The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 09, 1918, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publ sher
Subscription Rates. i
One copy, one year $1-50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00
One copy, six months 75
One copy, three months "
lITHENA. OREGON, August 9, 1918
It would seem that Milton is well
enough watered artificially, without
drawing on nature twice in two weeks
for a supply, when the rest of the
county is sw:lterinn in the dust. Let
up and give us fellows a chance to
stand in with Jupe.
With harvest in full swing, the al
falfa hay crop being stacked and a
weed crop coming on, this part of
Umatilla county is some husy just
The crack Prussian and Bavarian
guards came along and "got theirs"
too, at the hands of the Yank.
Drivers of Patient Animals Realize
They Have Peculiarities and
Must Be Humored.
An old flea-bitten, hammer-headed,
cwe-necked bell marc, slowly picking
li.r way across the corral at the re
mount station nt Camp Znchary Taylor,
followed by a long string of mules
Walking In single lile, heads down and
ears wagging, served as Illustration
for an oflioer attached to the big can
tonment who bad just finished remark
ing that "horse nature and mule na
ture and human nature were mighty
contrary things any way you take
"Now, take those mules," be said.
"The education of a pack mule Is a
thing that must begin early. He has
Just two purposes In life.
"One Is to carry 225 pounds day
after day patiently and uncomplain
ingly, and the other Is to follow the
bell mare of the train, regardless of
where that animal may go. Well, there
Is In that corral an illustration of the
srtectlveness of our trnlnlng. The old
mare has started after a drink of
water and there! goes every dad-blasted
one of those fool mules after n drink
of water."
Investigation revealed that the pack
mule Is not the only member of his
family that lias peculiarities that can
he played upon or must be humored.
It was learned that the larger mules,
once teamed up or paired, must there
after be worked together If each Is not
to suffer a loss in efficiency. Two
strange mules will not work together
anything like so well In the beginning
as they will n few weeks later, after
they hnve become well acquainted, and
then If they are parted the whole
process must be gone over with again.
"fancy" to be artlstff. Above ail, the
sauce, that Idol of the professional
chef, should be dethroned from Its bad
eminence. The sauce Is the mother of
nightmares. The dish Itself and not
its accompaniments, Is the thing. Cook'
lng Is real, cooking Is earnest, and the
gravy Is not Its goal. Exchange.
Spruce Used In Airplanes.
Becuuse the government needs all
the spruce for airplanes, the piano
munufucturers of the country are hav
ing u hard time to get sounding boards
for their Instruments. Spruce Is the
best wood the piano manufacturers can
get for this purpose and they have
used It In Immense quantities for
many years.
Hut sounding boards and airplane
beams call for the same quality of
stock cleur, straight-grained, tougli
flbered and free from blemishes. In
their desire to assist the government
In airplane construction the piano
manufacturers have agreed to curtail
their output 30 per cent during the
wur. They can get along with the
spruce stock now on hand for some
time, they say. Meunwhlle they will
try to find a substitute for spruce. Sev
eral of the big spruce producing mills
in the Grays Harbor district of Wash
ington and along the Columbia river
In Oregon that always have made a
specialty of piano stock now are giv
ing their attention to airplane material.
Airedale Dog for Several Years Main
talned Wild Predatory State In
the Yellowstone Park.
While the East is sweltering, we of
the west sleep comfoitably beneath
comforts at night.
Darkness Above the Sky.
The projectile of the gun with
which the Germans have been shelling
Paris from a distance of seventy-live
miles must rise In its trajectory to a
height of twenty-four miles above the
earth. The Scientific American says
It Is probable that lit that height there
Is so little air that the sky loses Its
blue appearance, because there Is hard
ly enough of It to produce the refrac
tion of light which gives It its luminos
ity. "If we could accompany this shell
on Its course." continues the Scientific
American, "we should probably find
the sky growing darker and darker,
until It becomes nearly black. In the
black sky the sun would show as a
ball of fire, while the slurs which were
not obliterated by the sun's light would
also be visible. Below us we should
hnve the reflection of sunlight from flic
earth mid from the denser slrutu of
the at Unisphere."
Always Sure of Popularity la the Per
son Who Can Concoct Dishes
That Are Appetizing.
To prove that there Is nothing in
trinsically bumble or shameful In cook
ing it is only necessary to mention a
bunting or fishing party. The man who
can turn out n palatable dish Is envied
and lauded. The college girl who can
concoct midnight suppers over a can
of frozen alcohol or a gas jet Is sure
of popularity. Many of the great of
the earth have practiced conking as an
accomplishment. Louis XV, one of the
extremest connoisseurs In the art of
living, prided himself on his coffee.
One of the most famous of table sauces
was Invented by a gentleman of Wor
cestershire. Many great ladles of the
olden times used to exchange recipes.
Sir Kenelem Dlgby, an adventurous
and scholarly soul, left n fat volume
full of them, ranging from simple ap
ple sauce to the most refined elabo
ration of game.
It is not even necessary that cook
cry should aspire to the. phase called
An Instance of n dog's return to the
savage state of his wolf ancestry
came to light In February In the Yel
lowstone National park when Scout
Anderson's report of a trip into the
Buffalo Fork country contulned, under
the hendlng of predatory animals
killed, a mention of one mountain lion,
one bobcat, four coyotes and an Aire
dule dog.
This dog, which probably wandered
Into the park from some farm or set
tlement a few miles over the border,
bus been living in the Yellowstone In
n wild state for several years.
Whether or not he fraternized with his
cousins the wolves and the coyotes
can not be known certainly. No doubt
he lived as they live, at the expense
of young and weaker deer and elk, and
smaller prey. Probably lie lived alone,
against all animal kind as they were
against him. There ne wcll-authentl-cnted
instances of dogs thus returning
to savage nature. It speaks well for
his tenacity and strength that, alone
of his kind In n country where all
kinds of wild animals live still their
natural lives, he survived. He may
have been n dog of good pedigree.
Anyway, the dog had been seen at
intervals for several years nnd was
officially classed among the unlmuls
which, alone of all Yellowstone's ani
mals, are sought and killed because
destructive of the harmless anlma
which make of tills national park the
best-populated wlld-anlmal preserve In
the world.
'Usco '
We Set Tire
Why is it that United States Tires
are setting new records for mileage
and serviceability ?
Why is it that the sales of these
tires are constantly mounting by
leaps and bounds?
The answer is found in the fac
tories where United States Tires are
Standards of construction for
these tires are higher than ever be
fore known in the tire industry.
Makers of tire fabrics tell us that
the standards we have given them
for United States Tire fabrics are
higher than any previously known.
Likewise through every process
of construction from crude rubber
to finished tires we have set new
and higher standards everywhere.
These standards work out on your
car in the practical economy de
manded by war-times.
United States Tires will raise any
car to higher efficiency.
There is a type to suit every con
dition of service.
The nearest United States Sales
and Service Depot dealer will cheer
fully aid in selecting right tires for
your requirements.
United States Tires
Remarkable Machine Designed and
Constructed in French Workshop
During the War.
One of the most remarkable ma
chines over built Is In operation nt the
grout workshop In Franco, whore the
Royal Flying corps repairs Its damaged
airplanes. This machine, the only one
of Its kind, which was both conceived
and constructed In that workshop, Is
described by Gustavo Babln In L'lllus
trutlon as one that makes wounded
stool heal Itself In exactly the same
way as wounded flesh heals.
It Is almost automatic, Is operated
by electricity and uses galvanism as
Its principle. It needs only one or two
men to watch It, they being guided by
a chart, Fhowlng In many colors the
plKre of metal to be repaired, the ex
al rrIrs necessary, the composition
"f tb galvanic hath, the current need
tb diameter of the wires tlint con
duct It r,4 th time of Immersion. All
this la worked out mathematically to
: . . fra- tion n:.'i the machine
doe th run.
It is ustd for restoring worn or
lnk-n parrs qf delicate motors, most
of which art difficult to replace. When
M. Bobin saw it there were lying on
the table tx-slde It parts It had just
repaired that would huve cost $6,000
ami much time to replace. In the
previous week It had turned out 300
piece, nil of grout Importance, for
nothing less Is confided to It.
Take Care of the Dishes.
Don't smash crockery; the govern
ment Is cutting down on the manufac
ture of ton principal clay products
from lfi to to us high ns 50 per cent.
The manufacturing program of tills
Industry was ordered rearranged and
divided, placing It on the basis of war
Besides crockery, this includes face
brick, common and paving brick, terra
cotta, roofing tile, floor nnd wall tile
and sanitary ware which were cur
tailed 50 per cent.; hollow tile, 6ewer
pipe nnd drain tile 25 per cent., and
stoneware, with the exception of chem
ical stoneware, IS per cent. Another
order curtails the output of enamel
ware 50 per cent.
This action Is declared to be the fore
runner of similar curtailment of prac
tically every Industry considered not
vital. Parts of the plants affected will
bo converted for war Industries, nnd
men, material! nnd transportation will
be made available for war production.
We know United State Tires are uood Tires. That's
why we sell them.
PUNCH BROS. Adsiuv, ATllliNA GARAGE, Ul'RJ&fc & SW
Use Splints of Wire Netting.
A new kind of surgical splint In
which galvanized wire netting takea
he plnco of wood, has been put on
the market, says the Topulnr Science
Monthly, it has been tried and offers
many advantages. The steel entering
Into the construction of this woven
wire splint is so tempered that it can
be molded by hand. Being galvanized,
the wire Is sterilised and at the same
time welded Into n single piece that
can not fro.y out at loose ends. As
the splint Is porous, It allows a certain
nmount of evaporation and nlr circula
tion to the dressing beneath, which
wood or plaster does not. The splint
comes rolled like bandage and Is
lighter and less bulky lbs wooden
UUBU. ...
y:..j46t&&!fyG Vtlm Ntwtypw Union!
of the church are invited. Rev. H. F.
Pemberton will preside.
The Columbia River Conference will
be entertained in Pendleton. Sept S to
10th. Bishop Homer C. Stuntz will
rnside. This offers Athena Meth
odists a rare privilege to attend this
great church gathering. Some of the
best minds of Methodism, of both laity
and ministry will address the confer
ence. Methodists, old and young, will
find the conference a season of glorious
fellowship. Walter S. GleiBer.
Lady Morris Is one of the members
of the Overseas Women's club which
has opened at Norfolk house, St. James
square. The object of the club Is to
provide a welcome and hospitality to
the wives of Dominion, Colonial and
American officers who have Joined the
army and who are at present residing
In London.
Roanoke Island Known to Fame Be
cause It Was Site of Raleigh'
lll-Fated Colony.
Off a desolate stretch of sandy beacb
in North Carolina lies Roanoke island,
the birthplace of Virginia Dare, the
first English child born in America.
Sir Walter Raleigh was responsible
for Roanoke Island being placed on the
pages of history, for in 1585 he sent out
a colonizing expedition to America, nnd
fate and the rough winds of the Atlan
tic cast the ship up on Roanoke Is
land. On account of the climate, the
lack of food and the ubiquitous In
dian the Island was voted ns unin
habitable by the colonists, who packed
their belongings and took the next
ship back to England and civilization.
But Raleigh was not discouraged. He
sent out another colony, which consent
ed to stay, and the man In charge of
the expedition returned with the glad
news. Four years later, when Sir Wal
ter Raleigh sent him to report on the
progress of the colony, he found on
the Island no trace of settlers or set
tlement snve the Inscription "Crontan"
carved on a tree. Sir Walter then
gave up the Roanoke island project as
Roanoke Island has now been In
habited for many years, chiefly by fish
ermen and life-savers. The latter arc
negroes from the coast guard station
ut Pea island, which is separated from
Roanoke island by the sound. Pea
island, the only coast guard station In
this country manned by negroes, Is off
a dangerous section of the const. A
derelict ship cast on the bench is suck
ed farther Into the sands by each
tide. The colored guardsmen have
established an excellent record in
n trying nnd dangerous station. Chi
cago Daily News.
Channel Tunnel Is Missed.
How groat have been the demands
upon the British merchant marine for
the reservation of ships for purely mil
itary purposes Is shown by the statis
tics of the first two and a quarter
years of war. During that time 8,000,
000 men were transported across the
seas and over a million sick and
wounded. Of supplies and explosives
9,420.000 tons were carried, besides
1,000.000 horses and mules, nnd 47,
500.000 gallons of petrol. If the chan
nel tunnel had been built In the days
before the war, a vast amount of
merchant tonnage, now employed on
transport tiervlce, would have been
available for the world's commercial
service. Scientific American.
Hs Had Changed.
Mother Why didn't you speak te
that little boy who just passed?
Tonimlt I don't know him, mama.
"Yes, you do know him. He's tht
little boy who just moved In next door
to us. You were playing with him
"Well, mama, If that's the same boy,
he's over-washed today."
The Churches.
The Christian Church.
Preaching at 11, Sunday school at
10. Union meeting at 8 o'clock on the
lawn of the parsonage Rev. W. S.
Gleiser, pastor of the Methodist
church, will preach at the union meet
ing. The pastor will preach at the
mnrninir service. You are most cor
dially invited. B. B. Burton. Pastor.
Bnptist Church Notes.
One among the Bweet services was
enjoyed last Sunday morning. The
address was along the line of personal
experience. Topic for next Sunday
morning, "Watered Gardens." Let all
the membership be present.
The address at the union service in
the evening was given by Bro. Burton,
which was a spli ndid appeal to putting
one's self into his work, and that the
minister would pledge that all he had
of self would be placed into the life of
the community. The address was
enjoyed by everybody. Bro. Gleiser
will speak at the evening service next
Sunday. D. E. Baker. Pastor.
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Sunday sermon topics are: 11 a. m.,
"The Church In a World at War;" 8
P. m.. " When The Voice of God Is
The Fourth Quarterly Conference
will meet next Wednesday night at 8
p. m. Every official member is es
rd!ly urgj to Do preseut. Frier
State of Ohio, City of Toledo.
Lucas County, sa.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
Is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., dolne business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1881. A. W. OLEASON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken In
ternally and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all drupeIsts, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for const Ipatlol
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Eva B. Beauchamp, Plaintiift,
Roy L, Beauchamp, Defendant.
To Roy L. Beauchamp, Defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
filed against you in the above entitled
suit, within six weeks of the date of
the first publication of this summons,
to-wit. on or before Friday, the Hlird
day of August 11118; and you will take
notice that if you fail to appear and
answer the said complaint or other
wise plead thereto within said time,
the plaintiff for want thereof will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
for and demanded in plaintiff's said
complaint, namely, for a decree of the
Court forever dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now and heretofore exist
ing between plaintiff and defendant,
and for other equitable relief.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made in this Cause by
Honorabls Charles H. Marsh, County
Judge of Umatilla County in the ab
sence of Circuit Judge G. W. Phelps
from said county. The first publica
tion of this summons will be made in
the Athena Press on Friday the lllth
day of July, 1918, and the last publi
cation of this summons will be made
on the T-iid day of August, 11118.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this
10th day of July, 191b.
Peterson & Bishop,
Attorneys for Tlaintiiff.
Post Office addrecs, Freewater, Ore.
Notice to ('editors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Joseph Sheard, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
above entitled court administrator of
the estate of Joseph Sheard, deceased,
and that she has qualified as the law
directs. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same, witb proper
vouchers, to me at my home near
Athena, Oregon, or to my attorney,
Stephen A. Lowell, in Despain Block,
Pendleton, Oregon, within 6 months
from the date hereof.
Dated July 1st, 1918.
Lydia Sheard, Administratrix.
Notice To Creditors.
In the County Court for Umatilla
County, Oregon.
In the Matter ot the Estate of
Charles A. Barrett, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that we, the
undersigned, have been appointed Ex
ecutors of the Estate of Charles A.
Barrett, deceased, by the above en
titled Court, and as such executors,
have qualified as required. All per
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same
to us with proper vouchers at the office
of Henry A. Barrett, executor, in the
C. A. Barrett ot Co. Implement Store,
or to our attorney, Homer I, Watts, at
his office in Athena, Oregon, within
G months from the date hereof.
Dated this 7th day of June, 1918.
Jennie E. Barrett,
Henry A Barrett,
Notice of Final Account.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Madison Jones, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it may concern that John M.
Jones, administrator with the will an
nexed, de bonis non, of the estate of
Madison Jones, deceased, has filed his
final account and report and that the
County Judge of said county has ap
pointed Tuesday, the 37th day of Au
gust, 1918, at the hour of two o'clock
in the afternoon as the time and the
county court house at Pendleton, Or
egon, as the place, where all objec
tions and exceptions to the said final
account and report will be heard and a
settlement thereof made.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, on this
21th day of July., A. D.. IU18.
John M. Jones, Administrator.
Will M. Peterson,
Attorney for Administrator.
In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes
day, other days of week in Walla Walla,
2nd and Main over Third National Bank
Dr. E W. Croup Dr. C H. Lash
Thousands of men have chewed
Real Gravely Chewing Plug for
twenty-five years and more. And
every time they have tried some
other brand it made them think
more of Gravely than ever.
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
lCc a pouch and worth it
Gravely lastt.soirmchhr.ger it coati
no more to chew than ordinary plug
P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company
Danville, Virginia
A. J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block - - - Athena. Oreg.
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Injuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is trade in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very- best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash.
If you think you will be in need of a Ford Rotist
j aabout Car for this season, we would advise youto
I jl place your order at once, as the production has been j
I Almost 60 per cent
jijS wheih means we will n t be able to supply the de- .; jjp
HI B mand when harvest time comes.
We have the "Henney" Truck bodies in stock to
put on for your order at once.
Burke & Son Garage
Phone 82, Athena, Oregon
ttutlt up to a standard, not town to a
Light weight Strong pull Superior
Automatic Traction by "pull" instead
of dead weight.
Stands up to hard service with mini
mum eipense.
Nttoon Senior, Ci 36 H. P.; Nllson
Junior, 15-35 H. P.
See our local agent, or tend for catalog.
East Morrison and East Third St. ,
Portland, Oregon.
The full series of high
boiling points in ' Ked
( riiti ti'' in 1 1 ,x srti-iii-A.
and mileage sure. Look
for the Red Crown sign.
nd Si
IhoGasolhtoof Qm
Guy Crook, Special Agent Standard Oil Co. Atheua, Oregon