. T TT 4 T T 1 jew Houston tiorei Sixth and Everett St,, Portland, Ore. Four blocks from Union Depot, Two blocks from New Poatoflice. Modern and fireproof. Over 100 outside rooms. Rates 75c.to 12.00. i tnAS, u. nurtunio, iiana:r. Hotel Rowland One hundred and sixty-five Rooma, all Modern Improvements: free phones on every floor. Rates: 75c to $1.50 per day: $2.50 to $5.00 per week. ODnoHite Courthouse. 2 blocks from PofltofUce, Fin1 Proof. S. 1 and Oregon Electric pass door. Gold Won by Our Ships Prosperity of Merchant Marine Due to the War SALTS IS FINE FOR J BEAUTIFUL RUGS "Are made from your OLD CAR PETS. Rug Rugs woven all sizes. Mai orders receive prompt. and care ful attention. Send for booklet. ;northwest rug co. E. 8th and Taylor Sts. Portland, Or, ELECTRIC MOTORS BouirM, Sold, Rented and Repaired WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS BnCDsfde, cor. l(th. Portland. Ore, THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO. Will aruarantee .vt-u t in market prices at all timea for your V.-;i!, Raffs, Poultry. Bffjfe Mutter, HideB, Etc. If you have nut shipped to ua, try ua, 113 Front, PORTLAND, OR. i Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce. tolheOi'l 1'cltaMn l :Vcrtiin(f house with a record of (6 years o: Squaurs DmMiubl and be hwuiod of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKH1TE B-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon Hides, Pelts, Cascara J ..it. Wool & Mohair Wc wan! jrnii Ism, Wfil' for 1'tires and Shipping Tag.. THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY, Porllun.l, Ore.. Seattle, WlW. li.HiriKliam. Wn. They Always Do. Tlie druggist died mid face to face Willi Peter at the entrance Btood. Said PetW: "Try the other place; "You'll doubtless say It's 'Just as good.' " Load, Aim. If every one 1ms his war aim cor rectly, let's shoot New York Sun. Natural Obstacle. "There can'l be many rumors In the air at this place." "Why not?" "Beoause the atmosphere la too close." The Real Feat. "Hmilli wan telling the othor night of the awful trouble he had ono time when bo v, ,.a shipwrecked in getting away from n man enling 'shark." "Yes, but did be ever tell you bow be succeeded In dodging bis wife when she was alter him for money for a bargain-hunting shopping trip?" Ex The Way to Do. "Yen are wearing a very unbecom ing bat," said Alma to Ethel. "Then," said Rthel, as she turned to the looking glass. "1 am going to face the matter and make It the subject of thorough reflection." lOxcbange. The Howler. Mrs. Kxe--They soinellniea call vo cal leSSOns "voice placing." K.ve Thai stft Well, I wish you'd aHk thai girl downstairs to please place her voice across the street Instead of In our alrshaft" 'Brooklyn citizen. BIG, STRONG CHICKS the mult of UHlnjf Peta i lit I urn liatoi'H urid Mrood- i i. J'hal'a tho kind yon Wunt Wrltf for our biff Htm Ottiuof No. (JU. PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO. Pelalunm, Culifurnla E 1H1 Til? We Want Immediately MUSKRAT SKUNK COYOTE RACCOON MOLE MINK FOXES OTTER AND OTHER FURS. Prices an- higher than ever. .Send for Haw fur price list today. H. LIEBES & CO. Past, k Row Fur Denier, and Fur Manu facturers 119-151 Broadway, Portland, Or. We Piiy the lUshest Market Prices For RAW FURS Guarantee quick return.; charge no commission. Make trial shipment and set tho most for your FURS. ML M. UNGAR CO., 191 Broadway, PORTLAND, ORE. Washington. The present golden era for American shipping, resulting from great demand for ocean tonnage, nnd the extraordinary profits that have been made In our carrying trade by sea, have been shown by research to be a recurrence of similar conditions that have prevailed three times before In the history of the American mer chant marine. Whenever there has been any extraor dinary condition to change political or economic balances In this or other great countries, prosperity for shipping has followed, say experts of the Unit ed States shipping board. In proof of this they point to the great expansion of our foreign trade following both the Revolutionary war unci the War of 1812, by which the merchants of New York and New Eng lund were enriched, and also the for tunes made by American ship owners following the Mexican war, with Its resulting great rush of pioneers to Ihe new gold state of California. None of the stories of fabulous earn ings of vessels In the merchant marine In the first three years of the present war before the shipping board began regulating freight charges at sea are more Interesting than those of the wealth won by ships owned In old Salem, Muss., In the period In which their owners were developing Ameri can trade with distant parts of the earth, following both peace treaties with England. In 1709 (he ship Mt. Vernon of Salem made a profit of $100,000, four times her grlglnul cost, on a single round trip to China, going out with sugar, and returning via the Mediter ranean, where she took on silks nnd wines for the American market. The owner of the Mt. Vernon, Ellas Musket Derby, died while she was on this voyage and left an estate valued at $1,000,000, the largest American fortune to that time. Salem captains were ever on the alert for new ventures In those days of rich profits. When In 1705 Capt. Jonathan Carncs of Salem beard by way of gossip when ashore at Barce lona, Spain, that pepper grew wild on the coasts of 'Sumatra, he noted the Information carefully. On his arrival home lie Imparted It to Jonathan Peele, a Salem merchant, who forthwith fit ted out the schooner Rajah, and dis patched her to Sumatra. The Itajnh brought back the first full cargo of pepper to be landed In Amer ica, and her owner reaped the tidy profit from lis sale of 700 per cent on his investment, Certain ships, known for their lucky voyages, made fortune's for their own ers. One famous In the annals of that period was the ship George known us Ihe "Salem frigate" which ninde regu lar voyages to Ihe East Indies for 22 years, accomplishing 21 voyages in all, and earned a fortune for George Pea body, afterward famous as u million aire philanthropist. The value of her cargoes may be Judged In (bat In her 22 years of active existence there was paid on them at the Salem customhouse, in import duties, not less than $000,000. The Oeorge was a tiny ship, as ves sels go nowadays, being only 114 feet long, yet she proved a shining example lu other ways of Ihe glories of the curly American merchant marine. She bad the reputation of carrying the most Intelligent crews to be found any where except possibly on certain oth er American ships and was famed for tho number of men who graduated from her forecastle to the quarter deck. When she sailed on her first voyage to India, in 1818, hardly u man In her crew was twenty-one years old, yet each wns an experienced seaman, and nearly every one was a navigator. Of the sailors who served on her In her long and prosperous career, 45 be oame captains, 20 chief mates, and six sevend mates. Thomas M. Saunders, who served on her us a boy, passeil through every grade of ordinary and able seajnan, third, second and chief malt nnd ultimately became bet cup tain. The case of the Oeorge has been cited as an example of tile beneflelul effect of continued prosperity on 11 na tion's merchant marine, Not less than 7,000 men signed arti cles In the counting room of Joseph Peiilnnly to man his Beet, the various craft which made IIS voyages to Cal cutta, 17 to Canton, ,'12 to Sumatra, 47 to St. Petersburg and 111) to other Eu ropean ports. In the Inter period of the so-called clipper ship era of the merchant ma rine, great profits were made by Amer ican ships at n time when the vessels of other nations were grubbing for Charter!, This was due to the superior speed of the American vessels. The ltnlnbow, the first distinctly Clipper ship built anywhere, clearcfl 200 per cent profit on her first voyage to China, In 1846. The Oriental, an American clipper built In New York in 1849, to compete with the English tea ships, earned $48,000 In freight money on her firs! cargo of tea from Hong-Kong to Lon don. Her cost was $70,000. In the gold rush to California, In 1849 and 1850, many ships earned more than their value In a single voyage. Demand for space regulated the charge for carrying freight, as It does now, and the top price reached was $60 a ton. At this rate the ship Samuel Rus sell earned $72,000 In freight money on one voyage more than her cost. Some of the charters made In the earlier period of the war for Amerl can vessels were on such a liberal basis that the freight money for a single voyage to Archangel, for exam ple, paid for the ship making the voy nge, a condition to be looked for, say the experts, In times of abnormal de mand for cargo space. Flush the Kidneys at once when Back "hurts or Bladder bothers. Food Problem By Dr. Samuel G. Dixon Commissioner of Health oi Pennsylvania Most of our foodstuffs are made up of different constituents. A potato Is largely composed of starch, whereas beefsteak Is large ly composed of ni trogen or protein. Starch represents so many heat-producing units, and beefsteak likewise produces Its own quota. This is so when you consider the matter from a lab oratory standpoint, but if you made n lest of the surae values by feeding these foods to human beings you would find the values varied greatly because of the variations of the human or or ganic machinery which handled them. Starch, for Instance, In the cases of some Individuals, passes through the digestive system without the body as slinllntlng it and obtaining the addition of its bent units. In the cases of other Individuals, the same thing would hap pen with beefsteak. For this reason we must remember, wdien advising foodstuff for a commu nity, that what Is one man's meat Is another man's poison. Thus It be hooves those who have the power to regulate foodstuffs for n community to be liberal enough In drawing up their lists to meet the demands of the differ ent capabilities of the digestive system of the different Individuals. In other words, one capable of making a ration al selection must havo a thorough knowledge of the physiology of food stuffs. The people of the state of Pennsyl vania eat too much potato. The large proportion of starch In the composition of Ibis vegetable produces a catarrhal condition of the digestive tract, which Interferes with digestion and leaves the patient. Insufficiently nourished, event ually over a long series of years pro ducing starvation. Meat, as a rule, Is also overeaten by Pennsylvanlani. Just now, however, during the tension of the war, we need more meat I ban usual. It should also be kept in mind that meat w ill be more easily produced dur ing the war than will vegetables, for our trouble will be the want of male help to carry out the continuous de mands occasioned by the cultivation of vegetables during all stages from planting to gathering, whereas cattle can In great measure take care of themselves, nnd what human help Is required need not be of the highest de velopment, either physical or mental. To the Point. A face that never wears a smile should be avoided. He who praises men and flat ters women lias many fair-weather friends. No, Robert, the starboard of a steamer is not reserved for the star boarders. A man can't have his cake and cut It, too especially on his first trip across the pond. The bachelor Is the prune of the human family and the spin ster Is the preserved peach. It Isn't necessary thnt n bril liant conversationalist should know what be Is talking nbout. No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogs the kidney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trou ble, nervousness, constipation, dizzi ness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from sluggish kidneys. ine moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your back hurts, or If the urine is cloudy, oftenslve, full of sediment, Irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scaldine. get aDOut rour ounces of Jad Salts from any rename pnarmacy and take a tablespoonful In a glass of water be fore Breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralize the acids In urine so It no longer causes Irritation, thus end ing bladder disorders. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and can not Injure; makes a delightful effer vescent llthla-water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Adv. SELECT DAIRY COW BY TYPE Strict Regulation Freeman was visiting at his grandpa's home, and as he was a mischievous little chap, was constantly being told "Don't do this," and "Don't do that " Finally, with a look of disgust on his face, he climbed up Into a chair and asked seriously, "What can a fella do in this house, anyway?" Exchange. Winter Skepticism. When touched by frost, the waters sleep, The ice, at least, should be quite cheap Yet human faith has failed a lot And something tells us it will not. Washington Star. Milk Production and Reproduction Are Essential Functions Rec ords Are Lacking. The essential functions of the dairy cow ore milk production and repro ductlon. According to L. W. Wing, Jr., of tho Missouri College of Agriculture, the most accurate methods of deter mining these are : (1) Milk production by means of the milk scales and the Babcock test (2) Reproduction by breeding records There Is only n small proportion of the cows used for dairy purposes on which such records are kept. This ne Obeying Orders. See here, daughter, didn't I tell you that young man of yours must keep early hours when he calls?" He does, pa. He never leaves later than 1 a. m. Could he keep any earlier hours ?" Exchange. Noncommittal. "Jones told me this morning his fiancee was light headed, and I said 'Is she?' I am afraid he didn't like It." "Why weren't you more sympathet ic?" "Because I couldn't tell whether he meant she was a blonde or delirious." Baltimore American. Good Training. "How very fluent your parrot is." "Yes; I always hang his cage up In the room when my wife's lub meets here." Baltimore American. WHEN IT LOOKS DARK to any weak or ailing woman, Dr.Pierce's Favor ite Prescription comes to her help. For "female com plaints," pains, In ternal Inflamma tion or ulceration, bearing-down sen sations, and all chronic weak nesses and de rangements, this is tlie proven remedy. It's the only one so sure mat it can De guaranteed, "Favorite Prescription" will benefit or cure, In the case of every tired and attneted woman. An easily procured vegetable pill Is made up of May-apple, the dried Juice of the leaves of aloes, and the root of Jalap, made into a tiny pellet and coat ed with sugar. It was first put into ready-to-use form by Dr. Pierce nearly 50 years ago. Almost every drug store in this country sells these vegetable pellets in vials for 25c simply ask for Dr. pierce s Pleasant Pellets. They nave ur. k. v. Pierce stamp. Adv, Champion Dairy Cow. cessitates tne employment of some other method of selection. In the breeding of high producing animals through several generations It has been observed that there are certain characteristics of the conformation which are correlated with large pro ouction. Tnese characteristics are namely: (1) Extreme angular form, carrying no surplus flesh, but In good physical condition. (2) Prominent de velopment of the udder nnd veins. (3) The symmetrical development of the barrel with large capacity. After one becomes familiar with these external characteristics it Is possible to select cows producing 300 pounds of fat per year from those producing 150 pounds. The difficulty comes In picking the ani mal that will produce 500 pounds of fat per year compared to the one pro ducing 400 pounds. The selection of animals by this method Is rather uncertain. Until rec ords are kept of more animals or some other means devised for selection, the selection by type should be used and It is up to everyone Interested In dairy cattle to become familiar with It. LEGUME HAYS ARE VALUABLE Pawed Over. "Are these hats felt?" "Frequently, mum, but we don't Hk9 it, I can tell you." Louisville Courier- journal. Cuticura Stops Itching. The Soap to cleanse and Ointment to soothe nnd heal most forms of Itching, burning skin and sculp affections. Ideal for toilet use. For free samples address, "Cntleurn, Dept. X, Boston." Sold by druggists nnd by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 nnd 50. Adv. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver. bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. e m 11. at wholesale price. 8HMlv blumuer'a rronta. Write uate K Wo will give you our rock-l-lo vu" eriww, f. u. I,, rail ur - We neViinlLv wive yon from 10 to 86 pee - Alt .rood ,-uarantood. h qvartar, tot Leader Water . atijs A Johnifin Enginee. STARK-DAV1S CO. ' reat. Portland. Oregon P. N. V. No. 8, 1918. wwtwwwwtwwwwwt Mother's Cook Book. War Time Dishes. A two-pound CUl Of short ribs cook ed In a kettle as stew with a bunch of carrots put around it while cooking and about twenty minutes before meal drop In n few potatoes to cook, tho meat seasons anil tlavors the carrot and the carrots sweeten the meat. The broth may be saved und used for soup, adding an onion, a lulilcspooni'ul of rice and egg noodles or any vegetables left over from a previous meal. Cut up a tablespoonful of parsley In the soup Just before serving. Bread Crumb Bread. Take two pounds of left over bread, crusts, or rolls, soaked well In plenty of water then squeeze out and pass the mixture through a sieve to make It fine grained, add two tablespoon fills of molasses, a half teuspooni'ul of salt, and a half cupful of home made yetiBt, knead In flour until well mixed, let rise, mold Into loaves ami buke. Save sugar In cooking rhubarb, cranberries by adding the sugar after the cooking and using a little corn starch for thickening, cook well after adding the corn starch. Cereal Coffee. Mix together thoroughly two quarts of bran, one quart of whole ground cornmeal and a cupful of molasses. Rub together with the hands until th. Whole resembles roots! brown sugar. Turn Into two large dripping puns and brown In the oven, stirring often Store In airtight fruit Jars. Use twi rableepooofuls to cupful and half oi boiling water. Boll twenty minute Save all fats, the reason they are so scarce and so necessary la thai ex plosives are made of glycerine alio glycerin is made of fats, Suve on butter, by using oleomur garlne or any vegetable butter. His Status. "The tenor who sang last night re minded me of a pirate." "Why so?" "Because he did murder on the high C's." Baltimore American. Whenever there is a tendency to constipation, Blck-headache, or bilious ness, take a cup of Garfield Tea. All druggists. Adv. A Dangerous Guest "That fellow prides himself on being thorough. Wherever he goes he gets to the bottom of things." "Then please don't invite him on our yachting trip." Baltimore American. HAVE YOU A 8WEETHKART Son or Brother In camp or training: for defense? If so, mail him a package of Allen's Foot Kase. the antiseptic Powder for Tired, Aching, Swol len Feet, and prevents blister, and sore spots. Hakes walking easy. Sold everywhere, 26c. A Fine Example. To keep a smiling we are told And that Is good advice, I hold. The Jack o lantern Is In style; You can not beat his cheerful smile. Lousville Courier-Journal. Spot Caah we will Pay! We do Not Charge Commission. We areCpaying as follows for fat produce: Dressed pork. 20c. Small dressed veal, 18c. Nig dressed veal up to 300 lbs., 14c Live chickens, 22c Live roosters. ISc, Small dressed goats. 12c. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO., "Fighting the Beef Trust." 238 Alder St., PORTLAND, ORI Utilization of Alfalfa or Clover Partly Solves Dairyman's Prob lem of Feed. (By G. E. WEAVER, University Farm, St. Paul, Minn.) One hundred and seventy-five pounds of good alfalfa or clover hay Is worth as much as 100 pounds of the ordinary grain feeds. With the present prices for feeds ranging from $25 a ton for bran to $85 per ton for corn, the aver age cost for 100 pounds of grain is about $2.75. The cost of Its food equivalent in the form of 175 pounds of legume hay is $2.15. This much hay will produce 200 pounds of milk and effect a saving In feed cost of 60 cents, which Is at the rate of 30 cents for each hundred pounds. The utilization of such hay partly solves the dairyman's problem In these days of high feed cost and milk Investigations. WILL YOU BE ONE? Thousands of thoughtless people neglect colds every winter. A cough follows; they get rundown then stubborn sickness sets in. Sickness can be prevented easier than it can be cured and if you will give your system the benefit of a few bottles of you will find your whole system strengthened, ft will fortify your lungs and throat and enrich your blood against rheumatism. It is powerful concentrated nourishment without alcohol or opiates. Don't neglect taking ScoW commence today. The imported Norweslnn cod liver oil nlways und! in Scott'. Emuhdon is now refined in our own Anicriciiu InlKirntorica which guarauteei it free from impurities. 8coU & Bowue. Moomfleld. N. J. 17-17 VAUGHAN'S PORTABLE! DRAG SAW Cuts 20 Cords in 10 Hours THE LIGHTEST. THE It SS.Kiv luiTiTn.a THE ORIGINAL STRONG BUT NO. Vaughan Motor Works, J3Jfr STRONGEST. HAS MANY IMITATORS. '.EQUALS.-Writ. for Information. PORTLAND. OREGON. Here's Grandmother's Recipe to Darken and Heautify Faded Hair. That beautiful, even shade of dark. glossy hair can only be had by brew ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an application or two of Sage and Sul- phur enhances its appearance a hun dredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mix ture; you can get this famous old re cipe improved by the addition of other Ingredients for 60 cents a large bottle, all ready for use. It is called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This can always be depended upon to bring back the natural color and lustre oi your hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sare and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at time; by mornine the Erav hair has disappeared, and after another appli cation It becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous. This ready-to-use preparation is a delleht- ful toilet requisite for those who de sire dark hair and a youthful appear ance. It Is not Intended for the cure. mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv. I Western TuuckAttachment (m. . two ton 5 3r$35Y ill aH.iil HI Ml Krj OI WSfSf- J Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in Washington and Oregon. The most vital point of a truck attach ment is the bearings. The Western is the only truck attachment made with a Two-inch Timben Bearing. Other spe cifications in portion. Why Buy an Inferior make? A. J. LORMOR, Factory Distributor. 533-35 Alder Street. Portland, Oregon. Why Pay gjg g for Soaps? Send ua $2 and receive by return mail (3 worth at retail price of Waah and Hand Soaps, together with Auto and Furniture poliahea and for a prem ium, the Formulas to make at home at very low cost. Write today. R.&F.MPG, CO., Inc., 94 Eleventh St., PORTLAND, ORE. HAVE YOU BARRAN COWS ? Are your mares or sows troubled with Abortion? Overcome the dif ficulty by feeding Dr. David Roberts' BREEDING TONIC, Price $1.00 It acts on the organB of reproduc tion and put the animal in better breeding condition. Read the Practical Home VderhuriaL Send far tree booklet nn Aberbas is Ours, If as dealer in your town, wnte. Dr. Oavld Roberts' Vet, Co., 100 Grand Ave., Waukesha, Wis. BIRCH MOTOR CARS Su"er 'r $895; Light oim,n mviun Lrta sixMm. Trucks $196. far out-class others of similar prices: f. o. b. Chi cago. Distributor, J. Schlatter, Box 711, Twin Falls, Idaho. The Final Reason. Officer (wearily) Now. Smith, vou have already had leave because your wife was 111, because your little girl had measles, and because you had to attend the christening of your young est son. wnat er what is it this time? Private Smith (briskly) P-please, 'I I'm going to get married. Probably? "Who's that you're waving at?" "An old flame of mine." "I suppose your father has to nut him out whenever he calls." Brook lyn Citizen. EVERLASTING GRIMM AND COSSACK Al falfa plants $4.00 per 1000 prepaid. Also Dakota grown Grimm seed. D. R. Ruble, Salem, Ore. Very Close. First College Student He's fond of his books. Second College Student Is he a close student? First College Student I should say he Is. He never spends a penny he doesn't have to. Brooklyn Citizen. Not Pushing the Matter. Indignant wife What on earth do you do to your clothes to keep me sew ing buttons on this way? Apologetic husband I don't know, my dear. I merely touch the button I can't imagine what does the rest. Exchange. HEIFERS OF GOOD BREEDING No Stock More Profitable as They Con sume Less Compared With Growth They Make. No stock pays better to grow at this time than young heifers of good breeding. They consume less feed com pared with valuable growth than al most any other animal and there sure will be a good market awaiting them when they begin to be cows. They should be kept thrifty and doing their best, though and a very little grain will do this. Sometimes It Can't be Done. Early to bed and early to rise' is good old motto." "Well," replied Grannie Rilem. gloomily, "This daylight saving's all rigni, or course. But out our way someooay s simply got to stay up all night to tend the furnace." Washing- ion star. In the Animal Store. "What on earth did the crank want, you were so short with?" "What did he want? Oh. nothing we couldn't supply. He only wanted a sun-dog, a moon calf, a sea puss and an ocean greyhound." Exchange. Acts Like It. "There Is one force which always wears a fatigue uniform." "Who are they?" "Messenger boys."-Baltimore Amer TWO COMBINATIONS ARE POOR Good Cow In Hands of Unintelligent Dairyman Is Most Undesirable Dairy Proposition, A good cow In the hands of a poor dairyman Is n poorer proposition than a poor cow In the hands of a good dairyman. Both are very poor com binations, however; a good dairyman will not keep a poor cow more than one season. STRONG FENCING FOR STOCK Where This Improvement Has Been Overlooked There Is Sure to Be Trouble In Herd. Remember that It takes a good strong fence to hold the cows and calves apart during the long winter months, nnd where this Improvement Is lacking there Is sure to be trouble for you. Frequent Cream Deliveries. Make us frequent deliveries of your cream as possible. Suit the size of the can to the size of your herd. Ship at least twice a week in winter. Sufficient Nutriment The average cow producing 15 pounds of milk a day will get sufficient nutriment from the alfalfa hay and silage. Garfield Tea, by purifying the blood, eradicates rheumatism, dyspepsia and many chronic ailments. Adv. On His Dignity. "What'll you say, ol' man, if your wife asks if you've been drinkin' " "I sh'U treat the queshun with (hlc) dignified shilence." Brooklyn Citizen. As we grow more sensible, we refuse drug cathartics and take instead Na ture's herb cure, Garfield Tea. Adv. Nothina to Say. "Hilda, tell the cook not to burn the steak the way she does." "I wouldn't dare to, Harold. She likes it that way." Exchange. The Idea. First Magnattj I am afraid of these laws with teeth. Second Ditto I'm not, if they're gold-filled. Exchange. The Remedy. "My daughter thinks of nothing In the world but dressing up." "Then why not give her a dressing down ?" Exchange. No Reason To. "Are you conserving food lu your house, Mrs. Comeup?" 'Don't have to: nobody in It likes conserves." Exchange. Natural Humor 'I was in time to hear only the tail end of the loke." But that was the waggish part of it." Exchange. MONEY FOR YOU. Thousands of trained vminv neonl. neeHAd. Behnke-Walker Rusiness Colleire. PortlsnH. nl.ee. student, in positions. Enroll any time. Free Catalogue. Release of Energy. "So you approve of the govern ment's action in taking over the rail roads?" "Yep," replied Mr. Growcher. "I ap prove of that and prohibition for sev eral reasons, one of them being that now a lot of people can quit lecturing on the subject and go to work." Ex HWEEKS" BREAK-UP-A-COIO " "- TABLETS Ago swdyoucM afford to Insist and see or mm you aui genuine Hp. pat-Has. ebown w.t.in dv nest druggists 25c URINB Granulated Eyelids, I bore byes, hyes Inflamed by 5nn( Oust an J Wind quickly - relieved Dy Murine, l ry it in ir byes and m Uaby s byes. Smarting, Jasi EyeCon-foii MorineEye Remedy AinY?pM.,.'Vi2.i3 (mm T0UrE?ESh. SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL ; IV. Salv. in Tubes 25c. For Book of ta Eva - Ask Marine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago 4 Qualifies Cow as Desirable. It Is the yearly test that qualifies a cow as a desirable animal or not. No humbug! Any corn, whether hard, soft or between the toes, will loosen right up and lift out without a particle of pain or soreness. This drug is called freezone and Is a compound of ether discovered by a viuuiuimu man. Ask at any drug store for a small bottle of freezone, which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to Fid nna'o feet of every corn or callous. Put a few drons dirpetlv nnnn rw tender, aching corn or callous. In stantly the soreness disappears and! ouoruy me corn or callous will lqosen and can be lifted off with the fingers. This drug freezone doesn't eat out the corns or callouses but shrivels them without even irritating the sur rounding skin. Just think! No nam at all nn flnpn- ness or smarting when applying it or " Jour aruggist don't have freezone have him order it for you. Adv. PRICES PAID BY US FOR RAW FURS ARE EXTREME LY HIGH Write lor Met Utt E. R. SRINNER & CO. 121 raotiTsmiT 1 n n Clear, our Skin " I' Save Your Hair U With Cuticura I I Son 25c CHILDREN'S COUGHS mar be cheeked, and more serious eondU tiona of the throat will be often aroided by promptly (bins the child a dose of PISO'S