The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 17, 1918, Image 2

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Section of Northern Montana Brilliant
Scene During the Short Months
of Summer.
The Blaekfcet, or Picgnns, as they
call themselves, number approximate
ly 2,700. The setting for this pictur
esque trlbo Is a wonderful country,
without a glimpse of which no picture
of the Ulackfeet would he complete,
Klsle K. Newton writes In the South
ern Workman. The reservation Is In
northern Montana ; In area It Is nbout
two-thirds the size of Connecticut. It
lies up next to Canada on the north
and Glacier park on the west. The
park was once n part of It, and ro
tains many Indian names, such as
Ooing-to-the-Sun mountain, Itislng
Wolf mountain, Two Medicine lake
and river, nnd others.
From the splendid wldte-topped
range on the west the country drops
to rolling prairie eastward. It Is n
region of bitter winds and storms for
several months In (he ycnr. Closer to
the mountains, there Is not n month
when frost Is unexpected, and snow
falls as late as Juno, liut as soon as
the last ilake has disappeared the hill
sides flame almost overnight with wild
flowers. The splendor of them contliK
ties throughout the short summer, one
brilliant shade succeeding another.
Half acres In purple, spots of blue,
streaks of yellow one sees this sort
of color effect week after week.
go witlftut wheat, but these innocents
will actually die unless we give them
of ours In generous proportion."
Victory bread Is received with hear
ty approval, nut don't be satisfied
to use It on a wheatlesB day or at a,
wheatless meal, because It Isn't wheat
less. '
Taking It From Babies.
"Every ounce of wheat products In
excess of six pounds per month that
you oat, Mr. American Citizen, Is (hat
much literally taken from the mouths
of the starving women and children
of Prance," says a Food Administra
tion bulletin. "Tho armed'wjjjr.i ranv
8oldlers Seldom Visualize Death Until
They Have Had Their Training
With the Bayonet
Comparatively few of the men In the
training camps have sensed the serious
ness of their Job from book, writes Jo
seph H, Odell, In the Outlook. Nor did
it come to many of tlftm from the for
mal drills, the setting-up exercises, or
the acquisition of military terms and
habits, The reality the grim but
thrilling reality of their business
Came ftom the bayonet.
Men can stand at attention without
paying attention; they can form col
Ininns of fours automatically ; they can
salute ns n matter of easily acquired
habit ; they can learn the bugle calls by
subconscious absorption ; but no man
can wield the bayonet without visualiz
ing dentil. The first nnd chief duty of
tin; bayonet Instructor is to make men
visualize death their own or their
foe's. "You must get him before he
gets you ; It's him or you, him or you,
him or you 1"
Then the ghastly seriousness of the
business comes over the recruit; the
dreadful alternative flashes along every
nerve, and commands the muscles of
the eyes, the legs, and the arms as they
have never been commanded before. It
searches his soul nnd marks him as a
coward or a man ; it puts deep lines on
his face nnd galvanizes his will; It
changes him almost Instantaneously
from a civilian to a soldier.
M Continuous Chain
gives easy starting, quick
and smooth acceleration,
power and mileage, in Red
Crown gasoline.
r& OX
7Ae Gasoline
A few words of Truth
If quality" and value mean anything to you; if you'd
like the right style too, it will pay you to trade at the
Our stocks are the largest by far; our prices, quality considered, are the least. We
are selling a great many articles now for less than the present wholesale cost, because
we bought them early in large quantities and we want to make it possible for all our
patrons to save on needed merchandise. Buy here and you'll be helping yourselves.
Oopyrlf hi Hart 8fhtTor A Mrs
Our Men's Suits
Arc making a lot of new friends this season. There's a reason for that,
things don't happen of themselves these days.
The Heasun is that mre nnd more men are finding out that we are
bent on giving them super-value. Tho very utmost that scientific buy
ing on a vast scale can accomplish.
Just examine the wonderful values we are offering, if you want to
know the best clothes in Pendleton to be had.
Values unequalled la Pendleton at $15, 20, 25. 30. 35,
AO, up to $50.
OVERALLS of pure indigo dyes, fast colors. Present prices now
arc (ess than the present wholesale cost. Work Shirts, fulll cut and
well made, 1.00 up to 18.50. Work Gloves, the best in America, best
leathers, 1.50 to W.50 Work Sox priced from 10c to D5c. Work
Shoes, the best fur the price, no matter what the price.
Our clothes for boys stand for all that's good in boys' suits. Thev
possess that manly tailored look that the little fellows like, and they
have the quality that parents liko to see and buy. The newest and
most wanted styles, reinforced for double wear. Priced from $1.60 to
12.50, ages to !7 years.
LITTLE FELLOWS' WASH SUITS. We are showing a very
fine stock of little boys' wash suiits in all the newest most wanted styles
and materials, ages 2 and t1 years, priced at II. '-'5 to 15.00.
CH1LDRENS' ROMPERS, at last year's prices. Ages fi months to
8 years. A very fine assortment of colors the best liked atvles; fast
colors. Priced at GOc, 6c. 70c, to $1.00.
GENUINE COVERALLS, at II. 00. Buy what you need of them
this month as they will be raised to 11.18 the first day of June.
BOYS' BLOUSES. Our stock is large and complete in every de
tailnew styles, new patterns, fast colors. Ages 4 to 17 years.
Priced at 50c up to 11.50
BOYS' AND ClULllRKNS' HEADWEAR. Straw hats, many
new styles and different shades. 50c to 12.50. Silk hats, 50c to 11.00;
Tarns, 50e; Wash hats, in duck, 50c to 75c; boys' Soldier caps, B5c;
Cloth hats, 50c to 1(2.00.
Men's Underwear
When you buy underwear you want comfort under
wearThat's the kind wo sell. Every style is here
every material is included. B. V. D., Porosknit
and all the new anil wanted other weaves -the best
valuesin underwear. Uinion Suits tl.00 to 7.60.
Shirts and Drawers, J5c to 13.73.
Men's Shirts
You will be pleased with the assortmnt of shirts we
are showing shirts of silk. Madras, percale, and
soiesette, from plain colors to novelty patterns in
single twin and multi-colored grounds.
SILK SHIRTS W.J0 up to 8.50
OTHER SHIRTS 11.00 up to 1:1.50
Pendleton'.n Ureatest Department Store
The Peoples Warehouse
Where it Pays to Trade
American irihSi
Red Cross wFyPl
Pt M MAP sm north wim Is Jr JEr 0m I
IT j&JL 8EA FmC2dir BUS81A
TOHlt 5",r ) 1,243,845
ATLANTIC IfeSs&fSmm oemmV V,:uu'uUU
WA mJ? ttalv r-
8,589.899 Mp- J?ftC A 2
fjj Ajf APIWWmTOS TO RI0CROS8 IN M. jjfigJfil.Ji f2 aJ awSj ) Bulgaria STc IeX
q It i5,ooo,ooo C" nSr&i Sc
f J wrchase or SUPPLIES Ki Jjj RED CROSS V 11 M ff"
ip srm. ca sea 39o,cjpb
His Last Years Busy Though Peace
ful Ones and Death Result of
Act of Self-Sacrifice.
The closing years of the life of John
Bunyan were peaceful, unlike In that
respect the years that had gone before,
but they were busy years, devoted to
preaching, to the work of a pastor and
teacher. Of these closing years,
Froude, In his "Life of Bunyan," ed
ited by John Morley, writes, "Happy
In hla work, happy In the sense that
his Influence was dally extending
spreading over his own country, and to
the far-off settlements In America, he
spent his last years In his own land
of Beulah, Doubting Castle out of
sight, and the towers and minarets of
Emmanuel '..and growing nearer and
clearer as the rnys went on."
His end was brought about by ex
posure when be was engaged in an act
of charity, A quarrel had broken out
In a family at Beading with which
Bunyan had some acquaintance. The
father and son were at variance, and
In the hope of reconciling them Bun
yan journeyed from Bedford to
Beading on horseback. He succeeded,
but at the cost of his life.
Returning by London, he was over
taken on the road by a storm of rain
nnd drenched to the skin. This
brought on a chill. He reached the
house of a London friend, Mr. Strud
wlck, but he never left his bed after
ward. In ten days he was dead. The
exact date Is uncertain. It was to
wards the end of August, 1088, be
tween two and three months before
the landing of King William. Bun
yan was sixty years of age. He was
burled In Mr. Strudwlck's vault In
the burying ground at Bunhlll Fields.
Idea of Blotting taper Was the Direct
Result of Act of Careless
Blotting paper, like many another
valuable discovery, was found entirely
by accident. One day In a paper mill
In Berkshire, England, a careless work
man forgot to put In the sizing and It
was necessary to throw out the entire
lot as spoiled. Later the angry pro
prietor sat down to write a note and
possibly for reasons of economy used a
sheet of the condemned paper. To his
Increased annoyance the ink spread all
over the pnper and he was about to
give up in disgust when the thought
struck him that It might be possible to
use the paper for absorbing Ink in
place of the sand then universally used.
After some successful experimenting
he was able to dispose of his entire
damaged stock under the name of blot
ting paper.
From that time on blotting paper
came into general use. At first It was
always pink In color, red rags being
used. Bed was a fast color and diffi
cult to blench, hence the red rags were
useless In manufacturing writing pa
paper. But ns tho color of blotting pn
per did not Interfere with its useful
ness, red or pink was as good a color
ns any other, and thus provided a
means of utilizing otherwise wasted
Experiments Have Shown These Pro
duce the Same Effect as the
Light of the Sun.
It Is well known that glass exposed
for long to sunlight acquires a violet
tint. In very old houses the windows
facing south nre often distinctly vio
let. Experiments recently made in the
laboratories of the General Electric
company at Schenectady with X-rays
prove that these can be used to dye
glass In many colors, principally an
amethystine violet and an amber yel
low, but also green and bright yellow.
These colors, nceordlng to Mr. Ro
senthal, who conducted the experi
ments, nre due to modifications of the
physical structure of the glass and not
to chemical alterations. The color can
be made to penetrate to any desired
depth, from a mere surface tint to
complete coloration of the entire sub
stance. And the same method can he
applied to tinting porcelain, enamel
nnd precious stones.
An interesting nnd Important fact
nbout this glass that has boon colored
by long exposure to X-rnys la that It
becomes Impervious to the radiations
thnt have transformed It. Thus it can
be used as a protection against the
glare of the sun or the snow and
against the X-rays themselves.
cannot reacn the seat or the disease.
Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure it you must take an
j internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is taken internally and acts thru
! the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
In this country for years. Xt is com-
I posed of some of the best tonics known,
combined with some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi-
I cine-jjs. what produces such wonderful
rcsuHsln catarrhal condlUons. Send for
f testafronials, free.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
All Druggists, 75c.
Hail's Family Pills for constipation.
Administratrix' Notice.
In the County Court for the Umatilla
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Mary LaFave, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that I have
been appointed administratrix with
the will annexed of the above entitled
estate, and have qualified as by law re
quired. AH persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present them to me with proper
vouchers at the office of my attorney,
Homer I. Watts, Athena. Oregon,
within six months from this date.
Dated this 17th day of May, 1918.
Carrie LaFave Bergevin,
Administratrix with the Will annexed.
Notice of Final Acco unt
In the County Court for Umatilla
County, Oregon,
In the matter of the Estate of
Mattie Phillips, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed account and report
in the above entitled matter and that
the above entitled Court has fixed Sat
urday, June 1st, 1918. at the hour of
10 o'clock, a. m., of said day as the
time and the. County Court room, in
the Court house at Pendleton, Oregon,
as the place for hearing said account
and" report. Objections to said final
account and report should be filed on
or before said date. S. T. Phillips,
Notice of Final Account.
In the County Court for Umatilla
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Mary Jane Phillips, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above entitled matter
and that the above entitled Court has
fixed Saturday, June st, 1918 at the
hour of .10 o'clock a. m., of said day,
as the time and the County Court room
in the Court house at Pendleton, Ore
gon, as the place for hearing said ac
count and report. Objection to said
final account and report should be filed
on or before said date. S. T. Phillips,
Notice of Final Account.
In the County Court for Umatilla
County Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate of
tliza Ann Pinkerton, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above entitled mat
ter and that the above entitled Court
has fixed Saturday, May 95, 1918, at
the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., of said
dav, as the time and the County Court
room in the Court house at Pendleton,
Oregon, as the place for hearing said
account and report. Objections to
said final account and report should
be filed on or before said date.
David A. Pinkerton, Executor.
At the solicitation of delegations
from several towns in the West End
of the county, I have announced myself
as a candidate for the office of County
Commissioner on the Republican tick
et, subject to the decision of the vot
ers at the primary election, May 17,
If nominated and elected, I promise I
my best efforts for the whole county.
G. L. Dunning,
Stanfield, Oregon.
Candidate for
County Commissioner
in the
Your vote and influence respectfully
solicited, Pa d Adv,
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pnetu noni.
Groodyear Tires
Athena Garage
Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty.
w mm I '
Out .
Ktt Jtat Take
alitlU chtwof
Crassly end
roi'l Utl
utur. imkk mm . a x zu--
Every Few Days Send Him
a pouch of
Real GRAVELY Chewing Ping
Think of the welcome he will give it-thia con.
densed plug of fine tobacco that slips flat into his
pocket, ready to give him tobacco comfort and satis
faction anywhere, all the time!
Give any man a chew of Real Gravely Plug, and he will tell
you that ' the kind to send. Send the beat!
Ordinary plug it false economy. It costs less per week to
chew Real Gravely, became a smaJ chew of it last long
V'hfyOU smoke a pipe, slice Gravely with your knife and add a little
to your smoking tobacco. It will give flavor-unprove your smoke,
Dealers all around hero carry it in 10c pouches. A 3c. stamp
will put it into his hands in any Training Camp or Seaport of the
U S A. Even "over there" a 3c. stamp will take it .to turn. Your
dealer will supply envelope and give you official directions how
to address it.
Its Potent Posed ktept it Frah and Clean ana" Cood
A u not Real Gravely vnlhout ma rroKcnon otm
Established 1S31
No. 4516.
87 500 oo
900 oo
of the First National Bank, at Athena, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business
on May 10th, 1918. RESOURCES.
Loans and Discount $638 996 oo
Total loans 638 996 00 638 996 oo
U. S. bonds deoosited to secure circulation (par value) 12 500 oo
U S bonds and certificates of indebtedness owned and unpl'gd 75 000 oo
Liberty Loan Bonds, unpledged 3 1-2 per cent and 4 per cent,. 900 oo
Bonds other than U S Bonds to secure postal savings deposits . 970 oo
Securities other than U S Bonds (not including stocks) owned un
pledged 2 253 32
Total bonds, securities, etc. other than U S 3 223 32
Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) 3 000 oo
Value of banking house $ 9 000 ....
Equity in banking house 9 000 oo
Furniture and fixtures 1 000 oo
Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 57 449 34
Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks 125 851 59
Net amounts due from banks and bankers, and trust companies other
than included in Items 13, 14, and 15 88l oo
Total of Item 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 126 732 59
Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash items 222 59
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due U. S. Treasurer. . 625 oO
Total , $ 928 648 84
Capital stock paid in ; $ 50 000 oo
Surplus fund 50 000 oo
Undivided profits $ 9 279 06
Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid 6 741 93 2 537 13
Amount reserved for taxes accrued 1 332 32
Circulating notes outstanding 12 200 o0
Net amouts due to National Banks ' 3 538 71
Total of Items 32 and 33 3 538 7 1
IndividUil d-posits subject to check 553 268 17
Cert's of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than money borrowed. . 254 434 25
Dividends unpaid 760 oo
Total of time deposits other than bank deposits subject to reserve,
Items 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 40 and 41, ... $803 462 42
Postal Savings deposits 578 26 of time deposits subject to Reserve $578 26
Total $ 928 648 84
State of Oregon, County of Umatilla, ss: I, F. S. Legrow, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ot my
knowledge and belief, F, S. LeGrow, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 16th day of May, 1918.
HOMER I. WATTS. Notary Public
for Oregon. My commission expires Sep.
12, 1920.
Correct -Attest:
M. L.Watts,
H. Koepke,
R. T. Cannon, Directors.
Athena Bakery
O. H. McPhemn, Manager
fresh Bread
Cakes Made to Order
Ice Cream Soda and Soft Drinks
Hohbach Candies
Give us a Trial. Worthiugton Building, Athena, Ore
In Fishing Tackle
A. J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block . . Athena, Oreg.