I Press Paragraphs Wi - inftrtrtflf Mia. M. M. Johns is visiting in Pen- j dleton this week. Miss Areta Barrett visited friends in Pilot Rock Tuesday. Mrs. W. E. DobEOn will go to Port land Sunday for a month's visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson were in the city from Pendleton this week. Mrs. J. S. Harris of Weston is recovering from a minor surgical operation. Roy MePherrin is down from Sno- kane to work in the Bell harvest field. Ad Rothrock drove over from Walla Walla Tuesday and spent the day in Atnena. The Preston-Shaffer Mill started ; grinding on the new crop of wheat Wednesday. I The forms are in place and the top . of the big concrete elevator will soon he completed. The Knitting Club will meet next Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. David Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haworth and Mildred and Audra Winship spent Sun day at Bingham. . I Ml r vim 3 A CUP OF JOY THATS WHEN YOU USE OUfc SUPERIOR BLENDS OF TEAS AND pOFFEES WE KNOW HOW TO GEL THE BEST BLENDS, HOW TO KEEP THEM SO THEY WILL HOLD THEIR STRENGTH AND FRA GRANCE. WHEN YOU DRINK OUR TEAS AND COFFEEC YOU WILL FIND THEM DELICIOUS. ALL TEAS AND COFFEES ARE NOT OF THE SAME QUALITY BUT ALL OURS ARE AND. THAT QUALITY IS NO. 1. TRADE WHERE YOU GET THE HIGH XUALITY AND LOW PRICE-AT OUR STORE. GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. Try Our S C& H Special Blend Coffee, lb 35c Good as any 40c grade Folgers Shasta Brand Tea; Gunpowder, English Breakfast or Japan lb 50c Buy all the Thrift Stamps you can. S. L H. Pure Food Grocery QualityQuantity Service. Phone 171 THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Universal Ranges Barrett building, :: athena, Oregon ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cm i The Popular Motor Oil More ZEROLENE is used for automobiles on the Pacific Coast than til other oils com bined. Leading motor car distributors praise ZEROLENE, correctly refined from selected Califor nia asphalt-base crude, because it maintains its lubricating body at cylinder heat and gives perfect lubrication with less wear and less carbon deposit Get our lubrication chart show ing the correct consistency for your car. At dialers everywhere end Standard OH Service Stations STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Californu) Correct Lubrication ' for the Air-Cooled Type Engine Engines are either water-cooled or air-cooled. This, the air-cooled type, like all internal combustion engines, re quires an oil that holds its full lubricating qual ities at cylinder heat, burns clean in the com bustion chambers and goes out with exhaust ZEROLENE fills these requirements perfectly, because it is correctly re fined from selected Cai tornia asphalt-base crude. GUY CRONKSpecial Agent, Standard Oil Co., Atnena Archie Mclntyre has purchased a combined harvester of 0. M. Rich mond and Frank Berlin. Mrs. Otis Whiteman, little son and daughter, are down from LsCross, Wash., visiting relatives. For Sale. 80 acres of land on Wild Horse mountain. For information, see Mrs. W. W. Williams, Gibbon, Ore. Wallowa Like is attracting many Umatilla county people who go there for camping and recreation. Mrs. John Shick has gone to the Presidio, California, where her hus band is in a training camp. N. Berkeley, federal employment agent at Pendleton, has placed over 100 men in the harvest fields. Huckleberries are ripening in the vicinity of Meacham The Indians are picking the berries for merkst. The O.-W. is double-tracking its road from Hanlan Spur to Kamela. Hundred pound steel is being used. One hundred pounds of wool yarn has been received by the Umatilla County Red Cross from the Washougal mills. Mrs. Chaf. Gerking left Tuesday for Tacoma and will return the latter part of the week accompanied by her two children.' For Sale. Green apples for cooking 75c ber pox, furnishing your own box, at the old Conrad ranch on Pine Creek. K. A. Mays. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Steele went up to Bingham Sunday, where Mrs Steele and daughter Elizabeth expect to re main for a month. F. W. Long has been a victim of rheumatism, at his home in Spokane, for the past several months, and is re ported still bedfast. Mrs. Dean Dudley and siBter, Mrs. McKathen, returned from the Springs Sunday, accompanying Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Taylor home. Billy Pmkerton spent a couple of days at Bingham Springs this week with his family, but the lure of the harvest field called him back. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Rice enjoyed a visit from their son, Carlton Rice, who came up from Portland last week and spent the week with them. Rev. B. B. Burton anl daughter, are expected to arrive tomorrow, from Iowa. Mr. Burton is the new pastor of the Athens Christian church. Mrs. H. I. Watts and Mrs. M. L. Watts and daughter, Vernita, went up to Bingham springs Sunday morning, where the two latter remained for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rider of North Yakima, passedtbrough last week by auto to Wallowa county, and on their return will be guests at the Richards home. A. G. Carpenter, formerly engaged in the jewelry business in Athena, but now employee by the O.-W. R. & N. company, was here the fore part of the week. Joe Scott's cranium came in force ful contact with the hard end of a bolt Monday, with the result that Dr. Sharp took a couple of stitches to close the wound. Misses Florence Milby and Mabel Norman, of Milton who have been visiting the past fortnight at the home of Mrs. D. Scott Fisher, returned home Monday. Mrs. Clara demons was hostess to a few friends at her home on Jefferson street Tuesday evening, the occasion being her birthday. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keen and daughter, Zola, were camped at Bingham the first of the week, in com pany with Mrs. Payne and family. Miss Mamie Sheard was also of the party. Marion Hansell is satisfied with his yield of wheat on the place he pur chased from Clarence Zerha. Pros pects for a HO bushel yield a few weeks ago terminated in about 40 bushels to the acre. Cards have been received by Athena friends stating that Elmer Tucker, formerly employed in the drugstore here, has arrived safely in France. Elmer is in the medical department of the 91st division. Receipts from the Red Cross auction sale at Pilot Rock Saturday evening, totaled i040, which amount has been turned in to the chapter at that place. A buggy whip brought 1(25 and ajar of huckleberries II 1. With cooler weather following the rain, vegetation has been considerably revived. The rain came too late to benefit the grain, out will prove of considerable benefit to the potato crop and late vegetables. Mrs. Alfred Pambrun returned yes terday from Walla Walla. Miss Ellen Pambrun, who has been in that city ill for some time, was recently taken to St. Mary's hospital, where it is hoped she will soon recover. This afternoon and evening an ice cream social 'will De given at the new Red Cross headquarters on Main street, under the auspices of the Knit ting Club. Home made ice cream and cake served all evening. Mrs. B. B. Richards returned fnm Fortland Saturday, much improved in health. She accompanied Mr. Rich ards to their summer camp at McDou cal where Master Roland has been domiciled with his grandmother. Enr.ugh wheat has been received by the Preston-Shaffer Milling company to demonstrate that the grade of fall ! wheat is averaging well. Especially good quality has been received from Lowell Rogers and Charles Kirk. In the draft contingent which left Pendleton for Camp Lewis juesday, Clarence Gagnon, James Phillips and Roy Russell went from Athena. Rom meo Hubb3, a teacher in the Athena schools last year, also went from Mil ton. Mrs. D. H. Sanders returned Wed nesday from Albany, where she at tended the funeral of her brother-in-law. W. J. Kirkland, whose death occured there on June 28th, of cancer of tbe stomach. Mr. Kirkland was formerly well known in this county. Strayed. One brown mare, brand JD conneLtid on le't shoulder; one black 8-ytar-ol I colt, brand B ; one b; y mare with club foot. Rev a d for in formation leading to their recovery. W. M. Davis, Weston. Phone 14FU. j VMr. and Mrs. Will Read and son,' Velton returned Monday from a camp- i ing trip at Bingham springs. Mr. . Read, who is recovering from his ill-1 ness, will attend to his harvest, after which they will go to the mountains for the purpose of gathering huckle berries. Sheriff Taylor captured Jarrell, the fhjrd moonshiner of the still operated in the west part of the county, until broken up by the sheriff some weeks ago. He had been in Idaho about three weeks when arrested. Ho is being held at Pendleton for the fed- i eral officers. A much heavier rain fell Tuesday night northwest of town in the vicin ity of Vansycle than in this section, although here it fell in copicua quan tities, thoroughly settling the dust for the first time this summer. Harvest ing was held up in nearly every part of the county. The rooms west of Parker's barber shop in the Froome building, donated for Red Cross headquarters, has been cleaned and renovated and put in con dition for occupancy, and is being ded icated this afternoon in an ice cream social, given by tht Knitting Club. Meetings will hereafter be held there. While buzzing around town In search of some one to help handle wheat, Jinks Taylor found a number of fel lows who offered to drive the team for him while he loaded the grain; but he trun 'em all down with the state ment that he was a good driver himself. Result: Taylor drove and loaded the grain, too, Robert Beckham has been engaged by Mrs. W. R. Scott in her farming interests and entered upon his duties last week. In addition to being a com-. oetent farmer, "Bob" understands machinery and for some time has been operating cate-pilllar tractors. Mr. and Mrs. Beckham will reside on the Claude Reeder place. Pendleton Tribune; Henry Kopcke, one of the wealthiest and most prom inent farmers of the Athena country, 74 years of age and for the paHt 84 years a resident of this county, has applied to the courts for a change of name. He would change the spelling of his name to Koepke, as this is the name by which he is commonly known. Leader: George Brace, well known at Weston, was kicked by a horse Sat urday at the ranger station on the Umatilla, where he is employed by the government, and "knocked out" for a time. The hoof ci-ught him on the jaw and he took more than the count. Rangers carried him to the John Thompson residence where in the course of time he again began to take an interest in life. County Agent Shrock calls attention to the fact that the government wants definite information as to the amount of grain threshed this year, and the secretary of agriculture has asked that each farmer who operates a threshing machine report the number of bushels threshed and the number of acres on which it was grown. Regular blanks will be mailed to the fanners, so far as the names are available. The union services on the Christian church lawn Sunday evening were at tended by a large audience, who en joyed the sermon delivered by Rev. Gleiser, and also the music, especially the solo by Mrs. Woodward, with MrH. Scott a accompanist. The special for next Snudny evening will be a violin solo by Kohler Betts, accompanied by Mrs. Omar Stephens. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Baker. The East Oregonian reports the ar rival of W. 1). Chamberlain In Pendle ton from Portland. His new title is divisional deputy in the internal rev enue department, and his headquarters will be in Pendleton for the next few months. His district takes in Uma tilla, Morrow and Wheeler counties. Mr. Chamberlain's work is the check ing up and collecting of excess war profits, income and all governm ent taxes. Jacob Boober writes interesting let ters from his new camp at Ulenburnie, Maryland, where his regiment is now stationed. He says "there are 1800 of us in A, B and C companies, all Engineers and a jolly bunch," and the officers are all from Vancouver, Wash. Jake has been transferred from com pany tailor to teamster, and is show ing the Easterners how to drive mules. The camp is ten miles from Baltimore, "so," he says, "think of me on the Chesapeake Bay next Sunday enjoying myself swimming." ,,' The Preston-Shaffer Milling com pany have made extensive preparations for handling bulk grain this season. On the north end of the mill ware house, a commodious concrete dumping bin has been constructed over whi m a roomy driveway ascends to the scales, where the grain is weighed and dump ed into the bin. From here the grain passes into the mill by conveyor pro cess. Aside from this many other improvements and alterations have been made in the mill during the past two months. Notice of Final Account. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Madison Jones, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that John M. Jones, administrator with the will an nexed, de bonis non, of the estate of Madison Jones, deceased, has filed his final account and report and that the County Judge of said county has ap pointed Tuesday, the '27th day of Au gust, 1U18, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon as the time and the county court house at Pendleton, Or egon, as the place, where all objec tions and exceptions to the said final account and report will be heard and a settlement thereof made. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, on this 24th day of July., A. D.. Ii8. John M. Jones, Administrator. Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Administrator. Preserving Utensils at this store I : : 1 A viX Masom We carry the most complete stock of preserving utensils including Economy large mouth cTWason, regular rJMason Jars, and Jelly glasses. Preserving is now, not only an econo my which every thrifty housewife will practice, but it's a patriotic duty which every American should aid in. Economy Jars half gal per doz $1 75 Jars Atlas Jelly Glasses Fconomy Jar Lifters qts pts qts pts each 1 40 1 25 1 50 1 20 1 00 75c 25c WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store A Smoke Inspector. The president of a woman suffrage organisation Is n mighty person. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw spoke In the as sembly hall of the Olnypool hotel on the opening evening of the annual con vention of the Woman's Franchise League of Indiana. The room was built to hold 500 persons comfortably ; hut nbout 800 were there that evening. Mrs. Richards Edwards of Peru, presi dent of the franchise league, thought she detected an odor of smoke. From her position on the stage she sent n message to Miss Adah Bush, of Kent land, to investigate the source. Miss Bush left the room for a few minutes. When she returned she sent up to Mrs. Edwards the message : "I have seen about the smoke. I have had It stopped." Indianapolis News. frMiMiiiiiiiMiiinim minium Quiet Water Supply Pump. A nloseless water supply pump of small cnpnclty Is described in I'oulnr Mechanics Magazine. At a distance of ten feet, It Is claimed, the only sound to be heurd Is the hum of the motor. It operates at a speed of COO revolu tions, n minute and therefore can be belt driven. The pump Is supplied with an nlr cock nnd Is used with either open or pressure tnnk systems. NILSON TRACTORS. lluilt up to a at u mlu I'd, nut down to a price. Light weight Strong pull Superior quality. Automatic Ti action by "pull" Instead of dead weight. Stands up to hard service with mini mum expen.se. Xilson Senior, 24-36 If. P.; Nilson Junior, lfi-25 H. P. See our local agent, or send for catalog. NILSON TRACTOR BALES COMPANY, East Morrison and Baal Third Sta. Portland, Oregon. Clothes Pressing & Gleaning Parlor Suits Made to Order We guarantee our work. Prices reasonable. Unng your cluthing to us for cleaning and pressing. We make a specialty of cleaning and pressing Ladies' wearing apparel. W. J. CARSTEN, Worthington Build'g MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. I2th and Main Street near O. W. R. CS. N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash, ft. A. MILLEIi Local Representative. Goodyear Tires Athena Garage Repairing Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty. tiniMitmiimiMinMtttMtiitnitttiMittiiit wmfaetl EYFSTEiTID SUSSES GROUND AND FITTED-LEHStS DUPLICATED. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,- PENDLETON, ORE. Phone 609. 8. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls ljoth night and day. Call! promptly miawered. Office on Third dtrt, Athena Oregor CROUP k, LASH Dentists In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes day, other days of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main over Third National Bank Dr. E. W. Croup . Dr. C. H. Lub yHHnHIIMIimHI IMMMHIIIIIIHMHMK We Have Attractive Prices on Gas Engine Oil Castor Oil and Axle Grease Can show you the new Grain Ele vators for wagon-loading or un loading. C. A. Barrett &Co. Incorporated mm immihmihiiiiihimH