Press Paragraphs I Next Friday in Primary election. Frank Berlin soent wi. la Walla on business. , Mrs. W. S. Perry is up from Port land, visiting relatives. Mrs. H. 0. Worthington was in the city Tuesdav from Pendleton. The coupons for the Second Liberty Loan bonds are due May 1 6th. For Sale. A fresh milch cow. Call and see A. R. Booher, Athena. Oreg. J Burke & Son havej-ecently sold Ford cW,to Carl Plucker, Clint Holcomb and Charles May. Lawrence Tharp came up from Pen dleton and spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents in Athena. The pastry sale given by the ladies of the Methodist Episcopal church last Saturday, netted them 65. Mr. and Mrs. Eberhardt. of La Grande, were in the city Tuesday, and .visited at the Richards home. )uacob Booher is in Pendleton this yweftk, where he is assisting in a clean ing and pressing establishment. W. C. Miller, who is working at the Nye harness shop in Walla Walla, spent Sunday at his home in this city. Miss Mattie Coppock has received word of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Bertie Thompson, recently, in Port land. The Christian church Red Cross ben efit banquet was a splendid success last evening, netting the sum of about 105. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards and H. H. Hill attended the funeral of C. H Whiteman, in Walla Walla, yes terday. Cleye Myers has moved his shoe i from the north aide of Main street to the building west of Steele's har ness shop. j E. L. Holt, electrician, who is now employed by the Pacific Power & Light Co., was in town Wednesday from Walla Walla. Born, to Mr. and Mrs John Foss, of Moro, April 25, 1M18, a son. The youngster has been christened John Jr. Austin Foss. D. C. Sanderson of the Freewater Times and Lon Williams, republican candidate for county commissioner, were in the city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sturtevant, of Lebanon, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Catron. Mrs. Sturte vant is the mother of Mr. Catron. Charles Russell is home from Port land, and is feeling considerably bet ter. Present indications are that he will continue to improve in health. C. A. Barrett tc Co. have received a carload of Deering cutting machinery, including binders, mowers and rakes. Now is the time to place your order. M. L. Watts is driving a new roust about car. It is a Buick "Light Six," and in its capacity as a utility vehicle will be used on Mr. Watts' fishing ex cursions. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Leonard of Waitsburg and Mrs. Fred Stine of Spo kane, attended the Lieuallen family reunion at the George Lieuallen home yesterday. Mrs. H. H. Hill is this week visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C 0. Whiteman, near LaCross, Wash She will go to Lewiston, Idaho, for a visit with her sister, before return ing. . -Sunday's fishing excursions revealed tmNfjict that the creeks and not the rivers contain the fish at this season of the year. River fishermen had no luck at ill, while the creek anglers made splendid catches. Mrs. Garfield, whose condition last week was so very grave that her life was practically despaired of, has ral lied, and is now on the fair road to re covery. She has been removed from the hospital to her own home in Walla Walla. BRING US your GROCERY LIST AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR 6000$ and OUR. PRICES. THAT'S FAIR. ALL WE ASK IS FOR YOU TO BRING IN YOUR GROCERY LIST AND LET U8 SHOW YOU OUR GOODS AND OUR PRICES. 4 WE KZOW WE HAVE THE BEST QUALITY; WE KNOW THAT WE HAVE FAIR, HONEST PRICES AND YOU WILL FIND THAT OUR GOOD GROCERIES COST NO MORE THAN OTHERS ASK FOR INFERIOR GRADES. &TGIVE V3 YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY We advertise and offer War Savings Stamps for sale with all purchases S. & H. Pure Food Grocery QualityQuantity Service. Phone 171 Wear His Smile of Satisfaction by using a real paint Sherwin-Williams Paint, Prepared is manufactured from the purest of materials because The Sherwin-Williams Co. control the sources of their raw materials. Gives protection for the longest possible time. Sold by Ware's Pharmacy Oils. Glass and Brushes 0. P. HOFF. republican, for State Treasurer. Read The Political Puzzle, pages 23-27, election pamphlet. Paid Advdrtise.nent. j Mrs. William Rice chapsroned a party of young people on a picnic party to Bingham Springs Sunday, which was voted a very pleasant affair by all concerned. Remember the Junior Red Cross Tea at Mrs. Henry Koepke's tomorrow af ternoon, May 11, from 8 to fi o'clock. Cars will be at F'x & Radkte's store at 3. 3:30 , 4. and 4:V0 to take those who have no way of going. Mrs. Melville Johns arrived Sunday evening from Vancouver, Wash., to join her husband here. Mr. and Mrs. Johns have leased and furnished the Kemp residence on Adams street, and Wednesday began house keeping. ( Judge Phelps, W. L. Thompson, Judge Lowell, Merle Chessman and Leon Cohen of Pendleton, members of the county Patriotic Service League, were in the city yesteriay formulating plans for the coming Red Cross drive. Next Tuesday afternoon, the Star Club will be entertained by Mrs. Homer I. Watts and Mrs. W. S. Fer guson, Should the weather be propi tious, the ladies will entertain in the City Park; but otherwise, at the home of Mrs. Watts. Henry Barrett returned Saturday evening from Portland, accompanied Dy Mrs. Barrett and the children. Sen ator and Mrs. C. A. Barrett will re turn to their Athena home in a few days. There is not much change in Senator Barrett's health. Surrounding towns are organizing community singing and Mrs. J. C. Baddeley has decided to try for a like organization in Athena and vicinity. Her object will be to drill singers in natioial songs, for the Durpose of sing ing at patriotic gatherings. Marion Hansell brought the finest basket of fish to town Wednesday that has been seen this year. He made the catch in Pine creek. He generous ly distributed his surplus beauties among several of his town friends who do not have the opportunity to angle. Driving stoc1' through Athena streets fa being frowned upon by property oyners in the residence districts. WitVthe advent of concrete sidewalk?, fences nave been removed, and stock driven through town have in some in stances plunged over lawns and caused considerable damage. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lumsdan and Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wilmot have re turned from California, where they spent the winter. The entire trip was made by automobile, coming by way of Central Oregon. The party vis ited the family of Clyde" Willaby, at Condon, en route home. The residence of Win. Gould at Wes ton was badly damaged by fire Satur day afternoon, and the contents were injured bv the flames and water. The origin of the fire is unknown. Mr. Gould was not at home and Mrs. Gould was in Athena, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Orell McPherrin, at the time. It is quite probable that Memorial Dav, May 30. will be observed in Ath ena with appropriate exercises. The fact that the Nation is at war, neces sarily means th'it the soldier dead will receive their meed of honor on Dec oration Day. the country over. And Athena will not lack in this patriotic ceremonial. Sidney Murphy writes friends that he h is been assigned to the flying corps in the aviation service and is now tak ing a twelve weeks' course as a cadet at Berkeley, California. Sid, who is a nephew of Mrs. F. B. Boyd, enlisted last fall in the balloon corps, but his call places him as a flyer, which he says, is "much better. " He has been employed for the rast few years with a surveying crew in Alaska and Cal ifornia. Fourteen ladies were present at the meeting of the knitting club last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Roy Burke. New members received were Mrs. Will Read and Mrs, Frank Coppock. The ladies are enthusiastic in the work, and much was accom plished. The meeting this afternoon is being held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Kirk, chairman of the club. Next Friday, May 17, Mrs. William Pinker- ton will open her home to the knitters. O. P. HOFF, republican, for State Treasurer. Read The Political Puzzle, pages 26-27, election pamphlet Paid Advertisement. ATHENA BED GROSS GETS SPLENDIO REPORT From the East Oregonian of May 3, we copy the following very satisfactory report from the local Red Cross auxiliary: "The Athena auxiliary has made a good showing the past month, accord ing to Secretary C. E. Roosevelt of the Umatilla Red Cross Chapter. This morning a check for 144.81 was re ceived, which w ith $8 sent in before for dues, makes a total of (152.81 in cash contributions for the month. Fin ished work sent included: 12 sleeve les coats on April 10 and a shipment received Mav 1 as follows: 17 sleeve less coals, 7 pairs of pants, 15 sweat ers, 45 towels, 12 napkins and 8 pairs of socks. Bessie Thompson is secre tary of the Athena auxiliary." Next month a report for this aux iliary will be a nnticable improvement on this one, as a number of benefits have been given, including the follow ing: Received for banquet given the Walla Walla K. of K., 198.118; Peo ples, Theater benefit. $16.25; for Gold man lecture, to the Belgian Relief fund. !0.:i5; from Ware's Pharmacy benefit, Belgian Relief, (20; from the Christian church banquet, 9105. Other benefits are pending, which will still augment the local contribu tion to the head Chapter. All work now on hand has been finished and the rooms cleared of garments. The room will be occupied next Wednesday af ternoon by the Belgian Relief com mittee, who will have garments cut and ready for making into the lay ettes. Mrs. Steele, chairman of this committee, invites all the members to assist on next Wednesday. 23 Years Ago, From the Press oi May 10 1895 Born, Near Athena, May 1895, to the wife of E. A. Dudley, a boy. W. E. Young this week manufac tured a set of neat belts for Athena Hose Co. No. I. The Normal school at Weston ex pects to have all the students it can possibly accommodate next season. John Thompson and brother of Gib bon, killed a bear last week on the north fork of Meackam creek, and cap tured two alive. A Umatilla county man recently purchased 60 head of good range an imals at $2 per head, and then traded 15 of them for a work team. W; H. Britten, a reservation farm er, will set out 15 acres of cabbage plants this year. He expects to beat wheat with cabbage at halt a cent a pourd. Emigrants continue to travel both ways east and west through Athena. At least twenty "schooners" passed through town this week. The date for the meeting of the Pio neers Association of Weston has been set at June sixth and seventh This is the fourth annual meeting of the association, and as usual, will be held in Weston. Mildly speaking, Marshrl Gholson is warm, and proposes to enforce the ordinance that provides for the closing of the saloon business in Athena, on the first day of the week commonly called Sunday. The marshal also says any one caught gambling will be "pulled," and pulled quick, too. James Sharp, Tom Purdy and Ed. Taft wi 1 be mustered into Co. B, 3rd Reg; 0. N. G. at Weston, next Tues day night. Several Athena boys are already members of the company. A. good price for wheat is predicted by C. W. Tacy, general manager of the Pacific Coast Elevator company, who said in Pendleton Tuesday: "Bas ing hiy opinion on such facts as were given me by those whose interest it was to tell the truth. I do not hesitate to predict a fall market of 40 to 45 cents in this section of the country. I do, not wish to hold out any false hopes, and consider this prophesy a conservative forecast of the future of wheat for the Inland Empire. " The Churches, Baptist Church Notes. Next Sunday is Mothers' Day and special services will be the feature of the day at the church. A special ser mon on the topic, "Mother," will b; given at the 1 1 o'clock service. Spe cial singing will add another feature. Let every one come. Bring a white flower with you in honor of Mother. Trie church will join in the Bacca laureate service at the school at the evening service. D. E. Baker, Pastor. The Christian Church. There will be but two services at the Christian church Sunday. Bible school 10 a. m., with Director Geo. R. Ger king at the the helm. Preaching and communion 11 a. m. The pastor will speak on the theme: "The Future Church." It will be of interest to all interested in the future of the Church. The members will join in the union Bervice at the High School auditorium in the evening, the occasion of the an nual sermon to the people, the school, and especial'y those who are interest ed in the future education of the young. The pastor will close his work here the last Sunday in May, and from now on will be busy in getting things in order that the work may continue with deeper interest. The public cordially invited and welcome to all services. D. Errett, Minister. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mothers' Day will be observed Sun day. The morning sermon is entitled: "The Stewardship of Life," being the seqond of four special stewardship ser mons. Every one is requested to wear a white flower in honor of the best mother your mother. The evening service will be held at the High school Audiitorium in honor of the Senior Class of Athena High School. All the churches will unite for this service. 4 Mr. John Lewtas, war correspondent, traveler, lecturer, will lecture in this church Monday evening. May 13. Mr. Lewtas has traveled extensively in Europe during the past 1 5 yearB He has made two trips through the war zone since the outbreak of the Great War. He has visited the battle line as a newspaper correspondent, and collected hundreds of pictures, from which he has had lantern slides made. These he places before his audience and, ivith a graphic description which he gives, brings a double message to his audience. Mr. Lewtas spent the summer on the Chatauqua platform, has lectured before the leading schools and in the largest churches in the Pacific Northwest and in Canada. No patriot can afford to miss this great lecture. 0. P. HOFF, republican, for State Treasurer. Read The Political Puzzle, pages 26-27, election pamphlet. Paid Advertisement. Oriental Statecraft The part which gesture plays in Ori ental drama is set forth in a recent Hindu volume, which says that there is a fltUng gesture to represent every emotion. The gesture, in fact, Is de scribed as deaf-and-dumb alphabet of the soul. There are nine movements of the head, corresponding to nine emo tions, mentioned by one authority, 24 by another; 28 movements of the sin gle hands, and 24 or 20 of the double hands, etc. ; also "bands" denoting an imals, trees, oceans, and other things. For example, a certain position of the hands denotes a certain emperor, caste, or planet. The translator says j rather naively that only a cultivated audience can appreciate Indian "ac tor's art." Will There be Sugar . Enough for Canning Purposes? A good many customers have ben asking this question and it is answered by the Food Administration in their Bulletin No. 686, February 21, 1918. There Will be Plenty of Sugar But There Will Not be Jars Enough In order to take proper care of your needs, we would sug gest the following: Order at once or soon, all the jars you think you'll need. We have only a limited quantity of jars purchased, and do not expect to be able to get any more when these are" gone. We Give Fair Warning first come, first served. We have the Kerr line of fruit jars, as we consider them the best on the market. This line consists of: Kerr regular Mason Jar, Kerr wide-mouth Mason jar, Kerr Economy Jar, Kerr Jelly Glasses, Kerr caps and lids for all jars. Phone 152 Athena Department Store rvuKe Peta of Hornbllli. The yellow hornblll, one of the most interesting of the species, is a com paratively fearless bird and is easily killed. The male Is fond of perching on the tiptop of tropical trees and making n noise like a young puppy. The natives in Africa find young hornbills easily tamed. They dig the birds out of the tree nests when quit young and raise them on milk and berries In their huts. When grown the hornblll remains attnehed to its foster parents and will eat out of the same dishes. Left free, the hornblll comes and goes much as does a pet crow and remains about the hut un til the first mating season, when it goes away with one of its kind, rare ly to return. A Few Reasons Why the PARRETT TRACTOR is beeoming the standard of the West 1 Burns kerosene, distillate or gas oline. 2 Equipped with the famous Buda- jnotor. 3- j-Low center of gravity. 4- Flexibility, both front and rear. 5- -Direct drive on both front high and low gears. 8- All parts enclosed In oil bath. 7 Simple control; one-man machine. 8 Self steering; runs in furrow. 9 Straight draw-bar pull; no side draft. 10 One-third greater cooling capacity than any tractor of same size. 11 Averages an acre an hour, pulling !l-bottom 14 in. plow. OREGON PARRETT TRACTOR CO Box 07, Pendleton, Oregon Ask ub for a Demonstration on your farm MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near 0. W. R. C& N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. Vtyf s te wuf r.iiv.r, r.nruiMn ANDFIT1ED- LENSES DUPLICATED. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,- PENDLETON. ORE. Phone 609 BANNER SALVE moat jiggling lv In the world- S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all call both night and day. Ualli promptly answered. Offlce uu Tblrd Street, Athena Oreaor Advance by Retrogression. The rookie was being taken to tb guardhouse. "Quick promotion," he muttered to himself. "I am already In charge of a squad of men." Boston livening XrajwcxiiU. j Dr. J. C. Baddeley VETERINARY SURGEON LaBrasche Runch Athena CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes day, other days of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main over Third National Bank Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash Saturday May 11 William Fox Presents DUSTIN FARNUM In "THE SPY'' A Throne Totters When an American youth, fighting against insuper able odds, gives up everything for the glorv of his country Peoples Theater Admission, 25 cents and 50 cents D. Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, on Adams Street Athena Miiiinniiiitiiniiiii t tt)w Just Speaking of Cash Here's a few prices for Cash for the next few days: A 1 1-2 II P Gasoline Engine $50.00 One Cream Separator, Baltic No.l 40.00 One Garden Seed Planter 14.50 One HI x 4 Vacuum Cup Auto Tire Casing 32.50 Two 32x4 ' " " each 33.50 Two 34x4 " " ' 36.00 Two 30 x 3 1-2 " " " ' " " 21.00 Two 30 x 3 Revere " " " " 12.65 Two 30 x 3 1-2 " " " " " 16.45 Two 32x4 ' " " ' " 27.00 Two 34x4 " " " " " 29.00 Four 30 x 3 1-2 Grey Tubes " 3.00 Two 32 x 4 " " ' 4.00 Two 30x3 " " " 2-35 Two 34x4 " " 4.50 12 one gal cans Medium Valvoline Oil " 90c Twelve Water Bags ' 1.35 Two doz No 6 Columbia Dry Cells " 45c 2 doz pair canvass-back, leather-palm Gloves, pair 40c C. A. Barrett &. Co. Incorporated MiMMtHtMMMCMIHHIHMu