The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 04, 1918, Image 1

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Advertisers .
The cAtbena Press circulates in the
homesof readers who reside in the
heart of the Great Umatilla Wheat
Belt, and.they have money to spend
Bntered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mall Matter
Subscription Rates
One Copy, one year, $1,50; for six
months, 75c; for three months, SOc;
payable in advance, and subscrip
tions are solicited on no other basis
The Administration is working so quietly in outfitting of its armed
forces that few people realize the extent of this important factor and
its effects upon the supply of household commodiies. The freight situ
ation'is sure to become more and more congested, and we are facing a
market, short on'goods and long on price, j
in Metal and Househodl'goods have been as consistent in the"past thirty
daya'as any time'during 1917 but the task of securing delivery is so
difficult that the price question is in the background. Immediate buy
ing,careful anticipation'of yourwants'in the future, and watching Jour
advertisements for price quotations will make your buying conservative
and profltaDle.
The Davis-Kaser Co.
Home Furnishing Department Store
Complete Furnishers of Homes.'Offices and Schools -lO-aO Alder St.
Walla Walla Wash.
We Expect Some Holler
we have a holler coming
(If you prefer paying us 19 per cent int. from Nov. I, '17
A carload of June Machin
ery just in. Taking inven
tory. Have a few articles at
sale bargain prices.
Farm Outfitters
Just Over the Hill
n MiimmiiiiiiimtiiiiMitMi
First National
of Athena
Conducts a General Banking Business
Capital and Surplus, $100,000
We are always prepared 13 wpf the proper needs
of our.i
m -u
Mmimiiiiii i
- Re' -USHED 1865
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co
Is acade in' Athena, by' Athena labor, in one oi the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat 'grown ''anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer aells'.the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wa9h.
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Scientist Asserts Ships at Sea Will Be
Controlled From Shore and Gasoline
Will Be Grown Like Corn.
In the lobby of a big Fifth avenue
club one evening recently, a group of
scientific men were discussing the war
as being the necessity that will bring
about some startling inventions, notes
a New York correspondent. If the
sprinkling of lntellectu'ral lumlnatt
were not stamped by genius, It Is prob
able that an ordinary bystander would
have tapped his forehead knowingly.
One of them was telling about a sci
entist who is already telephoning to
airplanes without wires. And another
quoted a famous Inventor who said
that It would only be a short while
until all telephone wires would be abol
ished as unessential.
"The fact Is," he said, "that tele
phone wires do not In reality carry
our messages. Every scientist knows
that. Back of It all Is the great proc
ess of thought which we are only be
ginning feebly to understand.
"The more we delve Into this proc
ess of thoughtwhatever It Is the
more we come to the conclusion that
the material phenomena Is the pro
jection of thought. We konw that ev
ery material thing comes from a
thought or an Idea.
"We are arriving at the conclusion
that even space Is thought, for we are
annihilating space every day through
a thinking process. It will not be
many generations before every ship at
sea Is controlled by thought from
shore. Our trains are going to be run
without fuel, and we are going to grow
gasoline Just like we raise corn."
When war b
who was ev
denly acq.
science, and
London Tlt-B.
fore the tribe),
sclent ions objc
The chairman
little while,
warming to
heaven, '
"In thai
man, qui?
tlon to Jo.
A tiny
to enumei
of the fan
In her e
close of a
was tired
tlon she 5
lly : "And
Foreigners Reluctant to Admit Knowl
edge of English, but Understand
When It Is Advisable.
Many of the foreigners are extreme
ly bashful about admitting their abil
ity to speak and understand English,
when there Is work to be done, accord
ing to the officers, observes the Bos
ton Herald. On the other hnnd, If they
desire a pass or any similar official
boon, their comprehension becomes ex
ceedingly acute. On one occasion, a
captain announced:
"Kablbble, you are on fatigue duty;
you will sweep the mess ball and the
"No splk Engleesh," murmured the
conscript, with a hlank look at his
"Hm wait a minute."
The officer whispered to one of the
"Sure, he understands all right," the
latter affirmed.
The captain returned to the still un
comprehending Kablbble.
"Look here, If you don't sweep this
mess hall quickly, you'll lose your pass
for the next month. Do you under
stand that?"
"All right; where the broom?" the
private replied with astonishing facility.
Meat Dealer Points Out Pills, Mineral
Water and False Teeth as Pro
ducers of Immense Margins.
"Talk about food profiteers I" growl
ed the butcher, as he charged up a
two-pound rump steak at 60 cents n
pound. "Why I know people whose
profit hns been from time Immemorial
6,000 per cent and more. Yet you
don't Jump on them. Why, then, Jump
on me?
"Take Junck's liver pill, for Instance.
I know Otto Junck's bookkeeper, and
the man tells me that this Junck pill
sells wholesale at exactly 6,000 pet'
cent profit. 1
"Take mineral water plain soda.
You can make and sell plain soda at
a profit of 40,000 per cent. And, mind
yon, no kicks.
"Take false teeth. They used to
make false teeth out of Ivory, and In
those dnys It was right to charge $100
a set for them. But now false teeth
are made of porcelain. They cost 10
cents apiece. Dentist's profit, 76,000
per cent. "
"So I could go on. And you ask me
If my conscience 1 t sore about this
60-ceM rump steakF Oh I"
Center of V
Paris, the center of
Ions, has no fewer th
dressmakers, not c
and fitters, which
number up to close
designers, who sketa
In pen and Ink or v,
and often originate ii.
prevail throughout tht
easily over four figures ..
serves a correspondent.
Good mannequins are the most
cult to obtain. Some of the lorn
Parisian houses employ twenty or thl.
ty, whose whole time Is pnssed In try
ing on dresses before the eyes of fnsr
lonable French women -aturujiv
um are few nowadays.
many of the most fa"" -minm
of Paris are now nursing In li
pitals or employed In the French
tlon works.
Forty Miles of Jam.
So enormous has the busli
Jam making become in Dundee-,
land, since the great firms ther
ganlzed to supply preserves to
British army and navy that, accon
to a report sent by E. B. Pottle, U.
vice consul there, to the department ..
commerce, the tins In which they put
up one week's supply alone "would, If
stood end on end, form n column fully
40 miles high. It Is no unusual thing
for this firm to deal with 100,000,000
oranges, and all kinds of fruit c
dealt with on a similar scale."
The Dundee manufacturers
about to give up the fuse of -
ware, glass Jars ana tins, v
cardboard container Is
made and experiment"
proved highly succef
Matron Charged Brother With Theft of
Bird and He Narrowly Escaped
Being Sent to Prison.
Mrs. James Farmer was the com
plainant against her brother, George
Clark, In special sessions recently,
writes a New York correspondent. She
lives at 302 West Fifty-ninth street, In
excellent style, and on the witness
stand was fashionably dressed and cul
tured. "My brother called with a friend,"
she said, "and stole my pet canary
the best one of the thirteen I keep, and
the sweetest singer you ever heard."
"Do you want me to send your own
brother to the penitentiary?" asked
Justice Blxby. t
'"Yell, he Is In bad health," she re
plied hesitatingly ; "he's had chills and
fever for a long time ; but "
"But you think more of the bird
than you dp of your brother?" sug
gested the justice.
"Well, your honor," said the lady
holf-reproachfully, "this canary was a
special pet."
The brother escaped, however,
through a technical error In the complaint.
Trelleborg and Sassnltz to Be the Ter
mini of the Proposed Line Cert,
necting With Germany.
The following bulletin on Trelleborg
and 8assnltz, the termini of the pro
posed Swedish-German airplane route,
which assume special significance 10
the light of recent developments !n
the diplomatic relations between Get
many and Sweden, has been Issued by
National Geographic society.
Between Trelleborg, the most south
erly town In the Kingdom of Sweden,
and Sassnltz, n summer resort on the
northeastern shore of the German
Island of Rugen, express steamers In
times of peace make regular trips
across this arm of the Baltic In four
hours. This is the chief water link 10
the 24-hour express service between
Stockholm and Berlin. Neither towfl
would be of any Importance were It not
for the fact that they are the termini
of this steamer service.
Trelleborg Is a quaint old town of
some 10,000 Inhabitants, lying 20 miles
southeast of Malmo, capital of Skane,
teh most populous province In nil Swe
den. It Is only 10 miles from Malmo
to the Danish capital, Copenhagen.
Sassnltz Is one of several popular
seaside resorts on the Island of Itugen,
the largest lnsulnr possession of Ger
many, having an area about equal to
that of Cape Cod. Only about 2,500
people make Sassnltz their permanent
home, but during the bathing season In
times of pence the village Is visited
annually by more than 20,000 pleasure
The water trip from Trelleborg to
Sassnltz Is 60 miles. Thus the rall-nnd-stearfler
distance between Stock
holm and Berlin Is 415 miles.
Declares Fish Sunburnt
A patient angler was fishing from a
jetty at a seaside resort, and two visi
tors were watching him. Most of the
fish caught were flat fish, aud the two
watchers began to argue why the flsh
were brown on one side and white on
the other. One suggested that the
fish were originally all white, but that,
sleeping on their backs In the mud,
Inn' become so soiled that It
the other
Humpbacked Variety From Paclflo
Coast Retain Their Habits When
Placed in Eastern Waters.
Many thousands of humpback sal
mon, native to the Puget sound, where
they were collected by the government
two years ago, entered Pembroke, Den
nys, Penobscot, St. Croix and other riv
ers In eastern Maine ns part of the
fisheries bureau plan of stocking the
east with the pride of the Pacific coast
The bureau's Investigation shows
that the humpback In Its new environ
ment retains its Pacific const habit of
proceeding to the ocean shortly after
It begins to swim and returning to the
rivers to spawn and die when two
years old.
The government has made annual
shipments of eggs of the humpback
salmon across the continent for the
last five years, drawing the tehslgii
ments altewtf'v '" Washington
and Alaska.
the lnt
on the
II );
Willi h
soldier is
at home,
Quotes Bible Verse to Verify Genuine
ness of Potralt of Himself Execut
ed by an American Painter.
Pope Benedict Is known to have a
keen sense of humor. It has lately
been expended upon an American resi
dent In Borne who thinks himself a
portrait painter, says a Borne corre
spondent. This gentleman, with the best Inten
tions, asked the pope for permission
to paint his portrait, which would
later grace the walls of the Vatican,
alongside of the masterpieces of the
The pope granted the request, but
stipulated that he should glvo only
one sitting, and that the portrait
should be finished by help of photo
graphs. The portrait was finished recently.
The artist found it so good that he
luugeii 10 nave ii snown nrsi in Amer
ica, lest his fellow citizens should re
proach him for hiding such n work of
nrt In Italy, without giving them a
chance of admiring his genius. To this
the pope graciously agreed. But the
artist went further,
As thfire nre so many spurious por
traits of the pope, would his holiness
write a few lines to prove to skeptical
Americans that the artist had really
painted the masterpiece? The pope
promised a few words In a few days.
They arrived. To the painter's aston
ishment and chagrin they proved to
be from the Gospel of St. Matthew,
chapter 14 :2T. They ran : "It Is I ; be
not afraid."
3uqar $58 a Barrel, Rlee $31.38 a Bar
rel, Tobacco, Tea and Coffee Much
Woher Than Now.
nigh' as prices are, It may be some
consolation to know that they are still
below the Civil war records: Sugar
then sold for $08 a barrel, rice at
$81.88 a barrel, tobacco nt more than
double the present price, and ten at
over $100 for a 26-pound chest as
compared with the present price of
about $20. Coffee was then four times
as high as It Is at present, says Les
lie's. If the difficulty In getting hold of
sugar makes the American people real
ize we arc at war, and Inspires In
them a willingness to follow Mr. Hoov
er's suggestions ns to economizing In
the use of certain foods, It will have
accomplished some good.
While complaining of food scarcity,
it Is well for our people to know how
little food others have. The German
ration contains .41 of n pound pf body
building protein as compnrerl with
1.08 in the standard ration. The Ger
man ration Is not sufficient to ninln
tnln bodily health and vigor, Injt the
civil population In the occupied dis
tricts of France nnd Belgium haVr
Mist on even less than thin.
Funds for Liza Jane.
A long row of husbands sat In a
mess hall nnd a sergeant was on tl
other side of the table wit"
front c bi
President Decides All Questions for
Members, but Never Calls Them
In for a Conference.
There Is no more familiar title
among government departments than
the board of trade. It seems to be re
sponsible for all kinds of things and
all sorts of undertakings and happen
ings. It will find you a chairwoman (re
negotiate a commercial treaty. It con
sists of a president nnd a large num
ber of members nmong whom are
reckoned the Archbishop of Canter
bury and the speaker of the house of
commons, a writer In London Tlt-Blts
By lnv these members hove n right
to be called to discuss questions of
trade nnd to help the president to shape
his policy, yet the fact remains no meet
ings nre ever held! The president
never dreams of calling his committee
together. He does much ns he likes,
comes to his own decisions, and then
announces that "the board thinks so
and so."
One wonders what would happen i
the archbishop or some other member
were to Insist upon being consulted,
this this snrprlslng method of doing
business should cease.
The board of trade does hot stand
alone. Every school-teacher In the
land knows that "my lords" say this
and "my lords" rule that. Their full
title Is "the lords of the committee of
the privy council of education;" bos
they never meet, and the vice presi
dent would probably be puzzled M
name a half-drjeen of them. Mr. Fish
er and his predecessors rule without
"my lords," but in their name. Thus
do they get credit for the good thes
do and are a refuge In the Say of
Houses and Apartments Rent at Fab
ulous Prices One Woman Prom
ises Ordinary Wear end Tear,
Two women sat at a local theatse
the other night They were dressed'
"fit to kill," In the good old Heoelet
Idiom, and wore diamonds galore,
writes Charles E. Tracewell In Wash
ington Star,
They were talking about the rubjeet
ot rents, a topic of absorbing interest
In Washington Just now. when a hoose
or apartment ot any kind llJjjJ-'
to obtain for love or money$ro
It hns been a matter of g
many wealthy people hare
Washington recently, and that i
of these hnve rented furnished I
nnd apartments at fabulous, rjl
The two women at 'the the
discussing this very thtn
more, one of them wn
wealthy .rrrt" '