The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 17, 1918, Image 1

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The c4thena Press circulates in the
homes of readers who reBide in the
heart of the Great Umatilla Wheat
Belt, and they have money to spend
Subscription Rates
One Copy, one year, $1.50; for six
months, 75c; for three months, 50c;
payable in advance, and subscrip
tions are solicited on no other basis
Kntered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Popular Song Hits
15 Gents
Joan of Arc.
Over There.
Dear Old America.
So Long, Mother.
After the War Is Over.
Just a Baby's Prayer at Twilight.
Keep the Home Fires Burning.
Uncle Sammy. '
Underneath the Gentle Moon.
When a Boy Says Goodbye to His Mother.
In San Domingo.
New songs by Lula M. Crockett, the well known Walla Walla song
Mother Dear, They Are Calling Me. 15c.
Lullaby, and Back Among the Heather. Only 35c for the two songs.
All mail orders filled promptly.
The Davis-Kaser Co.
Home Furnishing Department Store
Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St.
Walla Walla Wash.
Minimum inn mint H
McCormick Combines
on the road, and three more to fol
low, so get your order in
The fishing is good Bamboo poles for prizes
Rulon Smith again winner last week. Two
spool Sewing Machines Electric Wash
ers and Grain Tanks.
Watts & Rogers
Just Over the Hill
Show Your Patriotism!
Buy a
War Savings Stamp
and Help Win the War
For Sale at
The First National Bank of cAthena
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is nude in Athena, by- Athena labor, in one ot the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat 'grown anywhere. Patronue home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon.
Waitsburg, Wash.
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
"France, April 21, 1918.
"An arm load of Athena papers
came in this morning and after ab
sorbing their contents and seeing where
all the rest of the boys have been giv
ing account of themselves, thought I
had better check in too.
"Ed, Harry and Cubbie are all here
and George comes down every now and
then to see what word we have receiv
ed from home. I etters come few and
far between times these days. Our
trans-Atlantiic mail service is rather
slow and sometimes mail is several
months getting here.
"This is sure some country in most
anything except modern warfa-e and
art. America could sleep a hundred
years and still come out in the lead.
We see very few civilian automobiles.
They must all be in the service. Wood
en shoes are very popular. Nearly
everything is conveyed in a contraption
similar to an ox-cart, but of course
much larger and it is drawn by large
draft horses, oxen and small jacks.
The other Jay I saw a rare combin
ation a very large cart and horse with
a wee donkey in the lead.
"Talk about railroads the trains
here look like mere toys beside our
American trains. It would scare Eur
ope to death if one were to run a
modern Pullman train across the coun
try; and if they were to see one of eur
big mountain climbers they would
swear it was some new kind of a mon
ster war machine. But you've got to
hand it to them for their works of art.
It is just like entering an art studio
to step into some of the old French
cities, and even the little villages have
that air of beauty which every one
loves to look upon, i Don't think its
girls I'm talking about, its scenery in
stead. )
For some time I have been working
under the instruction of a French Lieu
tenant and with French soldiers. Am
learning to talk a little French now,
enough so I can make them under
stand what I want. You know, its a
shame that the people over hero can't
talk to us Americans they do their
beet by making signs with their hands
and we get along o. k. but it would be
better if we could understand each
other. We fellows are just nuts to
talk to a girl that can speak good Eng
lish but there are not very many of
them that can. When one goes into
town, the kids follow you all over. The
only way to get rid of them is to give
them a penDy or two. I carry as few
as possible so they're out of luck when
they tag me around. And then a lot of
the girls torment the devil out of one,
trying to make a hit with you. Will
sure be glad when the war is over and
I get back to God's country.
"We are having beautiful weather.
It rained nearly all of last week but
today the sun is out and there is scarce
ly a cloud in the sky. I haven't been
in any of the large cities yet, but think
I will see some of them soon. There
isn't very much news that one can
tell, so will close by thanking you for
the many copies of the Press you have
sent me. Sam F. Starr,
Bat. D, 118 F A.
Wouldn't Miss Experiences.
Floyd Corporan, writing to Mrs.
Dobson, his former school teacher says:
"I am not sorry I am in France,
even though it isn't all pleasure.
France is not near the place I thought
it would be. Of course we are seeing
it at a very bad time. Am unable to
tell you where we are, but are near
the front and I guess you know which
front the "Boys" are holding. I have
n't gone over the top as yet, but have
had the pleasure of hearing the "big
ones" burst around me and have also
worn my gas mask for about an hour
and a-half.
"The towns around here are all shot
to pieces, just the ruins standing. The
land is very low and marshy and a few
hours' rain makes it very muddy and
its the mud that won't come off. We
have rubber boots and are fully equip
ped for such things. I have severa1
souvenirs which I'm going to take back
home with me when I go. I'd like to
tell you a- out everything; but what
you would most want to know, lm un
able to tell. I've been in several cit
ies of France and find them about all
the same. Stone houses, narrow streets
and the sewerage systems are run in
the center of the street. They don't
use show windows like we do at home,
and it seems like walking into some
one's house to go into a store. The
French are great for eggs, fried spuds
and wine, also American cigarettes
when they can bum them from us. The
women do most of the work for all the
able men are at the front. It looks
rather queer to see a woman out plow
ing in the field with a mule and an ox
for a team. They farm near the line.
I'm sure glad we are fighting here in
stead of in the U. S. We know that
our loved ones are safe and not liable
to be shelled, unless the boche raise
their sights somewhat. I saw seven
shells light the other day and four of
them were "duds" I mean they didn't
explode. Everything must be getting
bum in (iermany. We sure have them
beat in the air. I hope to be borne be
fore another year of it. The army is
all right, bur war is what Sherman
said it was and then some more. I
wouldn't miss the experience, etc., for
anything. Besides being homesick, I
am well and happy. Floyd Corporan,
Co. K, 181 U. S. Inf.
"Efficiency" the Word at Camp Dick.
From the training grounds at Camp
Dick, Texas, comes this interesting
letter from Maurice Hill:
"May 2, 1918.
m "Camp Dick is a concentration camp
for cadet flyers, where they are given
thorough training before going to fly
ing fields. From all appearance we
are a camp of infantry for our training
here is identical; but it is given to
make "soldiers" of the cadts. Effic
iency of a man in any branch of the
service requires primarily that he be a
"soldier." You wi 11 no doubt under
stand the significance of the word. At
any rate, they are succeeding very
well so well, that a British officer of
high rank after a review of the cadet
corps, classed the boys here as the beet
drilled soldiers in the world, stating
that the only organization comparing
favorably was the Royal Guard of Eng
land before the war. It is the spirit
of the cadets which makes such a thing
possible. They are all so enthused
with the service that they acquire in a
few days time what it takes the boys
in other branches months to get. Be
ing one of them, I am naturally of the
same spirit and thank my good fortune
in being eligible to enter this branch.
"The popular idea is that it takes
nerve and daring to be an aviator, and
that when one goes up in a plane he is
taking his life in his hands. The aver
age boy entering thinks the same
way; but after studying the game a
few weeks he find himself in a service
tnat requires efficiency not daring.
The axiom one hears every day is:
"Every one makes mistakes." But
that is not applicable to aviation. An
aviator must not make any mistakes,
and the proceeas of selection discards
those who do. "Efficiency" is our
watchword, and must be practiced in
everything we do.
"Airplanes are so scientifically built
that when properly handled are safer
than automobiles; and, different from
autos, planes are so built that they fly
better when the pilot leaves the con
trols absolutely alone.
"Dallas is a town about like Spokane
and the people extend to us every pos
sible courtesy, which makes it a desir
able place in which to be stationed for
As organizer for the Girls' Honor
Guard, Miss Virginia Todd of Pendle
ton, sends out the following call to
Athena girls. A meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Ralph Hassell.
Sunday afternoon, which will be held
for the purpose of organizing the
girls here.
Mrs. Hassell, who has kindly con
sented to manage the local honor guard
invites all girls of A'hena and vicinity
to be present at her home Sunday af
ternoon at 3::10:
Girls I Your country calls I Are
you a true American', Join the Girls'
National Honor Guard, an organization
founded by girls, organized and sup
ported by girls. The members are
bound together by the highest ideals
of loyalty and service. All American
girls want to serve their country.
There is a distinct call to the young
womanhood of the Nation to "shoulder
arms" and bear her part in this great
struggle. Can we stand idle while our
brothers go forth sacrificing all that
they hold dear and have pledged to
give their lives, if need be, ii order
that our National Honor may lie up
held and Peace and Democracy come
to the entire world?
So must we prepare ourselves to as
sume duties and obligations at home,
prepare ourselves to ctre for those
who may be returned to us sick and
wounded; to increase the food supply;
to help furnish the millions of articles
needed to equip our men for fighting,
and our hospitals for their relief, and
last of all, to keep alive the home
sprit until the men return home.
Girls, this is a wonderful responsi
bility which rests with us today. Let
us then realize this and live up to the
motto of the Girls' National Honor
Guard "Our Trust We Guard."
Won't you join us? Find the par
ticular thing which you can do then
do it and do it well 1
iMiss) Virginia C. Todd,
4ati. County Leader.
't;w '
Athena's Quota $2500.
Athena's quota for the Red Cross
drive which begins Monday morning,
has been placed at 12500, the same
amount she was given to raiBe the
first drive. In the former drive Ath
ena contributed in excess of her quota,
the total amount being tiSOtiS.OO. The
county's quota in the former drive was
130,000 and for the drive next week
the quota is 137,000. Recognition of
Athena's excess contribution of 665
in the first drive evidently figures in
the rating of the districts for the drive
next week.
.J. H.
After a long period of ill health,
Mrs. Lucinda Hiteman, widow of the
late John H. Hiteman and for many
years a resident of this city died Tues
day afternoon at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Henry Dell, aged 74
years, 10 months and 10 days.
Mrs. Hiteman had been in declining
health for the past three years, though
at times she was able to be at her own
home on Fifth street, but for the most
part she required attention and prac
tically made her home with her daugh
ter. Funeral services were held at the
Christian church this afternoon, at
tended by a large concourse of friends
and acquaintances.
Lucinda Streeter was born in Van
Buren county, Iowa, July 4, 1813, and
died in Athena, Oregon, May 14 1918,
aged 74 years 10 months and 10 days
On December S3, 1839, she was united
in marriage with John H. Hiteman
who preceded her to the grave January
6, 1913. With her husband she re
sided near the town of Hiteman, Iowa
until they moved to Athena on March
1, 1889. She leaves one daughter,
Mis. Ida B. Dell of this city, one son
E. L. Hiiteman of Berkeley Calif.;
three sisters: Sarah Burner of Oxford,
Neb.; Louisa Scott of Hamilton, Iowa
and Ollie Sellars of St. Joseph, Mo. ;
three brothers: John Streeter, Wm.
Streeter of Parsons. Kansas, and
Charles Streeter of Oxford, Neb.
Jelly has been busy with riddles.
"Now I" she cried, and held up for pub
lic inspection the legend, "Why did
the orange Ice cream?" printed In large
letters. "Because It saw the sausage
roll under the table," said Elfrlda.
"My own Is much better," announced
Jelly, evidently bursting to declare It.
She was cordially urged to do so. "Be
cause It saw the lemon sponge on the
dumb waiter," she proclaimed trl-
i umphantly. "Quite nice and cool,"
j said Janet approvingly. "The vista of
i possibilities you open up!" murmured
Peter. "For instance, It might have
seen the banana trifle with the maids
of honor. Or the gooseberry fool with
the nuta from Brazil. All very pain
ful to an orange of really nice feeling.
But I like your dumb waiter." "All
the Joneses," by Beatrice Kelston.
nie, being a special feature. The dar
key trio, Cartano, Geissel and Parker,
brought down the house. The living
pictures, representiing "Priscilla and
John Alden," "School Days." "The
Angelus," "The Outcasts," "The
Refugees," and "Patriots," delighted
with their realism Impersonations of
noted women, by the girls of the High
school, was a work of art, and vocal
solos by Helen Russell and Jeannette
Miller, in costume, were especially
pleasing. The Dutch folk dance; vocal
solo by Jennamae Read, and Patriotic
drill by twevle boys and girls, and
songs by wee Laura Elizabeth Wood
ward delighted the audience, and these
were followed by a "Tramp Monolog"
by Henry Koepke, Jr., which demon
strated that Henry would make an
ideal "Weary Willie."
The entertainment closed with a
touching little two-act play, "Some
where in France." in which the young
players showed forth the spirit of the
Red Cross work in France, and was a
peculiarly appropriate ending to the
evening's entertainme it. Mrs. J. O.
Russell and Miss Belle Mclntyre pre
sided with usual grace at the piano.
Mrs. Fannie Wright, wife of Robert
Wright, died May 14, at the home of
her sister, Mrs. D. H. Mansfield, in
this city, tfter an illness of several
months, and the body was conveyed to
Walla Walla yesterday, where the
funeral occurred from the undertaking
parlors in that city, interment being
in the Walla Walla cemetery.
Formerly residents of Walla Walla,
the family had been living on a farm
near Umapine for some time, Mrs.
Wright coming to Athena some weeks
ago, in hopes of benefitting her con
dition. She was a particularly strong
and lovable character, and the commu
nity, in which she numbered many
warm friends, is saddened by her un
timely death. She was born in Milton,
Oregon. January 8, 18HH. Besides her
husband and sister, she leaves two
children, Stanley Wright of Umapine,
Oregon, and Mrs. C. C. Loney of Wal
la Walla, and a half-sister, Mrs. W. B.
Hinkje of Echo. She was a member
of the Pioneer Methodist church of
Walla Walla.
The High School entertainment, giv
en in the auditorium last Friday even
ing was a most satisfactory climax
to the Lyceum course, a series of en
tertainments given throughout the
winter and spring as Red Cross ben
efits. The series after all expenses
were paid, besides affording four
splendid entertainments for the peo
ple of Athena, netted the neat sum
of 170.35 for the local Red Cross.
The auditorium was packed Friday
evening and each and every number
was voted a gem in its own particular
way, showing careful planning, train
ing and carrying out of the program by
Supt. J. O. Russell.
The "Dream Lesson," by grade chil
dren under the direction of Miss Law
son, was carried out with fine effect,
the fairy solo dance by Walthia Hay-
The Weston Leader reports the
death of Hugh A. Taylor, killed in
action on the battlefield in France.
Private Taylor was a member of Bat
tery E, 143th Regiment Field Artil
lery, of which company James H.
Sturgis is Lieutenant. The Leader
"Word has been received by his aunt,
Mrs. McCorkell, that Hugh A. Taylor,
was killed in action in France. Pri
vate Taylor is thus the first of the boys
from the Weston neighborhood to have
made the supreme sacrfice.
"Private Taylor was a member of
Battery E. 148th regiment,- Field Ar
tillery, and enHsted at Walla Walla.
He was a son of Moses Taylor, a well
known retired farmer of this county
who formerly lived near Weston. His
mother and also his widow and two
small children reside near Pullman,
"The sorrow of Weston friends over
his death is mitigated by the fact that
his life was given to his country an
end most glorious.
"The editor of the Leader received
a card from Private Taylor under date
of Somewhere in France, April 7,1018,
in which he says:
" 'Will drop you a card to let you
know that I am still on the jo'i. 1
am feeling fine and dandy. I have not
seen any uf the boys from Weston
over here yet, but I know some of
them are here. I get your paper once
in awhile, and it sure looks good to
Says Olcott Leads.
Ralph Watson, well known news
paperman, who has been muking a
tour of tho state sizing up the situa
tion with reference to the governor
ship fight in the republican camp,
from observations made in western
Oregon from Douglas county to Fort
and, estimates that Ben Olcott has the
lead for the gubernatorial nomination
with Governor Witbycombe in second
place. Mr. Watson says the fight fur
place is between the governor and sec
retary of state. Ho bases this belief
on the fact that while sporadic
strength will be shown by Simpson
and Moser, there will be numerous
precincts all over the state where the
fight will be only between those most
widely known and these men are With
ycombe and Olcott.
New Draft Decided.
Conferring officials at Washington
have agreed on a measure drafting
those becoming 21 since June fifth and
have agreed to exempt from registra
tion all medical and divinity students
already in schools, but not to exempt
those who enroll henceforth.
The Baccalaureate sermon, last Sun
day evening in the High school audit
orium, given by Rev. W. S. Gleiser,
was a masterly address, and was lis
tened to by a large and appreciative
audience. Mr. Gleiser took for his
subject: "The Dominant Purpose of
Humanity," in which ho gave a splen
did outline of the true purpose in life,
inspiring the graduates to further en
deavors in their educational career.
A most pleasing feature of the even
ing was a soprano solo by Mrs. Ralph
Saling of Weston: "He That Dwell
eth in the Secret Places of The Most
High," in which Mr3. Saling's very
highly trained voice waa heard at its
Reverends Baker and Errett also
assisted in the service, all the churches
uniting in the baccalaureate service.
Tonight at the auditorium Rev. J. E.
Snyder of Pendleton, will deliver the
address to the graduating class, with
the following accompanying program:
t. Invocation - Rev. D. E. Baker
f. Piano Duett, "Zampo," - Herold
Misses Watts and Littlejohn
8. Vocal Solo "The Sundown Sea,"
Miss Helen Russell
4. Address, "The Fate of Civilization"
Rev J. E. Snyder
5. Presentation of Diplomas - -M.
L. Watts, Member School Board
8. Awarding Certificates of Attend
ance and Athena Press Honor Cup
7. Benediction - - Rev. D. Errett
Graduates: Connie W. Baker, Kath
ren Buzan Froome, Clara Maiden
Haynie, Ralph LaMont Haynie, Zola
L. Keen, Henry Koepke, Jr, Annabel
Jean McLeod, Angie M. Pambrun,
Ellen LaClare Pambrun.
C. L. Woodward Reception.
Last evening at the beautiful coun
try home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I.. Wood
ward west of town, a reception wrs
given in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Davis
Errett, which was attended by a large
number of the people of Athena and
the surrounding country. The spacious
rooms, ablaze with electricity, were
decked in rare boqueta of hot-house
roses and tulips, and with ease accom
modated the eighty-six guests who as
sembled at the invitation of the host
and hostess, to do honor to the depart
ing minister and his wife. Intricate
games and guessing contests had been
prepared for entertainment, and inter
spersed with music, gave a delightful
informality to the occasion.
The hostess was assisted in enter
taining by her sisters. Mrs. Wood, of
Pendleton, Miss Eva Woodward of
Walla Walla, Mrs. Claude Wallan
and Mrs. David T. Etone. At mid
night a dainty collation of ices, wafers
and coffee was served. Upon depar
parturo, Mrs. Errett, was presented
by the hostess, with a magnificent
boquet of tea roses.
Special Called Meeting.
Next Wednesday afternoon's meet
ing of the local Red Cross will be n
special called business meeting, at
which all present work and business
must be cleaned up, preparatory to be
ginning the new order of business. It
is hoped a good representation of the
large local membership will be present.
Athena Boys Enlist.
TU DmLm 1 1. I 1 f .....
, .1,11 in uuuiici , I'n i .in , jm w -
rece Sharp and Bert Stone have en
listed for service as trainmen with tho
government in France. Oregon is to
provide 23 men u ider this call and tho
list is not yet full The roster is to bj
closed Mav 20 an if not enough m ;n
have been secured by that timo the
draft will be used.
If you have a food conservation plan
or recipe pa It on to your neighbors
end your friends be "In tho service."
Towels and Toweling
Towels of every" description, size and color; big ones,
little ones, heavy" ones and light ones. Do you need
any"? Our prices are very" low in comparison with
what you pay at other stores. When we are able to
buy" in such enormous quantities for our 197 stores,
you are assured that we can offer you merchandise at
a much less figure than our competitors. Try us.
Small size Turkish Towels 2 for 25c
Medium size Turkish Towels 2 for 25c.
Large size Turkish Towels ... 2 for 25c
Fancy Towels 2 for 39c, 2 for 49c, 279c
Huck Towels, 10c, 25c and 2 for 25c
Wash Cloths 5c and 10c
Turkish Towling 25c per yd
Crash Towling 10c, 12 L2c, 18 2-Hc yd
j Incorporated g J