; Press Paragraphs jj V. C. Burke was a visitor in Pen dleton Monday. Dick repairs tubes while you wait. Athena Vulc. Shop. . Jesse Hales was in the city from Pendleton Monday. How about a Weed chain jack? Athena Vulc. Shop Lawson Booher spent Sunday with friends in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haasell visited in Pendleton Wedrwsday. Born, March 18, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Payne, a daughter. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cannon, March 11, 1818, a daughter. Miss Ada DeFreece spent yesterday in Walla Walla, with friends. Fay Lnveridge is over from his Ba ker ranch visiting his fa-nily. Let Dick take a quint at those old casings. Athena Vulc. Shop. Mrs. S. F. Sharp and daughter, Altu, are visiting in Walla Walla today. Mr. Rankin Delaney and Mrs. Melia MeBain were recently married at Pendleton. H. J. Taylor, well known Pendleton ian, was an Athena visitor Monday. Oeorge Brace, Umatilla river stock ran, transacted business in Athena Wednesday. Now is a Conrt tl'mo tn hovn thnoj old casings repaired. Let Dick do it. I Athena Vulc. Shop. Frank Corporan's address is Pvt. I Frtn't F. Corporan, Co. K, 161 U. S. Inf. list div. A. E. F. Clarence Zerba has sold the Col burn place north of town to Jesse Gordon. ! Mrs. Lillie Miller made the sale. A daughter was born Monday, March Hi to Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Whiteman, at their home near La Cross, Wash. Mrs. John Phillips, who has been ' taking treatment in Walla Walla for dropsy, is reported very much better. A. L. Swaggart has purchased a new Oakland car. With a reliable chauf feur at the wheel.the Press man would n't refuse to take a ride with Mr. Swaggart. Potatoes for Sale. B. D. Tharp has 100 sackB of Netted Gems for sale at 1.00 per sack. Also 25 sacks of choice Early Ohio seed potatoes at 11.50 per sact. Eugene Osborne went up to Camp Lewis, near Tacoma, this week, to v'sit his brother Lieut. E. B. Osborne, before his leaving that cantonment for some other point. Grover Bowles and Virgil Willaby Mrs. Keen, Mrs. Prank Tharp, Mrs. S, ii iniinniimiiini'iinn iiimhhiii jm mi i iniMiM nimmim i mi inn mn ( i i ' Tsmtmrnr i m FRESH NEW-CROP CAMMED GOODS WITH THE NATURAL JUICE AND FLAVOR OUR CANNED GOODS ARE THE NEW SEASON'S CROP, RIPEN ED ON THE TREES AND IN THE FIELDS AND CANNED IN THEIR NATURAL JUICE SO AS TO PRESERVE THEIR NATURAL. FRESH FLAVOR. YOU WILL ENJOY OUR CANNED GOODS BECAU3E THEY ARE LIKE HOME-GROWN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. BuyCanned (roods By th Choice Peaches, Pears and Apricots, the doz cans $2.75 Pref. Stock Cream Pumpkin or Squash " " . . 2.00 Silver Thread Sauer Kraut, the doz cans 2.40 Good Solid Packed Tomatoes, the doz cans 1.85 Selected Sugar Corn, the doz cans 1.50 Choice Quality Sugar Peas, the doz cans 1.60 jj Choice Quality String Bans, the dec cans 1.50 tj Pork and Beans with Tomato Sauce, doz cans 1.25 Fresh CoveJOysters, the doz cans 1.50 Select Alaska Pink Salmon, the doz cans 2.50 CO-GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER T DAY S. L H. Pure Food Grocery Quality-QuantitysService. Phone 171 SKRWiH-WllUm Alabasiine, Pain t Brushes, Turpen tine, Oils raw and boiled, Window Glass, all siz,es. sola at are's Pharmacy Athena, Oregon are two of the 17 men called from this county to enter the service on Marco 29. Mrs. Gary Taylor was called to Walla Walla tho first of the week, to visit her sister, who is ill at her home there. We have ihe best metal storage grain tanks and the best wood storage tanks; cost ratio ia 2 to 1. Watts and Rogers. Adv. A family dinner was enjoyed at the Hugh Mclntyre home Wednesday, in honor of the birthday of their daugh ter, Mrs. Ralph Cannon. Roy Russell, another son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell, underwent an oper ation for tubercular trouble at a hos pital in Walla Walla last week. Miss Katherine Fearce, formerly saleslady in the Golden Rule store, was recently married in Portland to Mr. R. G. Wean, formerly of Muscatine, Iowa. F. B. Radtke has purchased Albert Fix's interest in the Athsna Depart ment Store, and will hereafter conduct the business. Mr. Fix will remain with the Walla Walla store. Marion Hansell has disposed of his Studebaker and purchased a Hupmo bile, a car that is growing popular in Umatilla county. There are three Hup owners in Athena and vicinity. Benj. H. Inman, corporal of Troop D, has been given an honorable dis charge from the service on account of permanent injury to one of his eyes, and has returned to his home in Adams. J. 0. Russell, superintendent of the Athena schools for the past two years, and who resigned, has been elected to superintend the new Union high school at Pilot Rock, at a salary of f 1700 per year. Four remaining members of the old Maccabee lodge in this city have changed their membership to the Pen dleton lodge. They are, J. W. Mnlo ney, C. A. Barrett, ' John Bell and Chas. Brotherton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Scott and two little daughters ariived home yes terday morning from Long Beach, Calif., where they spent the winter. Thoy visited Senator Barrett, at the hospital in Portland. Mrs. Alice Jenkins of Pilot Rock, has the honor of being the first sub scriber in Umatilla county to the Third Liberty Loan. Mrs. Jenkins has asked for t200 worth of the new bonds, through a Pendleton bank. Mrs. Amelia E. Ware, mother of I. W. Ware of this cUy, died at her home in Cobn, Mich., last Friday, aged 71 years. Miss Lillie Ware went from Pendleton to attend the funeral, which was held Tuesday of this week. Card of Thanks. To all who have in the past, and during tha death and funeral of Mrs. Zerba, extended their assistance and sympathy we are deep ly thankful and desire to so express our gratitude. 0. W. B. Zerba and Family. Pendleton Tribune: A telegram was received yesterday by Miss Eglantine Moussu, who recently received an ap pointment to the telephone service of the signal corps of the United States army, containing orders to report at San Francisco. W. E. Haynie has resigned his- pos ition as salesman at the Fix & Radtke store, and left Wednesday morniing for Pasco, where he will be emplojed in the Whitehorn store of that place. Mr. Haynie's family will continue to reside in Athena until after school closes. The High 3chool Junior Red Cross auxiliary will hold a silver tea at the home of Mrs. M. L. Watts tomorrow Saturday, afternoon from 2 p. m. till 5 o'clock. The proceeds will be used for tha Junior Red Cross work. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. I. W.-Hodge, who recently arrived in the city from Pasoo, to take the position cf electrician for the Preston Shaffer Milling Co., is occupying the Bush cottage in the north part of town. Mr. Hodge was connected with the Northern Pacific electrical department before coming here from Pasco. Miss Ruth EBther Read of Weston and Allison Wood of Stanfield, were united in marriage Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at the Methodist par sonage in Pendleton, by the Rev. R. E. Gornall. Mr. Wood, and his bride who is a sister of Will and Jack Read of this city will reside on a farm near Stanfield. Last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Fisher, a reception was held in honor of Miss Viola Wolff, who was leaving for her home at The Dalles. Th3 program of entertainment and refreshments,' in the hands of Miss Grant and Mr. ShafT ner, was carried out with much plea sure to the guests present, BlankB are now ready for all who have not made out their income tax report, according to a message from Milton A. Miller, collector of customs at Portland, and ino men from the Portland office, Messrs. J Kennedy and Tillson, are in Pendleton this week and will remain until next Tuesday night, having headquarters in the commissioners room at the tounty court house. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coppock and two sons spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins near Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins were the recipients of a house-warming surprise Saturday eve ning when forty self-invite 1 guests came in on them with well filled bas kets of refreshments. The occasion, which was one long to be remembered by the host and hostess, was one of much pleasure to all present At the meeting of the local Bed Cross auxiliary Wednesday afternoon a knitting club was organised with the following officers: Chairman, Mrs. Lillie Kirk; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. N. Buroker; assistants to the chairman, Mrs. S. F. Sharp and Mrs. Wm. Schrimpf. The small member ship fee of ten cents will be charged. All are invited to join. The follow ing a e members: Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Buroker, Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. Schrimpf. Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Sheard, Mrs. Hansell, Mrs. E. McPherrin. Booher, Mrs. Wall, Mrs. J. Nelson, Mrs. Boyd, Mrs. R. E. Burke, Mrs. Michener, Mrs. Keller. The ladies will meet Friday March 22, it the home of Mrs. Buroker. School Notes. Last Thursday afternoon the High School Junior Red Cross was organ ized, with Mrs. Froome and Mrs. Hill assisting in the organization. Edna Pinkrton was elected secretary and Evnlyn Hurd treasurer. Mrs. Marsh, director of the Junior Red Cross work n Umatilla county, was up from Pen dleton last Friday and brought some material and plans for the Jligh school and Grade Junior Red Cross workers, and the girls have begun work in ear nest. Supt. J. 0. Russell has been secured to head a Union High school at Pilot Rock, composed of fifteen districts. The Athena school can claim itself fortunate in having Mr. Russell to di rect its activities during the last two years. He has directed the organiza tion of a prosperous literary society, promoted athletics with regular class es in Physical Education, and has tak en a special interest in giving his High school students training in dra matic art. We regret our loss through his resignation as our Supt., and wish him the best of success in his new pos ition. Mr. Hubb, the new teacher of the fifth and sixth grades, lately of Mor row county, took up his duties Monday morning. Miss Wolff, former teach er, resigned Friday evening and left for her home at The Dalles. Mr. Russell has received a supply of Smilage Books from the War Enter tainment Committee and those who wish to purchase them for soldier boys should do so at once. They cost only $1.00 each. A Silver Tea will he given at the home of Mrs. M. L. Watts Saturday from 3 to 5, by the High school girls of th'f Junior Red Cross auxiliary of Athena. It will be given to raise mon ey for material to buy suppies for local work. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Mr. Shaffner gave a very interesting picture show in the High school aud itorium Tuesday evening. The pictures were of Yosemite National Park, Con crete on the Farm, and Evolution of Writing. The Manual Training claES are mak ing over chairs. Another pedestal has been finished by the boys, and is now on display at Foss-Winship's Hardware store. Thelma Crabill has registered in the seventh grade. A surprise party was given by the seventh and eighth grade girls to Jeanette Miller last Friday. The third and fourth grades have started in the Junior Red Cross work. This division will proBS the blocks which will be passed to the seventh and eighth grade room, where the will be made into quilts. A new window shelf has been placed in Miss Lawson's room which pro vides space for several more plants. Mrs. A. B. Steele entertained Fri day afternoon in honor of the 7th birth day of her daughter, Elizabeth, the pu pils of the first grade being the invit ed guests. The little folks enjoyed a treat of pink and white ice cream, punch, cakes, cookies and candy, and concluded the afternoon with an inter esting peanut hunt. The visitors to Miss Sherman's room the past week include Mrs. Leon Kid- de , Mrs. Tom Caton, Mrs. A. B. Steele, Mrs. Shigley, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs V. C. Burke, Mrs. Sam Pambrun and Miss Ellen Pambrun. Mrs. Ralph Gribble, Mrs. Emmel, Mrs. Dennis, and Mrs. Lillian Foster, were visitors in Miss Lawson's room last week. Faye Zerba has been absent from school this week on account of illness. 23 Years Ago, i'rom the Press oi Mar. IS 1895 Frozen ground has put a stop to seeding. The peach trees are in bloom at Day ton and it is feared that the cold wave will destroy the prospects of a peach crop. The spring tide of emigrants has begun to flow through Athena. Sev eral "prairie schooners' passed through town this week. F. R. Mitchell and Joseph Ell rode on their bicycles from Pendleton to Walla Walla Sunday morning in 4 hours and 4i minutes, the best record made yet for that trip, The agency on the I eservation is honored with h guard of U. 3. reg ulars, 40 strong. K all came about from an innocent Indian dance and the timidity of an agent who never saw a siwash until he was imported from Georgia to Oregon. Mr. C. C. Cunningham, whose efforts to propagate Denny pheasants in the Walla Walla valley have been exten sively noted and favorably commented upon by the press of the state, has freed all but three pairs of his pretty birds, but expects to raise several large broods this summer. The eggs will be set undei ordinary hens and as fast as the young are hatched and grow to the proper size they will be set free. If one is to believe reports, the Pen dleton school election was carried on Monday midst great excitement. It was a factional fight and much chal lenging of votes was done an both sides. Two physicians were put against each othi rC. J. Smith and H. S. Garfield. The Tribune lays: "It was a disgraceful proceeding on both sides, end reflects no credit upon the town," Snow falling Tuesday for a couple of hours caused old scttlerB to dig up recollections of the past. A. W. Nye said it was in the nature of an an niversary of a storm which occurred twenty-five years ago. On that occa sion it began snowing on March 11 and for three days the snow fell without a break. This whole country was cov ered sixteen inches on a level and where Athena now stands, then wild prairie, there was from eighteen Inch- the Voice of Spring Will soon be whispering in your ear its sweet mes sage of Poppies, Pansies, Rose, Hollyhocks, Carna tions and other sweet scented flowers, as well as its message of Cabbages, Be ts, Peas, Lettuce and all other kinds of seasonable and palatable vegetables Seed Time is here and now is the time to buy your seeds, and we have them to tickle both your nose and your stomach, Come here for your guaranteed seeds. 0 Athena Department Store es to two feet. The winter had been exactly such as experienced this sea ton and Marci, the first spring month, was just like the present March. The sporting editor of the Weston Leader. Clark Wood, was a Press office caller Tuesday evening. While Mr. Wood is endowed with an air of tim idity he is a man to be feared; hut after his eyes had become accustmcd to our uncertain light over here, and he had extended his hand with an em phatic degree of cordiality, at the same time striking our horse editor for a chew of the luscious weed, the Press man was more at ease. Proud Record of Marines. As the first battle of the Amerlcau navy was fought atld won by the marines, so, down through the years of the Revolutionary war, we find the murines at the forefront when difficult work was to be done. In fact there were but few expeditions In which they did not figure In more or less strength. Thus Lieutenant Walllng ford of the marines died at the head of his men under John Paul Jones in the battle between the Hunger and the Drake; and In the classic fight be tween the Bon Homme Richard under Paul Jones and the Serupis, the marines lost 40 out of 137 men. iiiiiiiiiii;is!iiniii!ii!S! ITll.i'l .AITO PARTS. PENDLETON AUTOWRECKIN G COMPANY Phone 476 Pendleton, Oregon, can sup ply you with parts for most any make of caR in this vicinity" at reasonable prices MIllUlilllllllllllllllilM MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument Works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near O. W. R. C8, N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. EYFS TESTED. GLASSES GROUND AND FITTED - LENSES DUPLICATED. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,- PENDLETON. ORE. Phone 609- S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON .Special attention given to all call both night and daj. alia promptly answered. Offloe on Third Street, Athena Oreaor H, ZOPHAB THARP PHYSICIAN AND SURUEON WESTON, OREGON Trained Nurse in attendance. Office and Residence, Watts Building. Phone S3 Dr. J. C. Baddeley VETERINARY SURGEON LaBrasche Runch Athena CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes day, other days of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main over Third National Bank Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash People's Theater Doors open at 7; Pictures 7:30 Saturday Only "L X" Saturday Only A Clue From the Deep Sting WkNV 111 i nulling jjrfjjiouuc. A ik dl Jjjj Bushrangers Strategy" A Kentucky Cinderella " A Bluebird Picture, Sunday Night lary Anderson Tuesday Night in "THE : DIVORCEE" D. Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th St Athena iinMHniimm.umtHinmMtmmittiimin C. A. Barrett &Co. Incorporated Why wait for Spring to consider your needs in our line? Note what we have to offer and ask us about any article which interests you. Bulk Grain Wagon-tanks and loaders. Oliver gang plows, spring tooth harrows, double discs, handy wagons, gaso line engines, power washing ma chines, hog fencing, gates, Pennsyl vania and Revere casings Overland cars, oils and greases. Have you heard of the DEERING COMBINE? HIIMIMII HllimiMMMMMMIIinilHMHM