The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 09, 1918, Image 4

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    This Is The Celebrated
It Will Increase your dairy profit! 30 to
40 per cent If you nre sklmuiiiiK your milk
by the old hand method.
ir WILL SAVE YOU TIME, na the bowl,
discs, find timvtire can he thoroughly
cleaned Id five minutes.
IT WILL SAVK LA HO It, AH U la the ens
ltat running cream separator iu the world.
because It has fewer mechanical iitrts than
aiiv other separator.
the skimmed milk Is delivered from the top
of tbe bowl and the cream from the bot
tom. No intermixing.
IT IS SELF-OILING, and so clean and
sanitary that It could even be placed in
your parlor without disagreeable resuItH.
It is built with the accuracy of a watch
and tbe strength of a motor.
HIGHER QUALITY, that will make more
butter, than any other cream separator on
tbe market, ami we have tbe proof to sus
tain this statement.
We want you to know more about this
great Oenm Separator Write for discrip
uva catalogue.
44 First Street Tortland, Oregon
Simmons Carbon Paper Co., $09 B. 69th
North. All klnd.s of carbon paper, extra
durable typewriter ribbons.
Jewelry and watch repairing. Miller's,
355 Wash. St., Majestic Theater Bldg.
Motors, gears, bearings, wheels, axles,
and trailers, We wreck all makes of cars
and sell their parts at half price. David
Hodes Co., N. Broadway and Flanders.
l'llot Generators installed. All kinds of
Supplies. J. W. Clancy 333 E. Morrison St.
Cut your own lumber on a Wheland
! Portable Sawmill. You will save time
! and big money on your next lumber bill.
I With this sawmill you can supply the
j lumber needs of your neighbors also. The
price Is reasonable, and the profits will
! soon pay for the machine. Write for
I catalog and full details. Clyde Eqpt. Co.,
18th and Thurrnan sts., Portland Ore.
Construction and Maintenance Involve
Expenditure of $300,000,000
Burden on Roads.
(Prepared by the United States Depart-
Road construction and maintenance
In the United States Involve an annual
outlay of over $300,000,000, a sum
(Vhlch. If capitalized at 5 Der cent.
would represent an Investment of $0,-
As recently as WKi there were nnlv
100,000 motor vehicles In the United
States compared with nearlv fi.000.000
of 1917, while In 1904 the total outlay
New Treatment for Seed Oats.
Under a new system of treating
seed oats to prevent smut, which Is
recommended as a great labor saver
by experts at Perdue university, a so
lution of one pint of formaldehyde
with one pint of water. Is mixed
which is enough to treat seed for 20
acres. This is applied with an atom
izer sprayer. The seed may be sown
within five hours or it may be stored
and kept until sowing time. This
smut treatment may be made now as
the seed will not get damp enough to
freeze and spoil. After treatment it
should be covered with disinfected
sacks or tarpaulin to keep the fumes
at work. Farm Life.
Any Size.
None Too
Small; None
Too Large.
Without Bath
With Bath
Weekly Rales
Monthly Rales
Central Location. Beautifully Furnished
Excellent Cafe. 11th and Stark.
iDvealigalt Consliuilion at low. Ore., and. Milton, Ore.
Lewis Building
nnteed K'luill ma
chined, We are a
ho aKontH for tile
Write'for.booh let
Rebuilt Typewriter Co
304 Oak M., PlflM Ot.
lnt Representative
66 Sixth St., PORTLAND, ORE.
Sleep on your Seat Cushions.
Compact Fit, under the rear seat
Write for circulurs.
Agents Write for Special Offer
Dffice Furniture & Appliances
200 Room.
100 Bath,
Near Both
Hotel Hoyt
Corner Sialh and Hoyt St,.. Portland, Ore.
LOU taWS, Manager.
RATES:-76c to tt. BTECIAl. -Wcok or Month
Dogs Have Dreamland.
That the primitive man dreamed we
have no doubt. Even animals do that.
All ot us have Been aleepiiitr dons ko
through tbe Incipient movements of a
chase, accompanied by Taint yelpings,
and the unmistakable muscular action
which would curry them In pursuit of
their quarry If exaggerated hy the
greater vitality of wakefulness.
Heaven ilty the woman whose has
hand is so wild that she can't control
htm. or thn one whose spouse Is so
good that he's monotonous. Rich
mond Times Dispatch.
A Fatal Mistake.
"I was once a successful physician,"
remarked a seedy looking Individual
In a railway currlago to a fellow trav
elor, "with a largo practice; but ow
ing to one little slip, my patients left
me, and now I llvo from hiiiid to
"What was tho slip?"
"Well, sir," replied the ex physician,
"In filling a death certificate for a pa
tlont who had died I alisent mludcdly
signed my name In tho space headed,
Cause uf death!' " Exchange.
The Light Ahead.
What lightens labor, sanctifies toll
and makes a man good and strong,
wise and patient, just and benevolent,
both lowly and great, as well as
worthy of Intelligence and freedom, Is
tho perpetual vision before him of a
hotter world beaming through life's
shadows. Victor Hugo.
Liked Frederick Best.
Marjorie Is fair and feels real proud
of her pretty blue bonnet Tho other
dsy she came home from kindergarten
and said: "Frederick telled mo my
bonnet is pretty, but James said 'High
cost of living' at me."
CF " y complete: line pr steel
New Houston Hotel
and Kvvreft Sts., Portland, Ore.
ur Itlonkn from Union Depot. Two block i
from New IVrntolIico. Modern and fireproof
Over KM) ouUide roomti. Katun 76tr to t2M.
CHAS. G. HOPKINS. Manager,
Ready and Willing.
Tho village Idiot gaped so long at
tho village grocer that the worthy man
became irritated.
"Look here, what you starin' at? If
you can find a man homelier than your
self, kill him!"
The village idiot went ih search of
a man uglier than himself, and one
day ho found one.
He tapped him on the shoulder.
"I've got to kill you," ho said, smil
ing amiably, "You're homelier than
Tlie stranger turned and looked at
the oilier for a full minute.
"Am I?" ho said "Then for good
ness sake, kill mo!" New Idea.
Tribute to Friendship.
"Friends," said John Hay, "are the
sunshine of life. All men seek sun
light, noil every man seeks a friend
after his own kind and nature. The
best anil most. Intelligent of lis admits
the unity and value of friendship;
(he worst am most Ignorant of us
Is unwittingly tho belter for knowing
some friendly companion." Atlantic
Had His Nerve.
Man (nl the phone, to man at. the
oilier end of the wire) "How dare
vmi talk In me like that! You're not
my wife!"
Fasting to Induce Dreams.
Fasting for the purpose of Inducing
dreams may he traced hack to a very
early period. And tho foromost be
Hovers in dreams were our own pic
turosque Indians. History tollB us of
certain tribes who enjoined rigorous
lasting among children from a vory
early age. during which ttnin Bpectal
attention was paid to their dreams.
Simple But Good Advice.
"Don't bother loo much," said Uncle
Chen, "'boul puttln1 yob bes' foot for
ward. ,Ies' keep both feet movln' till
you gits whar you'l gine to."
To keen clean and heatthv take Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu
late liver, bowels and stomach.
Veal, Pork, Beef.
Poultry, Butter, Egg,
and Farm Produce.
to the Old RattaUa KVenUnl house with a
record uf 46 yuam of Suuui,' 1 iwUiiiu-s, and
ba aaaurmt ot TOP MARKET PRICES.
45-47 Front ItrMt, Portland. Oragon
Youngsters Generally Do.
Hartley was visiting his aunt for a
: few days. A friend asked him if he
went to school. He admitted that he
had not been yet, but volunteered to
tell her various things which mamma
hail taught him. Then with a sudden
bright expression ha added: "And 1
know some things I've never been
Broadway at Flanders, Portland, Or.
Your Best Asset
A Clear Skin
Cared for By
Cuticura Soap
P. N. U.
No. 27, 1918
Earn More
Young Women and Men
lltislnc crifit for trained mindn. Ciragu your
opportunity Kni.rH new In Northweat'a hunnu
hunlmw nillnta. hrhnkv-Walkrr. Portland f rvo
Hides, Pelts, 1BS Wool & Mohaii
M il km. Wife k rnm uCawai Tap. "2
Poruand. Or... Soaltk-. Wn H.UIninaa Wn.
Vitrified Brick for Paving Country
Roads Filling the Joints, First Coat.
In money and labor on the public roads
aggregated only 80,000,000, compared
With some $300,000,000 for I1I17. Thus
the pulillc roods have been changed
with bewildering rapidity from the
stains of the purely local ullilty to that
of a utility of national importance and
It Is well known that the railroads of
the United Slates are unable to carry
the enormous truffle now offered for
transportation, and It Is to be expected
that the public roads will from now on
have added to their present traffic bur
dens such freight as may be shifted to
tin-in to relieve railway congestion.
It Is beyond question that for pas
senger haul the public roods are used
to n greater extent than the railroads.
These Impressive conditions-have been
created within the span of a single generation.
tin July II, 1916, President Wilson
approved a measure generally known
us the federal-aid road act, which car
ried an appropriation of $75,000,000 to
iiiil the stales In the construction of
rural post roads and $10,000,000 to bo
Expended tor the construction and
maintenance of forest roads.
Road Commissioners Find Trouble In
Maintenance on Account of Nar
row Tired Trucks.
Alaska has been building roads since
1005. It lias built !'-'" miles of wagon
roads, ll'J'.l miles of winter sled roads
and 2,210 miles of trails. One of these
roads was built for motorcar traffic,
but more tluiii 260 trucks and passen
ger cars were In use over them at the
close of the last fiscal year.
Much damage has been done to the
roads by heavy narrow-tired trucks,
and the board of road commissioners
finds troubles of maintenance with
them always. In addition, they found
11 necessary to build a five-mile road
along a hillside last summer by cover
ing the road bed with willow cordu
roy and surfacing the corduroy with
gravel because the material underlying
the locution consisted of six feet of
gravel on the bed reek, forty feet of
clear Ice on the gravel ami two feet of
moss anil tundra on top.
How Could She?
"Ah, Rosle," I said, as I held her
pretty little pink hands in my big
burley brown mitts, "you have told me
repeatedly that you love me and that
you would fulfill my every wish. I
have done everything, you requested
of me. Your whimaied wish has been
my one desire. We have gotten along
perfectly together and wonderfully
noble thoughts have raked my brain.
After all this, how could you put such
a high polish on your finger nails when
you know I like a dull finish!" Penn
State Froth.
It Works!Try It
Tells how to loosen a sore,
tender corn so It lifts
out without pain.
---..-,'.-, ,
No humbug! Any corn, whether
hard, soft or between the toes, will
loosen right up and lift out without
a particle of pain or soreness.
This drug is called freezone and Is
a compound of ether discovered by a
Cincinnati man.
Ask at any drug store for a small
bottle of freezone, which will cost but
a trifle, but Is sufficient to rid one's
feet of every corn or callous.
Put a few drops directly upon any
tender, aching corn or callous. In
stantly the soreness disappears and
shortly the corn or callous will loosen
and can be lifted off with tbe fingers.
This drug freezone doesn t eat out
the corns or callouses but shrivels
them without even Irritating the sur
rounding skin.
Just think! No pain at all; no sore
ness or smarting when applying It or
afterwards. If your druggist don't
have freezone have him order It for
you. Adv.
A Dialogue In 1920.
'Hello, old man! Been abroad,
haven't you?"
"Yes; just got back from Europe.
"Have a pleasant trip?"
"Fine! I wasn't air-sick a minute."
True Repentance.
Henpcck If you steal I don't care
what you'll repent it some day.
Henderson Foolish idea. Didn t
you ever steal a kiss?
Henpcck Yes and I married the
girl, too. Brooklyn Citizen.
Quite Enough.
"You've been out with that tough
gang again."
"I suppose you can read my mind,"
he retorted defiantly.
"No, but I can smelt your breath."
Kansas City Journal.
Somewhat Mercenary.
Donald was having a birthday party.
The children were alt enjoying them
selves when the doorbell rang.' Jump
ing up, Donald went to the door.
Standing looking at the child, he said:
Say, mamma, Freddie is here, but he
didn't bring me a present should I
let him in?"
Saving In Cost of Rebuilding Would
Pay for Them In Comparatively
Few Years.
A writer on the advantage of per
manent highways makes the point that
the saving in tho cost of rebuilding
would pay for them In a comparative
ly few years and then there would be
a prospect of valuable returns. The
thing would be like making a few pay
ments to secure an annuity. Wherever
the money can lie raised there should
be permanent highways. That Is the
good roads gospel par excellence.
Poor Roads a Lois.
The farmers of the United States
have been allowing $,ttk).(Kk),utH) In
real money to escape from their pock
ets each year because of poor roads,
according to experts.
Cart Before Horse.
Putting the cart before the horse
Installing truck Hues before building
adequate roads.
Cause of Mottled Butter.
Mottled butter is caused by the un
even distribution of salt.
Soil for Sugar Beet.
Tbe sugar beet needs u tleeply loos
ened, well-mellowed soli, uniformly
mixed and offering the root easily
uvullnhlc plant food.
Modern Potato Growing.
Modern potato growing Is most suc
cessfully done through a combination
of bruins unci horse power.
Treat Potatoes for Scab.
Beforo cutting the seed potatoes In
pieces It Is advisable to treat them
for scab.
We are children of a large family,
and must learn, as such children do,
not to expect that our hurts will be
made much of to be content with lit
tle nurture and caressing and help
each other the more. George Eliot.
To Avoid Premature Old Age.
Men wear out too soon. In many
vocations a man is an old man before
he readies his fortieth year. This is
premature and for the most part un
necessary, and It constitutes a serious
nutional economic loss. By improving
a man's physique and assisting him to
form healthy habits, ten or 15 years
can be added to ills industrial effi
ciency, and a substantial contribution
will bo made to the wealth and pros
perity of the country.
Optimistic Thought.
Retreat is better than certain destruction.
No Paragon.
"Is your new office boy well be
haved?" "Generally."
"What do you mean by 'generally'?"
"Not particularly." Boston Transcript.
Told by Herself. Her Sin
cerity Should Con
vince Others.
Christopher, 111. "For four years I
suffered from irregularities, weakness.
nervousness, and
was in a run down
condition. Two of
our best doctors
failed to do me any
good. I heard so
much about what
Veget able Com
pound had done for
others, I tried it
and was cured. I
am no longer ner
vous, am regular,
and in excellent
health. I believe the Compound will
cure any female trouble. "Mrs. ALICE
Heller, Christopher, III.
Nervousness is often a symptom of
weakness or some functional derange
ment, which may be overcome by this
famous root and herb remedy, Lydia
E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound, as
thousands of women have found by
If complications exist, write Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for
suggestions in regard to your ailment.
The result of it long experience is
at your service.
Principal Factor of Prevention Is
Serum Treatment Developed by
Agricultural Department.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
The most destructive ailment of
swine is hog cholera, which kills ap
proximately 90 per cent of all hogs
that die of disease. It is caused by a
germ readily transmitted from sick to
well hogs and may, at times, remain
active in the soil and other materials
for long periods. Hog cholera has
taken from the swine raisers an aver
age toll of $30,000,000 annually, for the
past 40 years, and the loss has been as
high as $05,000,000 in a single year
Thus for years tho hog Industry has
been greatly handicapped. The enor
mous number of animals destroyed has
been due largely to the rapid sprea
of the disease and the Inability of
farmers to recognize the aliment, anil
In many Instances to the lack of at
tention to proper precautions to pre
vent Its Introduction. The symptoms
of hog cholera are not sucti as readily
to distinguish it from certain other
diseases of swine, and a sick pig al
ways should be regarded as a possible
danger to the entire herd. Therefore
any pig showing signs of illness should
be separated from the other animals.
The principal factor of hog-cholera
prevention is the preventive serum
treatment developed by the bureau of
animal industry of the United States
department of agriculture. There are
two methods of treatment. The sim
ple method, serum alone, protects ani
mals so treated for n limited period
only, difficult to determine but usually
ranging from three weeks to three
months. The other method, simultane
ous inoculation, consists of tbe injec
tion of serum at one point and a small
dose of hog cholera virus at some
other point, usually in the opposite
side of the animal. The great advan
tage of this treatment is that it gives
permanent protection to the animals
in practically all Instances. However,
this Involves the use of virus, the ac
tive agent of cholera, and should,
therefore, lie intrusted only to skilled
The bureau of animal Industry is
now carrying on hog-cholera preven
tion work in 31 states and has n force
Sapolio doing its work. Scouring
forUS.Manne Corps recruits.
Join Now!
who wear
AS A SUPPORT for exhausted, nerv-
oub, overworked wo
men, nothing can do
as much as Doctor
P 1 e r c e'B Favorite
Prescription. It reg
ulates and assists all
the natural func
tions, never conflicts
with them, and it
strengthens and
builds up the female
system in a way of
Its own.
Nursing mothers and women gen
erally, will find It exactly fitted to
their needs. It lessens the pains and
burdens, and ensures healthy, vigorous
You will escape many ills and clear
up the coated tongue, the sallow com
plexion, the dull headache, the lazy
liver, if you will take a pleasant laxa-
tive made up of the May apple, Juice
of the leaveB of aloes, root of jalap,
and called "Pleasant Pellets." You
can obtain at almost any drug store in
this country these vegetable pellets in
vials for twenty-five cents simply ask
for Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Sold for fifty years. Adv.
Dandruff and Itching.
To restore dry, falling hair and get rid
of dandruff, rub Cuticurn Ointment
Into scalp. Next morning shampoo with
Cuticurn Soap antl hot water. For
free samples address, "Cuticura, Dept.
X, Boston." At druggists and by mail.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv.
The Limit,
Two colored men were overheard
deep in a discussion of various phases
of dumbness. Finally, after a number
of illustrations had been cited, one
capped the climax by observing with
great seriousness, "Yes, suh, dat nig
ger wuz dat dumb dat when he died
and dey opened his bald at de morgue
dey found his brain hadn't never been
President's Power Supreme.
In time of war the president of the
United States is commander in chief
of the array and navy. The members
of his cabinet are responsible to him
personally, not to congress. None of
them may be removed without his con
sent, except by impeachment
Botanical Wonder.
The oldest botanical work in the
world is sculptured on the walls of a
room in the great Temple of Karnak
at Thebes, Egypt. It represents foreign
plants brought home by an Egyptian
sovereign, Thothmes III, on his return
from a campaign in Arabia, says the
Family Herald. The sculptures show
not only the plant or tree, but the
leaves, fruit and seed pods separately,
after the fashion of modern treatises.
Two Kinds of Talk.
Talk is abundant and cheap, but tbe
right kind of talk is rare and expensive.
Keep Striving.
Longing to share our troubles, or
losing courage if fortune's wheel re
fuses to turn in our favor, is about the
most unwise course we could possibly
follow. Far better to keep quiet about
all distressing setbacks, become inter
ested in some form of work and brave
ly go in to win. True, one cannot al
ways recoup one's fortune, but life
offers many other compensations very
much worth while.
Means Disbelief In Self.
No sadder proof can be given by a
man of his own littleness than disbe
lief in great men. Carlyle.
Happiness In Love of Books.
No matter what his rank or position
may be, the lover of books is the rich
est and happiest of the children of
men. Langford.
Mr. Bacon What's the baby crying
about now?
Mrs. Bacon Why, the poor little
thing has both hands In her mouth
and she hasn't any place to put her
toes. Yonkers Statesman.
Term That Is Misapplied.
The name daisy is said to have been
given to the plant by the poet Chaucer,
in the fourteenth century. He noticed
that the petals folded at sunset and
expanded at sunrise, and therefore
called it day's-eye. Therefore, our
best girl, who appears brightest in the
evening cannot truthfully be called
"a daisy."
Figuratively Speaking.
In a recent breach-of-promise case
the defendant, who was sixty-five
years old, was described as having
"one foot In the grave and the other
on a banana peel." Boston Transcript.
Optimistic Thought.
The offender feareth retribution, but
the innocent feareth fortune.
Granulated Eyelids.
Eyei inflamed by expo
sure to San, Dm t and mat
quickly relieved by PJM
l.VKS Eyetteraedy. No Smarting,
m"0 w just Eye Comfort At
Druggist! or by mail 50c per Bottle. Murine
Eye Salve in Tubes 25c. For Book si Ihe Eye
TIES ask Murine eye atemr.oy Li.,
Preparing to Administer Serum Treat
ment to Prevent Hog Cholera.
of 100 veterinarians actively engaged
In assisting state .forces in applying
control measures. In the last few years
losses from the disease have been re
duced over 50 per cent and from Held
reports the Indications are that losses
will be further reduced during the
present year. The work already ac
complished hy the department of agri
culture and state authorities bus fully
demonstrated that losses can be re
duced and hog cholera controlled by
the Intelligent use of antlbog-cholern
serum and the proper application of
quarantine and sanitary measures.
However, In order to pursue the work
stilt further, It will be necessary, as In
the past, to have the support and co
operation of farmers, stock raisers and
others Interested in the suppression
and control of infectious aud con
tagious diseases of live stock. Out
breaks of hog cholera should be
promptly reported to the proper state
authorities, either directly by wire or
through the county agent or local vet
erinarian ; Infected hogs should be re
stricted ; neighbors should lie warned
of Infection ; dead hogs should be prop
erly disposed of ; and sick ones treated
as early as possible.
Antihog-cholera serum is produced
by a number of agricultural colleges
and by numerous commercial firms
operating under license from the Unit
ed States department of agriculture
which requires that a label be placed
on the serum containers showing the
license number aud n serial number so
that any consignment of serum can he
investigated, If need arises. Farmers
should know how and where to obtain
serum promptly in case of need and
where to secure a competent man to
udmlnister the treatment
One of Biggest Factors In Preventing
end Controlling Serious Diseases
of Swine.
(Prepared by ti United States Papart
mnt jf Agriculture.)
Intestinal worms, lung worms, and
skiu parasites levy a burdensome tax
upon the profits of hog raising. Abso
lute cleanliness will be found valuable
In preventing and controlling these
troubles, as well as the more serious
disease! hog cholera and tuberculosis.
The Packer's Bill
for Live Stock
For the first six months of our operations
under the Food Administration, ending
April 30, 1918, Swift & Company paid for
live stock - 1,558,600,000 $323,800,000
For the same
period in 1917 1,338,300,000 $210,400,000
Increase in
Weight 16'2 220,300,000
in cost 54 - - - $113,400,000
The Consumer's
Bill for Meat
must necessarily have increased
correspondingly, as Live Stock
prices and meat prices fluctuate
When the producer gets high
orices for his live stock, the con
sumer's meat bill must neces
sarily be larger.
Year Book of interesting and
instructive facts sent on request.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company, U.S.A.