The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 21, 1918, Image 4

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"I'll give one of you boys sixpence
to carry my bag to the station," said
a cross eyed man, pausing before three
ragged little fellows.
"Which one, mister?" piped the
boys in chorus.
"You, ' said the cross-eyed man.
"You," said the crosseyed man.
"Which one?"
There was a pause. Finally one
little fellow said: "Fair do, mister;
close one eye and look at the kid you
want, will you?" Exchange.
Hotel Rowland
One hundred it ml six ty-fivo rtoomn, nil Modern
Improvements free plionen on every floor.
Rates: 75c to $1.50 per day: $2.50 to
$5.00 per week.
Opposite Courthouse, 2 block b from 1'ontofTice,
Firo Proof. B. I' and Oregon EJJectric pans door.
W fill pTTouKwilc'i lwUjr.
JJjjj ! i
Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery is now, if you feel that your
blood Is out of order. Don't wait until
you have to cure disease; it's easier
and better to prevent it.
With tho first blotches or eruption,
or the dullness, weariness, and de
pression that are some of the symp
toms, you need this medicine. It will
rouse every organ into healthy action,
thoroughly cleanBe and repair your
system, and build up needed flesh,
health, and strength. It's the only
reliable blood remedy. In the most
stubborn Skin or Scalp affections; In
the worst forms of Scrofula; In every
disease caused by a torpid liver or
impure blood it never falls to benefit
or cure.
Tho machinery of the body needs to
be well oiled, kept In good condition
Just as the automobile, steam engine
or bicycle. Most people neglect them
selves. To clean the system take a
pleasant laxative, such as. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets. For Bale by drug
gists 25 cents a vial. Adv.
White Leghorn Baby Ghix
from heavy laying (Haganliad) stock. $10.00
pec IOOl Wo gBaHntte wife arrival,
415 Sixth Street. Petaluma, Cal.
Veal, Pork, Beef,
Poultry, Butter, Egga
and Farm Produce,
to the Old Reliable Everding honu with a
record C 45 yean of Square Dealings, and
45-47 Front Street, Portland, Oregon
Absolutely Nothing
Better than Cuticura
for Baby's Tender Skin
Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c,
lfiNE Granulated Eyelids,
I riuri' r.vr,, l;v-7, Inll.itllt'il hy
"w '..Sun, ZJiiffaiiil Win d quickly
rallflUMl hu Mm m, Tru It In
IUUk LTUNoSmariing.JustEyeComfort
Marine Eye Remedy mSgSA
ya anlve, in T8i Ufa. Vat Book of thr. h'ut--Free.
Ask Murine 3 Remedy Co.. Chicago t
Hides, Pelts, Wool & Mohair
Wc win) ill rim havr. Write for hifrl .mCMiipping Titll.
PorUnnd, Orr.. Seattle, Wn.. BtlllnBham, Wn.
Bought, Sold, Rented end Repaired
WALK BB fcUXTKit; works
llurndidi'. cor. 10th. Portland. Ore.
ThoiisntidH of trained young peoplu nmded.
Hohnko-Wnilicr BuelnflM College, Portland, pIucob
studi'iila in poaitloni. Knroll any timo, V i
No Opinions at Present.
"What are your opinions about tho
war? "
"My friend," replied Senator Sorg
hum, "you aro asking loo much. I
Hover knew u good fighter who would
top in the middle of a bout to theor
ize on lln merits of tho ease." Ex.
Tho Egg Editor reports that tho
most patriotic member of his flock of
Plymouth Hoiks, Betty Ron, has
undertaken the contract of hatching
out 17 egga, Bucceta in the experiment
Ib looked for, owing to her unusual
wheel base. Detroit News.
A Good Time.
"Our heavy rush let up a trifle,"
remarked the aenlor partner.
"Quite so." remarked the manager.
"So you ralghl arrange for anybody
who wants to take sick leave to do so
now, and then we won't be hampered
Hi) much when wo get crowded again."
The Evils of Dress.
Tom Stevens Is limping. While put
ting on tils trousers and standing on
one fool he lost his balance and ill
trying to save himself from a fail
busted his toe againal the sharp edge
of a rooking chair.- Hiawatha Democrat.
The Better Way.
"Some men take life hard, like At
las with tho world on his shoulders."
"Others remind mo of the debonair
performer who stands on a globe and
trundles It In any direction he likes."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Skilled In Both.
"That lady is very expert."
"Keeps knitting and talking."
"And never drops a stitch or the
thread of her conversation." Chica
go Herald.
No Chances.
"Do you bolievo in telepathy?"
"No; wo always have a homeopathic
doctor." Exchange.
Up Against It.
"Professor, I can't work this prob
lem." "I provided a key."
"But I can't seem to find the key
hole." Louisville Courier-Journal.
We Simply Ask.
Those European correspondents are
so vexing. What the most, of us would
like to know is what Emperor Chas.'
mother-in-law had to say about It.
Food for Fighters.
"You will get a good price for your
"Tho price Isn't the consideration
this season," rejoined Farmer Corn
toBsel. "What we've got to think
about is what we're liable to get if
we don't have the wheat and plenty
of It." Exchange
Cuticura Beauty Doctor
For cleansing and beautifying the
skin, hands and hair, Cuticura Soap
anil Ointment afford the most effective
preparations. For free samples ad
dress, "Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston." At
druggists and by mall, Soap 25, Oint
ment 20 and 50. Adv.
Sweet Innocence.
"Nerlssa, 1 soo It is considered ad
visablo for tho troops to screen their
"Well, fly time Is a long way off,
but I havo some screens I can spare."
-Louisville Courier Journal.
The Test.
It's easy enough to ho pleasant when
life goes along gay and pert,
Hut the guy who's worth while Is tho
one who can smite when he's'
wearing a flannel shirt.
WTwn your plnt pinch or your Goraa and Bun
Iiiiik iu-Ih1, tret AMi'ii'h Foot-Kane, tho antint'litic
powiiiT (o Ik) shnki'ii into Httin'H ami Herinkleil in
tho foot-bath, (iivn hmtant rolit'f In Tirod, Ai'h-
tiitr. Tender Foot. Bampla PKBB. Address Allan
S. Olmitarl, Laftoy, Now York.
Well Matched.
"Tho pretty llttlo hrldo over the
way is like Juno; she's ox-eyed."
"Then Bho's got her match in her
husband, for he's hull headed." Exchange.
The Great Patience Tester.
"Job had wonderful patience."
"Vis. but Job never had to listen
lo a lot of camouflaged Herman pro
pagandists." Exchange.
Too Willing.
Dora- 1 wonder why Harry broke
his engagement with Miss Peckem?
Jack -According to my Information,
her father offered to lend hint money
jBOUgh lo get married on. - Minnea
polis Tribune.
A Consolation.
"My friend, the photographer, was
firmly refused by the lady ho asked
to marry him."
"Well, lie had something to console
him. At least, ho secured a good nega
tive." Exchange,
"Money is the root of all evil."
"Yes, and it seems to grow best by
tho grafting process." Exchange.
By buying direct from U at wholraale prifoe
and save ihf plumber'a Wrtutun to
day your aaada, W will alvu you our ruck
bottom "dir. rt-Ui-ynii" price. 1. o. b. rail or
boat. Wu actually nave you from 1U to U4 per
oent. All i-oodn tfuarantned.
Northwest headquarter foi leader Water
Syateuu and Fuller & Juhnuon EngintM,
212 Third St. tL Portland. Oram
P. N. U.
No. 20, 1918
Here's Grandmother's Recipe to
Darken and Heautify
Faded Hair.
That beautiful, even shade of dark,
glossy hair can only bo had by brew
ing a mixture of Sago Tea and Sul
phur. Your hair Is your charm. It
I makes or mars tho face. When It
fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an
application or two of Sage and Sul
phur enhances Its appearance a hun
dredfold. Don't tether to prepare the mix
ture; you can get this f annum old re
cipe Improved by the addition of other
Ingredients for 50 cents a large bottle,
all ready for use. It Is called Wyeth'a
Sago and Sulphur Compound. This
can always be depended upon to bring
buck the natural color and lustre of
your hair.
Everybody uses "Wyelh's" Sage and
Sulphur Compound uow because it
darkens so naturally and evenly that
nobody can tell It has been applied.
You simply dampen a sponge or soft
brush with It and draw this through
the bulr, taking one small strand at
a time; by morning the gray hair has
disappeared, and after another appli
cation It becomos beautifully dark and
appears glossy and lustrous. This
ready-to uso preparation is a delight
ful toilet requisite for those who de
sire dark hair and a youthful appear
ance. It is not Intended for the cure,
mitigation or prevention of disease.
Pruning and Training Varies Accord
ing to Different Types Canes
Are Biennial.
(From tha United States Dapartmant of
The best system of training and
pruning the different types of raspber
ries depends largely upon their man
ner of growth. All types send up
shoots called "turlons" from the lead
er buds which usually are formed at
the base of old canes. Sometimes only
one such bud Is produced on each
cane, but usually at least two ore
formed, and sometimes three or more
appear. Thus, if two cunes grew the
first year after planting and each pro
duced two buds, four cuues would ap
pear the second year, eight canes
would be formed the third year, and
by the fourth year there would be 16
canes. However, some of the buds
do not start, and many of those that
do start make weak canes, so that
LM A a a I
Field of Cuthbert Raspberries Under
Linear System of Culture Two
Wires, One on Each Side, Hold
Canes Erect.
when plants are in bearing about the
same number of strong canes are pro
duced the first year after the planta
tion eoniHs into full bearing as during
each of tlie following years.
The new shoots of nil types of rasp
berries complete their development In
size the first season. The second sea
son small side branches are sent out
on which the fruit is borne. As soon
as the berries ripen the cane dies and
Is cut out. Thus the canes are bien
nial, that is, they live for part of two
years ; and the roots are perennial,
living for ninny years. A few varie
ties of red raspberries, among which
Is the Ranere, hear fruit on the tips
of the new canes In the summer and
autumn of their first year of growth.
Such tips die hack, and the parts of
the cane which have not fruited bear
(he following summer,
The system of training and pruning
varies not only with the type of rasp
berry, but also with the vigor and na
ture of the variety, with climatic con
ditions, with the cost of materials,
and with the preference of the grower.
Thus, th Ranere red raspberry makes
a dense growth of comparatively slen
der canes, while others, like the Marl
boro and Ruby, make fewer canes,
which are much stouter and more
erect. The Ranere is not a tall-growing
Under the hill system, the plants
should be set about 5 feet apart each
way. A stake '2 to 4 Inches in diam
eter should be driven into the ground
beside each plant when it Is one yenr
old, and the canes tied twice to each
stake, once about half-way up and
again at the top of the stake. Five to
seven canes should be left to each
plant, the others being cut out. Ordi
narily no pruning of the tips is need
ed. The canes of this variety grow
fairly tall and the stakes In this case
are about t( feet above ground. Oili
er varieties have shorter canes and
the stakes should correspond to their
height. Varieties like the Marlboro,
Ruby and Perfection may he grown
under tills system easier than those
which make a rank growth of suckers,
as does the Ranere.
Where tho canes are stout and from
fl to o feet tall, growers often allow
a solid row or hedge 2 to 3 feet wide
to form, as shown In figure 13. This
system Is very common over nil the
eastern Dntted States and Is adapted
tit such short-caned varieties as the
King. Marlboro, Herbert and Ituby. A
modification of Ibis system is used ex
tensively in New Jersey in growing
the Ranere, The canes of the Kanere
are comparatively slender, and In
early spring growers cut the tops back
with hedge shears so (hat they can
support the crop in an erect position,
The linear system, which differs
from the hedge system in that no
suckers are allowed to grow, seems to
be becoming more popular and Is to
be preferred to any other in some
sections. It Is Coming to be used very
commonly in training raspberries In
all parts of the United States where
varieties are grown which have strong
erect canes, and It Is the only system
used to any extent in the state of
Washington. The simplest form of
this system Is that used where the
eanes are stout and short and will
hold an erect position when bearing a
full crop of fruit.
Set Out Small Fruits.
This Is a gootl year to set straw
berries, raspberries nnd currants In the
home garden. They row quickly and
soon give returns. The labor of upkeep
need not be a burden.
Rabbits Can Serve Nation.
Anyway, cottontails can serve the
nation better in rabbit pie than by
gnawing fruit trees.
Prune and Spray.
Prune and spray tht orchard before
rush work begins.
(Conducted by National Council of the Boy
Scouts of America.)
The sea scout brunch of the Boy
Scouts of America bus been placed un
der the direction of James A. Wilder.
The lure of the sea Is as strong to
the boy as the lure of the wilds. For
the first time he Is to have a chance
to smell the tar and oakum and feel
the swaying deck beneath his feet,
even though he may live In a sandy
The chief sea scout has introduced
a new note Into scouting the Idea of
giving every scout a definite Job with
definite duties. Under his system there
Is no general rush for the axe and neg
lect of the shovel. Every scout does
his part of the work and together they
do It all whether It Is launching a
boat or cooking a meal.
As in the navy, every scout in the
boat will have a specialty and a rating
based on that specialty. He will have
certain gear In his charge and will re
ceive special Instruction In the han
dling and the care of the same.
It Is not absolutely necessary that
there shall be water In or near a town
where the sen scouts are to be organ
ized, though not to have at least a
horse-pond will be a handicap. Jour
neys to navigable water must then be
undertaken or crew and skipper will
stick at the boat grade, und Interesting
but dry-land class of work and games.
It will be permissible to chnnge n
room into a "ship." In this case the
stairways will become "gangways," the
windows "ports" and "skylights," nnd
everything will be kept shipshape.
The United States navy department
has been Interested In sea scouting for
a number of years, nnd some troops of
sea scouts have had the use of navy
equipment, including boats. Instruc
tion has been given In some cases by
Instructors from navy yards and navy
The national council of the Boy
Scouts of America lias recognized the
importance of camping as fundamen
tal to the movement by providing for
a new department of camping. L. L.
McDonald, of Chicago, is the chief.
The camping director is responsible
for the development of plans, programs
and literature for the help of char
tered troops and local councils in giv
ing boys an opportunity to receive the
Director Department of Camping, Boy
Scouts of America.
benefits of camp life under the most
favorable conditions and In the most
economical and efficient way.
He will define and maintain regula
tions for the conduct of camps for boy
scouts and will be specifically charged
with the supervision of all boy scout
camps and enforcing the minimum re
quirements prescribed for leadership,
facilities, program, sanitary arrange
ments and menu.
Doubtless the anticipation of camps
and outings attracts to the movement
for Its Indoor program more boys and
leaders than all other features com
bined. The very origin of the scout
movement was In response to the
great need of an organized program
which would take growing boys from
the city out Into the open air under
wholesome influence!, developing In
them qualities Inherent In the life of
the pioneer, which the boys of today
have little or no opportunity to acquire.
In the Virginia senate the pages are
organized as a troop of boy scouts.
This Is the first scout troop ever
formed In a state legislature and was
requested by Clerk Hanger because he
had seen the results of scout work In
his own home. Amherst, Ya. He was
determined that the best code for the
pages In the Virginia senate would be
the scout law and oath.
Sugar Is extracted from 16 varieties
of palms that grow In Ceylon.
Economizing Time.
"We must all try to save some
thing." "Well," sal! Senator Sorghum, "I
have done a little In that direction. I
prepared five speeches and threw four
and a half of them Into the waste basket."
Hens Often Are Restless After Part of
Eggs Have Hatched Guard
Against Lice and Mites.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
When the chickens begin to hatch
the sitting hen should not be disturbed
unless she Is restless and steps on or
picks the chickens. In this case the
chickens should be removed us soon as
dry nnd placed In a basket lined with
flannel or some other warm material
and the basket placed near a fire or In
some warm place until all the eggs are
hatched. Another plan Is to remove
the eggs from the restless hen nnd
Proud Mother Hen With Chicks.
place them under a more quiet one
whose eggs are hatching at the same
When the eggs hatch unevenly, ns Is
frequently the case, those which are
slow In hutching may lie placed un
der another hen. Hens often are rest
less after a part of the chickens are
out, which allows the remaining eggs
to become cool nt the very time when
steady heat Is necessary to successful
ant strong hatches. Kemove the egg
shells nnd any eggs which have not
hatched as soon ns hatching Is over.
The mother hen should be fed as
soon as possible after the eggs are
hatched, as feeding tends to keep her
quiet. Hens that are not so fed will
sometimes leave their nests. In some
eases It is best that the hen remain
on the nest and brood the chickens for
at least 24 hours after the hatching
is over.
It Is important at this stage of In
cubation to guard against lice and
mites. Before the hen and her chick
ens are removed to a brooding coop
she should be dusted with a good In
sect powder. This should be repeated
every two weeks or as often as Is nec
essary until the chickens are weaned.
If lice become thick on the chickens or
if they are troubled with "head lice"
a very little grease such as lard or
vaseline may be applied with the fin
gers on the head, neck, under the
wings nnd around the vent. Great care
is necessary, however, not to get too
much grease on the chickens as It will
stop their growth and In some cases
may prove fatal.
Those Hatched Early Are Stronger and
More Vigorous Than Those to
Come Out Later.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
All things considered the early
batched chicks give far the best re
sults. As a rule they are stronger nnd
moro vigorous than those hatched Inter
In the spring. They nre produced from
eggs laid while the hens are In their
best breeding condition. After n long
period of laying hens lose something
of their vitality and their capacity to
transmit vigor to their offspring, nnd
so late-hatched chickens are, on the
whole, decidedly Inferior to early
hatched in Inherited vigor and const!
Because they are more thrifty and
vigorous, early-hatched chickens make
quicker, better and cheaper growth
than late chickens. Thrifty chickens
get more from u given quantity of feed
than others. Weak nnd undersized
chickens often consume as much feed
ns much lnrger and better-developed
birds and still make no perceptible
United States Department of Agricul
ture Urges Every Farmer to
Keep 100 Hens.
To Increase the production of poul
try and eggs In the measure necessary
to meet the demands for them, the
United States department of agricul
ture Is urging every farmer to keep at
least 100 hens, and to increase the egg
production for each hen from the pres
ent average of about 70 to the more
satisfactory average of 100 eggs to the
Cases of Blackhead Are Infrequent
Where Birds Are Permitted to
Forage for Feed.
Of the Infectious diseases of tur
keys, blackhead is the most destruc
tive. It Is notable that whenever the
climate and range conditions are such
as to permit of the turkeys foraging
for most of their feed from the time
they are hatched until they are mar
keted, cases of blackhead are Infre
quent. Free runge and care not to
overfeed are Important factors In rais
ing turkeys successfully.
A Talk With the Boas.
"Your son Isn't much of a worker."
"I think, however, he has much
latent ability."
"Maybe so. He's late about five
qiornlngs a week."
Egaa for Turkey Hens.
Turkey hens cover from 15 to 18
eggs, and In some cases more, depend
ing on the size of the hen. Chicken
hens of the general-purpose breeds
cover from eight to ten.
Raising Poults.
When, on account of rainy weather
or unfavorable range conditions, it is
advisable to raise the poults by the
coop method, more care mnst be gives
to their feeding.
"Heavy, heavy hangs over
your head.
M0. 1 know what it is. daddy!
You held it too close and I
smell It Ifs WRIGLEYS!
(ftiflj! "Rifihto. sonny -give your j
!lp appetite and digestion a S
I p treat while you tickle your I
You corn-pestered men and women
need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes
that nearly killed you before, sayB
this Cincinnati authority, because a
few drops of freezone applied directly
on a tender, aching corn or callous
stops soreness at once and soon the
corn or hardened callous loosens so it
can be lifted out, root and all, with
out pain.
A small bottle of freezone costs
very little at any drug store, but will
positively take eff every hard or soft
corn or callous. This should be tried
as it is Inexpensive and is said not
to irritate the surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any freezone
tell him to get a small bottle for you
from bis wholesale drug house. It la
fine stuff and acts like a charm every
time. Adv.
"Here's another threat about the
high cost of living through the war."
"What Is it?"
"The paper says they've got a won
derful gun which can shoot 80 miles
and kill chickens. Of course that's go
ing to make eggs go up." Exchange.
Friendly Advice.
"Modern ladies don't seem to care
for my book on etiquette. The chap
ter on how to enter a drawing room
used to sell it."
"Bring It down to date. Add a chap
ter on how to smoke a clgaret."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Sergeants Only.
Rookie There's a young lady wants
to entertain a soldier from this camp
every Tuesday night, sir. She says
she will serve cake and hot chocolate,
and will sing and all that. Shall I go?
Sergeant No. What's her address?
Boston Transcript.
Her Remedy.
"When I told Maria her new hat
was unbecoming she said she would
face the trouble and make it the sub
ject of serious reflection."
"And did she?"
"Sure. She went for the nearest
looking glass." Exchange.
Sounded Like That.
The nurse In a well-to-do family
overheard the little son of the house
telling his sister how he had hid be
hind the portiere and Bpied on big
sister and her beau.
"Oh, tell me what they did!" cried
little sister.
"It was such fun," chuckled the boy.
"The big cbump flopped down on his
knees and then he said: 'Answer me,
Clara; I can bear this expense no
longer.' " Boston Transcript
His Way.
"I never pay old debts; I simply
forget them."
"And your new ones?"
"Oh, I let them get old." Exchange.
Depends on the Chicken.
Of course chicken feed is
priced, but it is still cheaper
grain store than at a table d'ho'
Dallas News.
Paris Wants to Know.
Doesn't von Hlndenburg kno- that
it is bad etiquette to be late for a din
ner engagement? Charleston News
and Courier.
Time for Development.
Creditor I shall call on you every
week until you pay this bill.
Hardleigh Then there seems to be
every probability of our acquaintance
ripening into friendship. Puck.
Why Blnks Worried.
"The Lord knows how Binks made
his money."
"No wonder he always looks wor
ried." St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
As a Starter.
What the world now demands of
Wizard Burbank is a vegetable ham.
Chicago News.
Small Fry.
"Is Bliggins a profiteer?"
"No. He doesn't get into the big
figures far enough to be in the three
syllable class. He's only a grafter."
Washington Star.
Earned His Respect.
"I have great respect for that wo
man's judgment."
"Why so, Flubdub?"
"She refused to marry me once."
Kansas City Journal.
A Little Mixed.
"Your husband is always chaffing,
isn't he, Mrs. Comeup?"
"Oh, dear me, yes. I tell him he 1b
quite a chauffeur." Exchange.
' The Language.
"Isn't it a pity that firm is going
"Yes, I heard it was going up." Exchange.
Good Reason.
"Why," asked the city boarder on
the farm to the farmer as he scattered
grains in the barnyard, "don't you
husband all that corn?"
"I can't," replied the farmer; "it is
henpecked." Exchange.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver,
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative three for a cathartic
Another Kitchen Invention.
"I am afraid this high cost of living
is going to Introduce another innova
tion In the average kitchen."
"What is that?"
"The foodless cooker." Baltimore
"The iceman's young man has such
melting eyes, the cookjsays."
"Then ask the Iceman please to
change him for one of freezing man
ners." Baltimore American.
By Lydia E. Pmkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Winona, Minn. "I suffered for more
than a year from nervousness, and was
I 1 T 1 .1 .
u uau couia nor.
rest at night
would lie awake and
get so nervous I
would have to get
up and walk around
and in the morning
would be all tired
out I read about
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound and thought
I would try it My
nervousness soon
i, , , 1 steep
well and feel fine in the morning and
able to do my work. I gladly recom
mend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound to make weak nerve
strong. " Mrs. Albert Sultze, 608
Olmstead St, Winona, Minn.
How often do we hear the expression
among women, "I am so nervous, I can
"ot ?'eP.' or "it seems as though I
shoii d fly." Such women should profit
by Mrs. bultze's experience and give
tin? famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, a trial.
For forty years it has been overcom
ing such serious conditions as displace
ments, inflammation, ulceration, irreg
ularities, periodic pains, backache, diz
ziness, and nervous prostration of
women, and is now considered the stan
dard remedy for such ailments.