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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1918)
Our Great Annual July UNLOADING Sale Commences Friday, July 5, at 9 a. m. Placing our entire Stock of high class Dry Goods, etc., on the altar of Sacrifice an event well worth travel ing 100 miles to attend. & mm? xmmmmmm 1 1 imt iiiijiiipiFimi i njji 1 1 in it ! rn ut tru inihim uniFtii! pi if i urm LrurEUim u iriurimiiiuiuuni muuituimu iniitnttimj HLiiiuiiiru i niHruiirniiuiuiiuiiiuiiiii First: Because our stock today is larger and more comprehensive than at any previous time. Because, notwithstanding the unprecedented advance in price Second.' of merchandise, man items which we contracted for a long time ago, will be offered on the basis on which we own it. Because every article, every yard of goods, every hat, every Third: coat, suit, dress, waist and every pair of shoes in the entire store will be offered at radically reduced prices; except contract goods This is one of our great semi-annual events, and you know what wonderful bargains we have offered you in the past and you will not be disappointed now. Remember the day and hour, Friday, July 5th at 9:30 and make it your bounden duty to be on hand when the doors swing open. A. I. Jensen Co. Outfitters to the Fair Sex. Second and Alder Street Walla Walla, Wash, THUS FAR AND NO FARTHER She itu 3to AN INDKPrONI-lKNT NEWBl'APEK P. B. Boyd, Publisher Subatorlption Rfjite. One copy, one year $1.50 Afhen paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 Rain or no ruin, no one should allow I from Koinf? htill further down the himself to ho carried away with the idea that there is not going to be a grain crop in this neck o' the Inland Empire for there will be one. and almost a normal one at that. The soaking of car drivers utilizing Athena streets for speedways, with stiffer fines, might serve to check a dangerous practice. mountain. The passengers were scat tered in every direction hut none was seriously injured. The Churches, Today the big drive is on the Nation over to secure pledges for the purchase of War Savings Stamps. Boost Ath ena over the top. Von Kuehlmann'a new peace plan is hut a subterfuge to plunder Russia, and the Allies regard it us such. Help yourself by helping Uncle Sam. Buy War Savings Stumps. cATHENA. OREGON, JUNE 2K, 1918 Tho fighting quality of our men in France is bei ig extensively comment ed upon by th allied newspapers. Turning to Canada, whose own soldiers have won the highest praise ol the military critics we find tho London, Ontario, Free Press remarking that "if the enemy presuaded himself (hat the entrance of the United Slutes into the war would not be a matter of sig nificance, he must now see the wisdom of revising his estimate. " Comment ing on tho "dash and eagerness" of the American Midler the Ottawa Cit izen thinks that "even in Germany it must bo known that the 'pinch hitter' generally wins the game," "Every adult in Canada has friends and rel atives in the United States and they were never prouder of them than they are at this moment," remarks the Windsor, Ont., Record, which adds: "Canadians don't ask what the United States is doing. We know. And when the Uernians are licked there will be no quarrel about the honors. There will be glory enough for all. Any time detractors of Uncle Sum raise their spiteful or jealous heads they will have n fight on their hands from tho Canadians," He thrifty and buy a thrift stamp toibty. 23 Years Ago. From the PreSB ol June 28 1895 from his boys are dream of your tent Private Lenharte who marched eight Hun privates and five officers into j American headquarters us prisoners, didn't have his hands full. Ho could , have escorted a regiment under the j samo conditions, for his bunch surren- ilered to him after effecting his cap- j ture. However, this was one extreme, while another of furious resistance pre- I vailed during the capture of tho last ! holdings of the Germans in Uelleau Wood. The Italians at lust got their "break" In tho game. When the Piavo twisted their "jinks." their "pinch hitters" drove 20,000 Austrians into its swirl ing floods, the total score of the bat tle bviug placed at 250,000 against the jojjc'g bidet S. A. Lowell, of Pendleton, is ad vertised to deliver the Fourth of July oration at Milton. Mrs. Alex McKay and Johnny Mc Kay were in Walla Walla Monday. Miss Edith Poat la learning the "art preservative" in the Press composing rooms. Matt Johnson returned mines Monday. The baud glad to sec him back. These hot dava mane on cool mountain breezes. Get ready ami go. Miss Anna Gholson returned Monday from Waltsburg, where she was on a visit to relatives. "Billy" Pinkerton bad a runaway the other day. Result; A broken wagon-tongue and dilapidated harness. On Thursday evening. Venus, which bus shown brightly for many weeks, tipped the point of the moon's crescent and made a beautiful sight which was observed by hundreds of people. The Helix bund has succumbed to the inevitable. The Athena band is the only thoroughly organized band of musician! la Eastern Oregon. Hard times have no effect on it. The grain has reached such a stage of maturity that harvest may begin the Uh of July, in a few instances, but the heading will commence in real carni st on the tenth of July. The force engaged in erecting the big warehouse for the Pacific Coast Elevator Co, were compelled to lay off Wednesday owing to non-arrival of lumber. It is said that spring grain and con siderable fall sown is injured now be yond all hope. Much will not be cut, not evon for hay. While the four-horse stage from Granite to Baker City was coming down Gianito mountain Wednesday with ten passengers on hoard, the brake gave way and the horses took fright and ran. The stage was thrown over the grade, but fortunately struck ifciuwi two vim ue'u, preventing it The Christian Church. At the Christian church Sunday morning. G. H, Freeman, of Spokane, will preach at 11 oclock. Bible school at 10, the usual hour. There will be no service in tho evening. Baptist Church Notes. To my brethren atid sisters, Greet ing: 1 have returned from the North west Bible Conference and can sav that it is the biggest and best thing of its kind that ever came to the Pa cific coast. I will give some echoes of the meeting Sunday. Topics for next Sunday, :10th: 11 a. ut. "The In numerable Host;" 8 p. m., "The Man Who Killed Opportunity." Let everv member of the church be present ut these services. The public is invited to attend. Now that the scare of scar let fever is over let us all resume our church services with renewed energies. I). E. Baker, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church. The Methodist church announces ree ular services for next Sunday Sti' day school at 10; preaching by th pastor at 11 and 8. Members a friends of other churches not holditu services will find an especial welcome at this church. But two months of the church year remain and every one should push and boost to make these the best month" of the year. A cool, restful home-like place for every summer Sabbath Cornel Walter S. Gleiser, Pastor. J. K. Charlton is over from La Grande to work during harvest. He formerly was a locomotive engineer running ontheO.-W. out of LaCtamle. Know Them by Their Laughter. The far-seeing mnn with a sense of humor laughs In his throat in spas modic little bursts. Ho looks before he leaps. He takes a good survey of a question before committing himself. Neither laughter nor speech esenpes easily. He lets them out judiciously. Those who laugh inside, shake their shottldders and go red In the face aro generally a good-tempered sort, gen erous and aboveboard. Bjut look round the comer when you see the man coin ing who swallows his laugh as though It would defile his lips. If he Is your master he will sweat you ; If your par ent, he will bully you ; If your husband, ho will make you miserable. i Insure Good Result!. If one Is pressed for time a good showing can be made by keeping cool and quietly disposing of one task be fore beginning another. Hurry and ex citement will binder any cause. Put the person who has mastered himself or herself who remains calm under all circumstances Is the man or wom an who does Bplendld work. Learning to concentrate one's mlud upon the duty at band Is, Indeed, an effort worth while. Therefore, the girl or woman who would spare herself hours of needless worry or excitement should wisely keep ber bead la other words, give ber beat attention, to w)ut- vmr t&a wstmM m Men of Science Baffled in Endeavors to Find the Real Root of All Languages, The Oldest languages known at the present time are the Sumerlan, Baby lonian (or Aacadlan) and the Egyptian. The earliest known Inscriptions belong to about the fifth millennium B. C, but It Is reasonable to assume that these were antedated by many different languages which had a great antiquity. The script of the Sumerlan, Baby lonian (or Accadlan) and Assyrian was the cuneiform. Chaldean, the lan guage used generally as the diplomatic language about the time of Belshazzar, Is what we now know as the Aramlc language. Archeology has thrown no light on the subject of the confusion of tongues. Abraham very probably spoke the Arairuilc, the language of Aram. In Canaan his descendants ap parently used the language of tho land, which was that of the Ammon ites. This Is whnt we now know as Hebrew. It would seem that the Isra elites retained while in Egypt the lan guage familiar to them, but archeol ogy has thrown no light upon the sub ject. Nothing has been discovered which can be determined as antedi luvian. Babylonian legends mention several cities as existing before the flood, and Arabic tradition says Haran was the first city that was rebuilt af ter the deluge, but archeology has Offered no certain data as yet on the SUbJeCt. ONLY BIT OF PINED WALL All That Remains of Castle That Was the ' Birthplace of Scotland' Hero, Robert Bruce, ' Turnberry cnstle, on the const of Ayrshire, Scotland, now but a bit of ruined wall near the lighthouse, was the birthplace and early home of Rob ert Bruce, whose father and mother "combined in themselves the earldoms of Annandale and Cnrrlck or royal lineage the titles still being retained by the present royal family of the United Kingdom." In ancient times this eld castle was large and strong. In the early part of Bruce's career Turnberry was held by an English force. Bruce through a mistaken signal, came to take the old familiar place, though his men were many too few for the task. Dis daining to give it up, however, he kept up an irregular war, sometimes being driven to refuge in the mountains or even In the wilds of a distant loch. At length he gathered together enough men to take Turnberry castle, which act was the beginning of his triumphant progress through Ayrshire and Stirlingshire, which finally ended with Bannockburn's tremendous vic tory. It is bard to realize the oldtlme Im portance of Turnberry, now that tho visitor must search long before he can come across Its few battered remains. Card of Thanks. Card of Thanks. The undersigned wish to express thanks through this medium, for the aid and comfort ad ministered during our recent bereave ment, the loss of our husband and fa ther. Especially are our thanks due the Masons, Odd Fellows and friends, and for the floral tributes. Mrs. Chas. Henry Allen and Family. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great Improvement In your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send (or testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Bold by all Druggists, 75c. Administrator's Notice. In the County Court for Umatilla County, Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of Luanda Hiteman, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the above entitled court administrator of the above entitled estate and has qual ified as by law required. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers at the office of my attorney, Homer I, Watts, Athena, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated May 81, 1918. Henry Dell. Administrator. Food Quotas. The man who works hard needs In a' day 12 ounces of one or of a combi nation of tho following: Meat, poul try, cheese, dried vegetables, fish or eggs. To vary the above he may count every glass of milk drunk equal to an ounce of any one of the others. The soldiers, either In home or military life, must have four pounds of fresh fruit and vegetables la order to keep the bony structure in good condition. He will need the three-quarters of a cup ful of fat (this Includes butter, oil, the fat of meat eaten or any other fat In the dully diet) to keep hlra warm, and to this group he must add one and one-fourth pounds of bread or cereal and finally, In order to complete tho necessary amount of driving power, he must have two ounces of sugar or one third of a cupful of sirup. Notice To Creditors. In the County Court for Umati'.a County, Oregon. In the Matter ot the Estate of Charles A. Barrett, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have been appointed Ex ecutors of the Estate of Charles A. Barrett, deceased, by the above en titled Court, and as such executors, have qualified as required. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to us with proper vouchers at the office of Henry A. Barrett, executor, in the C. A. Barrett & Co. Implement Store, or to our attorney, Homer I. Watts, at his office in "Athena, Oregon, within 6 months from the date hereof. Dated this 7th day of June, 1918. Jennie E. Barrett, Henry A Barrett. Executors. HAD KNOWLEDGE OF GERMS Abundant Proof That Anclenta Were Aware of the Existence of Little Demons of Disease, That the ancients knew the microbes of diseases Is Impossible to Imagine, yet It Is certain thnt ninny of them un derstood that there were such things. Dr. Jonathan Wright of Pleasantvllle, N. T., quoted in the Scientific Monthly from many Roman, Arabian and other writers extracts that prove this. Vurro and Columella, In the first century after Christ, ascribed the dis cuses of Rome to little animals which live lu the swamps. And the Egyptian and Assyrian cen sers, thousands of yenrs before Christ, burned resinous drugs and let loose the smoke of ethereal oils to exercise the little demons of disease precisely as our board of health doctors until very recently fumigated our houses to kill the germs of contagion. How effi cacious either method may be Is nei ther here nor there, the essential fact being thnt the undents, without micro scopes, had discovered the great truth upon which modern medicine Is based. Jheneal Test -of gasoline is in its boil ing points. In"Red Crown" they form a continuous, uniform chain, giving easy starting, quick accel eration, power and mile age. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Csliiorois) Me Gasoline f Quality iuj . oil, Sf0cii D ... . .iaiird Oil Company, Athena, Oregjn. IMiIIIIMIMMMMIIHHMIMMM Ml ESTABLISHED 18(35 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in Athena, by" Athena labor, in one ot the ver" best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronise home mdu)-, Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsbnm, Wash. MHIIHIIHM 3C32CS.;,-:.:i-.. Real Gravely Chewic gives a pure, clean tob&ccv taste a lasting tobacco sat isfaction that the chewer of ordinary tobacco doesn't get. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a poucli and zzorihit Cravelylasto ao much longer it cost: no more io chaw tnart ordinary pu, P. B. Gravely Tobacco Cvmpai , Danville, Virginia MHMMiiiiiiiiiniinnninniiMinniitMtin order your coal now- get it out of Uncle Sam's way- K A he needs the railroads Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. iiMiiiimtmnmniinmMtitniiitni THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE o tveryth mg In fishing Tackle BARRETT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON w.eitiimttmMnmn imnni umiiimiiih Groodyear Tires Athena Garage Repairing Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty. NtlMMMmilllMMMIIIMIMMHMIIIIIHI Law,- THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Kkhols Hotel Block . - . Athena. Oreg.