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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1917)
Tise t,itheaa Press circulate Is the hemes of mailers wtio reside is Ihe heart of the Great Umsttll.- .Whrnt Belt, andjihey havs money to s pend Km tared at they Post Office at Athena. Oregon, a Seconct-Vlase Mail Matter Subscription Rates One Copy, on year, 11,50; for six months, 75c; for three months, 50c; payable in advance, and subscrip tions ace solicited on no other basis yur. i ' -in r ATHENA. DlfATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1817. NUMBER 7 . TION We wish to expressed you our apprecia tion of the basin ess entrusted to us dur ing it) 1 f, and to extend a, hearty New Year's Greetmg;jri&$e hhpe that yMr measure. of prgHtff and happiness for 1918 Will ex&gii, any you have ever The Davis-Kaser Co. Home RirnisWng Department Store Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools lO-iO Aider St. Walla Walla Wash.. iMIMUMH i H'MIIIWUHMt HHHIHMIUHIIHM tnMnmmmiiiiin -4 Season's Greetings ;e Shal .WATTS & ROGERS Farm Outfitters Just Over the Hill I 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 Mil II MM 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 II 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 II I i I i The First National Bank of Athena Conducts a General Banking Business -: wmmm , Capita! and Surplus, $100,000 mmmm We are always prepared to care for the proper needs of our Customers. m mm jmm$: ear Men Dtwobsd With Others to Reoeivo FnM TrcinMnt, and Appealed for BeeMlon for SMer. Clemencegp, beneath his brusqoe. masterful, Mtsafttlc anrK1 oft-ruttltig spbtefc. itnd la spfte of the vitriolic character o( his writings, possesses an exceedingly Itlnd'nttil charitable heart He Is nol;ricn, MiH therefore cannot affonl to give .away much. Hut he has made a point, both when -in tifflce and out of It, to devote a couple of hours ears day to free medical advice to the poor, neve . comtontiuc to take a fee. writes a Paris correspondent. His spe cialty la aktn diseases, and his con sultation room Is always crowded with poor patients. One nay when last In office as premier, being In a hurry, he Instructed his servant to tell the Inst butch of his male patients to strip In his ante-chamber, so as to save the time of the undressing In the consult ing room. One by one they were rap idly prescribed for and sent on their way, until only the last remained. He presented himself In due course In an extremely decollete condition without a stitch of clothing, and with every ap pearance of nervousness. "Jf. lo President," lie began, with a low. bow. "Well, what Is the matter?" asked the doctor-premier. The man stammered inarticulately. "Come! Come," exclaimed Clenten ccuu wfth . impatience. "Out with It I Tour skin seems perfectly healthy. I can see nothing wrong." 'There is nothing the matter with tne," said the ioor man at last, recov ering his voice, "but I don't know It Is all strange I only came to ask you, M. le President, for .your powerful In-. HUK.ivtr-wiiii me Koveriinieiu w luucuie for my widowed sister a place as post mistress at Clermont." DON'T FRET ABOUT TRIFLES DRIVING CATTLE BY MOTOR Stock Dealer Introduces Innovation Which May Sooner or Later Rele gate Broncho to Background. A new use for n motorcar has been found by u cattle dealer In one of the-1 middle western states, whose business comiiels him to drive extensive herds of meat on the hoof along ihe roads, says an exchange. Daring the hottest part of last summer this purveyor de termined to drive his ntilmnls by night In order to spare them the Inevitable suffering that attended such operations In the middle of the day. Getting In his car, be started the herd ahead of him In the road, and by throwing the searchlight before anil honking his horn he kept the nnhnuls moving quick ly in the compact mass. There are instnnces of the use of the motorcar In round-up work In the far West, so that the traditional pic ture of a cowboy astride a bucking broncho may have to give way to one of that leather-breeched gentleman cuddled down into the wheel of a flex ible runabout; his lasso- presumably dangling over the windshield. ESTABLISHED 1865 PrestonShaffer Milling Co. mourn BEAUTY FLOUR I made in Athena, by-' Athena labor, in one ol the very best equipped mills In the Northwest, of the beat selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry-. Your grocer ceilstbe famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. X ftlMMIIIIIHIIMMIIIIIIIMMMMi Mr Height Effects In Alrplalnlng. Sonic effects of airplane flights at very high altitudes are described In a recent English report. "Height ef fects" begin to be felt at 10,000 feet and become marked In most cases from 17,00(1 feet up. The prluclpnl difficul ties are cold and luck of oxygen. Strange to soy, no airplane has yet been devised on a plan which delib erately utilizes the heat of the engine to keep the passengers warm, although any tractor model has this effect to some extent. The matter of oxygen Is solved by taking a supply In a con tainer, which the aviator mixes with air when he feels oppressed. It Is feared, that flying at very high al titudes, to be made possible In ihe fu ture by further development of mod els, may produce n trouble analogous to the "bends" experienced by work ers In compressed air caissons due to the extreme pressure changes. Magnifying Petty Mistakes and Trou bles weakens One's Ability to Master Bigger Problems. Some of us rather overdriven women get into n habit of magnifying the pet ty mistakes or troubles of disagreeable events of the day, the business day, and milking them out very big and ter rible. - The result la n loss of energy, for magnified troubles bring worry and anxiety, which Is u sort of polKoato the mind and even to the body, writes Jessie Huberts In the Houston Post Don't hang on to the mistakes of yesterday. Today's will be easier to manege If you haven't that drug on you, and by a little more firmness you gain soon get to the point when the an- quyanee or me moment gets ltseic set tled In that moment and then Is drop ped. J We would think It a fool thing to feed our body poison, even In the mi nutest particles; but we feed our Oerves poison, even though It be in small quantities, when we deliberately fret and worry over small thiugs, mak ing them huge and Important by the mere turning of them over and over. These are strenuous days. Don't weaken your strength by unnecessary and harmful fussing over trifles. After you have done whatever can he done to remedy what bus gone w rong, turn our mind away from it. lletuse to be fpndiiated by small mistakes. Few of s, by Ihu way, arc terrllled by n really big thing. We rouse up and meet It deflnltcly mid firmly, unless wo have a yellow streuk. Hut the small thing often breaks down our nerves and then our nerve. TORPEDOES ON FOUR WHEELS Explosive Propelled Toward Enemy Trenches and Controlled by Means of Wires Attached to Works. La Donienien Del Corrlere, Italy, re ports a new nor device, the Invention of on English engineer, strali'ord Tal bot. Literally, It Is a torpedo on wheels which may be propelled toward the en emy trenches and controlled from the starling point by means of attached wires. The explosive Is mounted on o metal lic box which rides on four wheels. Attached to the box Is n contrivance consisting of a dynamo which propels the wheels. The entire machine is electrically controlh-d. permitting the explosion of the charge St (he desired moment; Two parallel wires connect Ihe tor pedo with Ihe control station. These are curried on spools and unwind as Ihe machine advances. The power is derived from accumulating batteries at the starting point. When it Is dc Slrtd to fire Ihe charge all thai Is re quired Is to push a button. According to (he Inventor Ihe total cost of this contrivance Is about $150. BOY ROBBER LOST HIS NERVE Youth Reported Alleged Visit of Band It, But Later Was Induced to Pro dues Stolen Jewelry, A thrilling story of kubs. masks uad robbery, which had stirred country neighborhood by It recttnl, molted Into the innke-believe of a yello-bck novel, once investigators were on the job, says the Indianapolis News. A talk between two persons, which Is said to novo occurred behind a fanner's bam, 1 ed to the recovery of loot In the form of Jewelry and a confession from a boy, who reluctantly dragged from his trousers pocket the remains of a dollar bliL Sheriff Coffm was called In b; neigh bors after the boy, whose name Is purposely withheld, had communicated to persons with whom he lived that a very darkVfinn, wearing n mask over his face, hat visited his home while he was alone; that he had been threat ened with a shotgun nnd, after rifling the house, had forced the boy to leave with' him. About o mile from the Ionise, the boy related, the stronger gave lilin IXi cents mid told him to "keep his liaiulli shut." A duck and n Belghfh hnre also were taken, the boy declured. When Ihe sltortiT arrived there was a eHiMt:ttron behind the burn, nnd when It had been concluded the boy dug Ihe jewelry out of the ground, told his friends that he hud suld the duel; at a nearby grocery for some money; that the llclglon hare escaped while he was on his way to the gro cery, ami Hint ilio masked man was the creation of bis own Imagination. "(live him another chance," Ihe sher iff told the guordlans of the wayward boy. "Ho, won't do It again." The boy nodded continuation. VOICES MUST BE PLEASANT Hospital Nurses Undergo Course of Training In Some Institutions to Cultivate Refined Speech. . "if the success or fullure of a phyal- dan Is, In coma cases as least, deter mined hy his tongue, bow much more Important Is this matter of speech to the nurse, who must be constantly with the patient, and whose every look and gesture are wutched targets for criti cism,1 silent or open," writes Dr. Irving V. Voorhees In the Nurse. "It Is said that In some hospitals this question of refined, pleasing speech has become B part of the nurse's course of train ing, and that she Is tlcraerlted for dis regard of the principles as set forth by her teachers. Although I hnve no personal knowledge of these hospitals. It Is certainly a consummation devout ly to be wished that every one who conies Into the sick room should know how to speak softly and agreeably." Doctor Voorhees says Kuropean na tions realize the Importance of the nurse's voice nnd Insist upon It far more tliun we do. And any woman who plans to become a hospital nurse and has not a pleasing voice already should start at once to cultivate one. The sick are very sensitive) to voices ; the blind uro especially affected by harsh voices, so much so that sous wealthy bliud men will not pe'rnUt a person whose voice Is uot pleasant to come near them. AN OFFICIAL STORY TELLER Libraries In Canada' Find Special Fea ture tor the Entertainment af Children Is Worth Whlls. : In several of Ihe public libraries- of Canada storv telline t ,.i,iiriri, h.. FOOD ORDERS ARE OBSERVED i f"r y"" 'eeu n sh feature, ' soys an exchange. Each Saturday morn- Meatless and Wheaticee Menu In Con- i,iDg frm" fltt' 10 " hundred children neetlon With Lord Mayor's Annual Banquet at Mansion House. At Inst the gaunt figure of famine hns stalked Inlo the Mansion House and edited the menu of the lord may or's banquet. There, everybody who knows anything about English' history assemble nt tho library In a room set apart for the purpose and culled ho "Children's Uoom." The ages of the children vary from six to fourteen years. At St. John, New Brunswick, story telling has been continued now for three years. This year It has been or about good eating, knows Unit the found advisable to divide the children Climbers Imprisoned Atop Fuji. The wisdom of erecting huts on Fuji for refuge In case of sudden storms Qf snow and rain-was proved recently when . violent fall of snow and hall burst upon tho crest of the sacred mountain. During two days more than 10,000 climbed the mountain and sud den arrival of the storm ennght sev eral hundred of them upon the hilltop. Tliey sought safety in the numerous refuges. When the storm burst the police compelled all excursionists to wart for belter weather nt Gotemba and Tnrobo.' Ilellcf parties were sent out butwere unable to get through the drifts. "Anxiety was felt for the food supply, but the adventurers came down safely. For two days the peo ple In the snow were Incommuni cado, owing to the destruction of the telephone wires. These will be burled before next season. as a? atj JUsf ' - "-" F ' ' "aaaBBapjB We carry the best That Money Buys ice t ts , Our Mara Glean and Cool I (Muring Wholesome Meats. LOGSDEN MmiCK Main Street, Athena, Oregon Jerusalem's Greet Walls. After 12-M Jerusalem was under the rule of the sultans of Egypt until the year 131T, when Sellm I conquered both Palestine and Egypt, Inking Ihe title of caliph, and carrying off the sacred banner of the Moslems to Con. ttautinoplc. Sellm's son, Suleiman the Magnificent, once more built ihe great walls about Jerusalem. These walls of Saleimau are the present fortifica tions of the city. Rut the great walla of Suleiman the Magnificent are only tlx lat of a long series of walls whlehi time after Hue, have been built only to be destroyed. The most tragical destruction not only of the walls, but also of the whole city, was that which was carried out by the Ilo tsuu armies of Titus, in the year TO of our era, lit the reign of the Emperor Vespasian. What He Wants for "Plain Food." Do you know this man, have you ever heard of him the man who likes plain food? Ills tastes ore of the simplest; a BftW eten soup yourself, clear Consomme Ihe color of pale sher ry: Take a knuckle of veal anil four pounds of lean beef . . . goes ihe sympathetic recipe. (Notice, you "take," you don't "buy.") "Fry, to a tender brown, carrots, onions," etc. So goes on this tender, delectable process untl! you finally "clarify." The time the cook spends prion the simmering, the frying, the clarifying, and the strain ing Is not of course taken Into ac count. "The man who likes plain food enjoys ronsls of meat, Joints and rib roasts." Exchange. center, the very palate,' of goiinnitnd ise Is situated, according lo a London correspondent. The British empire Is ransacked for edibles ond potables to furnish fnrlh Ibis aldermanie holiday. And when ic occasion's star guest, the premier. rises to shake the pillars of Ihe world Willi his address, the guests are often In such a stale of torpor Hint Kiev have to scan Ihe morning papers to And out what he renlly said. But war has changed all that When the time for this year's banquet approachecj, London's sensiillonal press began ttl shout for n war menu so loudly thai his lordship bud to come out nnd as sure Ihe reporters of the meatlessness anil whentlessness of the coming feast. Another of England's glories vanished I Chemistry Recognized Science. Chemistry has been accorded on al most formal recognition as the science nt the heart of modern warfare. The British ministry of reconstruction has pointed out thai llerhmity selected the chemical Industry for especial nurlnre In making Its war preparations, es pecially that imi of the Industry deal ing with coal tar derivatives, In which field die Imperial government gradual ly won a temporary world monopoly. The minister of reconstruction has np-' pointed a coniniHtee of sli chemists to Investigate (lie situation In England and to recommend a plan for nmking the British chemical industry self-sustaining and equal to any call upon It during and after the war. Von Hlndenburg a "Junker." "Junker" Is phllologtcnlly akin to "Jonkbeer" nnd has a quasi-equivalent In the English "Squire." The Junker Is n man of some blrlh and of Inherit ed property, especially land, says an exchange. The word Is used to de scribe that larc class of Prussians who come of noble, seiulnoble or nt least old and "good" families and whose worldly isissesslnus are such as to give them as appreciable stake la the government. Von lllndcuhnrg Is u One example of the Jnnker; Kuden dorff. his collaborator. Is not ; junker by Mrfh. however much a one he may be by taste. Capital Punishment Capital punishment precolls In all the states of the Cnlon excent Knnsns. Maine, Minnesota, Island. Wash ington and Wisconsin, in Michigan the only crime Hinlsbuble hy death Is treason. The dnith penally was abol ished In the state of Washington In in:.'!. In Iowa In lIT'j nnd restored In m In Colorado In 13P7 ami rextored In Hsu. Hanging l the ordinary mode of execution, bm In InKanii. New York, Nebraska, Ohio, ivnnjjfyliania., Arkan sas. Vermont and Vfrgtnln vleetisx-tt-tlon is the legal ro-thod. In Nevada hanging or shuolbig Is optional with the condemned p-, .., Sewing Machines In Arabia. The sale of sewing machines in Arabia has Increased since the war begun, owing In part to the demand of Bed Cross organizations. A recent shipment of 000 American mncblnes, according to a correspondent, will be disposes; of as follows: One hundrei! In Aden, 20(1 In Abysshdn, 100 In Bed Keo porta and 200 In (he Persian (iulf district. There Is also an Increased demand on the part of the natlv.s, Oennany formerly supplied the terri tory with cheap machines, but the stocks of these ore low, and American products now lend. FuM-pawer sew ing machines are In growing prefer ence over Ihe hand-operated type, but electrically-driven machines cannot be sold, as (here Is no general electric service plnnt In Aden. Dust and rust are difficulties experienced In the nse of Hie machines In tho Arabian cll- aeeordlng trt tfge and to hold two classes of half an hour each. The work has steadily grown In Interest, nnd the demand for books of a ' less trivial type Justifies Ihe work of tho committee lu charge. During the sum mer, when opportunity offers nnd a story-teller of note Is a guest of the city, notice Is given to the library, and it Is often possible to have a special session. Arrive and Depart "Arrivals" nnd "departures" hnve a definite place In French trench philol ogy. When the American troops first entered the I reaches their French com miles were very anxious to have them distinguish accurately between the nolso of "nrrlves" ami "departs." "I thought they Mere talking Jiurbor clearances at first," sold one Yankee lad. "Then I heard a low, whining sound and a shell exploded behind us. 'Un arrive,' sold my companion. He signified tlmt It was a present from the Germans. Soon there was a louder, sharper sound. It wan a responsive roar from our own batteries. 'Un de part,' he said with great satisfaction. H'vtKV we bad it. The exchange of artillery Are is, after all, a mailer of 'arrivals' and 'departures.' Needless to say, the 'departs' enjoy the wider popularity." Going Too Far. Mrs. Boffin 1 read In the paper that a woman In looking after another Wo man to see what she had on fell out of a window. Mr. BoUln-Well, that eniy goes to show that some women NEWSIE KNEW HIS BUSINESS Magazine Vender In Passenger Coach Commercialized Lor NorthellfNfs Boosting of His Book. The foUowing Is a storj related by Lord Northcllffe In n Loudon poper, concerning his book "At the War" : "In the Culled ; States and Canada the newsboys wolk through the trains selllngi'thcMatcst publications, Ond re cently one of (him offered Ills lord ship, who wris on bis way from New York to Chicago, a copy of his owu book, 'At the War.' "I've rend II," quietly replied the an. thor, shaking his head. "Oh, you have!" exclaimed the hoy; adding, with true Yankee Inquisitive ness. "And how did you like It?" "Pretty well," snld Lord'orthcllffe. Then, thinking of the tedious hours spent la revisions and proofreading, he added Impressively, "I. rend It live tlnuW' '"I lew I live times!" exclaimed the toyand two passengers wMD nnd over heard the conversation., promptly bpjight copies, while the enterprising tfewsveudor moved on down the car, saying : '"At tile WorWlCW hook tusl nati one man read It live times. Oulv n .copies left." Stray Stories. MUSIC FOR THE WAR TANK Qraphaphcne Records Are Gift of Woman; French Officer Requests Bowling Equipment fr His Men. For the amusement of soldiers nroh- ahly no nmre unique donation has been made than that of $50 from a woman for griiphaphoiie records to equip a tank. There Is something grotusoiuie about music emanating from this weird iron caterpillar, states a trenail eorre- Other donations have not lacked nn element of the picturesque, as, for In stance, tho supplying of a hospital in Paris which was rilled with African troopers with TOO fans. They were so appreciated during the summer that, the hospital appealed for more. An accordion was sent to fill tfspecllie demand. One French officer requested games, for his men. What sort? In one regi ment In which most of tho soldiers were fathers of families the prefer ence, for some reason or other, was for boWllng. The trench, It mirsi seem, does not make n bad alley If a few balls and pins will liven a dull period. Possibly a change of noise la agreeable! Kitchen Soldiers. Kitchen Soldiers ore Ihu latest ex porliiioiit In practical patriotism, (jond Housekeeping. In eo-openitloii with Ihe United States food adiulnlsiratlon, is conducting ihe enlistment In Ihn magazine appears ihls pledgeTnneb Women are urged to sign : "I, the member of the household In trusted with the handling of food, do hereby enlist as a kitchen soldier for home service ond pledge myself In wnsto ne food and to use wisely all food purchased for (his household, knowing that by so doing I o,n help conserve -the fowls Unit md i. hipped to our soldiers aud our al oes. , I (US JS a movement for the woman who Is ncttiatly dealing In the food of American homes. Employer 1 em ployees arc urged to join the forces. A soldier mny be one who fights just with her brain or one who lights by doing with her hands tho work of women In this crisis, sin? may be one whose ancestors have lived heri tor generations or she mny bo mm whose parents have seen fee's hor rors pass their very door abroad, whose brothers bear the arms of Eng-' laud, or Frtiiu-e,r Italy, or Itussia, or. any other allied country, ouce you TJTirJtoo'em 80 1 fell?" kitchen Is your balllelleld. your r VVe take this means of thanking our friends and customers of cAthena and vicinity for their liberal patronage for the past twelve months. This has been a banner year for our cAthena Store. We shall continue to give you same service the coming year that we have in the past. Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year, We are Sincerely Yours, J. C. Penney Co., Inc. H. J. Power, Manager