! I Press Paragraphs jj Dr. and Mra. Watts were in the city Wednesday, from Weston. N. A. Miller has been at Shepherd Springs for several weeks. Mrs. Omar Stephens and little eon spent the week-end at Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hassell spent Sunday with relatives in Pendleton. Jeannette Miller has been out of school this week on account of sick ness. C. M. Cook, who was in quarantine because of scarlet fever, has recovered. Mrs. Merle Roby of Eugene, is vic iting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mrs. George Gross and daughter, Mrs. Lulu Read, visited in Pendleton Tuesday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Adkins at their tnme east of Weston February 94, a son. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Graham and son, Neil, of Weston, visited in Ath ena Sunday. Bert Cartano and daughter, Enid, have both been reported on the sick list this week. E. L. Holt has two brood sows, to farrow the middle of March, which he offers for sale. Our orders for McCormicks are ac cepted to date. Try getting yours in. Watts & Rogers. Adv. W ixuDfKmm g m 1 Tti if m m umm$ 1 Fl 'GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER WE WILL GIVE YOU PURE GROCERIES DELIVER PROMPTLY IT IS OUR BUSINESS TO KNOW THE BEST GRADES OF GRO CERIES AND WE DO KNOW. WE HAVE STUDIED THE WANTS OF THE PEOPLE IN THI3 COMMUNIYY AND WE HAVE THE GROC ERIES AND THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT IN OUR STORE, SO WE CAN FILL YOUR ORDER RIGHT AND PROMPTLY. S. & H. Pure Food Grocery Quality Quantity-Service. Phone 171 Miiniinmmi (roodyear Tires! Athena Garage Repairing Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty. mi IIMMH iMIHIIHIH SHMIMWIUAMS PAMStmiMS Alabasiine, Paint Brushes, Turpen tine, Oils raw and boiled, Window Glass, all sizes, oola at Ware's Pharmacy Athena, Oregon For Sale Three brood sows, which will farrow in a few days. J. M. Swaggart, Weston, Oregon. tt and Mrs. E. A. Dudley arrived Sunday morning from several weeks" stay at Long Beach Calif. Our Two-spool sewing machine and the Electric Washer are hard to keep in stock. Watts oi Rogers. Adv. Lost. A bac'i from a leather cov ered couch. Reward. Notify Pendleton Hide and Junk Co, Pendleton, Ore. Having sold our Dray and Fuel bus iness, all outstanding accounts must be settled by Match 10, 1918. Burke & Son. sons, for the service of their country, Walter, Weldon and John being now in France, having sailed on December 13th. The boys were all together when last heard from. Mrs. Robert Price, formerly well known in Athena, is reported to be seriously ill at a hospital in Tacoma, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Cnarles Kirk went down to their former home at Halsey, this week being called by the death of a relative. Frank Beale was in town for a short while. Thursday. Mr. Beale is en gaged in wheat raising a large scale. A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mra. Blaine Hansell, at their home1 near Lewiston, Idaho, on Wednesday Feb. a0. 1918. Mrs. D. H. Mansfield visited her sister, Mrs. Robt. Wright, in Walla Walla Wednesday. Mrs. Wright is in very ill health. Miss Jessica McEwen has returned from Leaburg and Eugene, and will again make her home withTter sister, Mrs. H. A. Barrett. Mrs. M. W. Hansell and three chil dren left yesterday morning fo. a few days visitSlrJith the Geo. Hansell fam ily near Lewiston, Idaho. The March meeting of the C. W. B. M. will be held next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton, on 4th street. E. L. Holt has returned from Seat tle, where he was successfully operat ed on for appendicitis. Mr. Holt and family will leave Athena in the near future. Mrs. W. R. Taylor left Wednesday night for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Delbert Clore, at Abingdon, 111- nois, and other relatives in the middle west. Burke & Sin have received notifica tion of the raise in price of ford cars as follows: Chassis, 1400; Runabout, 485; Touring car, 1450, f. o. b. fac tory. MsT D. H. Sanders received word (Sffhe critical illness of her father, N. Arapaugh, it Corvillis, and left Wednesday morning to be present at his oedside. J. R. Mathers who recently resigned his position at the O.-W. depot, as sta tion agent, has moved his family into the residence of Mrs. Lola Payne, on Fifth street. Work Wanted. A man with family would like work on a wheat or stock ranch or would rent a ranch. Exper ienced in dry wheat farming. H. C. Fmster, Big Eddy, Oregon. Miss Ellen Pambrun. who underwent an operation last week in Walla Walla for appendicitis, is expected home, and it is hoped will soon resume her studies in the high school. D. Errett, pastor of the Christian church, will attend a convention of thj National Layman's Mission Move ment to be held in Walla Walla the first of next week. Mrs. Drury, vho has been visiting at the home of her brother, A. B. Steele, in this city the past winter, will depart tomorrow for her home at Kearney, Nebraska. At a recital given in Pendleton early in the week by the pupils of Mrs. Nel lie Whiting McDcnald, Miss Lucinda Dell was one of the performers, piano solo. s. Anna Mclntyre and daughter, arrived home last evening from LofrgJJeach, Calif. Miss Lsura remained in-Portland for a short visit with Miss Delia Danner. Mrs. S. C. Stanton returned last week from Prinevilie, where she spent the winter with her son, Will. Mrs. Stanton visited at the L. J. Fosb and James Mitchell home at Terrebonne, while absent. Manager G. C. Taylor, of the Golden Rule Store, who attended the conven tion of the chain of Golden Rule stores at Salt Lake last month, has returned to Athena with Mrs. Taylor, with whom he visited relatives in Missouri. J Mr. and Mrs. T. P. DeFreece, who pave visited during the past winter (withTheir daughter, Mrs. Sims Dick enson at Phoenix, Arizona and at Long Beach, Cal., have arrived home. Mrs. DeFreece is much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Banks, writing from Ness Perce, Idaho, say they have had a very mild winter on the prairie. Their baby boy, born Oct 5th, has been christened James Edward, and has al ready purchased two War Savings Stomps. Hehty Barrett returned from Port land Sunday evening, after spending several days with his father. Senator Barrett, whose health ia in a critical condition.ydt is understood transfus ion of bloodNffill be resorted to, in hopes of giving the patient further vitality. In another column of the Press today may be found the announcement of the Perfection Aabestoa Protected Tire, a tire that is creating considerable in terest among motorists of Umatilla county, notwithstanding the fact that it has but recently been intrcduced in this section. Mrs. Davis Errett, Mrs. George Ger- king and Mrs. Ralph Cannon leftTuejs day for Portland, to represent the local Christian Bible school, at the School of Methods for Bible schools and a nationt I convention of the Chris tian Woman's Board of Missions, be ing held there. Rev. W. E., Armfield, of Spokane, was in the city Wednesday night, and met many old friends while here. Mr. Armfield will deliver a lecture in Ath ena April 21, and will also preach in the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Armfield have given their three eldest Lawson Booher arrived home Friday evening, from Portland, and is cir culating around among his friends, who are congratulating him upon his fine recovery from his recent operation. Lawson is enthusiastic in praise of his physician, Dr Aikin, of Portland, and his treatment at the Good Samr ritan Hospital. He is rapidly gaining in weight. He reports a most pleas ant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koontz, after leaving the hospital. For Sale. 480 acres of No 1 wheat land, 150 in crop, 100 ready for spring sowing; Hi head of horses; all farming implements; good drill and well. Will sell for 35 an acre if taken before the rest of the crop is put in. Owing to ill health I wish to make a change. Terms, one-half cash, balance to suit buyer a6 per cent. No objections to 4 per cent Liberty Bonds for first pay ment No trades. Write or see own- I ,, .. n, W Ml- in Alberta on f y- '" "w- i C The authorities vill hereafter strict M lySiiforce the curfew ordinance. The M nrtinn in made necessarv because of the disturbances that have been trans piring on the streets, especially in the residence districts. These disturbanc es have been brought to the attention of the officials and to effectually stop the nightly gatherings and i rjvent further annoyance to residents, all children must be in their homes here after at 8 o'clock p. m.. or lake the consequences. The bell will not ling as formerly, and this notice is to be ta'en as a warning by parents and guardians of children. School Notes. The school report for month is as follow?: No pupils end last mo. New pupils registered, Total reg. for year No. pupils end of mo. No. days taught, Total days attendance mce s, the sixth Feb. 1918. 159 8 193 167 20 318.5 65.5 18 117 160.5 157.3 97.4 49 Total days absence No. times tardy No. neither absent or tardy Average No. belonging Average daily attendance Percent of attendance No. parents visiting J. O. Russell, Supt. Honor Roll. Pupils neither absent or tardy for the month: 1st grade. Chester Duggar, Areta Kirk, Harold Kirk, Ralph Keller. El ver Miller. Oral Michener, Emma Rin gel, Thelma Schrimpf, Lois Smith, Elizabeth Steele, Harold Piersol, Fay Berlin. 3nd Grade. Lawrence Audette, Ma ry Berlin. Raymond Burke, Marjorie Booher, Beatrice Dickenson, Dorothy Geissel, Helen Hansell, Edna Morri son, Edgar Monison, George Pambrun. Athena Russell, Jennamae Read, Kath leen Radtke, Doris Schubert. Srd Grade. Melvin Coppock, Roy DeFreece. Edna DeFreece, Lois John son, Lorena Schubert, Lucille Smith Dale Stephens, Clifford Wood, Ronald Lieuallen, Fred Radtke. 4 Ih Grade. Gale Anderson Chester Cox, William Coppock, Leonard Geis sel, Alice Huffman, Vera Miller, Wil ford Miller, Itol Schubert, Arthur Tay lor, Robert Carstens. 6th Grade. Dorothy Berlin, Lewis Berlin, Wilber Harden, Walthia Hay nie, Ruth Hutt, Blanche Johnson, Donald Johnson, Marvel McAlexander, Neil Mclntyre, Eppa Piersol, Velton Read, James Elmo Russell, Ruth Wil liams, Russel Carden, Frank Carstens, Gale Piersol, Ellen Henry. 6th Grade. Beula BaniBter, Richard Cartano, Myrtle Downing, Verva Gros Tom Kirk, Dorothy Koepke, Alton Lieuallen, Bessie Martin, Vernon Mil ler, Elsa Ringel, Lorain Shick, Iven Cox. 7th Grade. Lee Banister. Edra Car tano, Lucinda Dell, Eddie Evans, Con rad Miller, Sadie Pambrun, Delbert Read. Mildred Stanton, Frank Wil liams, Audra Winship, Eva Carstens. 8th Grade. Dollie Banister, Helen Downing, Herman Geissel, Lloyd Ma thers, Jeanette Miller, Willard Parker, Dorvan Phillips, Pearl Ramsey, Sav annah Smith, Lela Schubert, Nyna Tharp. High School, Seniors. Henry Koep ke, Connie Baker. Juniors. Hazel Sanders, Frances Williams. Sophomores Carrie DeFreece, Mar tha Hutt, Areta Littleiohn, Hazel McFarland, Velma Schubert, Vernita Watts. Fav Zerba. Freshmen. Elizabeth "Mathers, Frank Miller, Edna Pinkerton, Beth een Read, Mildred Winship, George Lieuallen. The time is near at hand for carrying out the preliminary plans for our an nual Oratorical ind Declamatory Con test. Superintendent J. O. Russell, who is secretary-treasurer of the School masters' Club of Umatilla county, l; now communicating with the other su perintendents and principals of this county in order to promote a greater interest. The first or sectional con teat will be beld on the fomth Friday in April. The schools of Umatilla county are divided into five sections, namely: Pendleton; East Umatilla which comprises the schools of Milton Freewater. Weston, Athena and vicin itv: West Umatilla. Pilot Rock and Helix. At the midweek Assembly last Wed nesday afternoon, the ; Senior class gave their current event talks, which were verv iinteresting to all. This ends the series of class current events The literary program which was giv en last Friday was very interesting Many visitors were present and they are cordially invited to come again this afternoon to hear the following program: Song, "Over There, ' by society; A Poem, Martha Hutt; Piano duet, Annabill McLeod and Evalyn Hurd; Stunt. Harry Martin, George Lieuallen; Spectator, Ralph Haynie, Editor in Chief; St. Patrick's Day and Irish Wit, Mr ShatTner; Musical se lection, H. S. Orchestra; Song, "Where Do We Go From Here?" society. Plans are being made for a Junior Red Cross drive for the purpose of es tablishing a Junior Red Cross auxiliary In the Athena Public school. When a sum of 29 cents for each pupil has been remitted to the Chapter School fund, the school may become an auxiliary and every pupil of the school a Junior member of the Red Cross. The High sohool now sipports a string orcnestra, consisting of the following members: Henry Koepke, mandolin; Helen Russell and Connie Baker, ukuleles; Mr. Russell, violin, and K athren Froome, piano. Foot Comfort For Workingmen Don't sacrifice style and comfort to get work Shoes with good wearing quality We carry a complete line of heavy shoes for men who work out doors men who need wet-proof shoes, sturdily built to withstand hard wear. Mens 6 in Tops, $2.25 to $6 Mens High Tops $3.50 to $9 Our work Clothes cannot be surpass ed in strength and durability Mens Heavy Waist Overalls, pure Indigo Blue $1.25 Me us Heavy Bib Overalls, pure Indigo Blue 1.7ft Mens Heavy Bib Overalls, American Dye 1.50 Mens Heavy Moleskin Pants, $3; Mens Heavy Khaki Pants, $2; Mens Heavy Corduroy Pants, $3.50 i FIX St RADTKE Main Street THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" Athena, Ore Ether and Matter. The densest matter Is more or less porous. Gold will absorb mercury as a lump of sugar will absorb water, show. Ing there must be Interstices or Inter atomic spaces In It, but the ether shows no such property. If a drop of water could be magnified sufficiently one would ultimately sec the different at oms of hydroeeu and oxygen that con. stltute the molecules of wafer. If a small volume of ether could be thus magnified the Indications are that the ultimate pnrt would look like the first, which Is the same as saying that It to not made up of discrete particles, but fills space completely. This Is expressed by saying that the ether to a continu ous medium and Incomparable with matter. Exchange. Hit Threat. "He must be a perfect savage." "Why?" "He threatens his wife with till club when thoy have a difference." i ! ;l!!!:S!'f 'IHHIBii: : .AUTO PARTS. PENDLETON AUTO WRECKING COMPANY Phone 476 Pendleton. Oregon, can sup ply you with parts for most any make of caR in this vicinity at reasonable prices UIIUIMilllHIW MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument Works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near O. W. R. C& N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. EYf S TESTED. GLUSft GROUND ANO FITTED-LENSES DUPLICATED. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING.- PENDLET0N.0RE. Phons 609 8. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calib both nisht and day. Call, promptly answered, uffloe on Third atrxt, Athena Oregor H, ZOPHAR THARP PHYSICIAN AND SUBtiBON WKSTON, OREOON Trained Nurse in attendance. Office and R:sidence, Watts Building. Phone 83 Dr. J. C. Baddeley VETERINARY SURGEON LaBrasche Runch Athena CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes day, other days of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main over Third National Bank Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash D. Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sti Athena Asbestos Protected Tires Guaranteed for $7,500 Miles of satisfactory service, but the motorist may reasonably expect from 9,000 to 14,000 miles of use. These tires, through the use of Woven Asbestos, are positively THREAD SEPARATION AND BLISTERS It is the only tire manufactured with the Asbestos fea tures. It is the only tire manufactured with an iron-clad guarantee for service. BUY THEM IN ATHENA But if you can't get them, write to The Asbestos Protected Tire Co. 222 E. Court St., Pendleton nmmtiimminiutii ihimiHiiiiiihiii C. A. Barrett &Co. Incorporated Why wait for Spring to consider your needs in our line? Note what we have to offer and ask us about any article which interests you. Bulk Grain Wagon-tanks and loaders. Oliver gang plows, spring tooth harrows, double discs, handy wagons, gaso line engines, power washing ma chines, hog fencing, gates, Pennsyl vania and Revere casings Overland cars, oils and greases. Have you heard of the DEERING COMBINE? IMtMMMIIIIIIIIIIMIMMMIIIIIHIM.H.IMMM