The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 10, 1918, Image 4

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    It Cost the Average Family
Less Than 10c Per Week
for Packer's Profit in 1917.
The Meat Bill is one of the
large items in the family
less than 10 cents per week of it
goes to the packer in profits.
In converting live stock into
meat and getting it into the hands of
the retail dealer, the packer performs
a complex and essential service with
the maximum of efficiency.
The above statement is based on
Swift & Company's 1917 figures
and Federal Census data:
Swift & Company's total output
(Meat and byproducts) . 5,570,000,000 Pounds
Swift & Company's total Profit
Profit per pound
U. S. Meat Consumption ....
170 pounds per person per year
170 pounds at $.0062 $1.05 per person per year
The average family 4 'a persons
$4.72 per family per year
1918 year book of interesting and
instructive facts sent on request.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company
U. s. A.
If Mixed with Sulphur it Dark'
ens so Naturally Nobody
can Tell.
Grandmother kept her hair beautl
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur
Whenever her hair took on that dull
faded or streaked appearance, thlf
simple mixture waa applied with won
derful effect. By asking at any druft
store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
One on the General.
Tho GoethalB-Denman shipbuilding
hoard was Intact when this happened.
A contractor socking business was
queried by the general: "How many
steel shlpB have you built?" "Not
any." "That's just like you business
men; yet you have the nerve to ask
for a contract for steel ships from the
government." "General, let me ask
you this: How many canalB did you
build before you tackled the Panama?"
Collector I've called three times
for this bill alroady. 1 can't keep
coming around here.
Debtor I'm gratified to hear it.
Suggestion For Tombstone.
Many tombstone inscriptions havo
we road, but never this one, which
would apply to many men: "He was
liberal with advice." Toledo Dlade.
"Your wlfo is vory ingenious."
"I should say so. It seems to mo
she finds a now place to hide my
drcBS shirt Btuds every time." Detroit
Free Press.
Compound." you will get a large hot
tie of this old-time recipe, Improved
by the addition of other Ingredients
all ready to use. for about 60 cents
This simple mixture can be depended
upon to restore natural color and
beauty to the hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody UBes Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
it darkens so naturally and evenly
that nobody can tell It has been ap
plied It's so easy to use, too. You
simply dampen a comb or sort brush
and draw It through your hair, taking
one strand at a time. By morning
the gray hair disappears; after an
other application or two, it is restored
to its natural color and looks glossy,
soft and beautiful. This preparation
Is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is
not Intended for the cure, mitigation
or prevention of disease. Adv.
Horrid Man.
She What Is the correct transla
tion of the motto of that lovely ring
you gave me?
He Faithful to the last.
She Tho last I How horrid! And
you've always told me before that I
was the very first! Minneapolis Trib-
Too Literal.
The Junior Sub (conjuring at the
men's smoker) Now, are you quite
suro tho haversack's empty?
Ills Assistant Absolutely, sir. Tho
rabbit wot you put in It's got away,
sir. London Sketch.
Testy Humana Society Official (who
has beta called to rescue submerged
skater) Of course, you would go and
fall In just as 1 was 'avin' my tea!
A Change for the Worse.
The superintendent of a Maine Sun
day school, while addressing tho board
of directors, referred to the chairman's
refusal to donate as large a sum of
money as was expocted for the
church's current e.xponsoB.
Brother Frost is reputed to lie well
off,' but when I cited this to him, to
my Burpriso ho denied It, saying, 'I
was well off before I was married, but
I didn't roallse It then.' "Exchange.
"A patriot," said Kafforty, "is a mon
who would die for his counthry' aven
though It coat him his life." Boston
A Money Saver 1
A Time Saver!
A Labor Saver!
Tie Oriitul Ush-Wrkst tni Sn
HRp For cutting cord wt1, cUwlng land or iljV. " -i -JT
WS MwlngUg. Our nmohlno naturally lit
For cutting cord wood, clearing land or
sawing lss. Our maehtna naturally At
itu-MI t tho iiitrwtmt psaithmi. while raw
ing without any.adjuntmttnt.
Crotshead or Sawholder
tfm a day. In a jiffy the saw blade U put In or taken out of the holder and the operator loses no time
fussing with nut or adjusting the holder. This feature is rovsral by patent and ta only on the
VAUGHAN. The holder bolt engages under side of blade and holds It firmly up against lug on top
anu i at:' oi sawpiaie enwaoeau. write ior lurwer uiiotmaiioti, speclsi tonus ami prices,
461 East Main St, Portland, Or.
New Houston Hotel
Sixth and Everett St.. Portland, Ore.
Four blocks from Union Depot Two block
from New Poetoffice. Modern and fireproof
Over 100 outalde rooms. Rates 76c to COO.
CHAS. G. HOPKINS, Manager.
Hotel Rowland
One hundred and sixty-five Room, all Mod ere
Improvements: free phone on every floor.
Rates: 75c to $1.50 per day: $2.50 to
$5.00 per week.
Opposite Courthouse. 2 blocks from Postoftice,
ire rroor. B. r ana urcgon uiectnc pass aoor.
Are made from your OLD CAR.
PETS. Rag Rugs woven all sizes.
Mail orders receive prompt and care
ful attention. Send for booklet.
B. 8th and Taylor St. Portland, Or.
Thousands of trained young people needed.
Behnke-Walker Business Colleen. Portland, olaces
Htudenta in rjoaitiona. Enroll any time. Free
Western Truck Attachment
Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in
Washington and Oregon.
The most vital point of a truck attach
ment is the bearing. The Western is
the only truck attachment made with a
Two-inch Timben Bearing. Other spe
cifications in portion.
wny Buy an interior mane.'
A. J. LORMOR, Factor; Distributor.
533-35 Ala Stmt, Portland. Oregon.
Comfort Baby
Bosp 2S. Ointment 28 nod 50 e.
P 1 lap j BnraK-up.A
Tho iiijIt'keflL WHV fe. BBB A
to break uo a cold. BE la
any drug store mm vjar
Heroic Suggestion.
As an expert In heroics we offer the
suggestion that the man who triumphs
over John Barleycorn may be entitled
to honorable mention, but triumphing
over the Five-Cent Cigar habit entitles
one to all the ribbons and crosses of
war, tho rank of colonel and fried
chicken four times a week Houston
"Why don't you call on that fashion
able girl? You claim to know her."
"I make no claims. The acquaintance
was slight. I was merely engaged to
her at a summer resort." Louisville
Awful Lois.
Gertrude, age three, sat in her high
chair at the dinner table turning about
In her fingers a small ear of corn from
which she had been nibbling a row at
a time. Suddenly she burst Into tears.
"What is the matter, dear?" asked
her mother.
"I've lost my place!" sobbed the lit-'
tie one Pathfinder.
One by one the buttons fall, until
there comes a time when a button
falls of sufficient Importance to justify
interrupting the work of the Red
Cross long enough for one's wife to
sew it back on. Kansas City Star.
"Aren't you sometimes a little
afraid of your wife?"
"Certainly not," replied Mr. Meek
ton. "I do exactly as Henrietta says
in every particular. Therefore, what
reason have I to fear her?" Washing
ton Star.
Bought. Sold, Rented and Repaired
Bumtlde, cor. 1 0th. Portland. Ore.
Call at 206 Alder street or mail samples.
Wl buy all the time and pay the highest
market price. Don't fall to set In touch
with us before twIHner. we are the
Only Exclusive Bean Dealers In
Oregon. We want more agents at
country points. Cleaners and dealers
please write for our agents' terms.
206 Alder St.. PORTLAND, ORE.
Is the result of using Peta
luma Incubators and Brood
ers. That's the kind you
want. Write for our big
Free Catalog No. 60.
Petal u ma, California
Hides, Pelts, cS,a Wool & Mohair
W. ! ill J tin. Wihfn PricMialSataaajTaia
Portland, On.. Seattle, Wn.. Belllngham. Wn.
Veal, Pork, Beef,
Poultry, Butter, Egg
and Farm Produce,
to the Old Reliable Eventing house with a
record of 45 yeare ot Square Dealings, and
bo assured of TOP MARKET PRICES.
45-47 Front Street, Portland. Oregon
Will guarantee you top market prices at all times
for your Veal, Hogs. Poultry. Eggs, Butter, Hides.
Etc, If you have not shipped to us, try ua,
113 Front, PORTLAND, OR.
By buying direct from ua at wholesale prioea
and save the plumber's profits. Write ua to
day your needs. We will give you our rook
bottom "direct -to-you" priest, f . o. b. rail or
boat We actually save you from 10 to laps
cant All goods guaranteed.
Northwest headquarters fat leader Water
Systems and Fuller Johnson Knginea.
212 Third Stroe. Portland, Oregon
P. N. U.
No. 14, 191t
Now at Labor in Thirty-Three
Northern and Western
Part of National Plan to Augment Pro
duction and Conservation of Food
8uppllea to Moot War Emer
gency Needs.
(Prepared by the United State Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
More than 700 county agents and
emergency demonstration agents are
now at work In the 88 Northern and
Western states. The Increase In agents
since emergency appropriations be
came available was more in two
months than the average yearly in
crease during any of the past four
County agricultural agent work is
conducted by the United States de
partment of agriculture In co-operation
with the various state agricultur
al colleges and local organizations rep
resenting the farmers of the county
in which the agent Is located. The
county agent Is usually selected by a
committee representing the county or
ganization, on recommendation of the
county agent leader at the agricultural
college. There Is at present an unusu
ally great demand for men qualified
for work of this kind to carry out the
plan, adopted under the food produc
tion act, of employing an emergency
demonstration agent for every agricul
tural county In the United States not
having a regular county agent. This
Is a part of the national plan to In
crease the production and conserva
tion of food to meet the war emer
gency needs.
Agent In Each County.
Organization of new counties Is
rapid, especially In states of the cen
tral West, several of which have giv
en assurance that there will be a
county agent or county emergency
demonstration agent in each of their
counties by February 1,
Mulne, New Hampshire, Massachus
etts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and
Delaware already have an agent In
each county, while New York, Indiana
and Pennsylvania are almost complete
ly covered. Nearly half of the agri
cultural countieB in the Northern and
Western states are now being served
hy a local demonstration agent, and
the Indications are that the country
can be completely covered before the
beginning of another crop year.
One of the most gratifying features
of the organization campaign In the
Northern and Western states thns far
hits been that most counties taking up
the work are arranging for It on a per
manent basis many of them making
plans for periods of three years.
Must Have Thorough Training.
The qualification requirement of
agents are somewhat different In the
various states. Oraduatlon from an
agricultural college Is not In all cases
required, though training substantial
ly equivalent to a four years' course
at such college Is usually Insisted up
on. A considerable amount of farm
experience Is a universal requirement,
and it Is preferable that some of this
experience should be secured since
completing the college course.
Additional Information in regard to
ounty agent work and the organiza
tion of farm bureaus can be had by
writing to your state agricultural col
lege or to the United States depart
ment of agriculture, Washington, D. O.
Male Should Be Selected With Refer
ence to Ewe In Flock Proper
A ram should he chosen having all
tho characteristics of the breed he rep
resents, and allowing character. He
Good Type of Mutton.
should also be chosen with reference
to the ewes of the flock. If the ewes
ire large and coarse, the ram should
e small and compact. If the ewes
ire small and compact, the ram should
lie of a larger type.
Not Only Good for Live Stock, but
Also for People When Used a
Mixture With Flour.
Soy-bean cake Is a very valuable
food, not only for live stock, but also
for people when used as a mixture
with wheat flour. It would be well
for the mills planning to use the soy
beans to exert a little more care to
see that a part of their output, itt
Least, Is well cleaned, sound and of
uniform quality before crushing. This
selected stock could be recommended
for use as a mixture with other breadstuff.
Hens Will Get Needed Ex ere lee In
Scratching for Food and Keep a
Strong and Robust.
The poultry house floor should be
kept well littered. Hens like to
scratch for their food, and If the pool
try roan feeds part of the grain ration
in deep litter, the bens will get needed
exercise and keep In a strong, robust
tat of health.
The Kaiser's Busy Day.
8 a. m.-9 a. m. Morning hate (pri
vate). 9 a. m.-lO a. m. Morning hate (full
10 a. m.-ll a. m. Thinks about Great
German Sword.
11 a. m.-12 m. Congratulatory tele
gram to the sergeant-at-anns of the
Landtag of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
12 m.-l p. m. Lunch.
1 p. m.-2 p. m. Lets heart bleed for
2 p. m.-3 p. m. Has 60 great moments
reverently admiring God's hand In his
3 p. m.-t p. m. Experiences horror at
entente depravity.
4 p. m.-5 p. m. Tries not to think of
the German navy.
6 p. m.-6 p. m. Wonders when the
war will end. New York Evening
Mark Twain' Childhood.
Mark Twain used to tell the pathe
tic story of his childhood. It seems,
according to the story, that Mark was
born twins. He and his twin looked
so much alike that no one, not even
their mother, could tell them apart
One day, while the nurse was bathing
them, one of them slipped In the bath
tub and was drowned. No one ever
knew which twin it was that was
drowned and therein, says Mark, was
the tragedy. "Everyone thought I was
the one that lived," he said, "but I
wasn't It was my brother who lived.
I was the one that was drowned."
Natural Selection.
"We are all ready to talk about the
duty of others."
"Yes," commented Miss Cayenne.
"Duty Is something like the Darwinian
theory. It seems perfectly all right
for a lot of people we know, but none
of us like to bring it home to ourselves."
"Ethel," said her mother, "have you
been at my preserves again?"
Ethel at once became very busy ar
ranging her doll's hair. "Mother," she
replied, "when you were a little girl
didn't grandma teach you, same as you
have me, not to be 'quisitive?"
Heaven pity the woman whose hus
band is so wild that she can't control
him, or the one whose spouse is so
good that he's monotonous. Richmond
The Way of It
"There is a man of sterling worth.1
"A church member?"
"No, a silversmith." Exchange.
"Can your wife see two sides of a
"Yes; her own and her mother's."
Sure! High Heels
Cause Corns But
Who Cares Now
You reckless men and women who
are pestered w'th corns and who have
at least once a week Invited an awful
death from lockjaw or blood poison
are now told by a Cincinnati authority
to use a drug called freezone, which
the moment a few drops are applied
to any corn or callous the soreness Is
relieved and soon the entire corn or
callous, root and all, lifts off with the
Freezone dries the moment it is ap
plied, and simply shrivels the corn or
callous without Inflaming or even ir
ritating the surrounding tissue or
skin. A small bottle of freezone will
cost very little at any of the drug
stores, but will positively rid one's
feet of every hard or soft corn or
hardened callous. If your druggist
hasn't any freezone he can get it at
any wholesale drug house for you.
Spring Chumps.
The man who rocks the boat
The fellow who didn't know It was
The susceptible gink who went
flower hunting with a girl and got
The man who thought he was im
mune from poison Ivy.
The picnicker who sat on the ground
before it was warm and was looked at
sympathetically by his widow's rela
tives. Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver.
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative three for a cathartic
The Object
'Why do we have these meatless
and wheatless days?" asked the sel
fish person.
"In order," replied Miss Cayenne,
"that we may have a defeatless army."
are lightened when she turns to the
right medicine. If her existence is
made gloomy by the chronic weak
nesses, delicate derangements, and
painful disorders that afflict her sex,
she will find relief and emancipation
from her troubles in Dr. Pierce s Fav
orite Prescription. If she's overwork
ed, nervous, or run-down," she finds
new life and strength. It's a power
ful. Invigorating tonic and nervine
which was discovered and used by an
eminent physician for many years, In
all cases of "female complaints" and
weaknesses. For young girls Just en
tering womanhood; tor women at the
critical "change of life;" in bearing
down sensations, periodical pains, ul-
atlon, Inflammation, and every kin
V ailment, the "Favorite Prescrip-
wlll benefit or cure.
ld or tablets. Tablets 60c.
Adsta t 1 I
She Knew Him.
Mali I hear that you are going to
marry Jack Swift? Congratulations!
Ethel But I n not going to marry
Mat) Oh, then my sincere congratu
lations. Boston Transcript
-take a prompt area eflecttre leaaidj una
that act quIcUr sat contain no opiate.
Yen oaa nt each a raaadr hy astir tor
mind as the longest
lasting confection you
can buy. Send it to
the boys at the front.
War Time Economy
In Sweetmeats
a 5-cent package of WRIGLEVS
will give you several days enjoy
ment: it's an investment in benefit
as well as pleasure, for it helps
teeth, breath, appetite, digestion.
Chew It After Every Meal
The Flavor Lasts! is
tml i WWW B BBS aSBaT J 1 1 II
Eat less meat if Kidneys feel like
lead or Bladder
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and clog
ged and need a flushing occasionally,
else we have backache and dull misery
In the kidney region, severe headaches,
rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid
stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts
of bladder disorders.
Tou simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain In the kidney
region, get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa
ter before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts Is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com
bined with lithla, and Is harmless to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity. It also neu
tralizes the acids in the urine so It no
longer Irritates, thus ending bladder
Jad Salts is harmless; Inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithla
water drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean, thus avoiding serious com
plications. A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be
lleve in overcoming kidney trouble
while it Is only trouble. Adv.
Granulated Eyelids,
Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by
Sun, Oust ami Wind quickly
relieved by Murine. Trylt In
your Eyes and in Baby'a Eye.
Marine Eye Remedy gJSMSlaSS
Eya Salvn, in Tubes 26c. For Book of ths fifes
fek Murine Ere Remedy Co.. CUttgt 4
"I tell you," said Pat, "the ould
fr'ind is the best, after all, and, what's
more, I can prove it."
"How are you goin' to prove it?"
"Where will you find a new fr'ind
that has shtud by ye as long as the
ould ones have?" Last Word.
Skin Troubles That Itch
Burn and disfigure quickly soothed
and healed by hot baths with CuU
cure Soap and gentle anointings of Cu
tlcura Ointment. For free sample,
address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston."
Bold by druggists and by mall. Soaf
25, Ointment V md 50. Adv.
Where Most of Them Go.
"Scrlbbs has a facetious name for
his waste basket."
"What does he call it?"
"The grave of his dreams." Brook
lyn Citizen.
Makes a Man Mad.
It always makes a man mad to re
flect that his great-grandfather could
have bought the postoffice block for
$1.50 and didn't do it Neodesha
(Kan.) Reporter.
"You charge extra for an egg done
on both sides?"
"Gotto," replied the waiter. "Re
quires that much more fuel to cook
It is said they tried to form a chap
ter of the Daughters of the Revolution
in Russia the other day, but couldn't
decide which revolution.
Chop Suey
"There is something subtle about
Chinese cookery. Take chop suey, for
"What does it taste like?"
"That's the point I've been eating
it for 15 years and I don't know just
what it does taste like." Louisville
Origin of an Antipathy.
"Bliggins says that when he was a
boy he wrote the proverb, 'Honesty is
the best policy,' over and over again
in his copybook."
"Maybe that's how he got his dislike
for It." Washington Star.
Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder. It
prevents tightness and blistering. Relieves Corns,
Bunions, and Swollen, Sweating, Aching,
Gives rest and comfort. Accept no substitute.
Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, La
Roy. N. Y.
"Where have you been?"
"I've been to see 'Jack and the
Beans Talk' "
"Well, what in heaven's name did
they say?" Portland Press.
Remember Thl.
"I'm glad Billy had the sense to
marry an old maid," said grandma at
the wedding.
"Why, grandma?" asfied the son.
"Well, gals Is highty-tlghty, and wld
ders is kinder overrulin' and upsettin',
but old maids is thankful and willln' to
please." Tit-Bits.
And There It Ended.
Policyholder I nearly had my skull
fractured on the ice sidewalk yester
day. Don't I get something for that?
Adjuster If you can produce a doc
tor's certificate we may nearly glv
you something. Boston Transcript
And No Star Handy.
"No, the fear of falling never enter
my head," said the aviator to his gap
ing hearers.
"What scares me is the danger of
stalling my engine about two miles up
and not being able to get down."
Higher Authority.
"Mr. Brown is outside," said the
new office boy. "Shall I show him In?"
"Not on your life!" exclaimed the
junior partner. "I owe him $10."
"Show him in," calmly said the sen
ior member of the firm. "He owes me
$25." Exchange.
The New All-Steel
Thomas Portable
Gasoline Drag Saw
Cuts logs in the woods, and by using
our Circular Sawing Attachment will
cut cord wood into stove lengths.
Will drive Pumps, Churns, Feed Cut
ters, Grindstones, Fanning Mills, Lathes,
Air Compressors and any other work
within a 4-h. p. capacity.
Will positively last longer than any other Portablr Power
Sawing Machine on the market. Write for particulars.
The Thomas Engineering Works
Builder of High Grade Logging and Farm Machinery