The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 25, 1918, Image 3

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    I Press Paragraphs jjj
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burke visited in
Walla Walla yesterday.
Mrs. A. A. Fobs is visiting friends
in Dayton, Wash., this week.
Mrs. Victor Burke and baby were
Pendleton visitors Wednesday.
Let us take a look at those old tires.
Athena Vulcanizing Shop. Adv.
A. A. Foss spent the week in Pert
land, where he went on a business
Fancy Mountain potatoes, 11.25 per
sack. Fix & Badtke, The Money Back
A. M. Johnson is attending the Lum
bermen's convention at Walla Walla
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Miller left Wed
nesday for their home at Ephrata,
and Mrs. B. B. Richards and
tie son, Roland, are in rorliana this
Dr. and Mrs. S. V, Sharp were in
Pendleton yesterday, where the doctor
appeared as witness in the Starr-N. P.
case. ..
F. S. LeGrow returned from a bus
iness trip to Portland, Wednesday
Al Sigmon, Harvey and Jacob Boo
her have returned from a couple of
weeks' visit in Portland.
F. M. Berry, of the Berry Monument
works of Walla Walla was a business
visitor in Athena yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bern Banister are at
Shepherd Springs, Wash., and will re
main there for several weeks.
Before buying new casings, see us.
We may be able to save you money.
Athena Vulcanizing Shop. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunning will leave to
morrow for Spokane, where Mr. Pun
ning will attend the mechanics school.
Russell Piersol's new address is
Naval Training Station, The Great
Lakes, Illinois. Russell was transfer
red to that station recently from Cal
ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alderman moved
to Pendleton this week, to reside. Mr.
Alderman has been connected with the
Peoples theatre in this city in the ca
pacity of manager.
Miss Zola Keen, who finished her
hiirh Bchool studies at the close of the
first semester, matriculated Monday
with Whitman College, where sbe will
pursue her studies.
Special All 21c and 25c gingham
will go at the cleanup price of 15c per
yard, at Fix & Radtke's, The Money
Back Store.
Rex Payne, writing from Portland,
where he is employed, signifies his in
tention of enlisting in the Navy in the
near future.
George W. Hansell, accompanied by Iter also took the examinations in two
Jack Fenton. real estate dealer, was I subiects. IWe hope to hear favorable
S & H Pure Food Grocery
Phone 171
Fancy Assorted Cookies
the pound 40c
Pure Extracted Honey
jars 45c and 85c
Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple
the can 30c
Kraut and Sausage
the can 30c
Sweet Mustard Pickles
the pint 30c
Pure Country Sorghum
cans 65c and $1.25
Columbia Kippered Salmon
the can 25c
S. and H. Coffee
best for the price, the pound 35c
Fancy Florida Grape Fruit
each 15c
A fine Line of Crockery in Connection
down from Lewiston, Idaho, the fore
part of the week.
Roy Zerba is now with the aviation
corps "somewhere in trance, a leuer
to that effect having been received by
relatives some days ago.
Mary and Louis, children in the
family of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berlin,
have been quite ill the past week
threatened with pneumonia.
G. C. Taylor, manager of the Golden
Rule Store, is in Salt Lake this week,
ttending the convention of Golden
Rule managers from the coast States.
If it costs 20 cents to buy an unde
livered, unguaranteed grain sack, what J cost to have a good storage tank:
standing in your yard or field? Asto
Watts anl Rogers. Adv. f
A new flag is needed to replace the
one now flying from the municipal flag
staff at the intersection of Main ana
Third streets. A chance for some one
to take the matter up iB presented.
Oils Tires
Valvoline, Mono
gram, Zerolene
Goodyear, Fire
stone, and U. S.
Henry Knight of the eighth grade
quit school last week. Plenty of time
to do outdoor work after your eighth
grade work is completed, Henry.
The boys of the seventh and eighth
grades will have Mr. Shsffner for their
physical instructor for the coming
semester, instead of Mr. Gribble, who
fnrmerlv taueht them. The new sohed-
kiah and Pilot Rock report a light luie ma(je this charge.
George Lieuallen of the eighth grade
took the midyear State examinations
f snow. In this part ot the coun-
vy rainfall has occurred dur
ng ine vaeeK. but Thursdav and Friday
reports ftm their papers.
Theudils of Miss Lawson's room
are taking up bird study this semester.
They are learning to re.-ognize the first
birds of Spring and are keeping charts
of them.
The pupils of Miss Wolff's sewing
class put the articles which they made
the first semester, on exhibit, Tuesday
evening in the Domestic Science room.
Those interested in their work will
certainly enjoy a visit to see the class
Mrs. Myrick, Mrs. Berlin, Mrs.
Michener and Mr. L. Ringel, were vis
itors in Miss Sherman's room last
Athena Garage
Agents for
Parts and Accessories,
Lathe Work a Specialty.
E. E Stanfleld
of Stanfleld, Umatilla County
Samuel Pambrun and Marion Hansell
were in Portland this week, fraterniz
ing with the Mystic Shnners. A class
of Umatilla county Masons joined that
order during its session in Portland
this week.
Miss Velva Mansfield and Miss Kath-
ren Froome entertained at the home
of Miss Mansfield one evening this week
at progressive 500. Refreshments
were served, the evening being moBt
pleasantly passed by all present.
Miss Be'tha Sebasky, who was one
of the successful contestants in the
Tribune voting contest, and who with
other young ladies won a free trip to
?' t:r I. 1 1 I . f. . I Atl,,,,,.,
a 1 1 1 nrn j ib wmuuhi w ji.uciic peo
ple who supported her in the contest.
Rev. and Mrs. V. K. Allison, for
merly of Moore, Montana, are visiting
at the D. Scott Fisher home, having
accompanied Mrs. Fisher home last
week. Mr. Allison will be assigned
to the pastorate of the Christian
church at Halfway, Oregon.
Nat Kimball, a well known young
man of Pendleton and a recruit in the
United States Navy, stationed at the
training camp in Philadelphia, was in
the city the fore part of the Fweek vis-
ting at the home of ins sister, Mrs
Omar Stephens.
Mrs. James Sturgis is engaged ii
Red Cross work at the National Head
quarters in Washington, D. C. She
writes that a cablegram received some
time ago from her husband tells of his
safe arrival in France, he having sailed
Christmas E;e from New York.
with a detachment of the 41st divi-
The young ladies of the Upi-Dee
Society will give a dance in benefit of
the local Red Cross auxiliary, at ths
Athena opera house on the evening of
Saturday, February 2. The Anderson
sisters of Pendleton will fnrnish the
music for the occasion. Admittance
tickets will be sold by the young ladies
at $1.00 each.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer I. Watts en
tertained at their home on Fifth street
Friday evening, this being the fourth
in a serieB of card parties being given
by a group of the young married peo
ple of the city. Five hundred was
played, five tables being occupied.
Refreshing punch was served, and a
most pleasant evening is reported.
Mrs. W. R. Taylor returned the first
of the week, after a pleasant month's
visit in the Valley. Mrs. Taylor was
with her sister and mother at Corvallis
for some time, going from there to
Portland and Cornelius, where Bite vis
ited Mrs. Chas. Norris. From there
she went to Centralia, Wash., and al
so visited Camp Lewis, near Tacoma,
where she endeavored, but failed, to
see Delbert Gerking, who is stationed
At the Christian church yesterday,
a most interesting all day session was
held by the local W. C. T. U., which
was in the nature of an annual prayer
service. About seventy-five were
uresent throughout the day, and some
special features were introduced by the
members of the various churches in
solos, duets and quartets. At i p. m.
a class of school children under the di
rection of Mrs. Urrett, presented i
feature in "The Dry Line," which was
particularly pleasing. Out of town vis
itors were Rev. and Mrs. Allison, for
merlv of Moore, Montana. Reverends
Baker. Gleiser and Errett each had
charge of a period of the day, and a
most profitable day is reported.
Miss Zola Keen, who jccirpleted the
course of study in the Athena High
school, entered Whitman College for
pthe second senlester.OHer loss will be
keenly felt by the school, since she
took a prominent part in all school
Maebelle Duncan, who recently re
turned from Canada with her parents,
registered as a Freshman Monday.
The following is the report of the
Athena branch library, from Decfmber
1, J918, to Dec 81, 11)17:
No. adult books circulated: Fic
tion 2328, non fiction 2H7,
Some day", somewhere, you may find
better groceries than these at the prices
quoted, but we'll stake our reputation
on the fact that, considering present
day" conditions, you'll not find their
superior in value anywhere.
Rome Beauty Apples box 65c
Booth Sardines, large can 25c
Tuna Fish, the can 25c
Dill Pickles, the can 20c
Large ripe Olives 35c
Stuffed Olives, large flass 5c
Queen Olives, the bottle. 25c
Linton Tea, the pa.kage lCc
Fresh Pineapple, 15c, 20c, 25c
Little Boy Blue Bluing, . 20c
20 Mule Team Borax cp's 35c
Boraxaid for kitchen 15c
Borax for the Bath, box 10c
Chiped Beef the glass ... 20c
Armour sliced Bacon 35c
Eagle Milk, the can 25c
Lighthouse Clean'r 4 cans25c
Steelcut Coffee 3 lb can 85c
Total, ... - 8595
No. juvenile books circulated 1570
No. Magazines ... 3017
Total, - - - 8182
No. readers registered adult 87,
children, 42, Total - 129
No. books added by purchase, - 158
No. books added by gift - 38
Financal Statement.
Cash on hand Dec. 1, 19 1 8 - 82.13
Cash from Citv, - - 150.00
Enjejlainments - - 111.11
Total 293.21
Expenditures Itemized.
Librarian's salary - -
Kent - - - - H5.B0
Magazines - - - 5"5.15
New books ... 68.18
Janitor .... 16.00
Heat .... 5.85
Incidentals - - - 78.10
Total 290.68
Balance 2.56
Cash on hand Dec. 1, 191b. $ 4.72
Fines op overdue books. - 83.02
Total - - - 127.74
Expenditures, - - - 24.24
Bal. .... 8.50
Cash on hand Dec. 1, 191 $12.00
Rental collection - - 51.29
Total - - - 63.29
Expenditures ... 61.70
Bal. - - - t 1.(0
Main Street THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" Athena, Ore
The only way the Press can be fur
nished subscribers at the old price of
tl.BO per year is by collecti"g sub
scriptions in advance. So, beginning
March lot. this rule will prevail: To
secure the paper at the 11.60 per year,
payment must be made in advance;
when not paid in advance the price
will be $2.00 per year. This rule is
imperative on account of the continued
increase in the price of paper and
printing materials. Press subscribers
who are in ariears will be given until
March 1st to renew their subscription
at the old price. Those who do not
respond on or before that date will be
charged the 2.00 rate, suoscrihers
may, tell exactly how thev stand, by
noting the date with their printed
name on their copy of the paper. On
March 1st, also, all complimentary
subscriptions will of necessity be dis
continued, except to reciprocating ex
changes. Fe22
Republican, Candidate for United States
Senator frow Oregon. The man who be
lieves in the development of Oregon's opportunities.
If you have not received complete copy of my
principles, write me at Stanfleld.
-Paid Advertisement.
School Notes,
The advance sales for the Red Cross
benefit entertainments have not yet
reached the total expected to date.
The committees on sales report nearly
100 seats pledged. This is only one
half the goal set by February 1st. The
close of this week will see an increase
in sales without doubt. All the solic
itora need to do is to go after the job
and finish it on schedule time. Wed
nesdav midweek assembly wbs used by
the High school as Red Cross Benefit
rally meeting. Further sales and
more comprehensive campaign was
dulv Dlanncd. Wh-m you are waited
upon, by the solicitors, ahow your in
terest in both school and Red Cross
by purchasing a season ticket. The
Dleaeure will all be yours. Reserved
season seats 12.00, f 1.76, $1.60 $1.00.
The second semester of the Athena
High school began last Mondav morn
ing. During the first two periods of
the morning, Mr. Russell gave an ex
planation of the course to all the High
school students. The schedule had al
ready been made out and placed on the
board so that the next two periods
were spent in the assignment of reg
istration cards and lesrons. Practically
all students were registered so that
reeular recitations began at 9 o'clock
Tuesday morning.
Anna Fobs, Sec.-Treas.
23 Years Ago,
I K rom the Press oi Jan. 25 1895
C. A. Barrett
Pendleton is to have a new opera
house warming tonight.
Born, near Athena, Jan. II, 1896, to
the wife of Z. P. Fawcett, a girl.
Thirty thousand sackB of wheat re
main stored in the warehouse at Helix.
Senator A. R. Price came from Sa
lem on a visit Saturday, returning
Sunday night.
The coldest days since 1396 made
its initial bow was January 8th, when
the thermometer registered 11 degreeB
above zero at Walla Walla.
The teachers in Pendleton public
schools have voluntarily mado the
proposition to the school board to ac
cept a 10 per cent discount in wages.
At the C. A. Barrett Co.'s store is
a subscription paper that is worthy
and awaits your name. It id for con
tributions for Nebraska's starving
The Chinese New Year begins to
day. Local Celestials will cease their
labors sr.d proceed to celebrate, an op
eration that requires about three days.
The question for debate at the
Stamper school house last Saturday
night was: "Resolved, that man will
go farther for gold, than for the love
of woman."
L. B. Reeder, an attorney well
known to the people of Athena, at
present practicing law at Colville,
Wash., writes to friends that he will
soon locate in Athena.
T. J. Kirk returned from Salem Sat
urday last where he had been shovel
ing snow from the Dolph track.
Gettysburg Post No. 83, G. A. R. of
Helix, last Saturday elected the fol
lowing officers: J. H. Ross, Command
re; S. T. Isaac. S. V. C; N. Auspauch
I. V. C. ; Clark Walter, Adjt. ; J. A.
Gross. Surgeon; J. H. King. O. D, ;
A. Shick, O. G.
Clover Leaf Lodge, No. 86. Degree
of Honor, was instituted Thursday
evening, with the following officers:
P. C. of H., Mrs. Louise Rosenzweig;
C. of H., Mrs. Callender; L. of H.,
Mrs. Pearl Hawks; C. of C. Mrs.
Louise Boyd; Rec, Mrs. Maggie Mc
Kinley; Fin., Mrs. May Johns; Usher,
Mrs. Fannie Leach; I. W., Mrs. Laura
Froome O. W. R. O. Hawks ; Trustees,
Mrs. Ann Kirk, Mrs. Minnie France,
Mrs. Fannie Leach.
Work will soon commence on Ath
ena's waterworks system.
Notice of Final Account.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
William H. Wood, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it may concern that Arnold
Wood, f administrator of the estate of
William H. Wood, deceased, has filed
his final account and report in the ad
ministration of the estate; that the
County Judge by order duly made and
entered has appointed Wednesday, the
27th day of February 1918, at the hour
of ten oclock in the forenoon as the
time and the County Court House of
Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place
where all objections ani exceptions to
the Baid final account and report will
be heard and settlement thereof made.
Dated this 26th day of January, A.
D., 1918. Arnold Wood,
Will M. Peterson, Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator.
Get our prices be
fore placing your
Berry Monument w0rks
F. M. Barry, Prop.
12th and Main Street nearO. W. R. &
N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash.
N. A. MILLER Local Representative.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right
Phone 609.
g. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calia both night and day.
CallDromptly answered, omoe on Third
Btr-wt. Athena Orecor
Suggestive Therapeutics
Barrett Building, in Office formerly
occupied by Dr. Plamondon
Strayed or Stolen. One three-year-old
filly, bay, branded P on left stifle.
Reward. Peter Weidert, Walla Wal
la, Wash.
Dr. J. C. Baddeley
LaBrasche Ranch
In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes
day, other days of week in Walla Walla,
2nd and Main over Third National Bank
Dr. E W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash
Why" wait for Spring to consider
your needs in our line? Note what
we have to offer and ask us about
any article which interests you.
Bulk Grain
Wagon-tanks and loaders. Oliver
gang plows, spring tooth harrows,
double discs, handy wagons, gaso
line engines, power washing ma
chines, hog fencing, gates, Pennsyl
vania and Revere casings Overland
cars, oils and greases. Have you
heard of the
1 Tar m tats
W Inan monev on first class Oregon and
Washington farms at lowest rates. No red tape
and no delay. Write direct and save money.
Give full details in first letter.
We refer you to any bank in Portland.
606 Concord Bid.
Portland. Orecoo
D. Scott Fisher
Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sts
A. J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block - - - Athena. Oreg.
Script Form Butter
Wrappers Are Best