7 Press Paragraphs 1 WWW VWWWWWiWWK Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley are at Long Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Payne were in Pendleton Monday. Albert Fix of Walla Walla waa in the city this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson re turned from Portland Saturday. Miss Pauline Myrick is visiting her sister, Mrs. Anderson, at Helix. Mrs. H. O. Worthington was in the city Wednesday from Pendleton. Attorney Watts left Tuesday even ing on a business trip to Seattle, Mrs. DePeatt and Mrs. D. H. Mans field were Press office callers Wednes day. A. H. Lundell, Weston bandmaster, was in the city Tuesday, on a business visit. Miss Velva Mansfield is doing cler ical work in the office of B. B. Rich ards. Rev. D. E. Baker went to North Powder Thursday, to attend the Bap tist Assembly and rally. He will re turn for his Sunday services here. Air. and Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen of Walla Walla visited relatives here Sunday. ! Miss Jessie Brierley spent lh week : end at the home of her parents near atanheld. Athena grocerv stores now clos; their doors at 6:30 each evening, ex cept Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards re turned Friday evening from a visit of several days in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Johnson drovj over from Walla Walla Tuesday and spent the day with relatives. Mrs. D. H. Mansfield was called to Walla Walla Thursday by the illness of her sister, Mrs. Robert Wright. Mr. and Mrs,, William Weir of Mil ton and Harold and Marguerite Hop kins of Dayton, visited in Athena Sun- I day. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Cannon were in Spokane this week attending the Farmers' Conven tion. Walter M. Pierce of La Grande has announced that he will be a candidate in the democratic primaries for gov ernor. Miss Alta Sharp has recovered from her recent illness and will resume her duties at the local telephone ex:hai)ge soon. Use More Wheat Substitutes Eastern Corn Meal, the sack 75c Pearl Hominy, the sal 80c R'e Flour, 75 pjr ct rye 2fS per ct wheat, the sack 75c Pure Eastern Buckwheat, the sack $1 Barley Flour. 75 per ct barley 25 wheat, the sack 75c Rice elf-rising Pancake FLur, the sack $1.10 Pure Rice Flour, tne sack $1 Cream of Barley, the package 30c Cream of Rice, the package 20c Best Japan Rice, the lb 10c S & H Pure Food Grocery duality-tontity-Service Phone 171 : - M 1 1 "' " n maun .mil nil II Oils Tires Valvoline, Mono- Goodyear, Fire gram, Zerolene stone, and U. S. Athena Grarage Repairing Agents for BUICK and MAXWELL CARS Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty. tHOIIImMIIIIHMIHIMIIHII E. I. Stanfield of Stanfield, Umatilla County Republican Candidate for United States Senator frow Oregon. The man who be lieves in the devolopmcnt of Oregon's opportunities. If you have not received complete copy of my principles, write me at Stanfield. R. N. STANFIELD. --Paid Advertisement. V'A number of Athena young men fiave been called for physical exam ination under the selective draft reg ulations. ioy Cannon has returned from a trip to Seattle, where he made a deal for the Wm. Wagner land recently offered for sale. The Umatilla Baptist Association will hold their Mid-Winter Rally at Adams, beginning Friday, Feb. 8, at 10 a. m. Mrs. M. W. Hansell will entertain the Star Club next Tuesday afte-noon, at the home ol Mrs. B. B. Richards on Jefferson street. If vou have not cleaned up last year's account, don't feel sore to be charged ten per cent from November 1st last. Watts S Rogers. A number of Athena people went down to Pendleton Monday to hear the British officers deliver their addresses on the war in Europe. R. T. Cannon and M. W. Hansell attended Masonic lodge in Pendleton Friday night. Their wives accompa nied them to Pendleton. The ladies of the Catholic church will give a dance on the evening of February nth, Payant's orchestra will furnish splendid music for the occa sion. William and Emery Worthington were up from Pendleton Inis week, dressing up the interior of the Wor thington Building with paint and cal somine. A letter received by Henry Barrett from Portland, states that his fa h;r, Senator Barrett, since removal to St. Vincent's hospital, is resting some easier. E. L. Holt will leave tomorrow for Seattle, where he will be operated on for relief from appendicitis. Latir his family will join him and visit relatives. Miss Verlie Hayman of Ringling, Mont., who has been visiting . at the home cf her sister, Mrs. Huffman, south of Athena, left for her home Thursday. Clay Jackson, a pupil'of Mrs. Dob son's school, graduated with high honors from the Bth grade, and this week entered the Athena High school as a Freshman. N. S. Averill was in the city yes terday from Walla Walla, where he is spending the winter with his fam ily. Mr. Averi'l has farming inter ests in Alberta. Mrs. N. J. Garfield was very ill the first of the week at the home of her son in Walla Walla. Her daughters, Mrs. W. R. Scott and Mrs. Foster, vis ited her Monday. J. N. B. Gerking of Madras, Ore gon, was in Athena ana vicinity a cou ple of days this week, visiting rela tives and friends. He reports that his section of the state is prosperous. Work wanted A man with family would like work on a wheat or stock ranch or would rent a ranch. Exper ienced in dry wheat farming. H. C. Finster, Big Eddy, Oregon. A. M. Gillis is down from Washtuc na, Wash., on a business visit. His son, Herschel, is in the Navv, having enlisted a year ago. Mr. Gillis is still engaged in farming near Washtucna. Grant Shaffner. manual tracing in structor in the Athena public school, entertained the pupils and patrons of the school with 0. A. C. educational films at the auditorium Monday even ing. Rev. J. E. Snyder of Pendleton, de livered an address to the men and boys of Weston, Tuesday evening. His subject, which was well received, was ""Pfrfee-Months Among Our Bojs at Camn Lewis. -v. y "a Ernest Crockatt. youngest brot1t of Mrs. A. M. Meldrum, who went to Spokane from here, is now abroad with a Canadian regiment. His ad dress is Canadian Record Office, Mill Bank, London, England. Mrs. I. W. Ware will give a Silver Tea for the benefit of the Red Cros, at her home on Fifth street, on Sat urday, Februay Oth, from 2 till 5 p. m. Mrs. Ware will be assisted by Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Littleiohn. Re member the date. H. Hill is again in the jewelry business in Athena having purchased the stock of L. S. Vincent. Mr. Hill is operating n the Vincent location. A compromise in the damage suit brought by Vincent was effected out of court and the suit dismissed. F. S. LeGrow moved his cattle Mon day from their stubble pasture, to a Umapine feeding lot where the stock will be fed alfalfa hay. This is the first hay the cattle have been fed this winter, '-jrtfnftnrdflirh fi''ln """" shipped here flJIfqplHF fin tne ian. Mrs Victor Burke gave a very pleas ant party at her home Wednesday night, in honor of the thirtieth birth day of her husband. It was a com plete surprise to Victor, but no one enjoyed it any more than he. Cards, dancing and refreshments whi'ed the hours. Flour is retailing at $2.70 per sack in Athena, but to conform with food commission regulations to conserve for the allies, the country is on a flour ration basis, and to secure the sack of flour you mus-t purchase also flour sub stitutes. 19 1-2 pounds of rve or bar ly flour are the cheapest substitutes at present, costing 11.50. d. B. Shaffer and E A Leonard of fthV Preston-Shaffer Milling company were in this city Tuesday from Waits burg. The company is contemplating the construction of an elevator of 100. 000 bushels grain capacity at its mill ing plant in this city. The elevator will be built of concrete-and the de tails will prohably bVavailable for next week's Press. A,A letter from George Winship to relatives here gives the intormation that the next they hear from him, he will have arrived "over there." The Sunset Division, with the exception of George's regiment, which was in quar antine at the time, sailed on Christ- ' ma eve. and is now somewhere in France. He stated that all Athena ! boy" would go except Harry Keller, I who nu confined in the hospital. Percy Osborne, who failed to pass the Naval examinations on account of defective vision, succeeded in makirg the aviation corps, and was assigned to the land division of tl at service. He left Saturday evening for Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to which pla-e he was ordered. His brother, Dr. E. B. Osborne, is at the Camp Lewis re mount station in veterinary work. Tonight at the Christain church, a social evening will be passed for the opening of the new first floor, recent ly finished. The people of Athena are invited to join in the pleasures of the evening. Committees are in cnarf,e, which insures a delightful evening of music, light refreshments and socia pility. Mrs. W. R. Scott will have charge of the urogram of the evening. A recent proclamation of the Pres dent makes it compulsory for any one selling or usnig explosives other thtn shotgun or small arms ammunition, to secure a license. For Athena, and vi cinity, B. B. Richards has been author ized to issue licenses and any one us ine cxDlosives should call on him at once. County and city officer see to it that the proclamation is idly enforced. will rig- Buy a Thrift Stamp. (By W. S. Gleis r.l Seven hundred dollars for 1 5711.80. That was the bargain a Washington man made with the United States the other day you can do the sa'me. The Postoffice, the Bank, the railroad sta tion, the stores, are selling United States War Savings Stamps. "When it is fair weather, take your greatcoat with you." You can own a War Savings Stamp. They cost from 25c. to $1.00. Buy now and the future will take care of itself. Better than Liberty Bunds, War Savings Stamps. You may buy $1000 worth, but no more. Thrift is winning the war. AreyiU doing your share? Your shore is ifiiO, if every man, woman and child buys his quota. Let your money work for you, in War Savings Stamps. 23 Years Ago- From the Press oi Feb. 1 1865 GROCERIES Some day", somewhere, you may find better groceries than these at the prices quoted, but we'll stake our reputation on the fact that, considering present day" conditions, you'll not find their superior in value anywhere. Mr. Ed Rush and Miss Minnie Loe, both of Helix, were married in Pen dleton Sunday evening by Justice Parks. The band boys heartily thank all business men who were represented by advertisements on the programs for last Friday night's concert. Tomorrow night at the opera house in Pendleton Indians from the reserva tion will give an entertainment under the management of Geo. Moutanic and Joseph Craig. The o:der of the even ing will be the war darce of the Uma tillas, Bannocks and Sioux, a dance called "picking feathers" and a fun dance. The reading room is a success, as It deserves to be. About twenty Normal school boys engaged in a snowball fight Tuesday noon. Homer Watts was hit in the eye and disabled. At the LaMar Gulch school house debate, the question was "Resolved, that division of Umatilla county would be beneficial.' The speakers on the affirmative were J. W. Stamper, J. R. King and E. D. Zimmerman; on the negative, were Thos. Myers, Homer Watts and A. L. Swaggart. The de cision was in favor of the negative. A council,, Umatilla lndia:;s was held recently in; which was earnestly discussed the status of the Indian as a citizen. There were present at the camp of No Shirt on his invitation about B6 Indians and halfbreeds. There was a general agreement that .thev were not anxioiiB to claim the BHtts or citizenship. Sieighing party we,nt out tu.Jqlim Gruss' Monday night .n!T enjoyed an oyster supper. The liartv consisted of Messrs. and Mesdames Beale,, Calen der, France, Young; Misses Lizzie Thompson. Lily Fischer, ;Euima Clan cy, Leola young,'' Messrs. C. Stansell, C. Fischer'and Lee Brown. Mr. Hull, editor of the Milton Eagle, is in Salem lobbying for division. In cidentally, we might remark that in consequence thereof, his paper at pres ent in more ahlv edited. Em. Ridenour Now that Athena will have a water system for fire protection, she will rank among the first towns in Oregon, The Churches, Th ! Christian Church . Usual services at Christian church Sunday, morning theme, "The Ordi narv and the Extraordinary in ChriJ nitv. The mid week meeting Will Rome Beauty Apples box 65c Booth Sardines, large can 25c Tuna Fisli, Xhz can 25c Dill Pickles, the can 20c Larue ripe Olives 35c Stuffed Olive?, large glass 45c Queen Olives, the bottle 25c Ltpton Tea, the package. 10c Fresh Pineapple, 15c, 20c, 25c Little Boy Blue Bluinu. 20c 20 Mule Team Borax cp's 35c Boraxaid for kitchen 15c Borax for the Balh, box 10c Chiped Beef the glass ... 20c Armour sliced Bacon 35c Eagle Milk, the can 25c Lighthouse Clean'r 4 cans25c Steelcut Coffee 3 lb tan 85c FIX & RADTKE Main Street THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" Athena, Ore his first sermin were highly pleased. Reguhr services next Sunday. A royal welcome for every one. Walter S. Gleiser. Strayed or Stolen. One three-year- old filly, bay, branded P on left stifle. Reward. Peter Weidert, Walla Wal la, Wash. jt SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Umatilla County. Mae Moeser, Plaintiff, ' vs. William H. Moeser, Defendant. To William H. Moeser, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon; you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitle court and cause on or before Saturday, the ICth day of March. 'J18; and you will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint or otherwise plead thereto by said time thefjlainUft..fur want thereof will apply ter the Court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint to-wit, for a decree of the Court forever dissolving the bonds of matri mony now and heretofore existing be tween plaintiff and defendant and for other equitable relief. This summons is published pyrsuant to an order made and filed herein by Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled Court, on the 2th day of January, 1918. The first publication of this summons will be made on Friday, th Tst day of Feb ruary. 1018, and the last publication in Friday, the ion uay oi marcn, iwia nnil will baiaublished for six cons r) the ', L.-. . Press news d lit Alh'ena. Oregon. laUrflBs 2Uth day of January, iu!8. Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Plaintiff, Postoffice address, Pendleton, Oregon , C. A. Barrett SbCo. incorporated 7 MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your i order. Berry Monument ,vorks F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street nearO. W. R. 8. N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MM. I, Kit Local Representative. Why" wait for Spring to consider your needs in our line? Note what we have to offer and ask us about any article which interests you. Bulk Grain Wagon-tanks and loaders. Oliver gang plows, spring tooth harrows, double discs, handy wagons, gaso line engines, power washing ma chines, hog fencing, gates, Pennsyl vania and Revere casings Overland cars, oils and greases. Have you heard of the DEERING COMBINE? Foley's Kidney Cure nakes kidneys and bladJer right XTT Tuesday evening on accourit,AfL union temperance meeting at tfiePTT M. E. church, Wednesday evening,, to hear Mr. Herwig. .. Chorus practice Thursday evening. Bible school la growing "Let's make it a hundred," is the motto. The Kellems Brothers are now at Milton in a mighty swing for a great revival. They will be here next. The church is getting ready for them. Sunday evening, Rev. V. K. Allison will deliver the sermon. Baptist Church Notes. The meetings closed Sunday evening with good interest. In the main they have dona great good in stirring up the pure minds of the church. Begin ning next Sunday morning, there iil be a series of sermons on the general topic: "Meet for The Master s use. "God Is Near," will be the concrete topic. Topic for the evening at 7::10, "Changed from Nature to Grace." There is roam for you in- one of the classes of the growing Sunday school. Come and find your place. The public is invited; a welcome to all strangers. D. E Baker, Pastor. EYES TESTED. GLASSES WOUND AND FiritO- LENSES DUPLICATED AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING.- PENDLEION.rtL Phone 609. g. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calib both night and day. Call promptly answered. Offloe on Third Mriet, a 1 1 1 mm Oregor H, ZOPHAR THARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON WESTON, OREGON Trained Nurse in attendance. Office and Rtsidence, Watts Building. Phone 83 IHIIIIIIIII niiniMiiniiiin IIHIIIHMti fa PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES We loan money on first class Oregon and Washington farm3 at lowest rate3. No red tape and no delay. Write direct and save money. Give full details in first letter. We refer you to any bank in Portland. Mortgage Company 606 Concord Bldg. Portland. Crufo Dr. J. C. Baddeley yETERlNAKY SURGEON LaBrasche Runch Athena Methodist Episcopal Church. W. 3. Herwig in his great ptflUHL tion address "A Booz';less Democr; Wednesday evening Feb. B, at 8 pV This is a unio.i mass meeting, bvery seat in the iiopse should be filled. Rev. H. FfPemberton will meet the official board Saturday Feb. at 8 p. m. Preaching and communion conduct ed by Mr. Pemberton Sunday Feb. 10 at 11 a. m. Thoie who heard him in CROUP & LASIJ Dentists In 4thena Monday' Tuesday, Wednea- ay; other days 01 week in wana waiia, nd and Main over Third National Bank ur. K. w. iroup - m. .. n. THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block - - Athena, Oreg. I). Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sts Athena Script Form Butter Wrappers Are Best