I , m,Vm ., -ot- w rj- ' rr l Press Paragraphs For spring fryers, phone 2P8, Ath ena. Adv. Mis? Hhwks of Walla Walla, is the guest of Miss Lucille Taylor. Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn visited rel atives In Pendleton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow spent Tuesday evening at Walla Walla. Game Warden Tonkin was in the city on official business Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Taylor spent Sun day visiting relatives in Walla Walla. Mrs. R. 0. Kidder of Tacoma, is here visiting her grandsons, Max and Leon Kidder. Born, in Pendleton, August In", to Mr. and Mrs. Wi 1 M. Peterson, a 9 pound son. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Radtke and chil dren and Mrs. Boyd spent gunday in the mountains. M. L. Watts is making improve ments to his residence property on Fourth street. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Leonard were down from Waitsburg, W ednesday, visiting relatives. S. S. Parris reports a 45-bushel average from 60 acres on his place northwest of Athena. J. 0. Matheson returned to his bom 3 in Portland Wednesday aftei visiting relatives in Athena. Tassie Stewart, well known rancher of Walla Walla valley, was in the city Wednesday on business. Miss Eunice Wilsey of Weston, is assisting Mrs, Orell McPherrin at the Athena bakery this week. Mrs. N. Buroker Igft yesterday for Portland, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Roy Burke. Miss Laura Muir of Pendleton, was a week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Elmira Wall, in this city. Dick Winship writes that he is n w at Camp Mills, New York, having ar rived there some days ago. Mrs. W.-R. Taylor is in Corvallis this week, visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Smth. George Gross and family are home from Bingham Springs, after spending several weeks encamped there. Mrs. A. B. Steele and daughter Eliz abeth, are expected home Sunday from a four weeks stay at Bingham. For Sale. Ten dozen Brown Leg horn laying hens. Chris. Thoeny, phone 17PS Weston, Oregon. Letters have been received from Miss Eglantine Moussu, the Pendleton young lady who is in the telephone service in France. Miss Moussu is well known in Athena. She speaks of meeting Capt. Rice and other Umatilla county soldiers in France. Hiram Knight is laying a new con crete walk in front of the Gholson property on Third street, near Main. Miss Maude Mansfield was a guest of Mrs. Sheldon Taylor, at her home west of town, the first of the week, A M Carmen nf PnftlnnH. TAPPntlv nnninfoH mMnpinul of th Pnrllntn. The first grain fire of tbe season I schools, has resigned to enter war ser-f9 section broke out Wednesday af- V:P, i lernoon, on me liuckwoou place nortn I west of town The fire originated i Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wilmot motored from tne ga30ijne tngje on the Mc- up to the mountains Wednesday morn- Cormick combine, burned over a scope ing, in search of the elusive huckle- of 8tUDbe gn(j entered standing grain. , berry. Tne flames were extinguished before THEY ARE ALWAYS FRESH and CRISP IN OUR STORE WHEN YOU WAAT SOMETHING DAINTY, CRISP AND LIGHT COME IN AND SEE THE DELICIOUS CRACKERS AND COOCKIES WE HAVE. THERE MANY KINDS, MADE BY EXPERT BAKERS IN THE FINEST KITCHENS IN AMERICA, IT IS A GOOD THING TO KEEP THESE IN THE HOME FOR COMPANY MAY DROP IN ON YOU AT ANY TIME AND IT IS NICE TO HAVE SOMETHING YOU CAN SERVE QUICKLY. ORDER A SUPPLY FROM US. GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY, Buy all the Thrift Stamps you can, S. & H. Pure Food Grocery QualityQuantity Service. Phone 171 1 HE F0S8 HARDWARE STORE Universal Ranges BARRETT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON The Choice of Those Who Know Manufacturers and lead ing motor car distributors recommend ZEROLENE. The majority of motorists use ZEROLENE. ZEROLENE reduces wear and gives more pow er because it keeps its lu bricating body at cylinder heat. Gives less carbon because, being refined from selected California asphalt -base crude, it burns clean and goes out with exhaust. ZEROLENE is the cor rect oil for all types of au tomobile engines. It is the correct oil for your auto mobile. Get our lubrica tion chart showing the correct consistency for your car. At dealers everywhere and Standard Oil Service Stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) I Correct Lubrication for the "V"-Type Engine This, the "V-Type of automobile engine, like all internal eombuation engines, requires an oil that holds lti lubricat ing qualities at cylinder heat, burns clean in the combustion chambers and goes out with ex haust. Zerolene nils these requirements per fectly, became it It cor rectly refined from aelect eo California asphalt' base crude. ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars GUV CRONKpscial gcnt. Standard Oil Co AtWeaa The Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days is advertised this week in big posters. The fair begins on Septem ber 10. G. W. Hansell is down from Lewis ton, and will return tomorrow. He is accompanied by Mr. Fenton," a real estate agent. Prospects for the yield of the Moun tain potato crop are flattering at the I present time. On the low lands the crop will be short. V Henry Dell left Wednesday evening for California, where he will join his wife and daughter for a few weeks visit with relatives. Mr?. Win. Hogoboom and daughter Blanche, of Walla Walla, spent Sun day at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Baddeley south of town. Wesley Tompkins, who has been in the recruiting service since the war started, is now in the officers' training camp at Camp Pike, Arkansas. Miss Hazel Sanders will attend school in Portland this year. She will be accompanied by her parents, who will spend the winter in the city. First shipment of Fall wool dress goods and ginghams, in plaids, checks, candy stripes and plain colors, now in. Athena Department Store. Adv. Miss Bertha Sebasky left Tuesday morning for Sand Point, Idaho, where she expects to have employment. She visited friends in Spoka le, en route. An order was issued from the circuit court Monday granting Henry Kopske of Athena the privilege of changing the spelling of his surname to Koepke. County School Supt. Green announc es that the' schools of the county are being lined up for the part they are to take in the Liberty Loan drive next month. - Rain in sufficient quantity fell Wednesday evening to interfere with harvest work. Several outfits in this vicinity expected to finish the season's run this week. l watts Bros, will finish harvest opei aions this week. With a new Harris machine, pulled by a caterpillar, they averaged about 60 acres per day dur ing the cutting season. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sating, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boynton and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Jones motored up from Pendleton Sunday and visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jones live in Boise. The clerk of the draft board has re ceived the registration cards of Sydney Tucker of Weston and Edward Johnson of Pendleton, both of whom have reg istered for service in Alberta. Grouse hunters who went into the foothills yesterday morning at the opening of the grouse season, all had fair success. Rain on the previous evening interfered with locating the birds. John Rothrock is at his wood ranch nar Meacham for a few days. There are several cords of wood that John will not cut. but there are also several bunches of grouse that will probably make his acquaintance. Merle R. Chessman, secretary of the Umatilla county Defense League, was in the city Tuesday in company with Mrs. E. J. Somerville and daughters and Capt. Williams of the Oregon Mil itary Police. Payments of the last installment on Third Liberty Loan Bonds was due at the First National bank yesterday. August loth. Those who have not n-.ad ; payment are requested to call at the bank without delay. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis of Adams, died Saturday night in St. Anthony's hospital, Pen dleton aged two years and four months. Interment took place in the Athena cemeterv Monday afternoon. Everett Zerba, who is attending Benson Polytechnic school at Portland, in connection with war service, has gained proficiency in the magneto course fcr gasoilne engines, and is now mastering the carbaretor. E. W. Konasek, (Gunny, ) asks that the Press be forwarded to him at Wal la Walla hereafter. He is employed in the N. P. passenger station at Walla Walla, and expects to remain there until he leaves for "over there." Lost. Saturday afternoon on wagon road between Walla Walla and Wallula Ferry, one suit case, with name and nddress on it of Mrs. R. C. Walker, Afhna, Oreg. Notify R C. Walker, 1014 University, Walla WaHa. Re ward. Adv. Mrs. Leon Kidder has returned home from the harvest field, having cooked for the Chas. Gerking harvest crew. Mr. Kidder finished the season's run as separator tender for Chas. Betts, and at once took charge of Henry Koepke's self-nropellor, since which time the machine has been doing good work. East Oregonian: Mrs. Ralph Has sell. local chairman of the Athena Girls' Honor Guard, is in Pendleton today, Tuesday, buying equipment for comfort bags which will be sent to Umatilla county boys in the service. Besides a housewife, each bag con tains among other things a trench mirror, tooth I rush in case, shaving stock, towel, soap in box, pencil and twine. The cooked food sale given by the Girls' Honor Guard last Saturday net ted the sum of $41.10. The money was spent for material for comfort kits for local soldier boys, and the help of ev ery Honor Guard girl is needed for next Thursday afternoon. Mrs. H as set, tbe local leader, asks the presence of every member. The girls are plan ning for a harvest dance, to be given on September 5th, as a Ked Cross ben efit, of which further notice will be given. much damage was done. The loss is placed at eleven sacks of grain. The military police and several from Athe na went out to assist in putting the fire out. Orville Reeves, after operating Ma rion Hansell's self-propeller during harvest, left for his home in Marsh field, Monlay. Mr. Reeves holds the position of manual training instructor in the Marshfield schools at a salary of $1)400 per year. His department is equipped with machinery, forges, etc, and his instruction extends to the sev enth and eighth grades. Mr. Reeves is a splendid mechanic and each sum mer spends his vacation in the Hansell harvest fields. The local Red Cross finished up two dozen bed shirts Wednesday afternoon, and these with a number of' pairs of sox and sweaters received from the knitting club, will be sent in to the head Chapter tomorrow. Yesterday Chairman Mrs. S. F. Sharp went down to Pendleton and received a consign ment of three dozen aprons, and the same numher of dresses for refugee relief will be sent in time for neat Wednesday's sewing. The sewing rooms were well filled with workers Wednesday afternoon, and their pres ence will be welcomed next week. Pronouncing French Names. The following list of French towns in the big battle area, with correct pronunciation will be of t ssistance to a helpless public: Aisne, ain; Amiens, amee-on; Artois, artwa: Beauvais, bo vay; Belleau, bellow; Bethune.baytun ; Chateau Theiry, shad-toe terry; Chaulnes, shone; Croisilles, krawsil; Fismes, freem; Fere-en-Tardenois, fair-on-tardnwah; Lingy, leenyee;Mar coing, markwahn; Nesle, nail; Neuilly, niyee; Nisnes, neen; Oise.was; Ourcq, oork; Poitiers, pwahteeay; Routers, roolay; Roubaix, roobay; Roye, rooaj ; Soissons. swas-on; Solesmes, solaim; Vesle, vail; Vosges, vozh. The Churches The Christian Church. Preaching and Communion service at 11 a. m., Bible school at 10 a. m. Union meeting at 8 p. m on the par sonage lawn. Everybody welcome. B. B. Burton, Pastor. Baptist Church Notes. There will be the usual services at the Baptist church, Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m., preaching by the pastor at 11. Union service with the other churches in the evening. Ev erybody is invited to all these servic es. D. E. Baker, Pastor. WHERE GREAT EMPEROR DIED Longwood, the Prison House of Napo leon, I Maintained Much as He Knew It Longwood Old House, the prison home of Nnpoleon, is about four miles from Jamestown, the cnpltal of St Helena. Dismally unattractive, the place la In about the same condition that it was in the emperor's time. A low rambling one-storied farmhouse, once the dwelling of a peasant farmer of the island, it Is hard to connect the place with the one-time master of the Tullerles and Versailles. But Long wood has an air of romance and mys tery of Its own, for It was the death place of Napoleon. The house Is badly lighted end ill ventilated. The rooms are tiny and musty. The so-called billiard room could never have held even the small est table and the players at the same time. The reception room Into which the emperor was moved when dying, Is the pleosantest Bpot In the place, for It boasts of more than one window. It was In the space between the two win dows that the death bed was placed. Here today Is a bust of the emperor. Visitors to Longwood sign the ancient visitors' book In this reception room, while the aged guide tells the story of Napoleon's last days. Above the first floor are the garret rooms, little more than cubby holes, where former statesmen and marshals of France lived during their exile with their master. Outside is the tiny gar den nnd the emperor's favorite arbor. Here is the fishpool built by his own hands. At the foot of the plateau Is Geranium valley, and the emperor's tomb. It was by Napoleon's own re quest that he was burled here. The famous willow tree of fiction and his tory still shadows the emperor's tomb. In 1858 Queen Victoria presented Longwood to Nnpoleon III, who re stored the old place to the condition In which the great emperor knew It. NEED NOT SEEK POPULARITY "Expert" May Achieve Highest Meas ure of Success, but Naturally He Will Never Be Loved. There Is not much mystery, or even any at nil, In the dislike of "experts" that Is felt and expressed by not a few. The expert man Is n man who goes to other men and tells them Hint the way In which they are doing their work Is not the best way that It Is a bad, costly, or even stupid way and that If they will only listen to him and follow bis advice their work will be Improved and their efficiency increased. None of us takes pleasure In hear ing talk of that sort, and the displeas ure Is greater In exact proportion with length of the hearer's training nnd ex perience In conducting his business, trade, or art. All that the expert says carries the Implication of adverse criti cism directed against the recipient of his suggestions, and usually It Is criti cism of that recipient's father and grandfather. Of course that is re sented, and the resentment Is bitterest wBcn. Us Eiaurt juts atonU ssU jd?u It's Full Measure Here When You Buy Groceries at This Store you get a full measure of everything that enters into the sale-full measure in quantity, full measure in economy" and full measure in service. In fact it has been our practice to be generous. No skimping-no trickery. Lennox Soap, 5 bars 25c ti obi in Soap, 5 bars 25c Royal Soap. 6 bars Pie Pumpkin, gal can . . Peaches-Pears " " . . Fancy Peachs per can. . Fancy Pears per can .25c .50c 75c 20c 20c Libbv's Apple Butter can 25c Sliced Dried Beef, glass .20c Pork and Beans, can 10c Hershey's Coco, can 25c NRG Laundry Tablets 15c Sweet Potatoes, can 20c Haps, package 15c AmMonia, bottle 10c Bluing, bottle 10c WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store undername proof that nls new wny of doing things Is better than the old ways which have long been productive of honor and profit. The expert, too, is always open to the convenient charge that he Is not "prnctlcnl" that he is a man of the ories and fads. Sometimes the charge Is true but only of the expert who claims the name without deserving It. Peculiarities of Electric Ray. The electric ray is a species of fish found on the Pacific const. It Is known from central California southward to Santa Barbara channel and Is very common in Monterey bay. This fish Is provided with an electric orgnn com posed of hexagonal cells, reaching from the skin of the upper surface to thnt of the lower, and situated at each side of the head and gill chambers. The electricity discharged from tills rny bus the properties of other electricity, such ns rendering an lrn bar mag netic, decomposing chemicals and pro ducing a spark, says the Amerlcnn Angler. Stories vary as to the vol ume of the discharge, but even a small rny Is capable of inflicting considerable pntn. After n few discharges the fish becomes exhausted and must rest be fore Its electric organs are again func tional. Behind the Lines. Last Sunday I nttended church serv ice. The pndre, during his sermon, told the boys thnt for every sin they committed they owed a certain amount to God, When I wns leaving I heard Tommy remark: "That settles it. I'll have to give up my pass to L . I can't afford to go for I owe too darned much to God al ready." Second-lu-Coiiiinund. Joseph fl. Greener MUS. BAG. Gold' Medalist and Composer Teacher of Piano and all Theory subjects. Pupils of any-age or grade taken. Terms Moderate. Studio at Mr. Guv Cronks. Clothes Pressing & Gleaning Parlor Suits Made to Order We guarantee our work. Prices reasonable. Bring your clothing to us for cleaning and pressing. We make a specialty of cleaning and pressing Ladies' wearing apparel. W. J. CARSTEN, Worthington Build'g MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument '"orks F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near O. W. R. eft. N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. IS. A. MILLER Local Representative. Mllv'ilMIIIIIMtiMMIMIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIM (xoodyear Tires Athena Garage Repairing Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty. tltlMIMMIIMMIIIIIIIMtlMMMIItMMMIIIIMIIi tHMItHtlllllllllllllllllllltllllllltllltllllllllltt EYFS ItilfO GUMS GONO AND FUTFD- LENSES DUPLICATED AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING - PF. NDI! ION ORC Phone 609. S. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calik both night and day. Oalli promptly answered. Office od Tblrd Slrt, Athena Oregor C. A. Barrett 8, Co. Incorporated We Have Attractive I Prices on Gas Engine Oil Castor Oil and Axle Grease Can show you the new Grain Ele vators for wagon-loading or unloading. IIIMIIMIMIMMIMIIMMIMMi