1 DARKEN GRAY HI Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will Know. Gray hair, however handsome, de notes advancing age. We all know the advantage of a youthful appear ance. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When It fades, turns gray aDd looks streaked, Just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances Its appearance a hundred-fold. Don't stay gray! Look young! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a BO-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," which Is merely the old time recipe improved by the addition of other Ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this ready-to-use preparation, because it darkeus the hair beautifully, besides, no one can possible tell, as it darkens sc natur ally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with it, draw ing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair dlsappra'.s; after an other application or two, its natural color Is restored and it becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Com pound 1b a delightful toilet requisite. It is not Intended for the cure, mitiga tion or prevention of dlseaBe. Adv. Sure I Doctor Did that cure for deafness really help your brother? Pat Sure enough ; he hadn't heard a sound for years, and the day after he took that medicine he heard from a friend in China. Exchange. You Know Morley. Origgs I see that Morley has got a Job at last. He's working now in Hicks' livery stable. Briggs What doing? Griggs Hicks haB some horses that won't take the bit, so Morley has to talk to them till they yawn. Exchange. Stolen Fruit. A merry company wore assembled at the dinner table and all enjoyed the feast of good things provided by the genial hostesB. One of the guestB ask ed llttlo Tommy, the son of the host ess, In a Jocular manner, where tur keys came from. "Dunno," he answered, "but I can tell you where Jhls ono came from (pointing to the ono on the table). Ma got it from a tramp for one and six pence, cause the man Bald ho stole it." "What do you think of Jaggers' la bor theory?" "It won't work." Exchange. SKIN-TORTURED BABIES Sleep, Mothers Rest After Treatment With Cutlcura Trial Free. Scud today for free samples of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and learn how quickly they relieve IteWjg, burn ing Bkln troubles, and ljflnt to speedy healment of baby raBhes, eczema and Itchlngs. Having cleared baby's skin keep It clear by using Cutlcura ex clusively. Free samplo each by mall with Book. AddresB postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. rtflURlNB Granulated Eyelids, mm vdtfiMis. f2i Sore Eyea, ICyes inflnmtd by &KfWl bMklSun' VVWti.iii.kly fORyxj relieved by Murine. Try It In fcXvt C your ye8flnd 1" Baby's Eyes. TOUR LlLJNoSmtrihif.JoitEyflComfort Kya lalva, in TutiRi Zhe.. For IUk ttf JEyi - Ft Ask Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago o MONEY FOR YOU. TrtminirvlH of trained young poople nwilnl. Hlinke-Wulk4T liusiiicjis Tolletre, l'orttiintl, ilaeH fttudonlH In imnitiojiH. Knrull any time, Froo ClttillitKUO. 200 Roomi 100 Ball. Neur Both Depots Absolutely Fireproof Hotel Hoyt Career Siilh and HoytlSta., Portland, Ora. LOU HIVES, Manager. BATES:- 7&r to 12. SPECIAL--Week or Month SHIP Vul, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce. to the Old ItallahU, Eventing houae with a record uf sf yeara of Smiani IValinaa, and beaaaural of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE S-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon HIDES, PELTS, CA8CARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. Wt mat ill you hue. Write lor prices and shipping tap TNI H. F. NORTON Co. rertland, Ore.; Seattle, We. WE WANT YOUR Poultry, Veal and Hogs HIGHEST MARKET PRICE NO COMMISSION! PROMPT RETURNS HENNINQSEN PRODUCE CO. 18-20 Front St. Portland, Ore. Pq Your Own Plumbing By buyta direct from ut at tvhotaulft price and save the plumber' profits. Write ui to day your neodB. We will gv you our rock bottom ''direct-to y ,u" pried, f. o. b. rail or boat Wa actually aav you from 10 to W pr cent. All joodfi yuarantaad. Northwest headquarter fot Leader Water System and Fuller A Johnaon Kntrine. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street Portland. Own P. N. U. No. 51, 1917, Facts About Big Guns of the Navy By Unit. Fiizhugh Green of the U. S. S. Teat A 14-lnch gun Is built up from eight or ten hoops or steel tubes. Each is turned to an exact fit less several thousandths of an Inch, then heated red until expansion permits It to be drawn on. It cools and adds strength not only by Its thickness but by the grip of Its shrinking. The first or Inner tube has helical grooves to give rotation to the shell Just as In any sporting rifle. Tre mendous firing pressures between IB and 20 tons per square inch com bined with acid gases und other prod ucts of explosion cause erosion or wearing away and pitting of the grooves. Inner tubes must be re newed periodically. The life of the gun, so-called, Is about 150 shots. Since frequent target practices are held few years elapse before guns must be tak en ashore and retubed. The total cost of retublng a 14-Inch gun Is In the neighborhood of $25,000. Besides the Inner erosion constant shocks of explosion crystallize the whole steel structure. Crystallization of metal may be likened to the drying of cheese. At first the mass Is rela tively tough and elastic. After the heavy punishment of protracted firing gun tubes weaken and become brittle. Microscopic examination reveals con traction and disintegration of metal particles Just as cracks and crumbly sections occur In n cheese. Further Mother's Cook Book For Meatless Day. Where fresh fish are obtainable there are countless ways of preparing them so Ihut there Is no need of same ness. Carp, though a rough fish, may he made most appetizing. If the smaller ones are used. The skin should be re moved, as In It lies the objectionable flavor, more noticeable In the larger than In the smaller fish. Roll In corn meal, well seasoned, and fry In hot pork fat, using a bit of onion with the Bait and pepper for seasoning. Fish Chowder. This dish may be mude of cither fresh or salt fish. Dice a few slices of pork and fry brown in an Iron kettle. Add enough water to cook a half dozen potatoes and three onions, and when the vegetables are partly done odd the fish If uncooked. If cooked or suited It need not be added lint II ten minutes before taking up. The Ilsh should be shredded, using a pound to the amount of vegetables. Season well, then add a quart of scald ed milk and a half dozen milk crackers which have been scalded with boiling water and well drained. Serve piping hot. Salmon Fritters. Separate one cupful of cooked sal mon Into large flakes. Lay the flakes on a flat dlBh, sprinkle with vinegar, pepper and salt and let stand while the batter Is being made. For the bat ter, add ono beaten egg to a half cup ful of milk, a little salt and paprika, a tahlespoonful of olive oil and a cup ful of flour. Mix until smooth and glossy. Allow It to stand for an hour In a cool place, then add one teaspoon ful of baking powder. Dip the flakes carefully Into the batter and fry In smoking hot fat to a light brown. Gar nish with parsley. Baked Salmon. Place n pound of fresh salmon In a saucepan With water enough to cover, add one teaspoonful of salt, a half teaspoonful of white pepper, three tablespoonfuls of vinegar and cook slowly until II comes to the boiling point, then remove frota the lire and set aside until required, Place the Ilsh In a baking dish, surround with vegetables add a Utile broth und hukc until tender. Salmon Steaks. Cut slices l'4 Inches thick, und wipe dry. Lay the Ilsh In n well-buttered pun and add tin- uaVjB'1 a lemon, salt, pepper and rod Lay buttered paper over Hie ll-slinTd let cook, allow ing twenty minutes for each pound of Ilsh. Oamlsh with cubes of cucumber, finely cropped paisley end tarragon. Red Is Warm Color, Blue a Cold One, Because of Their Places in Nature colors affei of their places I suggests a cold It should not be dark und poorly out Miss ((nice home urt In Hie turn! college. "One thinks c because he sees fire," suld Miss that It Is an lr been used with feellnga because n niilure. Since hluo winter sky and Ice, used In decorating a healed room, points Averlll, Instructor In Kansas Slate Agrlcul- f red as being warm something of red In verlll. "Ho realizes rttatfng color it has effect In bullfights. Alone. "Alone," murmured the poor man. At least It lOUnded like that. Yet the man was not alone. I'nl'oiiuiiutely his wife was with htm, "Alone," he continued to mutter. Ills wife laughed u harsh, bruteu luugh. In dulcet times sho hissed, "Nix I" "Alone I" This time there was pleading In his voice. And Ids wife laughed harshly and shook her head. "Not a sou, you poor fish," she ejaculated. He was liking for a loan. An "Italian Sky." Many poets have written rhapsodlei In praise of the "deep blue sky," of Italy. The blue Is deeper, not because the dust then Is liner than In the northern countries, hut because In the countries of the North, due to the grouter coolness of the air, the vapor more reudlly condenses upou the dtllt use of the gun Is dangerous. Some times the crystallized state Is reached ooner than is expected. The guns crack or burst. On the Michigan 15 feet of a 12-lnch gun broke off and fell on deck. On the next load the gun captain, having opened the breech to report "bore clear," shouted "There ain't no bore I" Fortunately no one was killed. The charge of a 14-Inch gun is 385 pounds of smokeless powder put up In four silk-linen bugs. The back end of each bag Is painted red and contains about four ounces of black powder called the Ignition charge. A brass primer similar to a rifle cartridge ex cept It has no bullet, Ignites the black powder which In turn sets fire to the smokeless powder. Contrary to popu lar belief there Is no real explosion but a progressive burning of enormous rapidity. Vast volumes of gas at high temperature and pressure are pro duced, forcing the projectile out. A 14-Inch shell weighs 1,400 pounds, Is five feet long, and contains a burst ing charge. Twelve strong men lift one with difficulty. Yet from the gun it can sink a battleship 12 miles away. It travels at the rate of 2,600 feet a second or a mile every two seconds. On striking It expends an energy of 65,087 foot-tons, or enough to trans port a loud of two tons to twice the height of Mt. Everest. Even the old turkey gobbler Is ex cited by red. "Each color has Its own indlvldunl characteristic. Red gives the Idea of warmth and cheer, just as some per sons have the faculty of making warm friends. Iled, on the other hand, Is likely to be Irritating unless It Is used sparingly. The effect of a touch of red In u room Is cheering, but a room should not be papered In bright red. "Blue denotes a different character istic. It Is like the cool, sedate, dig nified person. Blue retreats Instead of advances. For this reason a small room may be mude to look lurger If It Is papered In blue. Because It Is a cool color, Its use should be reserved for rooms which are naturally cheery und admit much sunlight. A north room should not be pupered In blue." Bees Are Supplied With Two Sets of Eyes; One for Near, Other for Far Sight The eyes of an unlmnl cun only work together when they enn be brought to bear upon an object at the same time ; so that, as u rule, the eyes of a fish must work more or less Independently. This Is sometimes ulso the cuse when the eyes can co-operate, as unyone who watches u plnlce or other flut fish In nn nquiiiium will soon discover. Many Insects possess more than two eyes, which do not act together. A leech, for example, hits ten eyes on the top of Its head, which do not work In concert, and a kind of murine worm has two eyes on the head and a row down each side of the body. Some liz ards have nn extra eye on the top of the head, which does not act with the other two. A bee or wasp has two large, com pound eyes, which possibly help each other, and are used for near vision, and also three little simple eyes on the top of the head, which are employed for seeing things a long way off. So that for close sight Inside the hive and for far sight the bees will never need spectacles. Italian Museum Has Most Valuable Book in World. The Medico Laurentlan museum of Florence, Italy, has in its possession what Is said to be the most valuable book In the world. This book Is called the Codex Amlatlnus and Is pro nounced by some scholars to be per haps the oldest and by all odds the best ancient Latin manuscript of the Bible. The work lg believed to have been copied from the translation by, St. Jerome, which he made direct from early Greek and Hebrew scripts. Its origin Is placed In the ninth century, und Is thought to have been the handi work of English priests. Only recently has the true character of this book become known. For many years it was owned by the Monte Aml ati convent, without anyone being aware of Its true value. Of course It was known to be of great antiquity, and was highly prized on that account. But It remained for Italian scholars to discover Its real significance. The work is now priceless. It can only be examined by virtue of u special permit from the highest Italian authority. Wise and Otherwise Until Cupid recovers his sight marriage will continue to be more or less of a failure. Some men attempt to practice whut they preuch, but they soon get out of the practice. No wonder the wny of the transgressor Is hard when one considers the amount of travel thereon. "In times of peuce prepare for war," quoted the young man who had Just squandered a lot of his hnrd-enrned coin on an engagement ring. CARE OF DAIRY CALF Labor Expense in Raising Heifer Is Not Large. A Good Old Game. A man ninety-three years old, whose home is In a Massachusetts town, wnlked 11 miles one duy recently to Indulge In an nnnuul checker orgy with ills former neighbors. He left for home nt the end of the forty-fifth gnme triumphant In the thought that be had made the best record known In 14 years. He had won thirty games and lost seven, while eight were a draw. In these days of golf and tennis and pool and bowling, the sedentury game ot checkers has fallen Into some dis repute, remarks nn exchange. Men who boast of athletic tastes speak slightingly of it ns tame und tiresome. But it hus its fnlthful ndherents who are undisturbed by criticism. The gnme entertnlns them ; It even nrousee their enthuslusm; they become mildly excited over It. The old mnn in Mas sachusetts had undoubtedly been aided to puss his ninety yenrs by the pleas ant stimulus of the simple game. Hli mind was agreeably stirred by the ef, fort to enter his opponent's king ro capturing ns msny "men" as possible on the way. c iiMwaMiiajiMWiWiawia JUST FOR FUN KwweMaekWawKaS Taking No Chance. Mrs. Dix 1 was ashamed ol you, Ephrnlm, to see you dust the chair you sat on ut Mrs. llen shaw's. 1 saw her little boy watch ing you. Dix I saw him, too. I'm too old n fish to be caught on u bent pin. 8elf-Pralee. "I don't see why I keep trailing around after you when I could many a dozen other girls," complained Char ley Dubson. "It may be In bad taste for me to say so," replied Miss Pea Cher, "but 1 presume you cure for quullty more than quantity." A Poor Compliment. "I have never heard a more Inform ing uddress." "Thank you, sir. Thank you very much," replied the beaming orator, "lir what part of my speech did you Hud the most Instructive?" "The part you quoted." Oh, Woman! Kitty Jack was miserable when he Mued me good-by nt the station. Catty H needn't have been. He didn't have to kiss you. nnrHeipa The dust tmrtlolos thus be come large, and consequently not so effective In turning back the blue rays alone, but others are also reflected, und a grayish light Is produced. In a simile location the blue of the sky may appear bluer at one time than another. The sky Is oftentimes suld to be very blue When some white cuniulous clouds are outlined against it, In consequence of the great contrail with the brilliant white. After a shower, when the lower stratum of nlr Is washed of Its coarse dust panicles, a deeper and purer blue Is the result. if iff m The Tailor's Dilemma. "Do you exchange unsatisfactory goods?" "Yea, sir." "Well, Here's an overcoat I got here last year. I want It exchauged, ai I think I like your new styles much better." A Find. Evle -1 once knew a girl who got a pearl out of un oyster. Maud I kuew a girl who got a dia mond necklace out of u mug. Some Doubt. Business Culler Who Is the bead of this house? Knowing Neighbor Mr. Stnythe thinks lie Is, but then he hnsn't been married long enough to know better. Foxy. Ma I don't know how I can get Willie to tuke his medicine. If I tell htm what It Is he won't take It and If I don't tell 111 in he won't take It. Pa Just put It on the table and for bid him to touch It und then he'll tuke It. Information. Irate Patron I dropped a penny into this machine und nothing enme out. Agent If noth ing came out that shows It's empty. "But. sir. whnt do I get for my penny? "information. Only Thounht He Did. Heck Yes, I have met your wife. In fact I know her before you married her. Back Ah, that's where you hud the advantage of me I didn't. Preparedness. Little' Ned Must I sleep In the dark ? . Mamma Yes. Little Ned Well, then, wait a min ute; I'll get out and spy my prayeri a llttlo more carefully. Trading in Human Hair. Gradually changing styles In halr dresslng In the United States and Eu rope have dealt u death blow to the trade In human hair In Hong Kong, China. In 11)10 ibis trade reached ttl highest level, the United States alone buying such luilr to the value of $605, 137 direct, In addition to a large amount which went by way of Europe, With the advent of the war, says Lea He's Weekly, the Kuropoau demand has fallen away, and the changing styles In the United Slates have cut down the demand from Now York. Starting It All Over Again. She I suppose It I were to die tot morrow you'd marry some other wom an Immediately? He Not right awuy. I'd take a lit tle rest first. About Right "How fust was this man going?" "Easily forty miles nn hour." "What fluikes you think sof "He admitted that he was twanty." Stockman Who Haa Disease-Free Herd li Aiaumlng Risk of Introducing Disease When New Animal li Purchased. (By R. 8. HULCE and W. B. NEVKNS.) During the past five years the feed cost of raising a heifer to two years of age has probably been about $60, except where cheap pasture was avail able. The total cost of raising Includes also the Items of labor, housing and miscellaneous expenses. In consider ing the latter Items It is well to men tion the fact that on the ordinary farm the additional labor expense which the raising of a few calves In volves is not large. The" expense In volved makes It apparent that unless the animal Is from ancestry the fe males of which are capable of pro ducing product that will sell for more than the expense of producing It, the heifer should not be raised. On the other hand, the stockman who has a disease-free herd Is assuming a risk of Introducing disease when a new ani mal Is purchased. Considerations such as these confront every owner of dairy cattle. The Importance of feeding the calf regularly cannot be overemphasised. - "'33 LEAVES STORED FOR WINTER Jersey Calf One Year Old. The digestive capacity of the young calf Is not suited to receive large quantities of milk at a time, but Is better adapted for receiving small amounts often. A young calf fed milk three times dally will thrive better than If fed the same total amount In two feeds, providing the milk Is always fed In a uniform condition. A general guide for using whole milk Is to feed It at the rate of one pound dally to each eight pounds of live weight! rarely feeding more than 12 pounds per day. The length of the time whole milk should be fed will de pend quite largely on whether skim milk Is available. If skim milk Is to be had, It can be fed to good advan tage at the rate of about 15 pounds dally, Instead of 12, to calves of the larger breeds. The use of factory skim milk has several disadvantages as com pared with fresh, farm-separated milk. If the milk is pasteurized at the fac tory, It may be too warm to feed when It reaches the farm In the forenoon, and at night It will need warming. In summer there may be times when the factory skim milk will sour during the day, so that It Is difficult to keep the milk In a uniform condition for calf feeding. In the feeding of calves, sud den changes either in quality or quan tity of feed are to be avoided If the o la to be made of the feed. eases such ns tuberculosis and foot-and-mouth disease may be carried by skim milk unless It Is thoroughly pasteurized at the factory. VALUE OF BARNYARD MANURE Price Fixed at $8 to $9 Per Ton for Use on Farm Crops by Ohio Ex periment Station. Can barnyard manure be worth S8 to $9 a ton for use on farm crops? At present prices for commercial fertil izers, It has had this value In tests con ducted by the Ohio agricultural ex periment station. Eight tons of manure re-enforced with 820 pounds of ncld phosphate has been as effective In Increasing crop yields as the same quantity of add phosphate mixed with 480 pounds of nitrate of soda and 260 pounds of muriate of potash, In tests covering 20 years at the experiment station at Wooster. Nitrate of soda now costs nearly 4 cents a pound, und muriate of potash 20 cents. At such prices the eight tons of manure has had a replacement val ue of at least $70. ( Every pound of manure saved and used with the utmost economy will re lieve the fertilizer situation this year ahd put crop yields oh a higher level, DESTROY ALL STRAY CANINES Sheep-Killing Cur Is Trespasser and Law Will Uphold Owner Who Puts Him Out of Way. Sheep should be protected from dogs at night by putting them Into the sheep-barn or inclosing them In fine weather by a high barbed-wire fence. Every sheep owier who discovers a stray dog on his place should not hes itate to fill him with buckshot. He Is a trespasser and the law win not touch a man who kills him. FENCE CORNER FOR QUINCES Out-of-Way Place in Garden or Back Yard Easily Made to Yield Prof itable Crop. Quinces succeed well In any out-of-the-way corner. It has been said that the quince Is essentially a fence-corner tree and an odd corner of the garden or backyard may easily be made to yield a veritable wealth of the most exquisite of jellies, conserves and marmalades, where commonly nothing but weeds would grow. MAKE BUTTER OF WINDFALLS No Better Way of Utilising Sound Por tions of Bruised and Wormy Ap ples In Fall. There Is no better way to use good apples and the sound portions of wind fall, wormy and bruised apples than to make apple butter of them. While almost all varieties of apples will make good apple butter, those with distinc tive flavor and good cooking qi arc moat satisfactory. They Are Easily and Quickly Gath ered In Various Way Big Pieces of Cloth Excellent. (By M. A. COVERDELL.) If farmers only understood the many uses to which leaves could be put, more of them would be stored. Some may think It takes too much time and labor, but they are easily and quickly gathered In various ways. One good plan Is to have cheap bar rels handy, fill them with leaves, and set them away where rain or snow will not reach them. Another method by which the stor age of leaves may be accomplished is that of using common gunny or bur lap sacks. These, also, may be stored away without emptying the sacks, and they will be In convenient shape to use a few at a time during the winter. If one has only a small number of sacks, the leaves may be carried and emptied from the sacks Into some out building not In use; but where one desires to store a considerable quan tity, we find that bed-sheets, or simi lar pieces of cloth, are excellent for the purpose. Simply spread them on the ground ; rake up the leaves with a common garden-rake and pile them on the sheet; catch hold of each of the four corners and draw them together. A large quantity can be carried In this manner, and when It is desired to empty the sheet, let go of one corner and allow the leaves to roll out. Young Mothers Reserve strength for mother hood is of two-fold importance and thoughtful women before and after maternity take CCOTTC JemulsionJ It supplies pure cod liver oil for rich blood and contains lime and soda with medicinal glycerine, all important ingredi ents for strengthening the nervous system and furnishing abundant nourishment. It is free from alcohol. Insist on the genuine. The Norwegian cod liver oil In Scott'a Emulsion is now refined in ear own American laboratories which makes it pure and palatable. Scott &nowne, Blooinfield.NJ. 17HB CLOVER CROP PLOWED UNDER Humus May Be Largely Saved by Plowing Under In Fall Nitrogen Alio Is Conserved. Clover cut and allowed to remain on the surface of the ground for seven months from fall to spring loses about the same amount of organic matter as when fed to live stock, according to recent experiments at the Ohio experi ment station. This amount of humus may be largely saved by plowing the crop under In the fall. 0. E. Boltz, assistant chemist, In a discussion In the station's monthly bulletin, says that only about one third of the clover remained In the spring when the crop was left on the Surface. When It was plowed under, about three-fourths of the original weight was found In the spring. From analyses of the drainage wa ter It was found that four times as much nitrogen was lost from the plot with clover lying on the surface as from that having clover Incorporated in the soli. NOVEL USE FOR MOTORCYCLE Missouri Farmer Converts Vehicle Into Quick-Delivery Machine for Mar keting Products Quite an unusual employment Is made of a motorcycle and sidecar by a Missouri farmer and stockman who has converted the vehicle Into a quick delivery machine for carrying certain products to market. By securely fas tening a crate over the rear wheel and Rapid Transit to Market placing another on the cbasls of the sidecar, he Is able to transport a con siderable load with dispatch and with out particular difficulty. His country nluee Is more than 30 miles from St. Joseph, but with this delivery van he recently carried a calf and a dozen chickens to market and returned with in a few hours' time. Popular Me chanics. GOOD MATERIALS FOR MULCH Ashes, Leaves, Straw, Evergreen Boughs and Clippings Mowed From Lawns Are Valuable, There are many materials which are valuable for mulching. Ashes, leaves, straw, evergreen boughs and clip pings, grass mowed from the lawn, Atten manure, bark, half-rotten wood en chips raked up at the base of the out-of-door woodpile, pine needles from the woods, marsh hay, charred peat ahd stones are among the materials which can be used. Stones are valuable laid above the rooting portion of layered slips. Ever green boughs, coarse manure and dry litter suit hyacinths. Lilies receive a mulch of ashes with favor and well rotted manure Is a benefit to peonies, for It can be worked Into the soil In the spring. APPLY LIME WITH SPREADER Object Should Be to Meet Require ment of Soil Do Not Mix With Commercial Fertilizer. Apply lime with a spreader after the ground Is plowed. Do not drill It In with seeds nor mix It with com mercial fertilizer nor use It In place of fertilizer. Apply lime to meet the lime requirement of a soil, and when this has, been done use manure and commercial fertilizers In the ways that have been found profitable for the crops which are to be grown re gardless of the fact that Ume has been applied. SIGNS OF DANGER Women Should Prepare Them selves This nation will require a great deal from Its heroic women. They will assist the wounded In the hospitals or in many cases they will suffer at home In doing their duty by the nation. Thousands of women who are now blessed with robust health cannot under stand why thousands of other women con tinue to worry ana suiter xrom aumenos peculiar to women when they can obtain tor a trifling sum Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which will surely and quickly banish all pain, distress and misery and restore the womanly functions to perfect health. - This old prescription of Dr. Pierce's la extracted from roots and herbs by means of pure glycerine and is a temperance remedy of 60 years' good standing. Send 10c for trial pkg. of tablets to Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. T. Write Dr. Pierce for free 136-page book on woman's diseases. You may also have confidential medical advice wltnout coat. Adv. Or Something Else. Went to a 'possum dinner Saturday night." "And how did you enjoy your pos sum?" I didn't eat any. The funny thing about a 'possum dinner Is that most of those present fill up on ham." , Louisville Courier-Journal. An Exception. "My wife was so excited she talked all night." "What a remarkable wife!" "Why so?" "Does she only do that when she's excited?" Baltimore American. A Life of Pleasure. Mother, nurse put me right into the very coldest part ot the sea. Punch. One Kind. "Can you tell me of any fire escape which is always practical and never out of order?" "Certainly. The Ten Command ments." Exchange. Jones' New Legs. Will Seen Jones lately. He's on his last legs. John Well, I hope they re not as badly bowed as his first pair. Exchange. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are bestf or liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic Cynical. "Miss Cynthia Is such a sensible girl." "Everybody knows she Is. That Is why the men keep away from her." Exchange. Nothing Doing There. The seedy looking man took his seat at the table and scanned the menu. "Walter, I've only 30 cents on me. Now, what would you recommend?" The waiter gently removed the card from his would-be patron's grasp. "Another restaurant," he Bald. Exchange. GLASS OF SALTS IF Eat less meat if you feel Back achy or have Bladder trouble. Meat forms uric acll which excites and overworks the kidneys In their efforts to filter It from the system. Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You must re lieve them like you relieve your bow els; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery In the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night To neutralize these Irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts is made from the add of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla. and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder Irritation. Jad Salts is inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful effervescent lithbvwater drink which millions of men and wo men take now and then, thu-: avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases. Adv. SUCCESS IN TURKEY RAISING Proper Selection of Breeding Stock is ef Great Importance Some of Dm! red Qualities. One of the moat Important steps to ward success In turkey raising Is the proper selection of breeding stock. Birds for breeding should be selected fog vigor, die, shape, strong bone, MOT ntturlty, apd color of plumage. THICK, SWOLLEN 6LINDS that make a horse Wheeze, Roar. hae Thick Wind or Choke-down, can be 2 reduced with m i also other Bunches or Swellings. Noblister, no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco nomical onlv a few drops required at an ap plication. 2 per bottle delivered, leak 3 Mm. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment (or mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers. Si and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free, f . F. 0UM, P.D.F., 4J) Twats St, s rlagf laid. Hats. aVM ..1