The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 10, 1918, Image 2

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American Girl of Same "Ilk" Give
Facta of Origin of the Popu
lar Scotch Song.
More thnn once has the question ns
to whether Annie Laurie, the subject
nf the ever-popular and ever-living
song bearing her name as title, was a
real person or mere fiction,
A letter has come to hand that was
written by Miss M. E. Riddle, daughter
of the late Judge BIddle, for many
years a circuit court Justice In this
section, says a writer In the Pitts
burgh Gazette-Times. The Riddles
were of Laurie Ilk, as Scotch folk say,
and they had gone to some consider
able pains to get the story of the song
straight, as there had been consider
able contention about It. Here It is :
"Jean Itlddell (the name later spelled
lllddle) was married trt Sir Robert
Laurie, the first baronet of Maxwelton.
One of their daughters was Annie Lau
rie, celebrated In Scotch song.
"Annie Laurie was famed for her
beauty and cleverness, and was a social
favorite in all the country round about,
so lc was not at all surprising that she
captivated a Mr. Douglas of England,
a man of culture and of letters, who
composed the song bearing her name.
"But seeing that the course of true
love docs not run smoothly, she mar
ried a Mr. Ourgesson, leaving Mr.
Douglas to his hunting and his verses.
"To this day many pilgrims go to
Maxwelton, drawn thither by the much
loved song, 'Annie Laurie' Many also
visit Crnlgdorroch, where she spent her
married life in comfort."
or tne crown is a huge snppmre,
bought by George IV. The remaining
Jewels consist of 1,863 brilliant dia
monds, 1,273 rose diamonds, 147 table
diamonds, 277 pearls, 16 sapphires, U
emeralds and four rubles. Complete
with its white silk lining and purple
cap, the crown weighs slightly more
than 39 ounces.
Fact Worth Remembering When One
la Tempted to Criticise Error
Seen In Newspapers.
"Where do you get the absurd facts
you print?" Is a favorite query put
to newspaper men. In the view of
these cynics, newspapers spend most
of their time misspelling names, Im
agining incidents thut never happened,
and generally manhandling life us it is
Thorn Is just one answer to be made
to the query nbove, and that Is:
"Newspapers got such of their fucts
as are absurd from the absurd human
beings who for one reason or a thou
sand refuse to relate facts accurately."
Newspapers, truth-telling newspapers,
spend a very large part of their time
correcting these misstatements, run
ning them to their source, and getting
nt the truth. A certain proportion of
error gets by not ns great a propor
tion ns can be heard in any village
neighborhood gossip, for It Is the con
cern of newspapers of honest ones,
that is to allow for errors and correct
them, whereas It Is the concern of
those other purveyors of news, gossips,
lo crente errors whenever they are
more Interesting than the trutj).
The next time you find an error In
your favorite newspaper, try nn experi
ment. Try to capture one small fact
yourself, In your own home town.
You will qulclily discover Just how
wary a bird the truth Is and how very
unpopular. (few York Tribune.
Chinese Canals.
At what period the Chinese began to
dig canals, there is no authentic rec
ord to prove. Sometimes It seems as
if these remarkable people must al
ways have had canals and other works,
so long have they been familiar to
them and so well established have they
been as a part of the country as the
men from the Occident first visited it.
One thinks of the Grand Canal of
China and the Great Wall of China to
gether, although, of course, they have
nothing whatever to do with each oth
er, except thnt they are both ancient
and remarkable works of the Chinese
lzea, ana the shipping' Is heavy and
varied. The water Is deep enough for
chips of 1,000 tons burden as far as the
city, but foreign boats come up only
ns far as Whampoa, nine miles to the
southeast, where there are extensive
docks. Here the loading and unload
ing is done by native boats. Vessels
of deep draft He outside the bar. For
ty miles below Is the Boca Tigris
(Mouth of the Tiger), and the water
widens into a wide estuary. Water di
vides the old from the new town nnd
surrounds the island and the suburbs,
where the Europeans live, so that Can
ton hns nn abundance of picturesque
water life, including a big houseboat
Don't Envy Others.
Idle women, or women who seem to
be spared anything that Bavors of
work, are never happy or satisfied.
Persons who live aimless lives simply
cannot be happy.
Let the woman given to envying
those "fortunate," but in reality lazy
and listless Individuals, ponder seri
ously over this truth, become Interest
ed In some worthwhile duty of the
hour, and try to forget herself. If she I
does this she will not find any time to j
waste in idle wishing, but, on the other
hand, will experience a contentment
delightfully new and satisfying.
Interesting Old Egyptian Letters.
Letter writing, fortunately, was
much practiced In ancient Egypt, and
there are quantities of letters between
persons of ull degrees of education
and written on all sorts of occasions
We may read, for Instance, the encour
agement and good advice sent by pa
rents to absent sons, or may recognize
familiar types of character in the an
swering effusions of children to pa
rentsthe spoilt boy who scolds his
father for having left hlin nt home In
stead of taking him to the capital ; the
well-conducted youth, who complacent
ly assures his relatives that he Is get
ting on very well, combining study
with recreation, nnd the prodigal son,
who writes to beg his mother's for
giveness and confesses (hat he has
brought himself to destitution.
Useful Tree.
An American tree, known as the
shea, or butter tree, is beginning to at
tract commercial attention. It sup
plies not only nuts, but also butter
that may become an article of commer
cial Importance. It Is already exported
to Europe, where makers of artificial
butter find, use for It.
Almost two-thirds of the nut Is veg
etable butter. The tree begins to bear
when it Is fifteen years old and reachei
Its prime in twenty-five years. Choco
late manufacturers could easily util
ize the product. It might also be ol
use In making candles and soap.
Canton a City of Canals.
At Canton, the oldest city In south
ern China, the j-lvjr Is.Jn effect, fjjjifll-
Rcal Trouble Can Usually Be Depend
ed On to Make One Forget
the Smaller Ones.
Man and animals alike, It's wonder
ful what a shock will do to heal our
errors and our weaknesses. The only
thing that ever stopped Uncle Bill In
an argument was a dlshpan, or some
heavy, blunt Instrument clouted over
his brow, and in his younger days he
was some argufler, as his scars attest.
Here is the case of the blind man in
San Rafael, Cal who fell 40 feet off
the roof of his house, and found his
eyesight restored; Aunt Ellen, who
was bedridden for years, was the first
person to reach safety when the house
caught fire, and her bad hip hns been
practically all right ever since; you
remember thnt crippled negro who
bent even the dogs home when the bear
charged out of the brush.
A lot of us have troubles that are
only In our minds; when we are fed a
little real trouble we forget the smnller
ones. There Is, perhaps, an opening
for a sanitarium that will take a crip
ple or an lnvnlid and throw him off a
cliff, or crack him over the head with
n brick or a crowbar anything to wake
him up, make him forget his small
worries, and heal his diseased mind.
Precious Stones In British Crown.
There are no less than 3,000 stones
In the crown of the British king. Some
very famous Jewels are Included In
this number. One of these Is a large
heart-shnped ruby, given to Edward,
tho Black Prince, In 1037, hy Don Ped
ro of Castile. ..Anothci
i Power aW
The full series of high
boiling points in "Red
Crown makes power
and mileage sure. Look
for the Red Crown sign.
JhoGasoline of Quality
Our Complete Apparel Shop Offers Greatest Varieties
of Up-to-Date Styles in
Car sh;m .TifaJ iPt"' .A
m y - -I'm r iM .. n
In beauty of line, quality ol ma
terial and wearing value these gar
ments are really remarkable.
Each and every coat and suit we
show has that smartness of line and
exceptional tailoring that immedi
ately stamps its wearer as being
dressed with individuality and taste.
In addition to suits and coats
made of fine woolen materials we
are showing beautiful assortment of
Dressy Silk Suits
In Taffeta. Rashanara Crepe, silk
Vaille and Pongee.
Coats priced from 113.50 to $50.00
Suits priced from 22.!i0 to .1.00
For the'reaaon that our stock now
offers the greatest variety for your
selectionnow is the timejtobuy un
dermuslina that you will soon be in
need of, and further - our prices on
these garments, bought months ago,
are far below their present market
Muslin Gowns in open front or
slipover style, with sleeveless, long
or short sleeves, and embroidered or
with durable embroidery or dainty
lace trimming.
Priced from 98c to 15.05
Envelope Combinations cut on patterns that are
oonifortable'and trimmed in a manner that will en
dear them to the heart of every beauty loving woman.
Triced from - - . . U8c to 1.50
Corset Covers, Pajamas, Muslin Petticoat, and all
kinds of Children's Uuderiuuslins. await your choos
ing here.
Silk Dresses
The very last word in style and dinctivenesa is
bodied ill lllis HMMomlilnirn f vnlnui v, ,11ml. l-j
$tu mostly, 'with hero and there a lustrous satin
v iiiupuj , , i l 1 1 iiviu mum umn lUMiiuua cauii, cuii
erepe dc chine or sheer georgette garment to vary the
snowing, ine colurs arc nnvy or Copenhagen uiue,
tan, rose, grey, and green in solid colors, while a
number of unusual plaids, checks and stripes are in
cluded in styles that feature the tunicjoverskirt bustle
back, with georgette sleeves and bodice.
The Prices range from
WhtS up to $15.01.)
Dainty Waists
of Georgette Crepe, Crepe do Chine and Lingerie ma
terial. An extremely boautiful assortment of blouses
await your selection in our most complete waist sec
tion. Thereare dressy blouses of georgette crepe,
trimmed with heads, hand embroidering or fine laces.
Durable crepe it chines made on tailored lines with
the new roll collar, unusual arrangement of tucks and
hemstitching Dainty waists of voile, organdie, and
lawn are shown in a great variety of stylet, that are
trimmed with frilling, laoo and insertions, and un
ique arrangements of tucks.
Georgette crepe waists from - - $5.95 to $16.60
Silk waists from - - - $3.P5 to $0.91
Lingerie waists from - - - 98c to $8.76
Separate Skirts
In addition to the present great popularity of sepa
late skirts their wide range of usefulness entitles
them to a place in every woman's wardrobe.
Fancy Silk Skirts are exceedingly pretty and'when
worn with appropriate waists aro decidedly suitable
for the most dressy af torno in occasion and at the
same time are suitable for strict wear.
Black taffeta and satin, novelty plaids and stripes
are the materials in these skirts so reasonably priced
from 16.75 to $2S.50
Novelty wool skirts are shown in a wide variety of
attractive plaids that will prove very satisfactory for
street and sports wear.
Priced from $6 "5 to $17.50
Pendleton'r. Greatest Department Store
The Peoples Warehouse
Where it Pays to Trade
Present Assistant State Treasurer C:
didate for State Trtrsurcr.
"The voters of ("bis State needMen
who understand the work which it is
their duty to do; i nd men with capac
ity to do the duties which devolve up
on them; Men who are honest, fear
less, and patriotic; Men who are Am
ericans. Such a man is Judge Thos.
F. Ryan." Canby News.
"For seven years he has served Ore
gon as Assistant State Treasurer with
exceptional efficiency. To him is
largely due the present high standing
of the treasury department The na
tional examiners have given the de
partment credit for performing ni irt
work with less money than any other
treasury in the Union, and also with
having the best regulated and most
efficient office." Kveni ig Telegram.
"Thos F. Ryan, P. G. M., candi
date for the office of State Treasurer,
has been the efficient depu'y for the
past seven years and has made good in
that position. He possesses an inti
mate knowledge of the duties it in
volves, is capable, honest and cour
teous. We have an abiding faith in
Bro. Ryan's ability, experience and
superior fitness to fill this important
position." Pacific Oddfellow.
As an active member of the Gtange,
he has worked consistently for the
Duilding of good roads from farm to
market; for horticultural and agricul
tural legislation; and for practical
drainage, irrigation and rural credit
laws. Paid Advertisement.
Uiaooiuarvinu uiu ,,mu-
Glassmnking In Venice Is of remote
antiquity. By a law of November 8,
1291, the authorities of Venice, to avoid
the risk of fire, ordered the glassmak
ing Industry to be transferred to the
adjacent Island of Murano. Ever since
Murano has been the most Important
center for hand-made glass and glass
bead manufacture In the world.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
In order to cure it you must lake an
internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is taken internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years. It is com
posed of some of the best tonics known,
combined with some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
the ingredients hi Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is what produces such wonderful
results In catarrhal conditions. Sctul for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prous., Tnledo O.
AH Druggists, 76c,
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Notice of Final Account
In the County Court for Umatilla
County, Oregon,
In the matter of the Estate of
Mattie Phillips, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed account and report
in the above entitled matter and that
the above entitled Court has fixed Sat
urday, June 1st, 1918, at the hour of
10 o'clock, a. Mi, of said day as the
time and the County Court "room in
the Court house at Pendleton, Oregon,
as the place for hearing said account
and report. Objections to said final
account and report should he filed on
or before said date. S. T. Phillips,
Notice of Final Account.
In the County Court for Umatilla
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Mary Jane Phillips, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above entitled matter
and that the above entitled Lourt has
fixed Saturday, June st, 1918 at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day,
as the time and the County Court room
in the Court house at Pendleton, Ore
gon, as the place for hearing said ac
count and report. Objection to said
final account and report should be filed
on or before said date. S. T. Phillips,
Notice of Final Account.
In the County Court for Umatilla
County Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate of
bliza Ann Pinkerton, Deceased.
Notico is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above entitled mat
ter and that the above entitled Court
has fixed Saturday, May U5, 1918, ut
the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., of said
dav, as the time and the County Court
room in the Court house at Pendleton,
Oregon, as the place for hearing said
account and report. Objections to
said filial account and report should
be filed on or before said date.
David A. Pinkerton, Executor.
Your opportunity to elect a TRAINED man to head
your state government, one who has never before
been in politics, who is a staunch friend of the work
ingman, who has a successful business record of 20
years, whose energy has made him a worker, whose experience has made him
a thinker and whose ability has made him a leader;
Your opportunity to elect THIS type of man as
Governor Oregon is found in
Hold ad. Issued byHlnipson
for Governor League
Portland, Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
John L. Smith, Plaintiff,
Minnie E. Smith, Defendant.
To Minnie E. Smith, the above
ranied defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon.
You are hereby required to appear and
answer or otherwise plead to the com
plaint of the plaintiff filed against you
in the above entitled suit in said Court
and cause on or before Saturday, the
nth day of May, 1918, and you will
take notice that if you fail to so ap
pear and answer or otherwise plead
within said time, plaintiff for want
thereof, will apply to sai l Court for
the relief prayed for in his complaint,
to-wit, for a decree of said Court for
ever dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now and heretofore existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant; for such
other and further relief as pertains to
equity and good conscience.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made on the 25th day of
March, 1918. by Honorable Gilbert W.
Phelps, Judge of the above entitled
court. The first publication of this
summons is made on Friday the 29th
day of March. 1918, Lnd the last pub
lication on Friday, the 10th day of
May, 1918. in the Athena Press news
paper. Will M. Peterson,
Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffice ad
dress, Pendleton, Oregon.
At the solicitation of delegations
from several towns in the West End
of the county, I have announced myself
as a candidate for the office of County
Commissioner on the Republican tick
et, subject to the decision of the vot
ers at the primary election, May 17,
If nominated and elected, I promise
my best efforts for the whole county.
G. L. Dunning,
Stanfield, Oregon.
While there's no telling what conditions may face
the country before the war is ovjr, one thing is cer
tain and that is that Ford cars will grow more and
more into being actual necessities both in city and
country. Prospective buyers will do well to place or
ders NOW, when a reasonably quick delivery is possi
ble. Dont put off until spring for the demand is con
tinuous from all parts of the country; Ford cars are
wanted in the North, South, East and West, every
day in the year. Let us have your order today and
we'll hustle our best that you may not be kept wait
ing. Runabouts 1X5.00, touring cars 1150.00, chas
sis 400.00 f. o. b. Detroit, Mich
Burke & Son Garage
Phone 82, Athena, Oregon
Candidate for
County Commissioner
in the
Your vote and influence respectfully
solicited, , Pa d Adv,
Foley's Kidney Cure
'takes kidneys and bladder rlshl
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
Athena Bakery
O. H. McPhemn, Manager
fresh Bread
Cakes Made to Order
Ice Cream Soda and Soft Drinks !
Give us a Trial. WorthioRton Building, Athena, Ore
lllttHMIIMHMMmiaiiHMiiiiniiiii twv, ; ,vt
&oodyear Tires
Athena Garage
Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty.
In Fishing Tackle
A. J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block . . . Athena. Oreg.