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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1917)
r "JnLJ Mr. and Mrs. LeGrow returned Snn- r n t f ByfMontana, where they spent a rrCSS rafagraphS J '""P'6 of weeks at Mr. LeGrow'a stock " $ ranch. Miss Ida Rush of Helix, was an Athena visitor, Wednesday. Seat sales for the school play, "On the Little Big Horn" open at Ward's rnarmacy tomorrow morning at 1 O CiOCK. Mrs. L. S. Vincent came up from Pendleton Monday and spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dupuis of Pendleton, were in the city yesterday. J f36 an acre. Get your seat at Ware's Pharmacy for the school play "On the Little Big Horn." Mrs. David Nelson and daughter, of Pendleton, were guest3 at the Little john home Sunday. Mrs. David Lavender of Weston, was in the city Wednesday, accompanied by her daughter. Lost A shoat strayed from tie Dean Dudley place. Information will be thankfully received. Mrs. Lillie Miller reports the sale of HH acres recently purchased by Chas. Nelson, to Henry Koepke at Cole's Original Wood Stoves never cook you, never freeze you. Your fire always fits the weather. Mr. and Mrs. Heniy Dell, Mrs. A. A. Foss and Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn visited in Wallt Walla Tuesday. Collector of Customs Will Moore of Portland, and J. W. Maloney of Pen dleton, were in the city Monday. Mrs. Homer I. Watts will entertain the members of the Eastern Star Club at her home, next Tuesday afternoon. Remember the Rebekah Club dance at the Opera house tomorrow evening. It is the first big dance of the season. Lost A lady's purse containing a small sum of money and a few arti j cles. Finder will please leave it at the Press office. Mrs. Mary Tompkins will leave in a few days for Missoula, Mont, to visit ! her son, Wesley, who is in the army ; recruiting service. Sim Kilgore and E. S. Harris are ' shipping stock and farm imnlement.R to Hingham, Mont., this week near which place they will farm on a large scale. Mrs. J. A. Kirk returned several days ago from Halsey, Oregon. Mrs. Kirk was accompanied home by her mother, who will reside here in the future. r-fftiejl Gross arrived this morning from Midvale, Idaho, to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Luke Read. Mrs. Gross has been here for some time. Mrs. M. E. Shurte, of Arlington, is in the city, having Deen called by the fatal illness of her brother, Luke Read who was buried today. She will visit her mother in Weston, before return ing home. S & H Pure Food Grocery Athena's Cleanest and Best duality -ftuantity-Service PHONE 171 You can always be sure when you purchase your Table sup plies from us, that you will get nothing but the best, as we do not believe in sending out anything, that is not of the first quality". Everything In Fruit and Vegetable?. Crockery at rea sonable prices. fOSS-WINSHIP HARDWARE COMPANY Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE Barrett building, :: athena. oregoi iiiiimtni mini 1 Oils Tires Valvoline, Mono- Goodyear, Fire gram, Zerolene stone, and U. S. Athena Grarage Repairing Agents for BUICK and MAXWBLIi GARS Parts and Accessories. Lathe Work a Specialty H J. M. Childers, S. T., a practictione of Suggestive Therapeutica late of i Pendleton, has taken offices in the Burr tt building and will practice his profession in Athena. 8 J Wheat is coming up nicely, and (rouaicaljy all seeding has been com fpleied in rnis vicinity. The moisture is sufficient and the temperature suit able for rapid growth. 23 Years Ago, trom the Press oi Ncv 9 1894 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart and I family and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Swag gart were in Pendleton Saturday, I where they attended the wedding of i MlRl T.e.nnrp Swa fro-art. Representative "Pat" McArthur was an Athena visitor for a short time Sunday. He called on B. B. Richards and M. L. and H. I. Watts, old time class mates at U. of O. Frank Quinlivan, a young man from this city who enlisted in the navy, recently was operated on in the Chel sea naval hospital at Chelsea, Mass. for relief from an abscess. The management of the Red Cross benefit entertainment which was given n Athena as a "Hallowe'en Frolic, are arranging to have the young ladies appear in Weston on Saturday evening November 17. Mr. and Mrs.' H. C. Caton 'departed Monday for California, whsre they will remain during the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kidder, son-in-law and daughter preceded Mr. and Mrs. Caton a couple of weeks ago. i Mrs. Jesse Saling who is now in the employ of the Pendleton Tribune, was in the city Tuesday in the interest of that paper's subscription contest. Miss Bertha Sebasky is the Athena candi date in the contest for votes. Mrs. M.L. Watts, Mrs. W. P. Little john, Mrs. N. Buroker and Mrs. R. A. Thompson accompanied the President of the Rebekah Assembly, Mrs. Mary Lankaster. and the past president, Mrs. Nellie Wattenburger, to Weston Monday aiternoon. Lawrence Tharp and Emery Worth- ngtnn were up from Pendleton Wed nesday evening, where the former is attending high school, and the latter has been promoted from the shoe de partment to the clothing depart ment in the Peoples Warehouse. number of Athena people went to dleton Tuesday evening to hear iceTwesident Marshall and were wen pleased with his lecture-i They found Happy Canyon pavilionpacked with ople. Even standing room in the aisles was taken up by the crowd. Mrs. Casper Woodward entertained the members of the Sunshine Club at her home, west of Athena, Thursday afternoon of last week. A pleasant afternoon was spent with Mrs. Wood ward, who served.refreshments. Mrs. Wm. Piper entertained the Club at its previous meeting. Miss Lenore Swaggart, niece of A. L. and J. M. Swaggart, was mar ried Sunday at Pendleton, to Mr. Roy Becker of Astoria. The wedding cer emony was performed by Rev. R. E. Gornall at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. C. S. Wheeler, in the pres ence of a company of relatives. The wedding of Miss Blanche Mays of The Dalles, and Mr. Olson Parkyn of Pendleton, was recently solemnized in the former city. The bride is well known in Athena, having often visited at the C. A. Barrett home, and is a niece of Mrs. Barrett. The couple will make their home in Hood River. Alleging that H. H. Hill has broken the provisions of a contract not to en gage in the jewelry business in Athena after the plaintiff had purchased the business from Hill, and that he has in directly done so, L. S. Vincont has brought suit for 125(10 damages in the circuit court with Raley & Raley and W. M. Peterson as his attorneys. Miss Ida Crabill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crabill of Rieth and formerly an Athena school girl, was married Sunday morning to Mr. Olin McFeron, also of Rieti. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Gornall, at the home of E. M. Mortimore, in Pendleton in the presence of the bride s family, the groom's mother, Mrs. J. S. McFeron of Portland, and other friends. Mr. L. P. Wilmot writes interest ingly of the trip from Athena to Port land, where with Mrs. Wilmot he is at present visiting his daughter. They expect to go the rest of the way to San Francisco Ly rail. Speaking of the high cost of shipping his car, Uncle Lou" says: "I went to the freight office here to find out if they would ship the car and take it as part pay." The Weston Leader says: If squashes were 15 inch shells, Hamp Booher raised enough to have whipped the Kaiser on an acre of ground at his place near town. He estimates the crop at five tons or more and is feed ing it to hit hogs and cows with good results. He weighed two of the squashes and one of thjm tipped the beam at 65 and the other at 6t pounds. A Wallowa county hog raiser who fat tens his herd on squashes says that pound for pound they are better feed an barley. Mrs. Win Burden Wednesday r - ived a letter from her sen, Ed. Sa- baWty, dated at Camp Mills, N. Y. He says: "Geo. Winship and some of the other boys were left behind until they get relieved. We were transferred to the artillery, and are now on provost guard around some small towns here. We lost our Cap tain and some of the sergeants. Am getting along fine with the new outfit. Saw Ernie Boynton and Sid Barnes last night. Address us: 41st Div., 68 Brig. 144 F. A.. Bat. D, Camp Mills. N. Y. On the evening of November 23rd, the 20lh wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke waa appro priately observed at their beautiful home, south of Athena, when about 30 guests called to pay their respects Vocal selections were rendered by Rev. Gornall of Pendleton, and Miss Helen Banister of Athena, and inetru mental selections by Mrs. J. 0. Rus sell of Athena were entertaining fea tures of the evening. Recitations by Dorothy Koepke and Elmo Russell were greatly enjoyed. Refreshments were Berved bv Mrs. Chaa. Betts and Mrs. Henry Schnebely. The happy occasion came to a close by all assem bled singing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." The thresher still runneth in Morrow county. The "Exchange" saloon is closed and McKay Brothers now run bjt one saloun in Athena. Pinear, tho Long Creek horse owned by Kinney brothers, won a quarter mile race at Baker Monday, in 8;l 1-1. William Fletcher, the Lincton moun tain saw mill man, was in the city Wednesday perfecting arrangements to put in a lumber yard. A prisoner named Shea was shot in Walla Walla Monday by Deputy Sheriff Guthridge, while attempting to escape from jail. Shea had succeeded in al most cutting through the wall when discovered. His wound, isjiot danger ous. A Umatilla farmer says: "I do not think wheat raising dead but only slumbering, and very disastrous is the sleep to the people of this country. I think the price of wheat has struck bottom and will slowly but surely raise." ' W. F. Butcher, formerly of this city, withdrew from the race for Mayor of Baker City on Tuesday, the day of the municipal election up there. Miss Irene Iron's, who is attending the Normal school at Weston, is ill at the residence of her sister, Mrs. W. T. Gilman, in Athena. C. K. Roosevelt, the Pendleton mer chant, and Miss Stine of Walla Walla, were married in the garden city, Wed nesday evening. The weather bureau has struck at last a fair weather streak, which it ia hoped will be permanent for a few weeks at least. "Billy" Gholson was engineering one of the big trucks for the Athena Truck Co., this week. The town of Grants that was destroy ed by floods last spring, is being re built. Every body is talking about it. The irrigation project we mean. They want ex-Sheriff Furnish to run for Mayor of Pendleton. The merchants of Athena express themselves as being well pleased with the cash system which went into effect on the first day of the present month. "The beauty of it is," said one of them to a reporter, "when night comes our days' work is done, for there are no accounts to toil over by the rays of midnight oil. The Churches. Free Methodist Services. Services for Sunday, Nov. 11: Wes ton Mt. 11 a. m. ; Athena opera house 3. p. m. Rev. E. W. Achilles of Spo kane will preach at the Union school house at 7:!iO p. m. You are welcome. Cteo. T. Klein. At the Baptist Church. Last Sunday was one of the best days since coming to the field. The Spirit of God waa cer'ainly manifest at the services. The addresses on the trans figuration is gaining inte'est. The third will be given next Sunday morn ing, topic: Stop, Look, Listen. Top ic for the evening service: "The True Confession." Thepiblic is invited to attend these services. A warm wel come awaits everyone at the door. The best seat in the house is yours, pro vided you get it first. Let all come. D. E. Baker, Pastor. Th.- Christian Church. "The Gcd-Sent Man," and "Taking Chances," will be the respective sub jects at the Christian church, Sunday, Bible school at 10 a. in., Geo. R. Ger ki g, Director. There are classes for eveybody and a welcome for all. This is the church at Bible study and should have the presence of everyone. The music will be rendered by the Chris tian church choir. Attendance at all services is increasing, and every effort should be made to bring out the full strength of the whole church. These are mighty times and before long the cry of aching hearts will be heard and nothing but the soothing of the divine touch can avail. Get right with God while the skies are clear. Come and we will do you good. D. Errett, Minister. MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing- your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near O. W. R. Ch. N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. Miller, Local Representative. V EYFS TESTED. tUUStSOtMJND AND FITTED- LENSES DUPLICATED. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK ' BUILDING." PENDI EI0N.0RE. Phone 609 g. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all caliu both night and day. Oalli promptly amwerod . omce on Third utr-et. Athena Orefor Dr. J. C. Baddelev VETERINARY SURGEON LaBrasche Runch Athena D. Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sta Atbena CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Monday' Tueaday, Wednes day, other days of week in Walla Walla 2nd and Main over Third National Bank Dr. E. W7 CroMp - Dr. C. H. Lash Economy It is not a matter of cost per pair but a matter of cost per year, and the best is always found to be the cheapest in the end. So while we know that there are others who sell shoes at a lower price than we do, you'll find that our shoes are cheaper in the long runyou'll wear out less pairs of them per year. See our Autumn Special $7 Guaranteed in Quality and Wear FIX & RADTKE THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" Morning Comfort Dress in a warm room heated quickly and evenly with a guaranteed Cole's Original AIR-TIGHT Wood Heater Built To Last Only the heaviest and most durable metal enters into its construction. Extra heavy gauge lining from bottom to top inside of stove. It must be built right to remain air tight. Select your size and style now. Hold fir 36 hour: Foss Winship Hardware Co. I Wo. 333 Win McMurruy, General Passenger Agent, Portland H a m fl ft if, J iff, A iifr A a itMiiiimitintmiiiniitiitmttiiiiK HtMIMIII A Neat Fit Is Essential for Wear as Well as Looks We Can Fit You For Instance Suppose you are tired of your present Clothes Service, wouldn't a change be beneficial? Try me once for the change tMMMMMMMIIIMIMIIMMiniMIIH HMMMMMiinniMcmimi Truro Street J. H. BOOHER Athena Oregon! HHIIHIHI IMMtMMMItn IMMIItl