200 Roomi 100 Baths Near Both Depots Absolutely Fireproof Hotel Hoyt Corner Sixth and Hoyt Si... Portland, Ore. LOU HIMES. Manager. I RATES:-76c to $2. SPECIAL-Weok or Month WANTED to BUY SHEEP RANCH Suitable for a Lambing Place Must he stocked. Will pay all cash. Want place up to $100,000. Give complete description and list of stock. McKENZIE & COMPANY, 515 Oerlinirer Bldg., Portland, Oregon LET US INCREASE YOUR PROFITS dear Stores, Pool Halls and Candy Dealers, ask for Proposition C. Specialty Sales Co., 423 MORRISON ST., PORTUVID, OHCON Dealers in Sales Stimulators, We Want Your BEANS We Pay Cash. No Commissions HEIDENRQCH CO., 74 Front St., Portland, Ore HIDES, PELTS. CA8CARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. Wi nnl all you Have. Write (or prices and shipping lacs The H. F. NORTON CO. Portland. Ore.; Seattle, We. rif f in Veal, Pork, Beef, V-Ir Poultry, Butter, Etigs tt1, AAA and Farm Produce. to the Old Reliable Everding house with record of 45 years of Square Ialings, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 43-47 Front Street Portland, Oreien It Won't Do. The Great One: I am afraid your accusation is just. Many actors are in tolerably concieted. Indeed, it is amazing to think how many imagine they can play Hamlet as well as I can. Sketch. Unconquerable Trait. "What makes your husband so inter ested in reincarnation?'" "I don't know, junless it's his ab Bentmindedness. He is sure to want to come back after something he for got "Exchange. Kitchen Vs. Dining Room. "DoeB your cook help you to econo mize?" "She is Buch an epicure herself that she compels us to economize." Wash ington Star. Overworking Freedom. "Father," Baid the small boy, "what is a free country?" "A free country, my. son, is one which compels peaceful citizens to put up money for police protection for an archists who are trying to destroy the government." Washington Star. A New Horror. "Do you know my hairdresser has increased her rates for goldren hair?" "The wretch! To the high cost of living she has now added the high cost of dyeing." Exchange. tPo Your Own Plumbing! By huytntr direct from ns at wholwmte pricM and save the plumber's profit. Write us to day your noodn. We will irive you our rock bottom "direct-to-you" prlcoH, f o. b, rail or boat. Wo actuully save you from 10 to lift per cent All troodi irtiarnntcod. Northwnst headiiuartttrB foi Leader Water Systems and Fuller eft Johnaon Kntrlnea. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street. Portland, Oretoa BACK TO ORIGIN OF SLANG Words That Are Considered Staid and Dignified Have a Meaning Known Only to a Few Users. Original slang Is often poetic Per haps the best way to prove this to the professors will be to remind them that some of their own worthiest and most classic and respectable words are themselves, If we go back to their origin, Just the same slangy vagabonds as these. Examine, for instance, the word Inveigh, Max Eastman writes In the New Republic. There Is a staid and dignified term, fit to be Incorporat ed in a president's Inaugural: "I will not at this time Inveigh against the custom prevalent among my contem poraries." You can Imagine how It would sound. And yet, poetically, what does that word mean? In means "Into." Vchl means to sail. "I will not at this time sail Into my contemporaries I" Here Is another Latin word insult. In Its origin It means to Jump on ex actly what Is said everywhere by the schoolchildren of America when the appropriate situation arises. Diatribe Is a pretentious term. It Implies something more thorough than an insult, a more lasting denunciation. You not only "Jump on" somebody, but you "rub It In." We used to say of a crazy person that he was "off his trol ley." And the word delirious meant substantially the same thing In an earlier stage of civilization. It came from the Latin words de and lira, which mean off or out of your fur row. The word precocious means pre cooked, or, as we say, half baked. Capricious means like a goat, and the slang correlatives here are Innumer able, Imagine some worthy, refined and graduated soul being offended by n young upstart and responding some what as follows: "It seems to me you are a trifle capricious. I would hard ly expect any one to Inveigh against me In this delirious manner, deliver ing such a diatribe. Is It essential to your precocity to Insult your elders?" And then suppose we translated this Somewhat according to the etymologic al dictionary: "You goat I You must be off your trolley to sail Into me like that and then rub It in I Just because you're half-baked you needn't think you can Jump on your elders I" A Guarantee. "You say you can offer me a fortune, but is it all clean money?" "It ought to be; I made it in soap." Baltimore American. The Average Consumer. "Who's this man who is telling me to'eat the luxuries of the table so as to save the staples?" "Why, what's the matter with you, man?" He's either got to give me the mon ey to buy lobsters with or tell me I'm one myself ("Exchange. Not Properly Trained. Among those who have heard their country's call to "do their bit" at farming was a retired brakeman. He was plowing up a piece of raw land with h team of mules, and had the reins fatsened around his waist. Presently he saw a stump ahead and instinctive ly he began giving the railroad "stop" signal with both hands. The plow struck the stump and the brakeman went head over heels. Picking himself up, he shook his fist at the mules and roared: "You flop-eared fools, don't you ever look back for a signal?" Ex. Well, Hardly. "Atlas held tho world on his shoul ders." "That's the story." "Still, he probably didn't have his hands as full us the chap who pitches a crucial game In a world Berles," Human Nature. That man doesu't ltvo who has not at one time thought he hnd all the ele ments of greutness concealed within him. Je Werk Many Women in this Condition Re gain Health by Taking Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Convincing Proof of This Fact ltklgway, ronn. "I suffered from female trouble with backache and paiu in my side for over seven months so I could not do any of my work. I was treated by three different doctors and was getting discouraged when my sister-in-law told me how Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable C .aponjed huu holped her. I decided to try it, and it restored my health, so I now do all of my housework which is not light as I have a little boy three years old." Mrs. O. M. Uiiines, Hidgway, Punn. Mrs. Llndsey Now Keeps House For Seven. Tennille, Ga. "I want to tell you how much I have boon benefited by Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. About eight years ago I got in such a low state of health I was unable to keep house for three in the family. I had dull, tired, dizzy filings, cold feet and hands nearly all the tune and could scarcely Bleep at all. The doctor said I had a severo caso of ulceration and without an operation I would always be an invalid, but I told him I wanted to wait awhile. Our druggist advised my husband to get Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound and it has entirely cured me. Now I keep house for seven and work in the garden some, too. I am so thankful I got this medicine. I feel as though it saved my life and have recommended it to others and they have been benefited". Mrs. W. K. Lindbby, It K. 3, Tennille, Ga. If you want special advice write t cine Co. (contlricntlnl) Lynn, Mas1" read and answered bf a wouir I I Dreamer By Miriam Lee 'I (Copyright, by W. O. Chapman.) "Well, young man, what do you think of It?" "It's a dream." "Ah, Is It not. Indeed of grandeur, of opulence, of vast uncounted mil lions I" exclaimed old Prof. Peter Bur ton. "I don't mean It In that way," sup plemented Lysle West. "I regard your proposition as visionary, Impracticable and unreal." "Unreal? ha I hal you couldn't make me more hopeful than by saying that," chirped the old man gleefully. "It's what has seemed unreal and Impossi ble that has scored the greatest tri umphs. Everything Is unreal until It Is accomplished. Then It becomes com monplace. But that Is neither here nor there. You know all about me chanics. I know all about the pre cious metals. You have been recom mended to me ns a skillful engineer. I wish to employ you. I offer you a fair price for your services for say, ninety days. You act as though you don't want the Job. Then say so I will hire somebody else." "Not at all," Lysle hastened to say, "only your scheme appeals to me as chimerical and I must speak the truth." "Oh, we'll pass over that!" exu berated the professor lightly. "All you have got to do Is to come out with me to Basin Valley. You are to examine the vicinity and lay out a plan for me to commence operations. When we have settled on the point where these will begin, you are to figure out the equipment I shall need. I want to get a start. I want to get my boring ma chinery on the ground. I want to go down a couple of thousand feet, so as to bore out a solid rock core showing the strata formation. Then I shall go to New York and Interest the mllllon- M'l 1 ' "It Is a Woman, a Girl. aires In the marvelous World's Treas ure Corporation, Limited, prove my prospect and go for that vast core of pure gold In the middle of the earth." "Very well, I am your obedient serv ant," said Lyle, only hulf convinced that his employer was not a feather brained lunatic. Lysle West, out of work and tired of tho city, was not disinclined to earn a liberal salary out among the wilds of nature. It was only now on the eve of departure that the professor revealed the real details of his under taking. "What I'm after," he told Lysle In all seriousness, "Is to discover the vast core of pure gold that has dripped through the upper strata when the earth cooled off. Naturally the heav iest mass would sink the farthest. I can prove that by samples taken down a few thousand feet. I am In hopes that, two thousand feet down ns a limit, the core of Croesus can be lo cated. Then, boring Into tho Inex haustible mass of precious metal, we can begin to unearth It In cart loads, a constant stream of It. Oh, I have figured It all out scientifically. It will cost money, but the Initial development work done, capital will flow In to rne to carry out my work." Lysle had learned that the old pro fessor had once made a rich strike In the far West Involving enough to keep him from want for the rest of his days. This he had ventured on an alleged ra dium mine, where he had sunk all he had. "Then my wife died," the professor explained to Lysle. "Her estate went to my daughter. Ah, Dorothy! my only solace la the world soul of generosity, she has given tne the last ten thousand dollars of her little fortune to finance ni..r X) experiment. She, nt least, believes In my plans and myself. Dear, loving, loyal Dorothy!" It was a desolate spot that to which the professor took Lysle a week later. It appeared that he had purchased a large acreage, known as Busln Valley, remote from roads and cities. Its former possessor hud tried agriculture, and had felled. He hud left a habit able house, In which the professor and Lysle Installed themselves quite com fortably. A mule team from the near est settlement had brought ou a load of provisions. There were fish In near stream and game In the woods and, therefore, no lack of good living. All day Lysle measured, calculated and explored to find the Ideal spot for drilling. All day the professor submit ted surface specimens of ore and -to analysis. T' aws " quitting time afternoons and prepare supper. Then we will have at least two good meals a day." One day, a few minutes before noon, the two workers dropped Instruments and hammer and started for the house. Suddenly both halted and stared at one another in surprise. "Did you hear that?" sharply ex claimed the professor. y 'Why, yes," replied tLysle "If s the dinner bell you broughiwth ttte pro visions. Someone Is xlBgeMit.'' v "And from the house.flwltat can It mean?" Wp "Perhaps the Chinese housekeeper you tried to get at- Orevuie has changed his mind and has come on." "No, seel" cried the professor ex citedly. "It Is a woman, a girl. Why, It's Dorothy !" Dorothy It was. Dorothy Burton, the old professor's daughter, and as he ran toward her and her father gath ered her up In a happy embrace, Lysle West stood spellbound at realization of the marvelous beauty of this unexpect ed visitor. He shyly acknowledged an Introduction, absorbed, bewildered, drinking In her rare loveliness. 1 Just couldn't keep away, papa, dear I" confessed the winsome sprite. "I got longing for you and I was tired of boarding school. And come In the house, both of you, and see the famous dinner I have all ready for you." It was, Indeed, a rare, delicious meal. and Dorothy persisted that she was elected permanent cook and house keeper. Her presence held Lysle to the work he was convinced was bound to result In nothing, and one day he told Dorothy so. T don't know how far you are right, she said, quite sadly, "but before moth er died she told me to live close to him and his ideas. As to the fortune, that Is nothing to his love." So time went on and the last $6,000 went into engaging a drilling crew. It was expensive experimental work. The professor eagerly Inspected the cores as they were bored out 'West," he said one morning, "the drillers have closed their contract, for my capital has run out. I am disap pointed In the borings. They do not all carry out my theories as to weight and propinquity. I give It up." The speaker was strangely subdued that evening. Lysle was himself de pressed, for he foresaw a separation from the girl he had learned to love. Only Dorothy was her natural, cheery self. Dorothy slept lightly. Her father and Lyle were slumbering heavily and did not hear her get up to answer an urgent summons at the front door. They heard her call up the stairs a few minutes later, and In wildly excited tones. "Oh, father! Mr. West I Come at once, hurry, please I Something won derful has happened over at the dig gings! The drill foreman Is here." 'What Is It?" shouted down the pro fessor, and the reply came In echo ing tones: 'You've bored for gold, and you've struck something Just as good oil, the biggest gusher In the state I" It was true. They believed it within the hour, after a visit to the diggings. They knew it the next day, when oil speculators thronged the place, offer ing fabulous prices for the surrounding land. The professor was rich. And Lysle West, too, for within the week he dis covered that all along, although he did not know It, he had possessed the most opulent treasure In the world the love of sweet, loyal Dorothy. ROMANS BUILD MANY ROADS Many of Those In France Have Left No Traces but Location of Others Is Known. Caesar's army marched the 4S miles which He between Reims and Sols- sons in one day, a fact which proves the existence of roads In that part of Gaul. Tin from Cornwall took one month to reach the Rhone from the French side of the Chnnnel, the route being complicated by the necessity for crossing rivers and mountains. Some of the roads of old Gaul were mere cart tracks, which ran through the In terminable forests, and these have left no vestige of their presence. But the direction of some of the roads which the Romans built Is known. Two of them ran through Purls, forming a crossroads, one the modern Rues St Jacques and St. Martin, and the other, running In it southeasterly direction, the Rue St. Antolne and the fa mous Rue de Rlvoll. The direction of the great Via Do mltlnna also Is well known. Starting from Lyons, It crosses the Gard Herault region from northeast to southwest, ond passes over the Rhone at Aries, running through Nlnies, Pont Ambrolse, Substantlon, St. Thlbery, Bezlers, and Narbonne, the Narbo Mnrtlus of the Romans, and the city which Is famed In these days for Its heather honey. Not far from St Thl bery, the Via passes over the Herault and the Ort, and then follows the an cient road of Colomblers and crosses the Capestnnd by a Roman viaduct, the Pont Selmls at Poutserme. Trade Made Palestine Great All that made Palestine populous and nr" " time was the c c i BOOST FOREIGN TRADE Uncle Sam's Special Agents Have Made Success in Work. Great Progress Made In Recent Yean In Connection With Efforts of Bureau of Commerce. Great progress has been made dur ing the past two or three years In con nection with the special investigations that are carried on by agents of the bureau of foreign and domestic com merce In foreign countries. A special Investigation now Involves a program of action of which the agent's report Is merely the most Important feature In stead of being, as often heretofore, the sole object to be achieved. This pro gram covers, first, the widest publicity possible for the proposed work among the Interests for whose benefit It Is be ing done. Officials of the bureau have found it to be almost as important to prepare the ground for the reception of the In formation as It is to obtain the Infor mation Itself, and to do this it Is neces sary to arouse the Interest of the in dustry affected both in the subject of foreign trade and In the special work of the bureau. The second feature of the program, the careful selection of the man to undertake the work, Is of manifest importance. It is the opinion of the offlclals that the value of the whole undertaking rests in the confidence that the trade has in the Judgment of the Investi gator, and It is essential to have a man of experience and reputation, whose recommendation will carry weight. In spite of a certain amount of cynicism umong some business men as to the value of governmental work, It Is nev ertheless true that with a large part of the business public an ofllclal govern ment representative is assumed to be a man who can speak with authority on the subject. The fourth feature of the program Is the dissemination of the Informs tion received to Just as wide a public as can be reached, not only through the printed reports, but also through personal conferences of returned agents with manufacturers. And final ly, the program Includes active endeav or on the part of both the agents and the bureau to remove obstacles to the trade In American goods or promote constructive work that the agents' in qulrles have revealed to be necessary to the increase of such trade. When an Investigation Is decided up on the trade associations, trade papers and important firms connected with the industry concerned are circularized and their co-operation solicited either In finding the best man for the work or In offering suggestions as to making It of the most practical value, or both Both before and after the agent goes to the foreign country which he visits he makes a tour of the United States, touching those chief centers of manufacture of his line, and discusses, In personal conferences with prospec tlve exporters, the markets that he will explore or has explored. In this way the knowledge of conditions that he lias obtained abroad Is utilized to the fullest extent. I It Costs Uncle Sam $24.93 1 To Enlist "Soldier of Sea" i It costs the United States ex :: actly $24.68 per head to enlist :;: men In the United States ma il:; rlnes, according to n statement jlj showing the average cost In each I of the four divisions. "Even at ::i that It's worth It," contend ad- mlrers of the "first at the front" i lads. jij: Of the four divisions the East- i em, which Includes the New ;:: York district, shows the lowest I :: expense per recruit, and the S : Southern dlvfslon Is the highest, i jij San Francisco, where it means B :j an expenditure of $8.60 a volun- i : teer, ranks first among local re- i;ij crulting stations for the low cost ;i;i I of enlistments, with New York :j:j i city, where It averages $9.92 per jj:j ji$ head, running a close second. 8 $ This Is the way the divisions B compare with one another In the ::j matter of recruiting expense: jsj; 1 Eastern division, $18.48 per man; Western division, $25.41 S g per man ; Central division, $27.39 ; 5$ per man; Southern division, 2 : $27.94 per man. : TALKS FROM A MOVING TRAIN Canadian Inventor Develops Telephone for Use on Railroad Cars, Uncle Sim Is Told. Successful experiments with a tele phone apparatus Installed on a rail road car were carried out by a repre sentative of the signal department of the Canadian government railways and the Inventor of the device, the former In the car Itself and the latter In the dispatcher's office In the Mono ton yard, reports Uncle Sam's consul at Moncton, N. B. The transmission 'n this system of communication Is mde through wheel and axle without lie assistance of any contributing cae lum. Reports of the tests declare that he communication established was in very way satisfactory, although the rain was In motion. It Is said there vas no difficulty In hearing distinctly very word of the messages exchanged. The experiment was tried on a louble-track line where the rails are roperly "bonded" for the block-signal ystem, but U Is claimed that equally ood results can be obtained on any rack where the rails are similarly bonded" without regard to the pres- nce or absence of a block-signal In tallatlon. IGLEYS S. 0. s. Send Over Some WRIGLEYS Keep your soldier or sailor boy supplied. Clve him the lasting refreshment, the pro tection against thirst, the help to appetite and digestion afforded by Wrisley's. It's an outstanding feature of the war "All the British Army is chewing It." AFTER EVERY MEAL .fflSfclrfl Lasts ANNOUNCEMENT OF ADVANCE IN PRICE VAUGHAN'S PORTABLE DRAG SAW 4 H. P. Now $145; Sept. 15 will be $155 The Lightest and Strongest Draff Saw niade Can be Operated by One Han and Carried by Two Men. Vaughan Motor Works, SJk PORTLAND, OREGON. J a f a? Vflll nerve'enough to Bend me 35c IMfC IUU for sample $1.00 article? La dies' or Gent's. Wagar, Box 325. St: Louis. Mo. Young- men and women with business training find positions everywhere. Go to Northwest's largest Business College, BEHNKE-WALKER, Portland, Ore. All courses. Positions guaranteed. Writs for free illustrated catalog. Staff as Symbol of Authority. The use of a staff as a symbol of au orlty was not confined to kings. It ' :ht be used by any leader as ln- ced In Judges S :14, where for "pea he writer" as In the authorized ver ve should read "scepter at the Matter of Fact Great Is the power of matter-of-fact, greater and made up of richer elements than perhaps we care to remember. It Is part of the power the eternal power of the story teller over the mind of man. There Is no great story teller, from Hunter to Scott and Guy de Mau passant, who, whatever else he may have, has not the faculty for matter-of-fsctness. It Is the treasury from which the wit and cynic draw their Income, and often the philosopher his capital. Stranger still, It Is the bed rock upon which the poets build their palaces; glorious views from top windows are made possible by the hard substance below the basement, and the men who build without It, trusting wholly to Imagination, are not the men who en dure. What reason is to faith, matter-of-fact Is to Imagination. The Old Way and the New. Old-fashioned people used to spend the long evenings of fall and winter at home, munching popcorn or apples over the Bible, Shakespeare or Dick ens. Moderns go to the movies and let the Charlie Chapllns and Mary Pick, fords Improve their minds. Biting Reproof. During a dust storm at one of the army camps, a recruit sought shelter in the cook s tent. "If you put the lid on that camp kettle you would not get so much dust in your soup." "See here, my lad, your business is to serve your country. " "Yes," replied the recruit, "but not to eat it" Christian Register. What They Find. Those who go hunting for trouble are always finding fault Certainly She Does. First Nurse Girl So you've got a new place? Second Nurse Girl Yes. "Do you like it?" "Like it? Why, it's right in front of a police station. "Chicago Herald. " What is your old enemy's position in this crisis?" "I don't know exactly," replied Sen ator Sorghum. "But whatever his po sition is, it pays a good salary, or he wouldn't accept it" Washington Star. 'Hi I II I' I'M ' Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles, Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula, Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness and allays pain. Heals Sores, Guts, Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. $2. 00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and Book 5 M free. ABSORR1NE, JR., sntJieptic liniment (or mankind, re duce! Strain. Uainful. Knotted. Swollen Velni. Cuncen tiated only a tew dropi required tt to application. Price it per bottle at dealeri or delivered. W. F. YOUNG, P.D.F., 401 Temple St., 8prlngfWd, Mist, Wff fNE Granulated Eyelids, jsoreii.yes, jiyes iniidmeu py Sun, Dust and Wi.id quickly relieved by Murine. Try it in Axt fl&C your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes. I OUR tl tjNo Wting, Jnt LyeComfort Mnrlnia t?VA R PT11P.Iv At jfff D1'8 0 Ev. Salve, in Tube. 2 Ask Marine Eye Remedy Co. Chicago j The Irish Method. "What's become of the dog you had, Casey?" "Oh, he was wort' $10 an' Oi kept t'inkin' if some wan should stale him Oi could ill afford the loss, so Oi gave him away, begorra." Exchange. Change of Opinion. "Don't you believe in corporal pun ishment?" "No," replied Farmer Corntassel. "Not any more. My boy Josh has all the best of it when it comes to physi cal culture." Exchange. Touching. The Girl And can you manage on your army pay, Phil? The Sub Hardly but I do a lot of writing besides. The Girl What kind of writing? The Sub Oh, letters to the guv 'nor! A Pointed Note. Employer You put that note where it will be sure to attract Mr. Smith's attention when he comes in, didn't you? Office Boy Yes, sir, I stuck a pin thru it and put it on his chair. Chi cago Herald. CUTICURA HEALS SORE HANDS That Itch, Burn, Crack, Chap and Bleed Trial Free. In a wonderfully short time in most cases these fragrant super-creamy emollients succeed. Soak hands on retiring In the hot suds of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub Cuticura Ointment Into the hands for some time. Re move surplus Ointment with soft tis sue paper Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept L, Boston. Sold everywhere With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain You reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and who have at least once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts off with the fingers. Freezone dries the moment it la ap plied, and simply shrivels the corn or callous without Inflaming or even ir ritating the surrounding tissue or akin, A small bottle of freetone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but will positively rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callous. If your , druggist hasn't any freezone he can get It at any wholesale drag house for you. P. N. U. No. 37, 1917.