The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 21, 1918, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year JWJ
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00
One copy, six months ?
One copy, three months 50
With all the titanic effort and t he
billions of dollars necessary to put the
country on a war basis, it would ap
pear that in America there would he a
sufficient, number of manufacturers
with enough business acumen to no
out and get contracts from the gov
ernment direct, instead of parleying
with grafting commission bunds on
high percentage basis. The nation
lias ample funds to back this war to a
finish, but not a dollar to contribute to
graft, and the sooner it is totally elim
inated by process of a few hangings
(prison sentences tabooed) the easier
it will be to sell Liberty Bonds and
Thrift Stamps. One army lieutenant
has already been enmeshed in the net
of investigation, and tho linger of jus
tice now points to higher-ups.
On good housewife writes the query
department of a metropolitan news
paper that she has but one quart of
wheat flour in her larder; that she de
sires to save it "to make gravies,"
and wonders if it would be a crime if
she did not return it to her grocer.
The query editor passes the buck up
to her, advising her to act according
to the dictates of her conscience; but
softens the blow by referring to the
hundreds of barrels of flour that have
been returned and the other hundreds
of barrels that have not been returned.
Between the recent aphis raid on
growing grain and the. continued dry
weather, spring sown crops, especially
barley, give little or no encouragement
for fulfillment of earlier expectations
on the part of the grower. Not so
much will the monetary loss ho felt,
but the fact that the grain was needed,
and needed badly, ma''.es the result a
deplorable one.
That boy back east was no slacker,
who had the deformity of an extra toe
on cither foot removed by tho sur
geon's knife. His kind will honor the
uniform they wear. Doubtless 1 the
happiest moment of his life came when
the enrolling ofllcer told him that he
could he u marine by having tho sur
plus digits aiuuutated.
It would appuar that there is enough
and plenty, of cut-throat hamstringing
in selfish, sordid everyday commorcial
ism, without sacrificing patriotism to
the greed of commission pirates, who
have apparently absorbed millions of
dollars by their shady juggling of gov
ernment contracts.
Pendleton leads with the announce
ment that no Fourth of July celebra
tion will he hehl there this year, So
far, no other town in the county has
announced itself ns a celebrant.
Hence, we will assume we urn to hac
a Fourthletl Fourth.
Small Fish and Other Living Creatures
Have Been Observed in Deso
late Waters.
The Dead sea is not quite so deso
late as was represented by early writ
ers, who pictured It as utterly without
life, with sterile shores, and so pesti
lential that even birds flying over were
liable to fall dead. Though 40 miles
In length find more than 0 miles In
greatest breadth, It Is especially not
dble ns being the greatest depression
on the earth, Its surface being 1,300
feet lower than that of the Mediter
ranean. The rainfall Is slight, but the
great volume of water poured In by
the Jordan raises the surface 10 or
15 feet at times, though, with no out
let, this Inflow Is all evaporated In the
dry season. The water has become
very dense and bitter, while floating
masses of bitumen ejected from the
bottom and BUlphur deposited from
springs along the shore add to the un
attractiveness. It Is true that neither
animal nor vegetable life is to be
found In the sultest pnrts of the sen,
but Dr. W. O, Mnsterton, In an ac
count to the Royal Geographical so
clety, stated that near the shores,
where small brackish streams find en
trance, occur small fish, crabs and
mosquito larvae. At a spot whore he
and other travelers saw fish actively
swimming, the water was found to
contain not less than 88.3 per cent of
solids. There are many places along
the shore where ncros of reeds and
many trees flourish, and at such spots
birds and other animal life are abundant.
23 Years Ago,
From the Press oi June 21 1855
nights building castles in the air and
wondering as to where the fowl
cd on golden nuggets.
"Scriibbler" is at war with the
finny tribe on the classic Umatilla this
week. Brain food, you know; so look
out a little later on.
Root. Maloney, J. W. Smith, Mr
France, Chas. Marsh and Dick Maioney
returned from a fishihg expedition on
the Umatilla last evening.
E. It. Cox and M-s. Alice Mansfield
were united in marriage in Pendleton
by Rev. W. E. Potwine. The bride
and groom both are well known to
Press readers, both having a large cir
ce of friends in this community.
This morning a big deal in wheat
was reported from Vansycle in the sale i
of 13,000 bushels of wheat at 45 cents
clear of all warehouse and handling
charges. The wheat was put in the i
warehouse at 22 cents last fall.
The report that Wilse Coyle had i
been dangerously injured or killed in a
brawl In southeastern Oregon recently .
lacks confirmation.
The Milton Eagle is tired of seeing
the Main street of Milton used as a
stock corral, and wants the town coun
cil to make a cow ordinance.
Born, in Athena Juno 17, 1895, to
the wife of Doc. Stamper, a girl.
Pendleton will organize an athletic
Flour at Long Creek, Grant county,
is sold at tl per barrel.
Mis. Jacobs left last week for Port
land, to attend the meeting of Oregon
Tuesday evening occurred the wed
ding of Frank Curl and Miss Endicott.
The ceremony was performed in Pen
dleton, Rev. W. T. Rigby officiating.
Walla Walla has no engine team or
driver, depending upon private teuus
to pull her tire apparatus to iires by
offering and giving a reward to the
lirst team that gets on the ground.
Fred Rosenzweig, It. O. Hawks.
Win. Kilcorc, J. M. Hayes and James
Mitchell were among Athena Woodmen
who visited tho Weston lodge Tuesday
night and assisted in initiating a can
didate, Jerry St. Dennis is a highly elated
mull. At his ranch south of town the
other day the cook, in dressing a chick
en, discovered a nugget of gold in the
craw. Jerry is now lying wake o'
Jte Gasoline
Umatilla county's lirst moonshiners
me in jail, and Sheriff Taylor still has
tile still in evidence ny;ti'..)tl tlieUI,
showing the speed of 1. astern Oregon
is not to be put in a class witli the
slow pace of South Ca'llny,
It 111 Yanks can lepulse 800 lun
,-torm troops, how many corps of bodi
es will Hlndy have to throw in to stop
a division of Sammies, once they start
on a pilgrimage across No Man's Land''
A continuous.uniform
chain of boiling points
makes "Red Crown"
dependable. No "mix
ture" can give the
same satisfactory re
sults. Look for the
Red Crown sign be
fore you fill.
Guy Cronk, Special Agent, Standard Oil
Company, A'hena, Oregon.
1 1 : v
"Has anybody here -cel. Kelly-
Kelly with the green necktie" Nope1
N"i have we lately heard anything
about the proposed swimming pool.
I'cm more brushes with the Yankee
Murines and the huns will be pulling
straws for trunslt'i to othei angles of
Will the rose fade and lU lawn
shrivel, eve we are permitted to irri
gate? "The Female of the Species."
"I could never think or marrying,"
aid old PMuee (l , "for l know
what my fate would bo. Every l!us
elan lives under his wife's slipper."
Han in- an occasional outburst of
terrible Asiatic temper on (he part of
paterfamilias UMiully soon, and con
tritely repented of this Is a fact. The
Russian woman is always the strong
er. She has a vitality and energy
which the men seem unable to cope
villi. The stories of Tsolmlkovsky's
erratic marriage and terrific Hlghi
like the aversion, founded on souii
thing like fear, of Slrindhcri: for wom
en (Sf rindherg bring n t,v f Swede
that shows ninny Russian proclivities,
even ns much Russian blood has perco
lated lulo Certain pari" Of Sweden)
licelvo many MtJlhlllUjOlf conitinn
Inrlcs, If one has known something of
(he more Intimate aspect of RtlMlsn
oilstwico. A. O. 'JulUvtf, la MismsUv
We Set Tire
Why is it that United Slates Tires
are setting new records for mileage
and serviceability ?
Why is it that the sales of these
tires are constantly mounting by
leaps and bounds ?
The answer is found in the fac
tories where United States Tires are
Standards of construction for
these tires are higher than ever be
fore known in the tire industry.
Makers of tire fabrics tell us that
the standards we have given them
for United States Tire fabrics are
higher than any previously known.
Likewise through every process
of construction from crude rubber
to finished tires we hove set new
and higher standards everywhere.
These standards work out on your
car in the practical economy de
manded by war-times.
I niteil States Tires will raise any
car to higher efficiency.
'There is a type to suit every con
dition of service.
The nearest United States Sales
and Service Depot ib-alerw il1 cheer
fully aid in selectiiv riyht tires for
your requirements.
United States Tires
are Good Tires
"tsry own is mucn Derter," nnnwuneoa
.Telly, evidently bursting to declare It
She was cordially urged to do so. "Be
cause It saw the lemon sponge on the
dumb waiter," she proclaimed trl.
umphantl. "Quite nice and cool,"
said Janet approvingly. "The vista of
possibilities you open up!" murmured
Peter. "For Instance, it might have
seen the banana trifle with the maids
of honor. Or the gooseberry fool with
the nuts from Brazil. All very pain
ful to nn orange of really nice feeling.
But Jt like your dumb waiter.'"-
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty
five years, and has become known as the
most refiabfe remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pol
son from the Blood and healing the dis
eased portions.
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for a short time you will see a
great improvement in your general
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send
tor testimonials, free.
F. J. CHUNKY ft CO.. Toledo, Ohio-
Hold bv '.11 Druggists. 75c.
Vitt Halt n'gnaf II
the tetter "0". The
creu u nnli the sap-
ply shia to tend otter
more bravely.
Administrator's Notice.
In the County Court for Umatilla
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate of
lucinda Hiteman, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
above entitled court administrator of
the above entitled estate and has qual
ified as by law required. All persois
having claims against the estate are
hereby notified to present the same
to me with proper vouchers at the
office of my attorney, Homer I. Watts,
Athena, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated .May 81, 1918,
Henry Dell.
Uncle Sam will Hand Him
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug
In a Pouch from You
The U. S. Mails will reach any man in
Uncle Sam's Service. When you send him
tobacco, let it be good tobacco tobacco
worth sending all that long way the flat,
compressed plug of Real Gravely.
Give any man a chew of Real Gravely Plug, and
he will tell you that's the kind to send. Send the best!
Ordinary plug is faUe economy, it costs lew per
week to chew Real Gravely, because a small chew of
it lasts a long while.
If you smoke a pipe, slice Gravely with your knife
and add a little to your smoking tobacco. It will give
flavor improve your smoke.
Dealer! all around here carry it In 10c. pouches. A 3c
stamp will put it into his hands in any Training Camp or Seaport
oi the U. S. A. Even "over there" a 3c. stamp will take it to
him. Your deafer wiif supply envelope and give you official direc
tions how to address it.
The Patent Poach kmmp it Fretk and Chan and Good
It is not Real Gravely without this Protection Seal
Established 1S31
Administratrix' Notice.
In the County Court for the Umatilla
County, Oregon,
In the Matter of the Estate of
Mary LaFave, Deceased:
Notice is hereby Riven that I have
been appointed administratrix with
the will annexed of the above entitled
estate, and have qualified as by law re
quired. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present them to me with proper
vouchers at the office of my attorney,
Homer I. Watts, Athena. Oregon,
within six months from this date.
Dated this 17th day of May, 1918.
Carrie LaP'ave Bergevin,
Administratrix with the Will annexed.
Notice To Creditors,
In the County Court for Umatilla
County. Oregon.
In the Matter ot the Estate of
Charles A. Barrett, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that we, the
undersigned, have been appointed Ex
ecutors of the Estate of Charles A.
Barrett, deceased, by the above en
titled Court, and as such executors,
have qualified as required. All per
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same
to us with proper vouchers at the office
of Henry A. Barrett, executor, in the
C. A. Barrett & Co. Implement Store,
or to our attorney, Homer I. Watts, at
his office in Athena, Oregon, within
6 months from the date hereof.
Dated this 7th day of June, 1918.
Jennie E. Barrett,
Henry A Barrett,
Notice of Final Account.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Mary A. Jones, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it ma" concern that Walter J.
Jones, administrator of the estate of
Mary A. Jones, deceased, has filed his
final account and report in the admin
istration of the estate and that the
County Judge by order duly ulade has
appointed Tuesday the a5th day of
June, 1918, at the hour of ten o'clock
in the forenoon as the time and the
County Court house of Umatilla Coun
ty, at Pendleton, as the place where
all objections and exceptions to the
said final account and report will be
heard and settlement thereof made.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, on
this a4th day of May, 1918.
Walter J. Jones, Administrator,
Will. M. Peterson,
Attorney for Administrator.
Quality Always Service First
Bhone 532
Standard Tomatoes, two cans 25c
Small White Beans, 3 pounds 50c
Minced Razor Clams, - - - per can 15c
Prepared Mustard, - - - 15 oz bottle 20c
Citrus, - - 2 pkg's for 55c
cJ7Wilk Hominy, - - - - 2 cans 25c
Baby Carnation cTWilk. - - - 4 cans 25c
We Want Your Butter and Eggs
Ladies, use our Rest Room while in town.
This store remains open evenings
Quality Always Service First
se'iimnMiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiii m i n it
Athena Bakery
O. H. McPherrin, Manager
why worry about substitutes?
Buy Hohbach's Bread
Give us a Trial. Worthington Building, Athena, Ore
We know United States Tires are go'K.1 Tires. That's
- ... why- .we- tell theiu.
u. J
Boiling Points
are vaporizing points. In Red Crown
gasoline they form a continuous, uniform
chain givingsteadv, dependable power.
Look for the Red Crown sign.
C&immfujBt Gasoline
tsKfs mm '
Grain Tanks
1000 TO 8000 BUSHELS
A perfect combination of wood and steel. A
general utility grainary for field or barnyard.
A simple, efficient farm building, useful 12
months in the year.
wmmmmmmmmmm, . ! ana
John H. Jones, Athena. Ore.
In Fishing Tackle
Groodyear Tires
Athena Garage
Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty.
ft"'" ttiiiiiiiiiiiiii !
GUY CROMi, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Atheua
A.J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving, Haircutun, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block . . . Athena, Oreg.