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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1918)
r fhmM tlMI mzt it tit M.IL KOVERALLS Re0. U.S. Pot. Off Keep Kids Kleen The mort practical, heallMu!, playtime garments ever invented tor children IK o years 01 iff, iviaac m one piece win rirvm hart. Eniilv ilinrwH on or off. Esily washed. Notieht clastic bands te tlaD circulation. Mailem lj!ue denim, and genuine blue and white hickory Unpes. Aljolightef woBhl, rast-coii.i all appropriately trimmed with .-.(-,,, l,r cal.itrA. All B.,rm.-t.t I made in Dutch neck with elbow tleeves or high neck and long sleeves. rolder lin colon,) mowing dif ferent materials lent free on, request. $1.00 the suit If your dealer cannot supply you we will send them, charges prepaid on receipt ot price, JI.UU each. Satisfaction guaranteed or money retunded. mm I : PAT. OFF. 1- A NEW SUIT FREE IF THEV RIP Beware of imil.niuris. Look lot Ihii label til" Made bir LEVI STRAUSS & CO., San Francisco - n Mfra. of "Freedom-Alia" m m new garment for women KOVERALLS LEVI STRAUSS & CO.1 5flN rrwcisco.CAL ARRANGEMENT OF HEN HOUSE Hurrah ! How's This Cincinnati authority says corns dry up and lift out with fingers. Ouch !?!?!! This kind of rough talk will lie heard less here In town if people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied to a tender, aching corn or hardened callous stops soreness at once, and soon the corn or callous dries up and lifts right off without pain. He says freezone dries Immediately and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding rkln. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callous from one's ftet. Millions ot America's women will welcome this announce ment slnco the inauguration of the high heels. If your druggist doesn't have freezone tell him to order a small bottle for you. Adv. Youth. Nora Do you think marriage Is al ways a failure? Ada Always a failure? Well, I should say not. Why, I know a case where a wife fairly Idolizes her hus band, and he why, ho can't, keep away from her a minute, Nora Wcss mo, how long have they been married? Ada--Nearly a week. Chicago Herald. No Floor Needed Where Drainage la Good Dropping Boards Should Be Cleaned Dally. 'Prepared by the United stales Depart ment of Agriculture.) When the soil Is well drained and consequently will remain dry no floor need be used In the poultry house, the ground itself serving us the floor. Often n slight dampness can be cor rected by filling up the floor several Inches above the outside ground with .sand, cinders, gravel, or dry dirt. Three or four Inches of the surface of ihe floor, anil of the run If a very small run Is used, should he removed and re ploeed with fresh dirt two or three times a year. If the ground is so wet or damp that this condition cannot be corrected by lining It Is best to provide a board Moor, ns this will help to keep the house dry, will allow easier clean ing and will promote the general health mid welfare of the hens. A house wiili a board Boor should be set on posts or blocks, so that it Is 5 to 12 Inches above the ground. When this space Is left the floor will not rot so quickly and ruts tire not so likely to Hike refuge under lint house. In order lo keep the flock in a clean .mil sanitary condition, dropping boards should be provided and roosts nbove them. This makes it easy to remove the droppings each morning and helps greatly to keep the house free from objectionable odors. A lit tle siiiul or ashes sprinkled on the dropping board after each cleaning will he found lo make the cleaning easier. The dropping boards and roosts should lie placed against the back wall. Mere they are out of the way and at tin- same time where they are least likely lo he reached by drafts. The dropping boards should be uhout no to AYRSHIRE IS GOOD RUSTLER Our idea or a model husband is one who would rather get his breakfast In tho garden than try to coax his wife into tho kitchen. Dallas News. Justifiable Pride. "There will be nothing hut. war talk heard all over the world for many years to come," said an author, "and our various armchair and cozy-corner campaigners will hi; lucky If they don't make a lote of military mistakes. "It was tho same thing during and after the Civil war. I remember ask ing a young lady at a musical In Bos ton hack In those distant days if she didn't think Mozart's Twelfth Mass was superb. "'Superb!' she cried, 'It certainly is superb! Why, my two hrothers are in that regiment!' " Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph, Patience on a Pullman. "When do you expect to arrive at your destination?" "Haven't thought of that. When I travel now I simply get on board a train and wait and see what happens." Kxchange. Sore Granulated Eyelids, i Eye inflamed by eJtpO anr,. In film, lltlftt :in.l Wtnil B quickly relieved by Murlofl LVCa ryeRemtdy. NoSmirting, 4f Just Eye Comfort. At Druggist, or by mail 50c per Bottle. Murine tyt Solve in Tubei 25c. For Book si Ihe Eye fate ait nurms Eye nemeoy lo., callage Animal Is Quite Useful in Sections Where There Is Much Rough Land in Pasture. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The Ayrshire breed originated in the county of Ayr, In southwestern Scot land. In that region, which borders on the Irish Sea, the surface is rolling and has much rough woodland. Pas tures, therefore, are somewhat sparse and it Is necessary for animals to graze large areas In order to obtain sufficient feed. It Is only within the last hundred years that Ayrshlres have had a type well enough established to be entitled to the designation of breed. TTiis breed Is not well known In many sections of the United States New England, New York and Penn sylvania probably contain the largest number of Its representatives. There is a small distribution In the Middle Atlantic States, the Pacific Northwest and other scattered sections. The color of this breed varies from the medium red to very dark mahog any brown nnd white. The cattle DARK AND BEAUTIFUL Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaK ed or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which Is mussy and trouble some. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth s Sage and Sul phur Compound." You will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe Improved by the addition of other ingredients for about 50 cents. Everybody uses this preparation now, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair dis appears, and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger, wyeths Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightful toil et requisite. It la not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of dis ease. Adv. -j n i tio 1 1 ' ' Hides, Pelts, IRy Wool & Mohair Wi nut ill rM km. Wrlk fat hint imbhiiiptn, T,i. THE H. r, NORTON COMPANY, Portland. Ore., Bttjttk, Wn.. IMIinithnnt. Wn. White Leghorn Baby Ghix from lioavy lay inn (HofanlMdJ Itook. $10.00 ptT 100. We Kuurantoe wiiY iiniwtl. THE PIONEER HATCHERY 415 Sixth Street. PeUluma, Cal. Interior of Well-Equipped Hen House. jO luetics from the floor, depending on tho heltfhl of Hit! building. This glvei rpnee enough under them m ilmi the lions liuve room to exorcise inn! iw not tOO liltfli for the heavier hens to My up to, The t'OOHlH should he !t or 4 Indies &ove the dropping hoards. If more than ii single roosl Is used, they should be on the swine level ; otherwise nil (lie hens will try to crowd upon the high est roost, A piece of 2 by 4 or 2 by il, hihl on edge nnd with the upper cor ners rounded off, makes u good roost A pole, or even a piece of board 2 or ,'t Inches wide, may be used. If the roost is of light material and fairly long, it should ho supported in Ihe center, as well ns at the ends, to prevent it from sagging badly. An allowance of 7 to Id Inches of roost space per fowl, ac cording to the Blic of tho birds, should be made. It' more than one roost Is used, they should be placed about 15 Inches apart. ERADICATION OF ALL PESTS SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Egg. and Farm Produce, to the Old Kt'linl.l,' Rrardtni I1011.0 with a wwonl of ii yfur of Stunr IVuluutis and boasaujvd of TOP MARKKT PRICES. F. M. CRONKMTE, 45-47 Front Street, Portland, Ore.on First Step Should Be to Clean House and Then Thoroughly Spray or Paint Interior. The first step lo eradicate the pests which live In cracks and crevices In poultry bouses is to clean the house, All Utter, nest material nnd droppings should be removed. Then stiruy or unlet Ihol'ollL'lilv til,, onrlri anpfami ,,t' the bouse and literally Hood all cracks and Inside of nests with a 5 per cent spray and tin the work thoroughly. An Ayrshire Which Won World's Record for Milk Production. have long horns which turn outward,' then forward, then upward. Quick, brisk actions are characteristic of the animals which .seem nlways to huve an abundant store of energy, und to be exceptionally alert. Ayrshlres have a highly nervous disposition, which is useful both for production and self support. Probably none of the other dairy breeds can compare with the Ayrshlres In ability to obtain a liveli hood on scant pastures. Their ublllty as "rustlers" bus made them very use ful In sections where there Is much rough land in pasture, Cows of this breed average 1,000 pounds In weight, and hulls average nlimit 1,000. Another point of which breeders of the Ayrshire are very proud Is the uniform, square, level udder with long body attachment which Is common iiiiiong the cows. Milk from Ayrshire cows contains comparatively little color and has the fat In uniformly small globules which average smaller in size than for any other breed. The milk stands shipping well without churning, and in other respects It Is well adapted to the mar ket milk trude. For Ayrshlres the average of the 2, Wis cows that have completed year ly records for advanced registry is U,roT pounds of milk testing K.9.r per cent of butterfa-t, amounting to 377.51 pounds of fnt. Tin- ten highest milk producers of this breed range from 25,820 to 18,745 pounds or milk and the average of these ten highest pro ducers Is 2 1.. Vis. s pounds of milk. The ten highest butterfal producers among Ayrshlres range from 965JS6 to 744.1s pounds, Willi an average, for these ten, of 855.4 pounds of butterfat. Obstinate Melancholy. "Do you appreciate the fact that you are saving daylight?" "No," replied Mr. Growcher. "It'll be more opportunity for me to go to the ball games. And every time I go to the ball park the home team loses. Washington Star. Luck. "Do you believe in luck?" "Of course, I do," replied Senator Sorghum. "And I have a great respect for it. The only trouble about luck is the way some people use It for a ca mouflage when they're dealing off the bottom of the deck." Exchange. Shut Off. Mrs. Exe She is really the worst gossip In the neighborhood. Why, I heard this morning that she Exe Come, now, don't try to beat her at her own game. Hard To Please. "Our new girl objects to being re ferred to as 'the help.' " "Well, if we call her the 'hindrance' she won't like that either." The Married One "Well, you have to admit that when a man marries his troubles are over." Unmarried ditto "Over what?" Universal Acquaintances. "I know just about everybody in this town," remarked the prominent citi zen. "Lucky man!" replied Miss Cayenne. "No matter what wrong number the telephone operator gives you, you can always find someone to talk to. Exchange. FRED DUNDEE MOTOR CAR RKPA1RINC MACHINE WORK MAGNETO SERVICE STATION ALL KINDS OF WELDING CYLINDER GRINDING PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL ORDLRSI Broadway at Flandor., Portland, Or. PRODUCTION OF MORE DUCKS Should Be Especially Emphasized at This Time of Meat Shortage They Grow Rapidly. Tile production of ducks especially should be omphaalied at this time of men! Bhortaffe. because of the rma.ut , with which they grow und the ducks are what you want for more profit more eggs, more meat und more flue feathers. INCREASED MILK PRODUCTION Supplies Food Material More Econom ically Than Meat or Eggs Efficient Dairy Cow. (Prepared by the United mates Depart ment of Agriculture.) Two fuels stand out prominently ns reasons for the Increased production nnd use of milk, The llrst Is that milk as purchased on the market usually supplies food material togeth er wiili the growth producing element! more economically than either meat or eggs. The second reason Is that the dairy cow is the most economical pro ducer of animal food. One great Inw of food conservation Is to turn Inedible feeds Into edible foods In the cheap est possible manner, The dairy cow will utilize coarse materials, Inedible by humans, such ns grass, cornstalks; hay. etc., and will turn them Into milk, which ts suitable for human food. Other farm animals also are convert ers of coarse roughage into edible foods, but are not so efficient as the dairy cow. COWS GIVEN FEED AND CARE P. N. U. No. 21, 1918 Dirty Fresh Eggs. A fresh egg that has contracted dirt lu any form can never be cnadi to ap pear quite so attractive us one- laid In a clsau nest by a clean heu. Avoid Diseased Fowls. There are those w ho never breed a fowl that bus onco been subjected to disease, particularly In a malignant form. If Profit Is Not Returned Send Her to Shambles and Give Feed to One That Will. Qlve the cows a Chance. Keetl and cure for them properly. If an animal does not hate It In her to return a profit or even pay for thi feed given here send her to the shambles aud give tlie feed to one Unit will. Variety of Feeds. Variety Is not only the spice of life, but in poultry feds und feeding It Is one element that stands for success. Re. ponds to Treatment A good cow will respond to goori treatment and even a poor cow will Increase In production if she Is prop erly handled. Buy a Cream Separator. No man who owns as many as four cows is saving money by not buying a cream separator. Milk Scale. Tell. Tho milk scales and the butterfat test tell whether you are keeping cows or whether they ure keeping you. YOU GET STRONG, if you're a tired-o u t or C m run down wo UIHII, WHO Ul. Pierce's Favor t e Prescrip tion. And, if yousufferfrom any "female complaints" or disorder, you get well. For these two things to build tip women's strength, and to cure women's ailments this is the bost medicine to benefit or cure. The "Prescription" regulates and promotes all the natural functions, never conflicts with them, and is per fectly harmless in any condition of the female system. It brings refresh ing sleep, and restores health and vigor. Tablets 60c. If you eat the right foods, and not too much of them, the poisons in your system can be kept down and thrown out by taking a natural laxative, such as that composed of May-apple, juice of aloes, root of jalap, sugar-coated, and long sold by all druggists as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Get them today. Adv. Itching Burning Skins. For eczemas, rushes, itchings, Irrita tions, pimples, dandruff, sore hands, nnd baby humors, Cutlcura Soap and Ointment art supremely effective. For free samples address "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Bolton." At druggists nnd by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv. A Sheep Ain't Got No Rights. A supreme court decision upholds the validity of the Idaho law barring shoep from cattlo ranges. About the only constitutional right a sheep has left is to minglo with a goat. New York World. NERVOUS PROSTRATION May be Overcome by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound This Letter Proves It. West Philadelphia, I'a. "Durinrjtho thirty years 1 have been married, 1 have been ill bail health and hail several at tacks of nervous prostration until it seemed as if the orirnns in my whole body were worn ouL 1 was finally fersuailed to try -jdiaE. Pinkhan s Vegetable Com pound and it made u well woman of me. I can now do all my housework and advise all ailing; women to try Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Com pound and I will guarantee they will derive great benefit from it." Mrs. Frank Fitzokrald. 25 N. 41st Street, West Philadelphia, Pa. There are thousands of women every where in Mrs. Fitzgerald's condition, suffering from nervousness, backache, headaches, and other symptoms of a functional derangement It was a grateful spirit for health restored which led her to write this letter so that other women may benefit from her experience and And health as she has done. For suggestions in regard to your con dition write I.ydiaE. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of their 40 years experience is at your service. i GOOD ROADS TRACTOR AIDS ROAD MAKING Successfully Used in New Hampshire In Conjunction With Regulation Road Machine. In Atkinson, N. H., the farm tractor has been successfully used in making nnd prepairlng roads, doing away with horses. A 20-horse-power tractor, as shown In the picture, was used in conjunc tion with the regulation road machine for rounding off the surface of the road and cleaning out gutters. It wus found that the tractor not only easily does the work of six or eight horses, but better and in less time. Two men only are required as compared with four required with the former system. Besides, double the ground Is covered. When the trnctor is used with the road drag, one man, driving the trac tor, can round up and smooth as much state road in half a day as one man with a pair of horses in one day and a half. The tractor hauls four to six Efficient Aid In Road Repairing. cartloads of gravel in the same time that a two-horse team requires for one load. Figured in dollars and cents, the trnctor could easily do ?24 worth f work at a cost of only $8, with an additional saving of from 25 to 50 per ent in time Popular Science Month ly. RIGHT SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS It Should Include Everything From Expensive Concrete to Minor Dirt Wagon Ways. What we need nnd In time will have is a system of highways which will ramify from the largest cities to the doorway of the humblest citizen vil lager or fanner. Such a system of highways will include trunk lines with expensive concrete or brick surfaces for the very heavy traffic, Including trucks and automobiles. Less used but Important roads may be of waterbound macadam or gravel. Perhaps in cer tain regions where stone nnd gravel are not at hand oiled roads may prove most economical and practical. Minor wagon ways must remain of native soil, built and maintained with the road drag. Meanwhile nntngnnlsm to road drugging breeds In a lack of in formation or 11 narrowness which falls lo comprehend the facts. D. Ward King. BENEFIT OF IMPROVED ROADS Make It Possible to Consolidate and Establish Graded Schools in Ru ral Districts. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) That Improved roads would benefit our country-school system there would seem to be no doubt. Good roads make II possible to consolidate or centralize lite schools nnd to establish graded schools In the rural districts. Such schools centrally located will accom modate all of the children within a radius, of four or five miles. In many communities having the advantage of Improved roads commodious buildings bnve been provided, more competent teachers employed, and modern facili ties for teaching supplied at a mini mum cost. EXPERIMENTS TO BE TRIED Temporary Improvement of Sand Roads to Be Made by Use of Straw, Hay or Wire Grass. For the first time an experiment In temporary Improvement of deep sand roads by use of 11 carpet of straw, hay. or wire grass, sprinkled with tar or bituminous produce, will be tried on Wisconsin highways In the vicinity of Ilia, Columbia county. It Is hoped to devise methods which will fit the road for travel at small expense, and it Is predicted that this straw carpet will last three years where traffic is not heavy, Other experiments In resur facing highways are to be tried on the Hnraboo-Kllbourn road. Thirty four hundred sections have been staked out, and treatment of each will be different. Road Posts In Ohio. Main roads and cross roads in Ohio will be marked with cast Iron posts carrying enameled signs. The designs for these posts have been approved. County commissioners will be asked to send a list of all the signs needed lu their country. Still Want Good Roads. The day when the airplane shall suc ceed the automo'dle as a means of lo comotion probably will find many com munities still talking about building hard surface roads. Sapolio doing its work. Scouring torU.b.Marine Lorps recruits. Join Now! Pt ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. APPLY AT ANY POST OFFICE for SERVICE UNDER THIS Men who wear this emblem are U.S. MARINES EMBLEM New Houston Hotel Sixth and Everett SU., Portland, Ore. Four block, from Union Depot. Two block) from New PoatofBce. Modern and fireproof Over 100 outside noma. Rate. 76c to $2.00. CH AS. G. HOPKINS, Manager. aOO Room. tOO Bath. Near Both Depot. Abwlutalr Fireproof Hotel Hoyt MR. FARMER You'll enjoy'keeping our Very Simple Farm Record, with changeable columns, covering one year. Sent postpaid, il.00. R. C. Smith Co.. Denver.IColo. Often The Case.. "The old man took a few drinks today and imagined he could wipe up the town." "What happened?" "Oh, when he got home his wife made him wipe his feet before he could even come into the house." Brooklyn Citizen. Corner Sixth and Hoyt St... Portland, Ore. LOU HIMES, Manager. RATES:-76c to VI. SPECIAL-Week or Month MONEY FOR YOU. Thousands of trained young people needed. Behnke-Walker Business College, Portland, places student, in position.. Enroll any time. Free Catalogue. Those Girls. The Heiress Poor fellow! I believe he loves the ground I walk on. Miss Ryval How romantic it would be if he fell in love with you now. Ready-Wltted. "You need a change of scene." "But, doctor, I'm a traveling man." "Why-er-that's the point. Stay at home awhile and see somebody be sides hotel rooms and railroad sta tions." Boston Transcript. Vain Hopes. "I guess lazy men wish they were more like guns." "How do you mean?" "I mean that guns find constant em ployment when they are fired." Not so Bad as That. "Poor chap," said the sympathetic bystander to the man who had been run over by a motor omnibus. "Are you married?" "No!" gasped the injured one. "This Is the worst thing that has ever hap happened to me." Pearson's. Bad Finish. "This Hindenburg is always talking about his drives." "Yes," commented the man who wears a golf cap to work. "He makes some big drives. But he doesn't seem to be any good on the putting green." Exchange. Good Advice. Visitor My poor friend, pause to consider when next you are tempted. Take time, my dear man, take time. Convict That's wot I done. I did take time I took a watch. Exchange. More Grub. "What we need," declared the first Russian, "is a man on horseback." "Yes," assumed the other one, "we could use a little horse meat, that's true." Kansas City Journal. "Oh, he's only a raw recruit" "I suppose by that you mean he has never been exposed to fire." Boston Transcript. Merited Rebuke. "Say, ma, do you want one of them demitassys?" "Quit yer swearin', pa, and git me some coffee." Baltimore American. Next One. "Can you tell me why a dog licks your hand?" "Certainly; to put on you the stamp of his approval." Baltimore American. Tommy Aw, ma, I told you not to make me . take a bath. Look how plain that hole In my stocking shows now. Boston Transcript. Inattention. "I am always being misunderstood," remarked the man who complains. "You are not misunderstood," re plied Mr. Rufnek. "You have been making the same complaints for years and people have simply got tired of listening." Washington Star. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu late liver, bowels and stomach. Xi"SaX''A mm If Swift & Company Made No Profit The cattle raiser would receive only Vs cent a pound more for his cattle So small is Swift & Company's profit on any single transaction that if it were turned over to the cattle raisers of the country, they would receive only Vs cent a pound more for cattle than they receive now. Swift & Company pays for live cattle about 90 of the amount received for dressed meat and by-products. The remaining 10 pays for packing-house expense, freight to market, operation of distributing houses and profit. Swift & Company's actual figures per head for 1917 on over two million cattle were as follows: Receipts Payments $8.61 9 f I Profit I J-il Stllini I KM Frtikt I " Dr,a,in Paid for Live Cattle $84.45 91 To Total $93.06 General-Purpose Breeds. The general-purpose breeds of pool fry are best for the back-yard flock. They will supply both eggs anH meats- They are usually good sitters and good mothers. Best Land for Parsnips. Parsnips do well on land that last year produced potatoes, celery or leeks. Use Plenty Of Manure. Use plenty of well-rotted manure In the garden this year. This net profit of $1.29 per head average Vs cent a pound live weight And out of this small net profit divi dends must be paid to shareholders. Year Book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U.S.A.