New Houston Hotel Sixth and Everett St.. Portland, Ore. Four blocks from Union Depot Two blocka from New PoBtofflce. Modern and fireproof. Over 100 outside rooms. Rates 76c to 12.00. CHAS. G. HOPKINS. Manager. Hotel Rowland One hundred and sixty-five Rooms, all Modern Improvements: free phones on every floor. Rate: 75c to $1.80 per day: $2.50 to $5.00 per week. Opposite Courthouse. 2 blocks from Postoffice. Fire Proof. S. P and Oregon Electric pass door. Western Truck Attachment Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in Washington and Oregon. The most vital point of a truck attach ment is the bearings. The Western is the only truck attachment made with a Two-inch Timben Bearing. Other spe cifications in portion. Why Buy an Inferior make? A. J. LORMOR, Factory Distribirlor. 531-35 AMer Sum, Portland, Oregon. BEAUTIFUL RUGS Are made from your OLD CAR PETS. Rag Rugs woven all sizes. Mail orders receive prompt and care ful attention. Send for booklet. NORTHWEST RUG CO. E. 8th and Taylor Sto. Portland, Or. MONEY FOR YOU. Thousands of trained young people needed. Behnke-Walker UusinesB College, Portland, places students In positions. Enroll any time. Free Catalogue. ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired WALK. Kit ELECTRIC WORKS Bumslde, cor. 10th. Portland. Ore. BIG, STRONG CHICKS In the result of using Peta- luma Incubators and Brood ers. That's the kind you want Write for our big free Catalog No. W. PCTALUMA INCUBATOR CO, Petaluma, California WE WANTYOUR BEANS Call at 206 Alder street or mail samples. We buy all the time and pay the higheat market price. Don't fail to got In touch with us before sellinir. we are the Only Exclusive Bean Dealers In Oregon. We want more agent at country points. Cleaners and dealers please write far our agents' terms. S. C. D ALTON CO., 208 Alder SI.. PORTLAND, ORE. The Restive Button. Indignant Wife What on earth to you do to your clothes to keep me sewing on buttons this way? Apologetic HusbandI don't know, my dear. I merely touch the button I can't imagine what does tne rest. Baltimore American. Wouldn't Do. "You want a quantity f this, my friend. This will euro 'em when every thing else falls down." "Can't see it." declared the druggist. "I might sell some of your remedy, but everything else I have wou.u be dead Btock." Louisville Courier-Journal. ROAD BUILDING HIGHWAYS ON PACIFIC COAST Interesting Figures Secured by Cali fornia Experts on Pull Required to Move Wagon. An energetic and influential organ ization on the Pacific coast, the Cali fornia State Automobile association, has carried on some investigations af fording definite figures of the value of good roads. It secured the help of Prol. J. B. Davidson of the University of California nnd Austin B. Fletcher, state highway engineer, In currying on a large number of tests of the pull re quired to move a standard farm wagon loaded to make the gross weight ti.OlKJ pounds. This wagon was huuled in some cases by a two-ton truck and in other cases by a team of good draft horses, weighing about 1,000 pounds each. Tests have shown that a pull of 27 to 30 pounds per ton of gross load was needed to haul the wagon on unsur- faced concrete roads. When the con crete was surfaced with oil and screen ings the pull was increased to about 50 pounds. About 65 pounds were needed for hauling on water-bound macadam and on bituminous concrete laid on top of cement concrete. On good gravel roads a pull of 65 to 82 pounds was needed, while on loose gravel the pull was 263 pounds, the highest record In any of the tests. About 80 pounds were required for hauling on bitumin ous macadam. On earth roadB 02 pounds were required for hauling over a good surface covered with lhi Inches of loose dUBt, 00 pounds over an ordl- LADIES! SECRET TO ffAEMi DARKEN GRAY HAIR affif Nj;jLHa"Vemv Bring Back its Color and Lustre with Grandma's Sage Tea Recipe. Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri ant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use preparation improved by the addi tion of other ingredients, costing about 50 cents a large bottle, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Se.ce and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and ac: veneas. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because It does it so naturally, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair beoomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and lux uriant and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite. It la not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv. A Cruel Hint MisB Usilvface I suspect the men who have proposed to me of being after my money, and I would not mar ry a man wno am not tove me tor my self alone. Miss Curlylocks But, my dear, tne age of miracles is paBt. Exchange. Convenient Excuse Howdy, Cousin Ellen. Me and the girls have come to town to do some shopping and we thought we would stoD and take lunch wltn you. "Oh. I'm awfully sorry, cousin Amanda, but this is one of our foodless days." Exchange. From Different Angles. What do you think of her?" asked the owner, proudly, as he took ms friend, the magistrate, for a Joy ride in his new car. As a friend, I should say it was some car, but as a magistrate I think you should get about six months." A Rescued Community. "Crimson Gulch isn't like the same old place." "That's right," replied Hrocho Bob. "Prohibition has mudo a difference. There was a time whon It begin to look like there wasn't goin' to be much to this young metropolis but a depot and a saloon." Exchange. Drawing the Line. "You must love your follow men." "Even those who Injure my friends and family?" "Certainly." "That wouldn't be love. That would bo a foolish infatuation." Eichange. A Reasonable Request. Counsel (in divorce case)-I ask that a receBS be taken at this point, your honor. Judge) On what grounds? Counsel My client wishes to change her gown. She hasn't display ed half her costumes yet. Exchange. Risky Variation. "A wise man may change his opin ion. "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum, "but ho takes an awful chance If he chnngoB It more than onco or twice during the samo campaign. Wash ingtou Star. Good Medicine'; C01DS AND LA GHIPPt Ask ror UJCtV C BREAK-UP-A-COLO ntthd tablets 210 All druggists MS llutin. Hides, Pelts, cKa Wool &, Mohair v mat ill bit. Win. hi fries. u4 Usnpai Tift. THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY, I'orUund, in.:, SoutUo. Wn.. llulllnghain. Wn. THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO. Will iruarantr-e you top market prices at nil times for your Veal, Hotffl, Poultry, Kiv , U utter. Hides, Etc. if you have not shipped to us, try us. 113 Front, PORTLAND, OR. Road Through California Forest. nary dirt road with dust S inches deep in places, and 218 pounds over a muddy earth road. Tho slgnitlcnuce of these figures lies in the fuct that on a good earth road It is neccssnry to exert three times the pull that Is required on a con crete road, and nearly twice the pull required on a macadam rond. Fur thermore, when the earth road be comes muddy, n condition which does not affect traffic on good pavements, the pull Is more than doubled. ROADS INDEX OF CHARACTER Determine Importance of Country, Limiting or Aiding Its Advance Should Be Built Tho roads are an index of the char acter of any country, determining Its Importance and limiting or aiding its advance. A country that Isn't worth a good road isn't worth what Its land sells for and noun won't be worth liv ing In. No community that baa ever improved its roads, has ever regretted It, for road Improvement Is n good in vestment for any community. Since the roads are for all the people, they should be built by all the people with state and federal aid. A Voice of Prejudice. I told you it was a mistake to take over those Hawaiian islands," said the man who never gives up. Why, those islands are now among our - valued possessions." Dut look at the comfort they have destroyed. As soon as they got a little encouragement they flooded the whole western hemisphere with ukuleles." Washington Star. INTERESTING BOYS IN SHEEP Much Can Be Done by Well-Ordered Course of Instruction Know Demand of Buyer. (Prepared by the United States Depart - merit of Agriculture.) Sheep raising offers one of the most attractive opportunities in the live stock Industry at the present time. There is a demand for purebred sheep for breeding, and for mutton and wool. One of the best ways to create interest In sheep raising is to teach the subject properly to boys in the secondary schools, Is the opinion of a specialist In agricultural education with the United States department of agricul ture. Many rural districts of the Unit ed States are not awake to the oppor tunity connected with sheep raising, declares this specialist, In introducing a new publication of the department, Bulletin 503, "Judging Sheep as the Subject of Instruction In the Second ary School." Much can be done toward arousing an interest not only among the boys but among the farmers of a community A Different Matter. Oke You're paying too much rent, old man. Owens You mean the rent Is too high. Boston Transcript Household Candor. Is that picture one of the old mas ters?" "I believe so," replied Mrs. Cumrox. But we had it varnished and framed in a way that makes it look almost as good as new." Washington Star. To restore a normal action to Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels, take Garfield Tea, the mild herb laxative. All druggists. Adv. Safety for the Coal Bin. "The scarcity of coal has lightened my cares in one respect," remarked MrB. CroBBlots. "What Is that?" "I never have to worry about wheth er my husband has locked the base ment at night." Eichange. Advance by Retrogression. The rookie was being taken to the guard house. "Quick Dromotlon." he muttered to himself. "I am already In charge of a squad of men." Boston Transcript. HELP 18 OFFERED, and is freely giv en to every nervous, delicate woman, by Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. Re member Ingredients on label in Tablet or Liquid form. In every "female complaint," Irregu larity, or weakness, and in every ex hausted condition of the female system, the "Prescription" never falls to benefit or cure. Bearing down palnB, internal inflammation and ulceration, weak back, and all kindred ailments are completely cured by It It's a marvelouB remedy for nervous and general debility, Insomnia, or In ability to Sleep, Spasms, Convulsions or Fits. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (1000 pages) will be sent free on receipt of 50 one-cent Btamps te pay cost of nfinting and mailing only. Address Dr. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. Constipation causes many serious diseases. It 1b thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. One a laxa tive: two or three are cathartic. Adv. ft Wool and Mutton Type. by a well-ordered course of instruction which permits not only class Instruc tion but also allows the boys to do their own laboratory work by keeping a few sheep at home on their own account. Confining a study of stock Judging to purebred animals may furnish a good foundation for the training of a show room Judge, says the writer of the pub llcatlon, but It does not give the train lng needed by many farmers in the corn belt and other territory adjacent to the large markets where feeder sheep are purchased nnd fattened. A knowledge of types of purcbreds grown In the community is helpful, but it is Important for the farmer to know the classifications and demands of the mar ket buyers. This knowledge can be given to the pupils only by studying market classes and grades. In each community instruction which will be helpful In meeting the practical prob lems common to the particular form of the industry practiced in the com munlty should be given. In connec tlon with this study visits to packing houses and stock yards conducted by the Instructor may be made very prof itable features of the study, it is said. BEST TO AVOID PNEUMONIA Temperamental Science. "Do electrical wire have to he made of well-tempered metal?" "I don't know. They seem to get Into mischief every time they're crossed." Exchange. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic MOTOR TRAFFIC IS GREATER Of Tin VmJ- Po. Baef, Trllr Poultry, Butter, Egge and Farm Produce, to tho Old Reliable Kvurdlng houaa with raeord of 45 yean of Square linaUiura.and be eaaured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHTTE 8-47 Front Street Portland. Oregon I 8lgnlflcnt Feature of Road Develop ment I Construction of Bet ter 8urface. A most significant feature of road development Is the construction of bet ter surfaces as u result of automobile traffic, for It Is estimated that there are approximately 2,soo,ooo autoi in uso on the roads of the country, or one car for every mile of road. The mo tor traffic Is greater than traffic of all kinds 12 years ago. Urges Permanent Road. That road-building along permanent lines should be prosecuted as a part of our national war program was I lie determination of the chamber of commerce of the United States, at Its meeting held at Atlantic City, N .J. Please Advise. If a body meet a body, Loaded up with rye, Should- a body greet a body, Or Just slide by? In Keeping. "He talks with a burr." "Tells a good many chestnuts, too.' Something of War. "Is the strenuous looking young wo man you showed me a war bride?" "I should say se. When she and her husband get te arguing, she throws the first thing that comes to hand at him. Exchange. Past HI Power. There is one thing no mechanical genius has ever succeeded In doing.' What is that?" utilizing the hoarse power of a cold." Hxohange. Garfield Tea is Nature's laxative and blod purifier; It overcomes constipa tion and its many attendant ailments Adv. "This shortage of sugar ought to be easily remedied. How o?" Aren't the whole people raising Cain about It?" Exchange. Are Tour Lungs Strong? Do colds go down to your throat? Are your bronchial tubes easily affected? Above all, do colds settle on your chest? Then your lungs may not be as strong as you expected consumption often follows. Good Physicians Everywhere Prescribe KOTT'3 EMULSION Because its Pure Cod Liver Oil Is famous y for strengthening delicate throats and weak lungs while its glycerine sootnes tne tender linings and alleviates tne cougn. Start on Scott's Emulsion today It is Nature's building-food without drugs or alcohol. The imported Norwegian cod liver oil used In Scott' a Emulsion la now refilled in our own American laboratoriea which guarantees it free from impurities. Scott & Bowne, Blooiufield. N. J. 17-21 WE WANT AT ONCE g Tou get the highest prices and quick returns when you ship to this old- established and reliable Fur House. It's your nearest market & CO. SEND FOR RAW FUR PRICE LIST H . LIE B E S Raw Fur Dealers- Fur Manufacturers 149 Broadway, Dept O PORTLAND, ORE. Eat less meat and take Salts for Backache or Bladder trouble. YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callous stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callous loosens so It can be lifted out, root and all, with out pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will positively take off every hard or soft corn or callous. This should be tried as It Is Inexpensive and Is said not to irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time. Adv. DO YOUR COWS FAIL TO CLEAN? This la a aerioua condition land re quires prompt attention. Dr. David Roberta' COW CLEANER Sf gives quick relief. Keep it en hand and prevent the ruin ef year cow. Read the Practical Horn Veterinarian. Send for free book let on ABORTION IN COWS. If no dealer in your town, write Dr. David Roberts' Vet. Co., 100 Grand Ave., WirtttH Wto UPINE Granulated Eyelids, sure Ijyes, cyra iiumiru u Sun, Duil and Winif quickly relieved by Murine. Try it in your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes. No Smart uij , Jut Eye Comfort Murine Eye Remedy feMo' IbriX Eye Salve, In Tubes 25c. Per Book of Bv - Free. Ask Marine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago I me ireatmenr. withCuticura Clears Dandruff Why Bald So Young? Dandruff and dry senlp usually the cause and Oitlcurn the remedy. Hub the Ointment Into scalp. Follow with hot shampoo of Cutlcura Soap. For free sample nddress, "Cutlcurn, Dept. X, Boston. At druggists and by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 und 50. Adv. HI Simple Request "I am now prepared to answer any questions you may care to ask," said the lecturer. "Any one barred?" asked a man in the audience. "Certainly not" replied the man on the platform. "Then just wait a few minutes, will you mister, till I run home and get that four-yoar-old kid of mine. He's got a few hard ones that I'd like to have you answer for me." Detroit Free l'ress. Do Your Own Plumbing I Br buying direct from ua at wholesale prime and hbvo the plumber's proAta. Write ua to day your needa. Wa will rro yon our rook bottom "dlrect-to-you" price, t. o. b. rail off boat. Wa actually aave you from 10 to U par cent. All goods guaranteed- Northwest headuuertar for Leader Water Bystetua and Fuller A Johnaon Kngtnea. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street Portland. Or go P. N. 0. No. 12, 1918 Road Expand In Winter. Concrete rends expand most In win ter mid contract most In summer, ac cording to the Uulted Stntes huivmi of standards, because of Increases or driTcnses in tho moisture they contain. Grain for Poultry. When buying screenings or damaged grulu for poultry be sure that It still contains considerable food value; for example, wheat that Is shrunken may be excelleut poultry food, but tlmt which hits been frosted or wuter- simkcd is of very little value. It takes Congress to settle a strike, but an unruly stomach is subdued by Garfield Tea. Adv. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Allen's Foot-Easo. the antiseptic powder. Makes tight or new shoes feel eaay. Rellevea Corns. tMalotta, nut. swollen, new, Aamrur reel, ooso everywhere. 26c. Don't accept any aubauteto. Sample FKEE. Address. Alien S. .Olmsted. Le Koy, . x. Always Tendency Among Pig to Pile Up In Bed for Purpose of Keeping Warm In Winter. During cold weather there Is always a tendency for pigs to pile up in their bed for the purpose of keeping warm Then some of them will become heated up, and when they are routed out nnd become exposed to the cold weather many of them will contract pneumonia Once this disease attacks a pig It near ly always causes deuth. If death does not ensue, there may be a cough, diffi cult breathing and, what Is of greater Importance, a stunted condition and dwarfed size that makes rapid and profitable growth Impossible. FEED SKIM MILK WITH CORN Favorable Results Obtained by Indi ana Experimentation With Growing Pig. The Indiana experiment station has recently Issued a bulletin showing tho results of feeding skim milk in connec tion with corn, and It is very favoraDie to the use of skim milk and shows that it can be used to greater profit with corn for growing pigs man can tankage. PALATABLE FEED FOR STOCK Excellent Formula Given for Cow In Milk and for Brood Sow With Young Pig. Corn fodder cut fine, thrown Into a water-tight feed trough and mixed with ground com and cob meal, ground oats and Just enough boiling water to soft en the stalks will make a most pala table ration for cows In milk and for brood sows with young pigs. Grain-Fed Pigs on Pasture. Pigs, grain-fed on pasture, will gain a pound or more a day from weaning to a weight of 200 to 250 pounds, while those getting little or no grain will gain but one-half to three-fourths of a pound per day. Uric- acid in meat excites the kid neys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is Irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kid neys cleg you must help then flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery In the kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheu matic twinges when the weather Is bad. Bat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table- spoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kid neys will then act fine. This famous salts is mads from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthia, and has been used for generation to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also te neu tralize the acids in urine, so it no long er is a source of irritation, thus end ing bladder weakness. Jad Baits is Inexpensive, cannot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent llthia water drlak which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys olean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kid ney trouble while it is only trouble. Adv. Enough Is Too Much. "Going to dinner, Jones? Come in here first and have an appetizer." "Great Scott, man! Hoover won't let me satisfy the appetite I have now." Natural Proceeding. "What did you do when you found your boat's course arrested by the in coming waves?" "Why, I bailed her out." Exchange. Specialized In Athletics. "Jones was educated at Harvard, wasn't he?" "No; . he merely went there." Exchange. A Wailful Warble. "We must keep the home fires burn ing." "Yes; I'm on my way now to sing that song to the coal administrator." Suitable Match. "What kind of a match did the Smith girl who was so uppish and airy, make?" "Oh, she married an aviator." "I hear Flubdub enjoys an Income of ten thousand a year. ' "He has It, but he doesn't enjoy it. He is a grouch who doesn't enjoy any thing." . He Isn't that Gen. Blank and his daughter over there? She Yes. They say that she has been through more engagements than her eld father. Exchange. In the Cafe. Thirsty Tommy (somewhere in France, who so far has only bean able to get the glad eye) 'Ere, Bill, yon know the lingo tell 'er my hobby's beei-, not love! London Opinion. Only One Letter. Pretty soon the German people will get tired of deifying the kaiser and they will begin defying him. Pathfinder. Such a Dear Friend. Ethel Agnes was at the cat show. Maud As an exhibit? Boston Transcript Highly Successful. "Very successful party your wife gave. Among those present were some most interesting people." "And among those absent were a lot she had it In for." Conditional. "Do you think this is a real fare well tour of the star?" "Not if she fares well enough on it." No Greek In Him. "Do you admire the classics?" "No," answered Uncle Lobrow. "When It comes to dancing gimme an old-fashioned clog." Washington Star. Bride This apartment is entirely too dark for our purposes. Agent Why Is it too dark, madam? Bride Because we want to do light housekeeping. Brooklyn Citizen. Co-Ope ration. As the aeasou's work wanes, and the evenings grow long, the farmer ha time lo think of markets, plans tor selling produce, and the advantages of co-operation. Ship Your Produce For fat stuff of good qualityCwill pay as fol lows: DrvAStxl pork, 20c. Small, dreasetl veal, tSc. fig veal up to 900 lbs.. 12c Live nioetars, 22e. Dmtmxi htiwU iroats, 12c. Wo do not ask wmirJssion. Immediate pay ment. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO., "FurhUng the Beef Treat." 228 Alder St., PORTLAND, ORE BRONCHIAL TROUBLES Soothe Ilia Irritation and yen relieve the dlatrcca. Do both qelcttty aad effectively by promptly using a depejsleble remedy PISO'S Best Roughage for Colt. Well-cured alfalfa hay free from dust Is one of the best roughages for colts, but It eenerally Is economical to sup plement It with other rougnage sucu as timothy, mixed hay or corn toaaer. Reduce Grain Ration. Pasturing hog reduces the amount of grain needed to bring them to a profitable weight and marsetaDie con dition. Winter Horse Feed. Horses not worked hard do not need oats in winter. A small feed of corn 1 much better. Time to Shear Sheep. Sheen should be sheared In the spring a soon as the weather Is set tled. Swift & Company Publicity At a recent hearing of the Federal Trade Commission there was introduced correspondence taken from the private files of Swift & Company, which showed that the Company had been con sidering for some time an educational advertising campaign. The need for this publicity has been apparent to us for sev eral years. The gross misrepresentation to which we have recently been subjected has convinced us that we should no longer delay in putting before the public the basic facts of our business, relying on the fair-mindedness of the American people. The feeling against the American packer is based largely on the belief that the income and well-being of the producer and consumer are adversely affected by the packers' operations, resulting in unreasonably large profits. Swift & Company's net profit is reasonable, and represents an insignificant factor in the cost of living. For the fiscal year 1917 the total sales and net profit of Swift & Company were as follows: $875000,000. Profits $34,650,000. I This is equivalent to a $3,465. profit on a business of $87,500. If Swift & Company had made no profit at all, the cattle raiser would have received only one-eighth of a cent per pound more for his cattle, or the consumer would have saved only one-quarter of a cent per pound on dressed beef. Swift & Company, U. S. A.