TRUE VALUE EXISTS in the Goods We Sell and the Prices Are Right Bright, fresh, new Goods are arriving daily now, and we are in better shape to care for your every want, more than ever. Spring 1918 calls for Merchandise that is different. We have big assortments in all departments for you to choose from, show ing latest styles and colorings. New Clothing for men and boys New Ready-to-wear for women New Wash Goods New Shoes New Dress Goods New Silks We extend you an invitation to look these over, when you're in town next time. ALEXANDERS Pendleton-QUALITY-SERVICE-Oregon Russia and the United States. The old autocratic government of Russia una always particularly friend ly to the United States. During the Revolutionary war Russia offered to mediate for peace and her offer was accepted by the United States hut de clined by Great Britain. Russia was one of the first governments to recog nize the Independence of the United States and continued to show her good will by malting treaties of amity and commerce with the United States. Sev eral of our early presidents In their messages referred to "the continued friendship of Russia." In 1823, Rus sia proposed a friendly adjustment through diplomatic channels of the boundary line between American and Russian possessions In the Northwest and President Monroe authorized the United States minister to Russia to at tend to the matter. In doing so he I said : "The government of the United States has been desirous by this friend ly proceeding to manifest the great value Which they have Invariably at tached to the friendship of Russia and their solicitude to cultlvnte the best understanding with that government." A Good Position. Number of voting men and women wanted to prepare for telegraph and station service caused by unusual drafting of men for the Signal Corp?. Positions paying from $75 to ifOO per month. Write Telegraph Dept. room SIB Railway Exchange Bldg. Portland, Oreg. Adv. j ANXIOUS TIMES FOR THE ADM1RAL-1 NOT MUCH -THE ORDERLY SUPPLY OF ! A REAL FRIEND ERLY W'TH OUR F W-0 t ;T. ' YES -AND IF HE DOESNT . .r.. . ... . ,.. uiu a HUKKT I LL UIVG nin WEEK IN THE BRIG! I IS HE LOOKING FOR I IN5! A1 t he Mm, f AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Hulmcrlptlon Rates. One copy, one year $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 lATHENA. OREGON, MARCH 8,1918 TREASURY CERTIFICATES, ( An editorial by E. W. Wilson, vice president Anglo cS London Paris Na tional Hunk. ) It takes men and money to win a war. bankers are the direct agents of the Government. When their duty has been prescribed and they have been called upon they have responded nobly even at a sacrifice. A situation now arises which culls for the support of every bunk, ',that business may proceed on the even tenor of its way while the Nation tin (lci'tukcs the gigantie'task of financing the wur. The Secretary of the Treas ury asks that every bank purchase the Treasury Certificates in advance uf the Liberty Loan so that the slun k in cidental to the transfer of immense sums may be absorbed. To do this eirectively a bunk should set aside one per cent of it resources each week over n period and with these sums purchase the Certilicutes. These "homeopathic doses" will not interfere with the or idnary conduct of the bunk. When the Liberty Loan Bonds ure issued to purchasers through the bunk as an agent, the bonds are exchanged for Certificates. It is u simple pro ceed of making installment payments on the Liberty Loan Bondain advance. Suppose all business in a city ceases at a certain hour, and all the clerks, salespeople, artisuns, merchants uud lute shoppers were to uttempt to board the street cars in u period of ten min utes. Think of the confusion the tur moil, and inconvenience! The trac tion companies could not be expected to have equipment and men for such a a "peak-load." Excessive capital in vested in adequate rolling stock and power would bo idle during twenty three out of every twenty four hours. Here, indeed, would be an economic waste. There would be inconvenience to the public, losses instead of kdivi dends to the truction companies und stagnation in the growth of the popu lation of that city. But the hours fur the cessation of business are distribut ed over a period, and although thous ands go from business to homes each sigbt they arc huuiifed 'with cVtopur- ative ease and comfort. The United States Treasury Certili cutes ure issued to avoid a "peak load, " to circumvent a "rush hour," to keep business on an even keel, all of which redounds to the benefit of the bunk, its customers, business in gen eral and the Government itself. The wur can be won without Russia, but it will not bo an eusy victory nor is there any reason to believe a de cision will be reached this year unless the unexpected happens and the Ger man peoplo themselves show their weariness of the war. Probably the duration of active righting might be considcrabl" shortened if the politi cians of America, England and France were eliminated and management of a consolidntcd offensive placed in the hands of a supreme military authority; but this is too much to hope for and not at all likely of realization The (tuition is not yet so desperate ua to preclude jockeying for power und pres tige among the nations, to say nothing of the meddlers at home who are con stantly endeavoring to turn every in cident of defeat or victory to their partisan udvuntuge. There is yet too much of political controversy to per mit the allien utilizing their strength to Itl fullest efficiency or centralizing authority in a manner which has prov ed so advantageous to Germany. Not until party distinction is wholly oblit erated and the men boat qualified ure in control whether democrats, repub licans, or from the ranks of labor, will the full force of this nation be launch ed against the Hun. Hency evidently has the meat pack ing concerns on the hip. The Swifts are flooding the muils with made-to-order editoriali: for reprinting in the press of the country which is in elfect, an educational propoganda. In one batch of this stuff sent us this week by the Swifts of Chicago, is an editor ial from the Courier-Herald of Sag inaw, Mich., which delivers u biting attack on Hency, personally. Among other thingB it holds Heney up before (he public in the guise of u profession al uuickvaker, ami intimates that he has become a candidate for Governor of California, on the strength of his "dramatic performance" in the matter of prosecuting the meat packers. Well, it would do the Swifts little good to print this Courier-Herald article in Oregon where Heney's fight for the Government against the land-grabbers stands as a court epic, and where his bringing thejand-grabbers to justice will long be remembered. We note that the "Only Afternoon Newspaper in Eastern Oregon Carrying Associated Press News" failed to cover Tuesday's special election in New York where Democrats swept the board by electing four Congressmen. Use wheat flour substitutes or go without wheat flour altogether after May I, is the hard ultimatum submit ted to the American people. It is up to them to make the choice. The Chuf ches, Methodist Episco pal Church. This church will hold special Passion Week services March 24 to iiO. The public is cordially invited to reserve these Easter week nights to attend and assist in these special meetings. Sermon topics for Sunday: 11 a. m., "The Sun of Righteousness;" 7:!i0 p. m., "Tho Silent Partner." Sunday school at 10 a. m. The Young Peoples class is now leading in the contest. Remember Armfield's great patriotic lecture "God's Call for American Boys." April 21. We want you with us next Sunday. Every service has u vital message to inspire true and efficient living. Walter S. Gleiser. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Umatilla County. Mae Moeser, Plaintiff, vs. William H. Moeser, Defendant. To William H. Moeser, Defendant above named: . In the imme of the Stute of Oregon; you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitle court and cause on or before Saturday, the J 6th day of March. 1918; and you will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint or otherwise plead thereto by said time the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint to-wit, for a decree of the Court forever dissolving the bonds of matri mony now and heretofore existing be- tween plaintiff and defendant and for other equitable relief. This summons is published pursuant to an order made and filed herein by Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled Court, on the 2iith day of January, 1918. The first I publication of this summons will be made on Friday, the 1st day of Fet I ruary 1918, and the last publication 1 on Friday, the 15h day of March, 1918 . and will be published for six consecu I tive weeks in the Athena Press news paper published at Athena, Oregon. Dated thiB 2Hth day of January, 1918. Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Plaintiff, Postoffice address, Pendleton, Oregon. Irvin S. Cobb's story in the current issue of the Saturday Evening Post, "When the Sea- Vsp Stings," will be interesting supplemental reading, lo cally speaking, of tho Athena's boys' letters published in today's Press. Were our boys in the ship with the writer of thut soul-stirring article? The Belsheviki may call off the war with Germany but there are light propcits tha( they will be able to maiutain peaie at livfiic. The Christian Church. The Christian Church Bible school will meet promptly at 10 oclock a. m. Sunday, with Geo. R. Gerking direct ing. Clusses for everybody. The morning and evening sermons will be: "The inevitable One Or The Other;" "Da It Now." These sermons are for the general public. Everybody is in vited to hear them; criticise them; endorse them, or reject them. But they are open to all who have ears to hear. The Bible school is aLo fur everybody. Here all can take part or not just as they like, but they can ask questions, study or listen. Why don't you come to such an institution as that' Maybe some day you will an swerbetter come and answer now. You ure cordially invited and welcome. D. Errett, Minister. Baptist Church Notes. Thursday of last week the Baptist Women's Union met at the church for its whole dajs service, which was well attended. Tne morning program con sisted of devotional services. All brought their dinners und the men and school children cume to the church for their dinner. About fifty enjoyed the dinner together. The afternoon pro gram was a missionary one. This kind of service will be repeated once a month until the hot weather. Friday evening u lurge attendance whs ut the choir rehearsal, and by the time rehearsal was over, more than forty werj present. By this time we begun to think there whs something in the sir, then it dawned upon us that the pastor hud a birthday. Ice cream, cakes and coffee were served and many happy returns wero expressed, with a desire that he may be with them next birthday. Morning topic for next Sunday, "The Victor"s Life-Crown;" "The People's Service" at ?:H0, topic, "The Visit of Salvation." Special music will be a feature. The public invited to all services. Next Wednesday eve ning we begin a synthetic study of the Epistle of Paul to Timothy. Bring your Bibles. D. E. Baker, Pastor. In this world one must be a little too kind to be klud euouga Marl-TUUX. The New Series is Honestly Built Sturdier Than Ever Full Electric Equipment Standardized Now Represented in Athena By MR. R. A. THOMPSON The well known Tire tAIan, who will be pleased to show you The New "FOUR-NINETY" Model Prices here are: "FOUR-NINETY " $770.00 BABY GRAND $1100.00 The Big FourJ BIGHT CYLINDER... $1580.00 All Che vrolets have the patented Chevrolet Valve-in-Heacl Motor Service Can be had at R. A. Thompson's, Atbena C. C& F. Motor Co. Inc Pendleton, Ore. Echo Auto Co. Echo Bond Auto Co. Pilot Rock THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Model T One-Ton Truck Chassis $600 f. o. b. Detroit has been thoroughly tested for more than two years It is sold you now in the assured confidence that it will meet your requirements and expectations. The regular Ford frame only larger and heavier the regular ford motor with direct driven worm gear; wheel base of 124 inches and will turn in side a 4H-foot circle. It has all the simplicity of a Ford car all the economy in operation and mainten ance. Come in and we will give you further details. Burke & Son Garage Phone 82, Athsna, Oregon IIIHIIIHI88HIHtBH99leilHiltlHIIHIItll JUST NOW Before the Spring Season opens is an ideal time to have your Auto Tires repaired. Casing and Tube Work is our Specialty. All Work Guaranteed. lf you are going to need new Casings, remember that we have them. We're agents for Racine and Goodrich "Best in the Long Run" Athena Vulcanizing Shop Next Door to P. O. R. A. THOMPSON cAthena, Oregon EVtMMMtllMMOIIIIIIIIIllllltMMMIIItll G-oodyear Tires Athena Garage Repairing Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty. MMIMIIIMIIIIMIIIIMMIIIIHIMjLMiMIMIH FOSS-WINSHIP HARDWARE COMPANY Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE BARRETT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON 19WA I &AKIN0 Absolutely 'Pure Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome QVM.mWO POWDER CO,, N THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block . . . Athena, Oreg.