r twM CHMMZEMttlM.lt OVERALLS Red. U.S. Pot Off Keep Kids Kleen The mod practical, healthful, playtime aarmniti ever invented for children 1 tt 8 years of age. Made in one piece with drop back, fcanly Hipped on or on Easily washed. No tiaht clastic band It iMd circulation. Madein b ue denim, and genuine blue and white hickory itripei. Alaolighrer weight, fast-colctj marenai inavaneiyoipieaingurmri; all appropriately trimmed with ' fnit -color omUlra. All oarmrritf made in Dutch neck with elbow sleeves orhishnrclaiid long slv rolder Km colon; showing dit (erent material! senl tree request, $1.00 the suit If your dealer cannot supply you 4HH in I A NEW SUIT receipt of price, UMtJ pn $i.oo t Satisfaction guaranteed or money relunded. FREE IF THEY RIP flrwaic of imitations. Look for llui label W Watta hr KOVERAULS rm.u.s. pat.oft. LEVI STRAUSS & Cd' PESTS INJURE LIVE STOCK LEVI STRAUSS & CO., San Francisco - Mfrs. of f?'---J- All." S ft new garment for women MONEY FOR YOU. ThouFftndR of trained yountr dcodIo needed Behnke-Walker BusineM College, Portland, placea students in positions. Enroll any time. Free Cftwo&tm. ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS Bnrnside, cor. 10th. Portland, Ore. Hotel Rowland One hundred and sixty-fiv Roomn, all Modern ImprovumffntH; frtw phones on every floor. Rates: 75c to $1.50 per day: $2.50 to $5.00 per week. Opposite Courthouse, 2 blocks from Pont office, Fire Proof. B. P and Oregon Electric pass door. Boys and Girls Clear Your Skin With Cuticura Snap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c. Ability Recognized. "Noah ltnd the whole ocean to him self. Ho didn't have to be much of u navigator." "Maybe. Hut you will admit he was a. wonder as an animal trainer." Washington Star. Molding a Future. "Mow did you become to be a per former on the bass viol?" "Well, when I decided to be a musi cian I got lather to promise to buy me a fiddle. Hut father always was one of those men who want to get as much as possible for their money." Wash ington Star. The Way Today. "Duke, your son Is going to marry an aclress," "A gaiety girl, eh? I'll disinherit the pup." "An American movie actress." "Ah, the dear boy. We can restore the caslle now. Louisville Courier Journal, Sure Proof. "That rich old fellow hasn't tho slightest suspicion his young wife do losls htm." "How tie you know ho doesn't?" "Bpeauso I've sown him eat her mince pie," Brooklyn Citizen. Screw-Worm and Blow-Fly Trouble some to Stockmen In Different Parts of Country. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture,) Ilolh the so-called screw-worm and the blow-fly larvae commonly called maggots, are pests of prime Importance to stock raisers. Thejscrew-worm is often confused with the other species, especially during the spring and full months. Injury to live stock from mag gots is more widespread thun Is that due to the true screw-worm. In fact, this maggot Injury inny be found among live stock In any state of the Union, although It occurs most fre quently In the warmer portions of the country. The true screw-worm Inflicts enormous losses on the stock raisers of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Ari zona, and southern California during seasons which are favorable for Its development. During the warmer por tions of the year it is never entirely absent from this region and may also cause Injury to stock In the other Southern states, and as far north as Nebraska. rite screw-wnnn Is a native of the Americas and has been causing trou ble to stockmen for mnny yeurs. No doubt It Is largely due to this fact that cattlemen, accept the pest as a necessary evil uud always count upon loctorlng" a certain number of eases every year. The seasonal ubundance of the screw-worm fly depends largely upon climatic conditions. The first ap pearance of udults in numbers in spring varies from the first of April to the middle of June, according to the latitude and earllness or lateness of the season. Throughout most of the ter- WORK WHILE ITS COOL $ You'd better speed up on the j work while the weather's still i i cool. Statistics show you'll very T m.. i, A. .. I. Ann. ., !.,... If A gets hot ? A person will dd 15 per cent less physical work at 75 degrees and 37 per cent less work at degrees than he will at 68 de- J grees when he has full choice of doing or not doing, quotes K. G. Smith, extension engineer at Ames, from an Investigation car ried on by the New York state j commission on ventilation. It was found that the power to do either physical or mental work, by subjects doing their utmost, was not diminished by a room temperature of 86 degrees. It's the Inclination that lags when the mercury begins to rise. Caw I Caw I Peter Menkin Brown, Berlin corre spondent, said in Baltimore in a lec ture on the blockade: "The Germans are suffering from our blockade more than they'd have us think. There's a real dearth of foodstuffs and there's a real pest of profiteers. "Think of it the Germans are now eating crows! More than that, the profiteers have cornered the crows of Germany, so that the government has had to fix crow prices, which range I believe, from 60 to 85 cents, accord ing to the weight and age of the bird. "But imagine it. Cornering crow! That is no way to help your country's caws!" Detroit Free Press. BUYING AND SELLING EGGS Up In the Air. Corp. (name deleted .by censor) 1b the champion optimist in tho (doleted by censor) regiment. On his first visit to l'ans an air raid was In progress. and as ho observed tho Parisians, all Intent on the tuubes, he said to his companion: "There's one fine thing about thlB air stuff." "And that is ?" "It keeps you looking up." (Koply deleted by censor). Car toons Magazine. Good Opportunity. "In the railroad collision 1 was In I tell you 1 saw stars!" "Well, you had a fine chancn whon tho cars wore telescoped." Exchange. 1 URINE Granulated Eyelids, f' . , . .-!.' I v,"., lues hiH.inmi liy WVSun, Dutt and Wind quickly f5 JPn!i..irtU.v Murine. Tru it in g-'i-C your Eyt-'sand In Baby's Eyes. TOUk tYtdNoSmartiDi.Juit EyeComfort lrir. Eye Remedy ri;,:!: lye Sive, in Tuluw 854, V-n I'ouk f Mi fVje free. Ak Murine Ky Keiucdy Co.. ChluuKo. Hides, Pelts, cSK,"',a Wool & Mohair Wr ut ill m km. Writ fei Ptircl MQhiapi.il Tip. THE H. r. NORTON COMPANY, BWlliat Or.., S.uittU'. Wn.. Ui'lllnitliom. Wn. White Leghorn Baby Ghix from liwivy liiylntc (HoffHiitniO nloek. $10.00 )ht lOn, Wc trimruntoM iiv arrival. THE PIONEER HATCHERY 41 S Sixth Street PetaJutna, Cat. Qljin Veal, Pork, Beef, -jrf I W Poultry, Butter, Egg. and Farm Produce, to bi' 'l'l Rettabfa Km-r liny lu, una with a rvcooi of if, yaan of Bquan DiiUpga. anil bo iiuri! of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE, 46-47 Front Street. Portland, Oregon Do Your Own Plumbing By tovfn dir. ,-t from a. at whokwala prloat and uv.i 4hc (dumber', profit. Write u. to day your nili. We wtU g-tve you our rook -bottom "dlrt-ct-lo-you" prleoa, I. o. b, rail or bona We actually nave you (rots 1U to U par cent. All good! cuaranUMd. Norlhwott boadquartem foi Laadar Water By tonw and Kullar A Johnson Knjrlnea. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Stro.1. Black Blow-Fly, or Common Maggot Fly, aa 8een From Above (En larged). rltory where it Is n pest It usually be comes numerous during early May, and cases of screw-worm Injury be gin to appear soon after. The Insect then gradually Increases In numbers until the hot, dry weather of midsum mer, which In Texas usually reduces the abundance so that the Injury Is not severe under normal conditions In the months of July and August, unless considerable cloudy and rainy weather occurs. It becomes more numerous agitlti In the early full, especially when the weather Is warm and showery, and Its activities are terminated only with the advent of heavy frosts. The nbun tlance of this fly, of course, Is depend ent to a large extent upon breeding places nt hand, but It Is also true Hint a warm, humid atmosphere Is best suit ed to its development GOOD FEED FOR LITTLE PIGS Scalding Middlings With Some Milk and Sweetened With Molassei U Most Excellent. When pigs are about three weeks old they will want to eat more than the milk they can get from their mother. A small, shallow trough should he placed where the sow can not get It. Scald some middlings, stir mid pour In some milk; If the milk Is sweet, all the bettor. Put Into the feed about a tablespoonful of mo lasses. Drive the little pigs curefully over tho trough. They will get the odor from the molasses, put their noses to the feed, lap II, and begin to cut. KEEP DUAL-PURPOSE CATTLE Popular With Farmer Who Mutt De pend on Few Animals for Milk and Butter for Family. (From tho United States Department of Agriculture.) Tho dunl-purpose cattle are popular ,vlth the small farmer who keeps but n few cattle and must depend on them to produce all the milk and butter Beaded for the family and, nt the same time, raise calves or steers which will sell readily for slaughtering pur poses. They have not been popular with the ranchmen or farmer who raise large numbers of cattle. Butcher Only Healthy Hogs. Only bogs which are known to be healthy should be butchered. There Is always danger that disease may be transmitted to (hose who eat tho meat. Prominent Dealer in Food Supplies Opposed to Practice of Handling Them by Dozen. A prominent dealer in food supplies has gone on record as opposed to buy ing und selling eggs by the dozen. "I am strongly In favor of selling eggs by weight," he says. "It Is the only Just way for both seller und pur chaser. As things are now, one man mny buy a carton of eggs, very good, but very small, while another may buy a carton of line big eggs. Yet both will pay the same price. It U not fair. The only fair and Just method Is to buy and sell them by weight." Eggs vary so In size that a dozen large and a dozen small eggs pur chased at the same price per dozen Eggs of Various Sizes. may differ as much as 25 per cent In the value of the food elements fur nished. Perhaps the fairest way to buy or sell eggs Is by weight. Because of the wide variations In the size of eggs, It is also coming to be recognized that more accurate results In recipes cun be obtained by weighing or meas uring the eggs out of their shells. WHY TOMATO PLANTS WITHER Those Raised In Cold Frame Are Less Hardy Than Those Grown In Open North Wind Hurts. Frequently It Is found by those who start tomato plants in n cold frame that the blossoms which appear so thrifty and which give such promise of future returns wither and drop from the plant a few days after the latter is transplanted to the open field. Conse quently a new set of blossoms must be developed and the plants lose all advantage that was theirs In the way of an early start. There may be two reasons for this, Plants raised In a cold frame are necessarily less hardy than those grown In the open. If the weather happens to bo sufficiently mild for two or three days after the trans planting occurs the plant will adapt Itself to the change. But If the wind veers about Into the north or north west and there Is n marked drop In temperature the shock Is too great and the blossoms go. Experienced growers watch for what they antici pate will be a settled spell of spring .weather even delaying the removal of their plants to the open for a week or ten days beyond the time they feel the change should occur, In order to avoid loss of blossoms. GOOD GARDEN SEED FAVORED Essential in Successful Gardening Beat Way Is to Patronize Some Reliable House. Good garden seed is an essential In successful gardening. If we are going to plant something, we want It to grow. The worst thing possible is to plant seed that won't germinate, and it is almost as bad to flud that the Seod which has been planted Is untrue to name. In order to avoid all annoyance It Is best to srare good seed. When buying garden seed dcmasU that It be fresh; likewise Insist that It be true to name. The easiest way of avoiding poor seed Is td' purchase the product of some re liable house. USED IN DETECTING DODDER Hand Lens la Useful Instrument to Ascertain Presence of Weed Seeda In Alfalfa. The hand lens will be found very useful In detecting dodder and other weetl seeds In alfalfa seed. The gen- rnl quality of unadulterated seed can be estimated on the basis of color. Fresh seed Is light olive green and gives a bright glossy surface when rubbed with the hand. Alfalfa seed which Is of any shade of brown Is ques tionable. One should not purchase seed when the sample Contains any consid erable percentage that Ib discolored. Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now You reckless men and women who are pestered w'th corns and who have at least once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts off with the fingers. Freezone dries the moment It is ap plied, and simply shrivels the corn or callous without Inflaming or even Ir ritating the surrounding tissue, or skin. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but will positively rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callous. If your druggist hasn't any freezone he can get It at any wholesale drug houBe for you. Adv. Suspicion. "It may be a coincidence," said the woman with the firm facial expres sion, "but I can's help having my doubts." "What's the matter?" "Since we regulated the household for daylight saving my husband breaks every alarm clock I tell him to Bet." FARM COMFORTABLE COOP FOR HEN Need Not Be Expensive, but Should Be Dry and Roomy Fresh Air la Essential. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment or Agriculture.) In order to be more successful In raising chickens the poultrymen should provide a house which meets certain requirements. It need not be an ex pensive structure but it Is essential that the hens have a comfortable house which is dry, roomy, and abundantly supplied with fresh air and sunlight. It never pays to over crowd the fowls. No particular style of house Is pe culiarly adapted to any section of this country. A house which gives satis faction In Maine will also give good results In Texas or California, but It A Question. "You must be a woman hater." "Why?" "You've never married." "Why should a man who has never married be a woman hater?" Louis ville Courier-Journal. Temptation. "Are you going to raise lettuce in your garden? "I don't know," replied Mr. Cross lots. "If I get a whole lot of lettuce on hand the women folks may keep the family poor buying the ingredi ents for mayonalse dressing." Wash ington Star. "I understand your grandfather was a profiteer in the war of 1812. "You got it wrong." "How's that?" "He was a privateer, not a profiteer He preyed on the enemy." Louisville Courier-Journal. That's the Question. She Anything that Is worth win ning is worth working for. He Yes, but the question Is, will your father loosen up, or will I have to keep on working for you after I've won you? Boston Transcript. 8oothe Baby Rashes That itch and burn with hot baths of Cuticura Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cuticura Ointment. Nothing better. For free samples ad dress, "Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston." Sold by druggists and by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv. High Visibility. 'Officer," said a lady much above the usual avoirdupois, "could you see me across the street?" Madame, I could see you half a block!" Judge. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Allen's Foot-Ease. theanttseDtic oowder. Makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Relieves Corns, Bunions, Hot, Swollen, Tender, Aching Feet. Sold everywhere, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. .Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y. Judas Didn't Last. Comparisons of profiteers to Judas are hardly fair, as the latter eventual ly developed symptoms of remorse and bumped off. Washington Star. THAT CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Mrs. Godden Tells How It May be Passed in Safety and Comfort P. N. U. No. 22, 1918 Alfalfa Good for Swine. That ulftilfa liny can be used to ad vantage in the growing and fattening of swine Is proved by experiments conducted at the Wyoming station, PROPER EGGS FOR HATCHING Coatly Mistake to Use Those From Unculled Flock Best to nave Small Breeding Pen. it la n costlv mistake to hatch eggs from the whole unculled flock, and to keep males enough the year around so that the eggs will be fertile. Pnr better get the eggs from a neigh bor who culls his hens for hatching eggs, or send to some breeder who does. It Is not an expensive thing to have a small yard for one's own best bens and mate. , Success With Sheep. To be successful with sheep one luus be careful of the details. Chances for Prosperity. No kind of funning offers better chances for prosperity than by turn ing silage and alfalfa hay Into gilt edged butter and selling It direct to discriminating consumers. Fremont, 0. "I was passine throutrh the critical period of life, being forty- six years of age and had all the symp toms incidentto that change heat Hash es, nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound was recom mended to me as the beat emedy for my troubles, which it surely proved to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since taking it, and the annoying symptoms have disap peared." Mrs. M. Godden, 925 Na poleon St, Fremont, Ohio. Such annoying symptona as heat flashes, nervousnsss, backache, head ache, irritability and "the blues," may be speedily overcome and the system restored to normal conditions by this famous root and herb remedy Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complications present them selves write the Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for suggestions how to overcome them. The result of forty yesrs experience is at your service and your letter held in strict confidence. LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED by CUTTIR'S BUCKIEO PUIS imh. Klittile ; V te Iftrf tt br tr-itcni stivk- turn, tvt'iuir? thaw omaai wfiira atriar vasclMt lall. y , BLACK LEG rWrfli to r-wkt-tt tuid Uajiliaiallria lrJoMDU.ifacMatPtlls. 11 eo Ntf. Htckiac nut. $4.00 IWsnr lulcctor, bat Cuttss's sfm,int ni.Utri'r t. Th n.iwrttiEi iy ni Ctitwi' lirturti.r. is line to o 15 yrar oi aix-vut.Hi.ing Is YAIVINKS ANl 3KRVMS j unit. inin iiri im a u udu Jim t. yu Cuttar Utoratorr, totem. Caltftreta m a. II II i MHi mm BnMHatk in II WW ll I I P II Hill H -; : 1 .. Chickens Do Better When Made Com fortable in a Well-Constructed House. Is preferable to build more open, and consequently less expensive, houses In the South than In the North. The best site for the poultry house depends prin cipally on the local conditions. The location should have good water and air drainage, so that the floor and yards will be dry, while the house should not occupy a low pocket or hol low In which cold air settles, and It should be situated for convenience In management and adapted to the avail able land. Wherever possible a south ern or southeastern exposure should he selected, although this Is not essen tial If there Is any good reason for fac ing the house In a different direction. Poultry can lie raised successfully on any well-drained soil. A light loam which will grow good grass Is well adapted for this purpose, while n very light sandy soil through which the wa ter leaches freely will stand more In tensive poultry conditions, but most of the green feed for the fowls kept on such a soil will have to be purchased. A heavy clay or adobe soil Is not as well adapted to poultry raising, as such land does not drain readily, and It Is much more difficult to keep the stock healthy. Long stationary houses, or the intensive system, saves steps, but It Is easier to keep the birds healthy and to reproduce the stock under the colony system, where the birds lire al lowed free range. Breeding stock, and especially growing chickens, should have nu abundance of range, while hens used solely for the production of market eggs may be kept on n very small area with good results. The col ony house system necessitates placing the bouses, holding about 100 hens, from 200 to 250 feet apart, so that the stock will not kill the grass. The col ony system may be adapted to severe winter conditions by drawing the col ony houses together in n convenient place at the beginning of winter, thus reducing the labor during these months. FAVOR SPREAD OF DISEASES Damp, Poor Ventilated Quarters En courage Such Ailments as Roup. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Cold, damp, poorly lighted nnd ven tilated poultry quarters favor the spread of such diseases as roup. Such contagious diseases as these are diffi cult and sometimes Impossible to con trol unless given attention In the early stages. Whenever preventative meas ures fall, separate sick birds from the flock as soon as there Is evidence of disease, and then consult expert udvice to effect a cure. HEAD LICE ON YOUNG CHICKS Where Pests Are Discovered Head and Throat Should Be Well Greased With Pure Lard. One great trouble with young chicks Is head lice, with which they are apt to be Infested. A thorough examination of the head and throat of every chick a day or two old should be made, and If any of them are found to be Infested give the head und throat of the whole brood a thorough greasiug with pure lard, which will put an end to the lice. Keep Drinking Vessels Clean. Placing open drinking vessels on a shelf a foot or more above the floor prevents the hens from scratching coarse litter Into them, but does not keep out fine dust which floats In the air and settles In the water. Turn Geese Into Dollars. There are many ways of turning geese Into dollars, to say nothing of the pillows and feather beds we can make from the feathers. Sapolio doing its work. Scouring for U.S. Marine Corps recruits. Join Now! CNOCH MORGAN'S sons ca APPLY AT ANY POST OFFICE for SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM Men who wear this emblem are U.S. MARINES AFTER "THE GRIP," or in conva lescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other debilitating diseases, your quick est way to get flesh and strength Is with Doctor Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery. That gives purity to youj blood, plumpness to your body, and puts every function into perfect work ing order. It makes thoroughly effec tive every natural means of repair ing and nourishing your system. For pale, puny, scrofulous children, noth ing approaches it. It builds up com pletely their flesh, their strength, and their health. In the most stubborn Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Eczema, Salt rheum, and every kindred ailment, It effects wonderful cures. Contains no alcohol or harmful drugs. In tablet or liquid form. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu late and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take. Adv. Never Saw Him More. I Truly Nastyl Miss Oldgirl Suppose I were to tell Mistress Your master and I have you that I didn't believe one word re-' been talking the matter over, Mary, garding the lasting qualities of your and have decided that you must take affection. What would you Bay? month's notice. Mr. Wise Why, I would say that i Mary Oh, Indeed! I bet master you are far too wise for any ordinary : wishes he could take a month's notice, man to marry. Goodby! Brooklyn i too. Passing Show. Citizen. Paradoxical. The Teut, let him tell it, is blameless. His behavior, however, is shameless, And why should the Hun Crave a place In the sun When his ways are so shady and nameless? Chicago Tribune. Doctor You should be constantly at our husband's side, as you will need every little while to hand him some thing. Mrs. Casey Niver, doctor! Sure, O'm not the woman to hit a man when he's down. Boston Transcript. A Wayside Encounter. "Why don't you work, you old tramp?" "I belong to the army of the unem ployed." "Huh?" "I'm a member of the Debt Battal ion." Kansas City Journal. His Ear to the Ground. "What are your ideas as to the po litical situation?" "My friend," replied Senator Sorgh um, "we regular export politicians know how to go with the people. And just now all of us people are fighting for our country and not for jobs." Judging From Appearance. Hokus She spends all her hus band's salary on her back. Pokus (at a fashionable function) I always heard that he didn't earn much. Buffalo Express. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. Outclassed. "Well, old Crimson Gulch seems very quiet and orderly," said the trav eling man. "Yes," replied Broncho Bob. "When so many of the boys Is away handlin' machine guns, it doesn't seem worth while foolin' with a little toy like a six-shooter." Washington Star. A Direct Question. Sister's Beau "Lillian, If you'll come sit on my lap, I'll give you a nice present." Lillian (aged five) "Is that why you gave sister a diamond ring?" Exchange. None Needed. "What walk in life do you Intend to select for your son?" "Oh, we can afford to buy him an automobile now." Exchange. Suitable Punishment. "What do you think ought to be done with this train robber?" "Why, railroad him to prison." The Farmer's Share Live stock is marketed from farmer to consumer at a lower cost than almost any other farm product. The United States Department of agriculture reported in 1916 that the farmer gets for his cattle "approxi mately two-thirds to three-fourths" of the final retail price paid by the con sumer for the resulting beef. Under normal conditions, the farmer's share of retail prices of various farm products is approximately as follows: Butter 71 per cent CATTLE 6623 to 75 per cent Eggs 65 per cent Potatoes 55 per cent Poultry 45 per cent Fruits 35 per cent The difference between farmer's price and retail price represents the necessary expenses of packing, freight and whole sale and retail distribution. Swift & Company not only performs the manufacturing operations of pre paring cattle for market in its well equipped packing plants, but it pays the freight on meat to all parts of the United States, operates 500 branch distributing houses, and in most cases even delivers to the retail butcher. All this is done at an expense of less than 2 cents per pound, and at a profit of only about Vi of a cent per pound of beef. Large volume of business and expert management, make possible this indis pensable service to the live-stock raiser and to the consumer, and make possible the larger proportion ' of retail prices received by farmers. 1 Year Book of interesting and instructive bets sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Unkm Stock Yards, Chicago, Dlinois Swift & Company, U.S.A.