Press Paragraphs New country lard at Fix & Radtkes. adv. Claud Steen was over from Milton Tuesday. Mrs. Davis Errett has been ill the past week with la grip. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. aL. Mc jjtoen, February 6, 1918, a son. V Earl Dudley is in Spokane, taking instructions in the caterpillar school. White and black Voile waists, sizes .14 to 44, at the Golden Rule, .35-. 49. adv. Dr, and Mrs. Baddeley will attend the Elks' "Hard Times" ball at Walla Walla. Beautiful lace curtains, large size, at the Golden Rule .23-.49-.tl8.-il.98. Adv. The interior of the City Meat Mar ket has been given a fresh coat of calsomine. Silk and silk poplin dresses, sizes 1U to 38, at the Golden Rule l-i.98 and 8.49. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keen spent Sunday with their daughter, Zola, in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raymond are visiting in this vicinity, from their home near Prineville. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Staggs of Mil ton, spnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Staggs in this city. Dean Willahv ha.q nnrrhatAil o Oakland sedan, the first of this popular car model to be owned in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerking have returned home from California, where they spent a portion of' the winter. Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Achilles, who have been visiting relatives in this vi cinity, left Tuesday for their home in Spokane. Miss ACa DeFreece will leave to morrow evening for Portland, where she will be the guest of friends for several days. Mr. Emery Hassell and mother and Miss U'innifroH Smith .,f I '., , ,t!,,l . ., . spent Sunday at the lome of Mr. and hits, naipn uassen in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vandingham, of Wenatchee, Wash., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. A. Kirk, in Athjna. Mrs. Vandingham is a Bister of Mrs. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Woodward are expected home early next week from Portland, where they have been stop ping for some time, on their way home from California. ATHENA BOYS SAFE Use More Wheat Substitutes Eastern Corn Meal, the sacli 75c Pearl Hominy, the sak 80c Rye Flour, 75 per ct rye 2n per ct wheat, the sack 75c Pure Eastern Buckwheat, the sack $1 Barley Flour, 75 per ct barley 25 wheat, the sack 75c Rice Self-rising Pancake I Lur, the sack $1.10 Pure Rice Flour, tne sack $1 Cream of Barley, the package 30c Cream of Rice, the package 20c Best Japan Rice, the lb 10c S & H Pure Food Grocery duality-Cluantity-Service Phone 171 iiiiimitmiiiiimtiHUMiiitiiiMiiiimHH Oils Tires Valvoline, Mono- Goodyear, Fire gram, Zerolene stone, and U. S. Athena &arage Repairing Agents for BUICK and MAXWELL CARS X Parts and Accessories. Lathe Work a Specialty. E. I, StanMd of Stanfield, Umatilla County Republican Candidate for United States Senator frow Oregon. Die man who be lieves In the development of Oregon's opportunities. If you have not received complete copy of my principles, write me at Stanfield. R. N. STANFIELD. Paid Advertisement. La fffmm Sergeant George Winship, Battery D, 148th F. A. 41st division, cabled I his father today as follows: feb. 8. Arrived Safe. Winship." From this it will be seen that the Athena boys, while not on the Tus cania, were orobably in the same con voyed fleet. Those who subscribed to the second Liberty Loan, may now call at (he First National Bank of Athena and receive their bonds. The bonds were received at the Bank this week. Nine aliens only, have appeared at Pendleton postoffice for registration. None have made application at the Athena office. Enemy aliens appar ently are few in Umatilla county. Fred Stkkman isin durance vile charged with the theft of grain sacks from John Banister of Weston and an automobile tire from W. R. Taylor of this city. Taylor made the arrest. Grant Shaffner, of the manual train ing department of the Athena public schools again exhibited educational reels at the auditorium, Tuesday even ing, to an audience of pupils and school patrons. The Catholic ladies will give a dance tomorrow night at the Athena opera house. A general invitation is extend ed. Payant's orchestra has been se cured to furnish the music for the occasion. fcWhile riding horseback in Walla Walla yesterday, Joe Elliott had his right leg broken when his horse fell on the pavement. The pavement was slippery and horse and rider went down in a heap. It is announced that the damage suit brought by Bert Cartano against the City of Athena, will go over to the April term of court, because of the absence of witnesses who are in Cal ifornia for the winter. Work wanted A man with family would like work on a wheat or stock ranch or would rent a ranch. Exper ienced in dry wheat farming. H. C. Finster, Big Eddy, Oregon. Pilot Rock will have a union high school. Fourteen of the 15 districts affected by the measure providing for the maintenance of a high school for the Southern end of the county, voted in favor of the measure. Mrs. W. R. Taylor and daughter Lucille motored to Walla Walla this morning, to make arrangements for Lucille to enter the high school there. She will live with Mrs. Lash, who has recently purchased a home in that city. Maurice Hill, who is in the aviation section of the army at San Antonio, Texas, writes that he has passed the flying exams and is expecting to leave soon for the ground school. He says there are many Oregon boys at the school. Mrs. Jackson Nelson and Mrs. W. R. Scott are in Walla Walla this week where they are in attendance upon Mrs. N. J. Garfield, daughter and mo ther respectively of the two ladies, who has baen in a critical condition there for two weeks. The Odd Fellows lodges of Umatilla county will hold their district conven tion at Stanfield February 88. At least five of the towns in the county will send teams to compete in degree work, and much interest is manifested among lodge members. Lawson Booher has recovered from an attack of grippe, with which he was afflicted on the eve of leaving Good Samaritan hospital where an operation was performed for amputa tion of his right leg several weeks ago. He will be home shortly. The February meeting of the Chris tian Woman's Board of Missions will be held next Wednesday afternoon at the Christian church. Business of special importance will be transacted. and the presence of all members is urged. Bring a friend with you. Miss Bertha Sebasky left Tuesday night to join the other successful Pen dleton Tribune contestants in an ex tended excursion through California, expecting to be away about three weeks. Miss Bertha will vibit friends in Portland upon her return from Cal ifornia. D. B. Jarman, former Athena mer chant, present manager of a Golden Rule store at Eugene, spent Wednes day night in Athena, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winship. Mr. Jarman was on his return trip home from a meeting of Gulden Rule man agers at Salt Lake. The Bank and business houees of the city having War Savings Stamps on sale desire the announcement made that they are prepared to attend to the sale of the stamps promptly. It is expected that the stamps will be readily taken as they are in denom inations to suit the means of all. In competition for the largest num ber influenced to attend the temper ance lecture given by Mr. Herwig Wednesday evening, by grades in the public school, the pupils of Miss Sher man were victorious, receiving as a prize, a handsome flag for their room. The gift was from the Anti-saloon league. Tomorrow afternoon from 2 till 5 o'clock, Mrs. I. W. Ware will give a "Silver Tea" at her home on Fifth street, for the benefit of the Red Cross. She will be assisted by Mrs. Wm. Rice and Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn. Let every member of the Red Crow and all others who should be take a cup of tea. Mrs. Hill, chairman of the local aux iliary of the Red Cross reports that 135 finished articles, comprising hos pital socks, and 9 sweaters, have been turned in to the head Chapter at Pen dleton. Athena is now ready for more work, and waiting anxiously for the new supply of yarn promised from headquarters. Dr. C. A. Wooddy, distinguished Baptist minister from Portland, who will occupy the pulpit of the local Baptist church Sunday morning, is a brother of Mrs. Caas Cannon of this city, and in his younger days held a pastorate at Weston. .Dr. Wooddy has a son who is a professor in a college in Halifax, N. S., and who wrote graph ically of the recent disaster there, his letter being published in the Portland Oregonian. Rev. and Mrs. V. K. Allison, who have been visiting at the D. Scctt Fisher home for some time, left yes terday for Halfway, Oreg., where Mr. Allison will ba pastor of the Christian church. Mr. Allison has made himself popular with Athena people, by his splendid solos, and sermon delivered in the local church. Miss Laura Bowles has resigned her position in the Walla Walla schools and acceptd a position in the First Nation al Bank. Miss Boxles assumed her duties the first of last week. She is accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Sarah Bowles, and they are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. F. S. I.e Grow, on High street. A delightul afternoon was spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. B. B. Richards, with Mrs. M. W. Hansell as hostess to the Star Club. The time was spent with knitting and fancy work, and at 4 a delicious luncheon was served. Mrs Richards will be hos tess at her home to the Club next meeting, assisted by Mis. Hansell. Mis. George Foster of Union, was in the city Wednesday evening and met with the local circle, Women of Woodcraft. Mrs. Foster, whj was a former resident of Athena, is at pres ent visiting her son, Ed, and family in Pendleton. She was accompanied to Athena Wednesday evening by Mrs. H. 0. Worthington and Mrs. Belts. Mrs. Lloyd Michener gave her mo ther, Mrs. Buroker. a pleasant sur prise at her home Tuesday afternoon the occasion being the 50th birthday anniversary of Mrs. Buroker. It was also the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Michener. Twelve invited guests were present, the ladies spending the after noon in social intercourse and games. Light refreshments were served by the hostess. 23 Years Ago, From the Press oi Feb. 8 1895 Valentines at Hansell & Maloney's. Mart Ferguson, ex-deputy assessor, is very ill at his home in Pendleton. Twenty Indian braves were con signed to the Pendleton skookum house last Saturday night Ed Brisban and Eliza Bushman, res idents of the reservation, have obtain ed a marriage license. John Endicott and Wm. McBride of Adams have purchased the Depot Sta bles in Pendleton. The protracted meetings at the Christian church in this city have been a decided success. Seventy conversions have been made. Fishing in the Walla Walla river is said to be excellent now and numerous large catches are reported. Bull trout and white fish are plentiful. C. W. Gates, the agent at Adams, has been offered a position in a gold mine on the Yukon river in Alaska, and in all probability will soon leave for the land of snow and ice. Mrs. C. C. Sharp, and sons, Clayton and Howard; Mrs. F. B. Boyd and daughter Cecile; Mrs. Lake France and baby Mildred, Mrs. Willis Bush and Mrs. Jinks Taylor visited in the country Wednesday of this week, the guests of Mrs. Hardin Mansfield. Born, Feb. 2, 1894, to the wife of John Keen, a boy. Born, in Athena, Feb. 3, 1894, to the wife of A. Schnaebele, a girl. Division excitement in the "East End" has about died out. The ques tion of division is now in the hand of the Senate. The Senate will carefully embalm it with as few words as pos sible, then quietly lay it away in order that two years hence it may be resur rected again for discussion. The Churches, Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. H. F, Pemberton, district sup erintendent, v ill preach and conduct communion service next Snndav morn ing. He is worthy of a splendid hear ing. The evening sermon by the pas tor will be of a patriotic, missionary nature, with motion pictures of India shown by Professor Grant Shaffner. The Sunday school will furnish you with a most profitable hour. The school is well organized with capable officers and efficient teachers. You should profit by this good organization. A fine welcome. Walter S. Gleiser. Baptist Church Notes. The Mid-Winter Assembly and Rally meeting of the Umatilla Baptist As sociation is in session at Adams. If no other arrangements are made, Dr. C. A. Wooddy of Portland will speak in the local Baptist church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and Dr. 0. C. Wright of Portland, in the even ing at 7 :!tO. We bespeak for these men good congregations, as we know you will be well paid for your attend ance. A hearty invitation is extended to the public. The big Sunday school meets at 10 o'clock every Sunday, and there is a class for every one. Strang ers welcome. D. E. Baker, Pastor. Th j Christian Church. The Sunday program at the Chris tian church is as follows: Bible school 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "The Mis sion of Christ," and "The Church It's Doctrine." Midweek meeting Wed nesday Feb. lHth. A good, interesting hour is provided for that service. The last meeting was well attended and there was lively interest. The audi ences have been increasing despite the weather. The people are cordially in vited and welcome to all services. The Kellems Bros. Evangelistic com pany, who are to be in Athena later, are now in Milton in a great meet ing. The evangelist with the pastor of the Milton church, will visit Athena Monday next at the Christian church at 11 o'clock. Well, No, We Hadn't Noticed It Have you ever noticed uow nu ex tremely fat woman always acts as If he was very much afraid some one was going to ateol her and how nn ex tremely tblu girl always acts as if she was afraid some one wanu'1- Swat the Kaiser By Purchasing FLOUR SUBSTITUTES and THRIFT STAMPS ljjjfr For Sale By FIX & RADTKE Main Street THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" Athena, Ore NOTICE. All parties knowing themselves in debted to me for the year 1917 will please come forward and settle the same. N. A. Miller. Strayed or Stolen. One three-year- old filly, bay, branded P on left stifle. Reward. Peter Weidert, Walla Wil- Wash. It SUMMONS. In the Circuit Courtrof the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. Mae Moeser, Plaintiff, vs. William H. Moeser, Defendant. To William H. Moeser, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon; you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitle court and cause on or before Saturday, the 16th day of March. 1918; and you will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint or otherwise plead thereto'aby said time the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the Court for the'relief prayed for in her com plaint to-wit, for a decree of the Court forever dissolving the bonds of matri mony now and heretofore existing be tween plaintiff and defendant and for other equitable relief. This summons is published pursuant to an order made and filed herein by Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled Court, on the 2Bth day of January, 1918. The first publication of this summons will be made on Friday, the 1st day of Feb ruary 1918, and the last publication on Friday, the 15h day of March, 1918 and will be published for six consecu tive weeks in the Athena Press news paper published at Athena, Oregon. Dated this 2(Uh day of January, 1918. Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Plaintiff, Postoffice address, Pendleton, Oregon. MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12ih and Main Street near O. W. R. fc N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla WaBh, N. A. MILLER Local Representative. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder rluht EVES TESTED, CUSSES GROUND AND FITTED-LENSES DUPLICATED, AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING.- PENDLETON.ORE. Phone 609;. g. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calU both night and day. fkHiMMylT Hiinwflred. Offloe on Third Btrmt. Athena Oregor H, ZOPHAR THARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON WESTON, OREGON Trained Nurse in attendance. Office and Residence, Watts Building. Phone 83 Dr. J. C. Baddeley VETERINARY SURGEON LaBrasche Ranch Athena CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes day, other days of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main over Third National Bank Dr. Et. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lath ItMIIMIIIIIIIIIMIItMMMIItMIIIIIIMIMIIIMtllt C. A. Barrett &Co. Incorporated Whjr wait for Spring to consider your needs in our line? Note what we have to offer and ask us about any article which interests you. Bulk Grain Wagon-tanks and loaders. Oliver gang plows, spring tooth harrows, double discs, handy wagons, gaso line engines, power washing ma chines, hog fencing, gates, Pennsyl vania and Revere casings Overland cars, oils and greases. Have you heard of the DEERING COMBINE? HIMIIHHIMIIIIIMIIII Ulllllllll est Alk Tamtlws PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES We loan money on first class Oregon and Washington farms at lowest rates. No red tape and no delay. Write direct and save money. Give full details in first letter. We refer you to any bank in Portland. 606 Concord Bide. Portland. Oregon DEVEREAUXS D. Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Su Athena THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block - - Athena, Oreg. Script Porm Butter Wrappers Are Best