipal court for prosecution under the idlers ordinance, if they be above draft age. A man employed in war industries at a high wage is giving infinitely less to his country than id the man in the trench es of France, and when he slacks, .should be considered the most despic able slacker of all. Death's triple loll of pioneers of this vicinity last week, whs a blow not often exacted of communities to sustain, but the remembrance of Kind deeds, neighborly acts, and sterling integrity together with lives lived in huncsty and uprightness, is a great solace to the kindred of the departed ones and a deep satisfaction to old time friends. The hundreds who at tended the last obsequies of these hon ored pioneers and mourned beside the three graves, attest more eloquently than word or pen, the high esteem in which each was held in life, and evidence that will not be forgotten. Other communities in which they have later lived, are also bereaved, but nut, it would seem, as Athena, the coui--rounlty which shared the earlier struggles and joys uf pioneer davs. May they rest in peace. "The mother who lias raised chil dren that are now setting in the Army, has performed the greatest of military duties, and when a woman Wiks w!.;. alio should do lted Cross v.cr . ViU:. -be has no bov in France, 1 waul to a. !. whj the other mother should tend her boy to protect this slacker St home ? Let the Hun have her; aha'll be of no use here." These words, falling from the lips of Dr. Eithvr Lovejoy to a Cottage Grove audience, in recital of her experiences in stricken Belgium and battle-torn France, was the climax to her address of two hours, in which she held the people spellbound. It will be all over but the shouting in Athena at 0 o'clock a. m., Saturday, September -'Sth, JU18. Kemember the zero hour and see that you are not tardy with your subscription to the Fvuith Liberty Loan. Take a measure of pride in knowing that you arc pre pared to buy yoar quota of bonds. If you have teen sliding along without preparing for it, epruce up and be ready. Next week. only. 1 left, and Athena niuat be over the top with U,; jest of them at the e tear. BOYS TAKE HOLD IN GOOD OLD AMERICAN WAY, SOLDIER SAYS ; Hardships Ignored, Wounded Man Tells Mother Don't Let Them Hinder Your War Work Kvery steel steamship turned out in our hundred and more shipyards has more than a million rivets, and the rat-tat-tat of the riveters' "guns" swells in ehorus With the clicking of the machine guns in Franco to drown the dying German cheers over their submarine exploits. The clinking dollars of the Fourth Liberty Loan will add a shriller voice to that chorus and further lower German morale. It's easy to cheer for our hoys in France. Hake your dol lars shout in the Fourth Liberty Loan. Germany will under stand their voice without translation. 23 Years Ago, From the Press oi Sept. 20, 1895 TREASURES LOST TO HISTORY Eggs are retailing in Athena at three dozen for 'K cents. Born, near Weston, to Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, Sept 12, 18U5, n girl. Born, near Athena, September 0, 1HU5, to. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Johnson, a girl. A large number of l'opulists were in town yesterday afternoon to hear the Vincent lecture. Louie Bergevin claims the cham pionship this year for quick work in threshing. W. P. Leach will remove his family to town next week. Mr. Leach raised a good crop of oats and barley this year. Main street is muddy, to say the least. We have no kick coming the dust is settled. Strawing roads in many parts of the county is now in progress. Irving McQuary, formerly editor of the I'ress, has been writing some in teresting letters on Mormonism and irrigation, to Umatilla county papers. At the Jay Saling place on the moun tain southwest of town, at a distanre of 75 yards from the house, a Irog weighing 150 pounds was attacked by a coyote, and ran squealing for home, covered with wounds inflicted by the beast. The E. 0. reports that eleven of the beautiful Mongolian or "Denny" pheasants are on exhibition in Pendle ton. Many sportsmen are seen stand ing admiring them, impatient'for the time to come when they can go forth and slay a bagful of Chinese pheasants. But this will not be for some time yet. These birds are to be turned loose on the Italey and Fanning ranches. There was a total eclipse of the moon on the evening of September II. James Greenslade is the name of the reverend gentleman who will occupy the pulpit of the M. E. church in this city for the next year. May 1st, Louie LaBrasche sowed U acres of barley, and on July 1st, it was cut and bound. From this U acres be received 27:1 sacks of plump barley, which averaged 107 pounds to the sack. The Churches, The Christian Church. Sunday School at the usual hour, 10 o'clock; preaching and Communion service at 11. We are confidently looking for many who have not attend ed during the summer, to bein next Sunday. Evtning services us usual. B. B. Burton, Pastor. Fanaticism of Spaniards on Isla de Mujeres Is Regretted by Archeologlsts. i Fortified by grim rocks from the wind-driven waves of the Yucatan channel lies the Isla de Mujeres Isle of Women. The Spaniards on a voy age In search of gold In the sixteenth century were tossed up on this Island, where they found no gold, but hud an Interesting time. When they stnrt ed on an exploring tour of the Island they came upon it stone temple. Lured by the fumes of Incense, they entered and saw ninny Idols representing god desses, clothed in cotton garments. Officiating at the ceremonies were women dressed In bright cottons and decked out with feathers and orna ments of precious metals. The Spaniards, excited by this scene of Idol worship, rushed in, smnshed the Idols, triumphantly placed an im age of the virgin on the nltnr and held mnss before the eyes of the as tonished priestesses and native wor shipers. Archeologlsts have never ceased to regret the fervor of the Spaniards, who thus unheedingly de stroyed unique treasures of Mayan civilization. The Kpnnlnrds named the pluce Isla de Mujeres for future reference and sailed away. The frightened Maynns deserted their shrine. For yenrs the Isln de Mujeres lay still and forsaken. Gradually It awakened. A fishing vil lage grew up near the ancient altars and the Yucntnns hunt the hawk billed turtle where once Indian maid ens swung the censers and chanted their prayers. Honest Bones. Bones Jones always was a sport. Before Bones came Into the navy ns a ship's cook lie won many a roll with the old Ivories. One day a Judge lined him $5 for some chickens Bones stole on Monday night, whereupon Bones replied, "Make It $30, Jedge, and that'll he up to and Including Saturday nlglit, sub." Our Navy. Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of Umatilla Coun ty Oreg. In the Matter of the Estate of Catherine A. Zerba, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Umatilla County. Oregon, administrator of the estate of Catherine A. Zerba, deceased. All persons hbving claims against said es tate should present them to me at I Athena. Oregun, within six month. fiom date of first publication of no tice. Dated at Athena. Oregon, Septem ber 20, 11118. Ernest A. Zerba, Administra or. By Mrs. Hazel Pedlar Faulkner From a hospital somewhere Id France a wounded American has writ ten to his parents: "We are going through hardships, but the boys are taking hold in the good old American way." What a message for those of us who have remained at home! What a challenge to the vast army of men and women who are In the borne guard, carrying on in the thousand and one ways that the exigencies of war have brought upon us. "We are going through hardships.' We can believe that, when we re call the dauntless charges which our boye have been making over there, and the dally lengthening casualty lists which are resulting from their fearless devotion to the task that Is set before them. We know they are going through hardships, when we stop to think of the hundreds upon hundreds who are wounded, and who for the time be ing at least need care and attention. FIENDISH ENEMY ADDS TERRORS Of course they are going through hardships, those boys from your home and mine. Hardships are a part of war. They are the Inevitable result ot a state of war. And when war is waged by an enemy ac skilled in all the fiendish deviltries in which the Germans have indulged, they are the inescapable portion of every soldier participating. But hardships are not the part of the war these soldiers of ours are thinking most about. They are but the Incidents In the day's work. "The boys are taking hold in the good old American way." Could there be a better statement of their manner of facing what comes to them? Could there be a more def inite course of action prescribed for those of us at home during these days which test the mettle of our souls? The time for our message to the boys baa come again. The Fourth Liberty Loan Is to be our response to this wounded soldier's challenge. MAKE YOUR ANSWER NOW Are we going to take hold in the "good old American way?" We have not had to go through hardships, onrs have been an easier part. We have known little of sacri fice or deprivation. Compared with the ottering of our boys, we have done nothing as yet. Ami now, here Is the challenge sounded to us. The good old American way is all that is asksi ot us. What is that way? You must frame the answer, moth ers and sisters of tho west. Yours Is an important part in the reply which the nation will make to the boys overseas. There is not one of us who would not spare her son if she could yes, even spare some other mother's son the pain and hardship he must bear. We are not asked to do that. We could not, though we would. But we can make his part easier to hear, we can go with him through the hardships, by lending completely Df our monSy. There is no longer need to explain what a Liberty Loan is. There i do more necessity for pointing out reasons for participation in It. This Is the day when but to hear Its call s to insure its heartiest support. September 28th Is the date set for jur concerted reply through the Fourth Liberty Loan. Let us take hold In "the good old American way." What Is the very most you can do to make the', advance s smashing suc cess like the boys over there are making? Sherwin-Williams Paint Varnishes, Stains Linseed Oil Raw and Boiled White Lead, Turpentine Brushes, Glass, etc. Wares Pharmacy Agents for the Columbia Graphophone You Can Stop These Casualties Quickly The Brutal, Bloody Hun will e stopped when an overwhelm ng American Army lands in France and crushes bun- not be- :ore. The Fourth Liberty Loan if lie next step in getting that army i cross the Atlantic. 3UY LIBERTY BONDS X)NT MAKE EXCUSES MAKE SACRIFICES Editor: This is suggested at a standing feature tor display in or alongside casualty lists.) Pity the fearful soul of the German ftldier and civilian as their lines con inue to crumple up before the allies rlth only a few of the million and a lalt Americans over there in line. And 1ve million more on the way. News of he oversubscription of tfce Fourth ..iberty Loan will shake German mo ale again. To Buy or Not to Buy is Not the Question Buy. Back Your Own With the Bond Vou Jwn. Common Heather Dying Out In the case of such a plant as the common heather of England and Scot luud, found growing wild in Xova Scotia, it is a matter of curious inter est to determine whether It Is native to the soil or has been Introduced from Europe. Law son decided that the pluut bad Its home here. There was a time. It is thought, when the plum mis abun dant In our northern binds, and Its present rare occurrence murks a dying out of the species on thin side of the ocean. Its vigurous grow th In Europe Is due to the circumstance that there U Is a jmuj ptout 00 virjjtft soy, base rbr cement sidewalks, cellar bot toms, etc. As a porous material to carry water away from a cellar a few feet of cinders placed around the foot ings make excellent drainage, while ns a fill for holding wooden sleepers In place In concrete, cinders mixed with cement make a light, firm bond. As a base for driveways, cinders, when wa-tar-bound, and rolled or tamped, make a firm foundation. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, ana in order to cure It you must take an Internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It Is com posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the Ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY Si CO., Props., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Notice of Final Account. In the County Court for Umatilla County, Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of William R. Scott, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrators of the estate of William B. Scott, deceased have filed their final account and report in said estate and that the above en titled court has fixed Saturday, Oct. 5, 1U18, at 10 a.m. of said date, as the time when, and the County Court room in the County Court house at Pendle ton. Umatilla Co., Orep., as the place where any and all objections if any there be to said final account aid re port, should be filed on or before said date. Dated at Athena, Oregon, this (Sth day of Sept., 1918. Ethel Garfield Scott, W. R. Taylor, Administrators. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. Maxine W. Wallan, Plaintiff, vs. Claude E. Wallan, Defendant. To Claude E. Wallan, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above tntitled suit on or before Saturday the 5th day of October, I91H, which said date is six weeks from Ihj date of the first pub lication of the summons, and vou will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint or otherwise plead thereto within said time the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her said complaint on file herein, to-wit, for a decree of the court dissolving the bonds of matri mony now and heretofore existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, for an Bpsolute divorce from the defendant, for the change of plaintiff s name and the restoration of her maiden name to her. This summons is published pursuant to an order made by the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the tbove entitled court, on the 19th day of Au gust. 1918. The first publication hereof will be made on Friday the 2ilrd day of Au gust, 11118, and the last publication on Friday 4th day of October, 191H. Dated this the 19th day of August, 1918. Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and postoffice, Pendleton, Oregon. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob Federer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that Lena Feder er has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Jacob federer, de ceased, and she has qualified as such. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them with proper vouchers as required by law, within six months from date hereof to the said administratrix at the law office of Will M. Peterson in the Smith-Crawford Building at Pen dleton, Oregon, one of her attorneys in the administration of the estate. Dated this the 110th day of August, 1918. Lena Fedeier, Administratrix." Will M. Peterson, William S. Nash, Attorneys for Administratrix. Stan can still get Rc i; Chewing Plug for 10c a f It gives you more solid tobacco comfort than ordinary plug. Tastes better lasts longer. Peyton Brand Read Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch end ocrth it Cravelyhatt sonmch longer it eosul no more to chew than ordinary pins P. B. Grevely Tc'oocco Cc-.?azy Danville, Vireuda TtTTO THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving:, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block - - - Athena, Oreg. We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street, Athena, Oregon tiiiitntiiiiiiiiiniiieiitiiiiiiiegmeieiioeiiiifra ES1ABLISIIED 1865 Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Jos. Anton Federer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that Lena Fed erer has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Jos. Anton Federer, deceased, and she has qualified as such. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with the proper vouchers as required by law, within six months from date hereof to the said administratrix at the law office of Will M. Peterson, in the Smith-Crawford Building, Pendle ton, Oregon, one of her attorneys in the administration of the estate. Dated this the aoth day of August, 1U1H. Lena Federer, Adminstratrix. Will M. Peterson, William S. Nash, Attorneys for Administratrix. Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR is rtade in Athena, by- Athena labor, in one ol the very- best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. - Waitsburg, Wash. HIMUHIllllll Notice of Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Hatter of the Estate of Thomas L. Price. Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that Mary E. Price, administratrix of the estate of Thomas L. Pric. deceased, has filed her final account and report in the ad ministration of said estate; that the County Judge by order duly mad I and entered has appointed Monday the SOlb day of September, 1918, at the hour cf ten a. in., as the time and the County Court House at Pendleton, Umatilla County. Oregon, aa the place where all objections and exceptions to the said final account and report will be heard and a aettlement thereof made. Dated this 2rd day of August. 1918. Mary E. Priet, Administratrix. Will M. Peterson. Attorney for Alninf !. 1 1 n 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 THE UNIVERSAL CAR If you think you will be in nead of a Ford Roust aabout Car for this season, we would advise you to ,, deT 3T td0r nC' M the P!ion has been j I Almost 60 per cent wheih means we will n t ba able to supply the de mand when harvest time come3. ' I ': We have the "Henney" Truck bodies in stock to 'jj1 put on for your order at once. ',s Burke & Son Garage I Phone 82, Athena, Oregon ! """""" jSjj ii miaaaaajl Boilit Points vaPK Points. In Red Crown gaI,M,heyform.conri0uom,iauform Look for the Red Crown iign. 1 J "aawaWBMBBBiSSrer STANDARD OIL COMPANY Guy Crook, Special Ajeut Standard Oil Co. Athena, Oregon