The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 28, 1917, Image 3

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    I Press Paragraphs
Carl Christian waa in town from
Adams Monday.
Bert Logsden was a guest of friends
in Walla Walla. Tuesday.
Verne Dudley is home from Portland
where he is attending school.
Mrs. Hugh Mclntyre has returned
from a week's visit in Portland.
Do you want Mules' If you do, see
D. H. Mansfield. Athena, Oreg.
John Rothrock has returned to Port
land, after spending several days in
Lawrence Tharrj, a student of Pen
dleton High school, is home for the
Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Gleiser were
in Dayton, Wash., this week, visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vaughan, of
Pendleton, visited at the Huggins home
Mrs. Holt, mother of Ernest Holt,
the electrician, is visiting friends in
Dayton, Wash.
Glen Estas. clerk at Ware's Phar
macy, is ill at his home in Pendleton,
with tonsilitis.
Mrs. Ivan O'Harra and daughter,
Miss Hazel Duncan of Weston, were
in the city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnes and
daughter, Mamie, were dinner guests
Sunday at the Boyd home.
Mrs. Minnie Mitchell, of Walla Wal
la, spent Christmas with her sister,
Mrs. Fred Gross, west of town.
Miss Eloise Bergevin is home from
Walla Walla, where she is attending
schoo1, for the holiday vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Durning, who have
been away visiting friends, have re
turned to their home in Athena.
-Sheriff and Mrs. T. D. Taylor came
Up from their Pendleton home and
spent Christmas with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hurd and family,
of Pilot Rock, were Christmas guests
at the W. T. McLeod home in this,
That will Help cut down the High Cost of Living
Two packases 25c
the pound 10c
seven pounds $1
five bars 25c
without premium, large package 35c
the bottle 20c
the pound 25c
the can 15c
sugarcured and very lean, the round 30c
a 40c quality for 35c
S & H Pure Food Grocery
duality -Cluantity - Service
Phone 171
P V 9 I
Oils - Tires
Valvoline, Mono- Goodyear, Fire
gram, Zerolene stone, and U. S.
Athena Garage
Agents for
Parts and Accessories,
Lathe Work a Specialty,
erful warmth
instantly. Portable. Eco
nomical. Fuel consumed
only when heat is needed
no waste. No smoke or
pisses Gladys McLeod, Mamie
Sheard and Ruth Rothrock, students at
U. of 0., are home for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and
Grover Bowles spent Christmas with
relatives and friends in Walla Walla.
I --a-hr Whiteman, nephew of Mrs.
& B. Richards, is down from his home
near LaCross, visiting during the va
cation. A number of Athena people went
over to Walla Walla Tuesday evening,
to see Anna Held, the famous French
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Akers and chil
dren of Pendleton, were holiday guests
at the A. L. Swaggart, home, north
of town.
Dr. Sponogle is in receipt of a Christ
mas card from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc
Bride, addressed from Long Beach,
Misses Greta Mclntyre and Grace
Zerba, who are attending Pacific Uni
versity at. Forest Grove, are home dur
ing vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tharp and
daughter, Nyna, are visiting at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Fred
Collins, in Portland.
Miss Dora Bennett came up from
Portland, where she is employed in
dressmaking, to spend the holidays
with Athena friends.
Mrs. N. J. Garfield, with her daugh
ters, Mrs. Ethel Scott and Mrs. Foster
spent Saturday in Walla Walla, with
ber son and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mansfield and
daughters, Maude and Velva, took
Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Loney, of Walla Walla.
Ruth and Lewis Stewart, students at
Willamette University, of Salem, are
at home, enjoying the Christmas vaca
tion with their parents.
Mr. Haynie, salesman for Fix &
Radtke. was summoned to Kansas,
Sunday by a telegram announcing the
sudden death of his mother.
Ser. Geo. Winshin sent home a splen
did array of Army phctos from Camp
Merritt, which are on display at the
Foss-Winship Hardware store.
W. R. Taylor purchased a carload
uf mules at Caldwell, Idaho, and had
them shipped to Athena. They will
be sold to the farmers in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Booher and Miss
Vergie Russell came up from their new
home at Condon, and are visiting at
the homes of Wm. Booher and W. C.
At the Dudley home, a family re
union was held Tuesday, at which all
members of the immediate family were
present and enjoyed a genuine Christ
mas dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Staggs, who re
cently moved to this city from Westor,
spent Christmas with friends there.
They are occupying a house on the
West side.
The Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
have beautiful new calenders for their,
patrons and friends. They will be
given free by calling at the office at
the mill.
Arnold Koepke who is attending
U. of 0., spent the Christmas vacation
with his brother. Dr. Koepke at Wat
sonville, Calif., where last year he
graduated from the high school.
One of the finest Christmas presents
that came to town this year was a line
beaver fur overcoat for Mayor Watts.
The garment is splendidly made, and
the owner is highly pleased with it.
Leonald, the young son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Willaby came up from Con
don, where the family are now located,
and is visiting his grandmother, Mrs.
Minnie Willaby, and other relatives.
John I. Montague, who recently en
listed in the aviation corps, came up
from Vancouver and snent ChristmnH
day with his wife and baby in this
city, returning to Vancouver Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schenebly, who
visited relatives at Ellenaburg, Wash.,
during the holidays, will bring over
their horses from there and begin
farming the Koepke land near Helix,
soon after the 1st of January.
Mrs. Charles Pinkerton of Weston,
was in the city Monday, accompanied
by Mrs. J. S. Henry, a former resident
of Athena, who came up from the
home of her son in Portland, and is
spending the winter with Mrs. Pin
kerton. Mrs. D. Scott Fisher received word
Saturday of the critical illnss of her
brother-in-law, Rev. Alliroi, of Moore
Montana, with -appendicitis. Mrs.
Fisher left immediately to be with
him and her sister, Mrs. Allison, who
is also ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Zeph Lockwood and
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley returned
Tuesday evening from Portland. iThe
Press being in error as to the "Deans"
enjoying the holiday Dean Willaby
staying at home and working, like tbe
rest of us. )
Next Wednesday afternoon will be
the regular monthly business meeting
of the Red Cross auxiliary, and Mre.
H. H. Hill, chairman, desires the pres
ence of all members, especially the
local officers, at the Red Cross room
in the school hovs?.
Beinice, the little daughter of Rev.
and Mrs. R. E. Gornall, has been very
ill the past week at their home in
Pendleton with pneumonia. Rev. and
Mrs. Gornall were expected to spend
the holidays with the Koepkes, Betts'
and other Athena friends, but were
prevented by their daughter's illness.
The Farmers' meeting to be held in
Athena tomorrow afternoon at which
will be considered tbe proposed build
ing of an elevator on the co-operative
plan, promises to be largely attended
by tbe wheat raisers of this vicinity.
Much interest is being manifested in
the enterprise. If you are a grain
raiser be at the meeting.
Herbert Wexler. tbe well knowi
W. S. C. football star, was in t e
city from Pasco, last Saturday. M .
Wexler is now engaged in the sheei
business and was here for the purpost
of buying sheep from Dr. J. C. Bad
deley. However, the doctor did not
sell hijHtolfcPreferrint to bold them
over for theool trA lamb inereajw.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Swaggart will
leave about the 1st of January for
Long Beach and other points in Cal
ifornia, to spend the remainder of tbe
winter, after which they will take up
their residence on the stock farm re
cently purchased, near Baker.
The young friends of Harry Martin,
to the number of twenty surprised him
at his home on College and 6th streets
Saturday evening, the occasion bjing
his 15th birthday. The crowd was
composed principally of High school
students, and a jolly evening was
passed by the young people.
Wjednesday morning. while the
ground was covered with sleet and ica,
it was dangerous to be safe in an auto
mobile. A report was brought in of
the upsetting of a car driven by Rufe
Brown, of Weston, in which were rid
ing 3. A. Barnes and several other
Westonians. The accident occurred
just below town, the car skidding and
turning completely over, but fortun
ately, no one was hurt.
Dr. J. A. Baddeley was kicked by a
horse Wednesday evening and serious
ly injured. He was giving attention
to a sick horse at the Geo. Gerking
place when the animal suddenly kicked
striking him in the right side and
stomach. Dr. Sharp was called and
found four fractured ribs. The blow
was a glancing one otherwise the in
jury would have been greater. Dr.
Baddeley was removed to his home
near town yest'.rday morning.
A splendid spirit of giving was dis
played at the Christmas exercises at
the various churches. Gifts were re
ceived by all as usual, but they were
given at home. The offerings at the
churches were given to the various
benevolences, the children entering in
to the scheme with enthusiasm. Christ
mas morning at 9 o'clock, Athena cit
izens everywhere threw open doors
and sang as a Christmas carol, "Our
Country,;'T is of Thee."
The Fress is in receipt of Christmas
letters from George Winship, Sam
Starr and Ed Sebasky at Camp Merritt
and Hally Piersol, the latter at New
port News, Va. Hally, who is now on
detached duty, will accompany the
horses across. He is in fine quarters,
and his address is "5th Provisional
Casualty Co., Camp Hill, Newport
News, Va. ; MS F. A., Bat. D." The
other boys are also in comfortable win
ter quarters, and letters will reach
them addressed to Battery D, 148th
F. A., 66th Artillery Brigade, 41st
Div, A. E. F. Camp Merritt, N. J.
"And don't forget the A. E. F., or
letters will not follow us when we
leave here," adds Sam.
Iwe wish you A
23 Years Ago,
I Prom the Press 01 Dec. 28 1894
David P. Read and Martha J. Key,
both of Weston, were married Monday.
Frank H. Richmond and Jeane I.
Gross, both of Helix, were married in
Pendleton Wednesday.
A number of Bannocks from Ft.
Hall reservation, are soending the
holidays with the Umatillas.
Fifty-two teachers belong to the
teachers' reading circle in Umatilla
county, this being the largest number
of any county in th: state.
Married, at the M. E. parsonage in
tbia city, Dec 2:1, 1894, Mr Henry
Keen and Miss Stella Holcomb, Rev.
La Violette officiating. The bride and
groom are well and favorably known
throughout this portion of Umatilla
county. The Press wishes for them a
bright and prosperous future.
Christmas dav was ushered in with
sunshine and warmth. Many attended
church, and evervbodv ate turfev and
cranberry sauce.
On last Friday the public school of
Athena closed, with an entertainment
given by the pupils. Especially rare
the primary teachers, Mrs. McKinley
and Miss Mcintosh to be congratulated
on their excelllent work. The Athena
schools have been most successful this
year, and it is to be regretted that
there are not enough funds to run the
school another term. A select schoo)
will soon be opened by some of the
present teachers.
Wod reached Athena Wednesday
morning that Frank Fletcher had shot
James Ashworth at Mat Isley's place
on Basket mountain. Numerous stories
are afloat as to the nature and cause
of the crime. Fletcher was but recent
ly pardoned from the penitentiary by
Gov. Pennoyer, where he was sent for
life for the murder of Charles Petrie.
Ashworth was a candidate before the
last democratic convention for the of
fice of sheriff.
Helix correspondent: Surely Helix
will soon reach an enviable position
among her neighboring cities. Hav
ing had the prospects of th: county
seat, in case of division, held before it
and the A. 0. U. W. just organized,
what is there to hinder its future
School Notes.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy for
the month of December, 1917:
Roll of Honor.
1st grade Chester Duggar, Hollis
Dennis, Areta Kirk, Harold Kirk,
Ralph Keller, firal Michener, Emma
Ringel, Theodore Soden, Thelma
Schrimpf, Lois Smith, Elizabeth
Steele, Ralph Carstens, Geneva Staggs.
2nd grade Mary Berlin, Lepha
Cox, Beatrice Dickenson, Dorothy
Geissel. Helen Hansel!, Wanda Holt,
Edna Morrison, Edgar Morrison, George
Pambrun, Athena Russell, Jennamae
Head, Kathleen Radtke, Doris Schu
bert. Hrd grade Melvin Coppock, Roy De
Freece, Edna DeFreece, Lorene Den
nis, Donald Haynie, Lois Johnson, Lo
rena Schubert. Lucille Smith, Clifford
Wood, Ronald Lieuallen.
4th grade- Muriel Carden, Chester
"nx, William Coppock, Merl Dicken
son Alice Huffman, Ray Huffman,
Ve i Miller, Wilford Miller, Dean
P .Kerton, Itol Schubert, Arthur Tay
1 jr. Robert Carsten.
5th grade Dorothy Berlin, Lewis
Berlin, Wilber Harden, Walthea Hay
iie, Ruth Hutt, Blanche Johnson, Don
ald Jgjhnson, Rush Klein, Marvel M -Alexatler,
Fay Pambrua, Eppa Pier-
Among the
of this firm we like to count the
good will that our friends and pa
trons have shown toward us.
The Season's Greetings
To You and Yours
Main Street THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" Athena, Ore
13 v. wmm
sol, Velton Read, James Elmo Russell,
Dalberth Taylor, Ruth Williams.Reeve
Betts, Frank Carstens.
6th grade Myrtle Downing, Ettiel
Geissel, Bessie Martin, Gertrude Mar
tin, Mildred Mathers, Vernon Miller,
Elsa Ringel, Levo Kilgore.
7th grade Delbert Read, John Pin
kerton, Eddie Evans, Frank Williams,
Mildred Stanton, Audra Winship, Vel
ma McAlexander, Eva Carsten, Sadie
Pambrun, Conrad Miller, Lee Banis
ter, Lucinda Dell.
8th grade Jeannette Miller, Savan
nah Smith, Lela Schubert, Helen Dow
ning, Willard Parker, Pearl Ramsay,
Dollie Banister, Nyna Tbarp, Kohler
Betts, Herman Geissel, Henry Knight,
Brice Baker, Lloyd Mathers, Ethel
Klein, Dorwin Phillips.
High School.
Freshmen Elizabeth Mathers, Edna
Pinkerton, Frank Miller, Betheen Read,
Mildred Winship.
Sophomores Carrie DeFreece, Mar
tha Hutt, Winnifred Klein, Areta Lit
tlejohn, Harry Martin, James Martin,
Helen Russell, Velma Schubert, Fay
Juniors Francis Williams.
Seniois Kathren Froome, Zola
Keen, Henry Koepke, Angie Pambrun,
Ellen Pambrun, Connie Baker, Ralph
The following report for the month
ending Dec. 28, 1917, is in comparison
with the corresponding month of last
year: 1918 1917
No. pupils end last mo. 188 165
No. new pupils registered 2 2
Total No. registered 20tl 187
No. pupiU end of mo. 189 183
No. days taught 16 15
Total No. davs att. 2734.5 2131.5
No. dayB absence, 46.5 80.5
No. times tardy 16 18
No. neither ab. or tardy 148 129
Av. No. belonging 185.4 168.6
Av. daily att. 182.8 161.4
Per cent of att. 98.3 98.7
No. visits by parents 19 15
J. 0. Russell, Supt.
Get our prices be-
placing your
Berry Monument Works
F. M. Barry, Prop.
12th and Main Street near O. W. R. CtL
N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash.
N. A. Miller, Local Representative.
Phone 609.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
call both night and day.
OH promptly answered. Otnce on Third
dtr'-et. Athena Oregor
Suggestive Therapeutics
Barrett Building, in Office formerly
occupied by Dr. Plamondon
Dr. J. C. Baddeley
LaBrasche Ranch
In Athena Monday Tuesday, Wednes
day, other days of week in Walla Walla,
2nd and Main over Third National Bank
Dr. E. W. Croup Dr. C. H. Lash
D. ScottBisher
Residence and Ship, Adams and 4th Sts
"FISK" on your tire is a guar
antee that you have the greatest
dollar-for-dollar value that it is
possible to buy. When you pay
more than Fisk prices you pay
for something that doesn't exist.
Trm loans
We loan money on first class Oregon and
Washington farms at lowest rates. No red tape
and no delay. Write direct and save money.
Give full details in first letter.
We refer you to any bank in Portland.
606 Concord Bids.
Portland. Oregon
A. J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block . . . Athena, Oreg.
Script Form Butter
Wrappers Are Best