!vwwwwwv I Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mr Arthur .rrW- r r i J I ed the first of the week from Portland. Frer Paragraphs I Mr.8ndMr, Lonis Kini Tiilud ,nfnn,- -. t Wl wock at tn" Bryan hem in Helix. Squashes for Sale. Put in your orderA- nd,Mrs- he w in at once. Wm. Booher. 7 c,ty froB wIIa w Sun day, j Western's main street sidewalks are . . being improved this week. AX York and Henry Uell returned this JOiBorning from a business trip to Great U.nar latepnSns mace a business trip, If Ma, Montana. H52 to Pendleton Tuesday morning. Edmond Potts, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Potts, is attending Spokine Univer sity. Floyd Corporan wa3 homa on a short furlough last Sunday, from Camp Lewis. N. E. Durgan, Vancouver, is a gueat at the home of his cousin, Mel ville Johns. Mrs. Wm. Piper and son Wm. are preparing to spend the winter in Long Beach, California. Mrs. Ralph Smalley of Walla Walla is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. R. Booher,;who is ill. Comfort" and economy make hap py homes. You can get both by using Cole s Hot Blast Heaters. J. D. Matheson of Portland was in Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dickenson were the city the first of the week, being gujets recently at the L. D. Clark called by the death of Dr. Scott, a home at Helix. nephew bymarriage. S & H Pure Food Grocery Athena's Cleanest and Best duality Ctuantifcy-Service PHONE 171 Hot Cake Time- Albjrs Flarjack Flour, package .35 Albcrs Prepared Buckwheat Flour, package ... .35 Cane and Maple Syrup, gallon can 1.70 " " " " half gal. can 90 Picnic QatRS. lean aud fine quality, thi pound . 30 Rice, the most "economical today of all Fcods, put up in sanitary cloth "bagd 30 .00 and 1.20 Folgers Shasta Jap.m Tea, pouud can .50 H half round can 25 Fancy" Winter Bananas, Grimes Golden and Jonathan o4pples Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Galore for Saturday" Shoppers FOSiHMSHiP HARDWARE COMPANY FISHING TACKLE We are displaying an assortment of Flies, Hooks, B Spoans, Lines. Leaders, Rods, Reels, etc. We are carrying a splendid line this' year. BAR RE IT BUILDING. :: ATHENA. OREGON Valvoline, Mono- Goodyear, Fire gram, Zerolene stone, and U. S. I Athena &arage Repairing Agents for BUICK and MAXWELIJ CARS Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty Whw w We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Iniiring Wholesome Meats. READ & MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon I. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott were called here from Enterprise by the death of Mr. Scott's brother. Several plates wera left at the Steele (hop after the Bed Cross sale. Owners please call for same. A. M. Meldrum came down from Spokane to attend the funeral of his late friend. Dr. W. R. Scott. Lee Hiteman is in the city from San Francisco, having been called by the serious illness of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow left Wednesday evening for the stock ranch in Montana, for a two weeks stay. Mrs. Geo. Piper is home from a two weeks' visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, M. Matlock, at Vancouver, Wash. Lawson Booher is rapidly improving from his recent operation, and will aoon be home from the Pendleton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Fisher and Miss Pierce and Jacob Booher were in Pen dleton Tuesday night attending the theater. Mr?. M.'F. Honan'and Miss Pauline LeJerle of La Grande, were in the city Sunday to attend the funeral of Dr. W. R. Scott. Mrs. Burden receives word from her son, Ed. Sebasky, that he is improving from his serious illness at Camp Greene, N. C. Chas. Nelson of Weston was in town this morning. He reports that his lit tle son is slightly improved, though not having regained consciousness. Mra. Hiteman has been critically ill the past week, but is better at pres ent. Dr. Keeler was called from Walla Walla in consultation with Dr. Sharp. Mrs. Otis Whiteman and little son. Jack came down from their home near La Cross Wash., Tuesday and are visit ing at the B. B. Richards and H. H. Hill homes. The hunting party composed of H. I. Watts, Sam Pambrun, Wm. Dobson and F. B. Boy! will return this after noon, being met in Walla Walla by Mrs. Watts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price and Mrs. N. Loveridge and Mina and EUred Price of Weston, were the guests of Mrs. Fay Loveridge and daughter Vul va, Sunday. Mrs. Gen Harris and Mrs. Lloyd Smith of Pendleton, were in Athena Sunday, accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bradley, who came up for the Scott funeral. The ladies of the Catholic church de sire to thank the public for their pat ronage at their annual ball. The sum of (70 was realized and a successful party was reported. Pilot Rock Record: Mrs. Susie Oberturf left Thursday afternoon for Athena to visit with relatives. She has been visiting at the home of her cousin, Horace Walker. Mrs. Minnie Collinis, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tharp for some time, left Fri day afternoon with her children tojoin her husband at Keith. Bill Booher has some squashes at bis place near town that for siie are a wonder. One, and not the largest, it is said, measures 87 incnea in length and weighs 80 pounds. 'Nflaude Reeder is in the city having come over from North Yakima to at tend the funeral of Dr. Scott. Mr. Reeder and family are residing in the Yakima town for the winter. On the James Hawk place near Pilot Rock there is a straw stack 290 feet long and 20 feet in width. The straw is salted and is being saved On the theory that feed v. ill be scarce this winter. Rehearsals are progessing nicelv for the Hallowe'en frolic to be given in the school auditorium, on the even ing of October !i0, under the direction of Miss Josephyne Clark. The enter tainment is a Red Cross benefit and will draw a large audience. JuuVo Stephen A. Lowell, Leon Cohen, T. F. O'Brien, Lowell Rogers, Sam Thompson, Thus. Thompson, T. J. Fweedy, Merle Chessman tnd Hev. Gornall were members of the Liberty Loan booster party accomnanying the speakers to Athena Wednesday after noon. A raise for every teachtr has I een granted by the PendL ton Sf 1 ool Board. To thrie heals of departin jnts ;in the High School, all of whom are men. were given salaries of 11200 a year, an increase of nearly $;)00 and to each of the other teachers was given 10 a month additional. V.'ithHhe Wild Horse highway paved d traffic on Sundays increased ac rdjngly there i3 such a possibility of collisions that sane driving should be insisted upon by everyone; 50 miles an hour habits will sooner or later in crease the population at the cemetery, says the E. 0. editorially. Mr. arrff Mrs. Luke Read arrived horn's Tuesday morning frjm Portland where they have baen for some time, Mr. Read being in a hospital there. Though still in a serious condition, it is heped that with good care and pa tience, Luke will soon be on the road to recovery. They will remain at the Geo. Gross home for the present. The Red Cross benefit dance announ ced for tomorrow evening has been post poned till Saturday evening, Oct. 27, that evening having been given over by the Lbrary Board, who had planned to have it for the annual library ben efit. Mra. Morton will be hostess, the affair to be a jitney dance. The Li brary ball will be held later in the sea son. Lester Kelsey Vaughan and Mabel M. Lieuallen were married in Pendle ton last Saturday afternoon, being at tended by Mrs. M. D. Vaughan, and Mrs. Wm. Harden, grandmother and aunt of the groom. The bride is the i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lieu ! alien of Weston, and a popular young ! lady of that city. The young couple i will live on the Wes Zerba place west j of town, being farmed by A. H. Mc j Intyre, in whose employ Lester has been for several years. Horace Walker was taken to the ; hospital in Pendleton Wednesday af- temoon, having been taken suddenly ill at dinner in the county seat town bays the Pilot Rock Record. He went to Pendleton in the morning with his daughter and while they were eating dinner in a restaurant he was taken ill and a physician summoned. The doctor ordered him sent to the hospital and last reports received state that he is getting along nicely and will prob ably be out in a few days. Dr. E. B. Osborn, in 'writing to the Press from Camp Lewis, expressl re quests the correction of thejstatement that he held the rank of 1st Lieutenant in the veterinary corps, and claims his status as rear rank private number four, in the twelfth squad of Company 5, Second Battalion,lfl Depot Brigade. The fact is. Dr. Osborn early made ap plication and successfully passed the examination for the veterinary reserve but received his commission after his call in the draft. ( , School Notes. A meeting was held last Tuesday afternoon in Miss Grant's room and the first and second basket ball teams ware chosen. Hazel Sanders was elec ted captain of the first team. The teams are beginning regular practice now and it is thought that they will have a strong team this year aa Ithey show signs of some very good work. The High school play, "The Little Big Horn," is to be given in the aud itorium Friday evening, November 16. This is to be the best play the High school has ever produced. The cast is very busy practicing on their parts and each member is taking great interest in the success of the play. Mr. Rus sell has added this week to the stage scenery some new panels which are to be UBed in the play, to give the stage the appearance of a fort. At present the Manual Training class is engaged in making footlights for the stage. The Red Cross tables will soon be finished after which, if the weather "permits, the boys will put two cement sidewalks around the school house. The class in Agriculture has sent to the Secretary of Agriculture at Wash ington, D. C. , for a complete set of farmers' bulletins which will l3 a great asset to the school as well as the community at largp. The class in General Science visited the flour mill last Friday with a view of becoming better acquainted with the .community's " biggest industry. Thev are ready now to answer any questions in regard to what happens to the wheat after it arrives at the mill. Last Wednesday at assembly the Seniors gave some verv interesting cur rent events which ended the series of talks given by the different classes. The next series will be given by some of th 3 prominent business men of the town, the first being Mr. B. B. Richards who will speak next Wednesday on the "Pros and Cons of Business Exper ience." The public are cordially in vited to- attend these weekly assem blies. At the last meeting of the Literary society, Lawrence Tharp was elected vice president to take the place of Lloyd McPherrin who has left school. Kathren Froome was appointed tem porary president while the president, Henry Koepke performed on the stage. A apecial feature of this meeting was the reading of the society paper, "The Spectator," by the editor in chief, Vernita Watts. Parents and friends are urged to attend these meetings. Lsut Tuesday afternoon at 2:!t0 ihe fire gong was sounded and the pupils cleared the building in 1 minute and 80 Beeonds. This was rather slow time but with more practice the pupils are expected to act more quickly. The girls of the seventh and eighth grades met in Mr. Gribble's room last Tuesday evening and organized a sec ret society to be called the Hi Jinks CI b. Blue and gold were chosen as the club colors' and club pins are to be purchased in the near future. After stump speeches were made by some of the members of both grades a very ex citing election followed when the fol lowing officers were elected: lone Car den, Pres., Helen Downing, Vice president, Lucinda Dell, treasurer, Savannah Smith, Sec, Mildred Stan ton, Sergeant at arms. A constitution is to t)a formed by the following who are members of a committee for that purpose: Jeanette Miller, Nina 'Iharp, Audra.Winship and Miss Lawson. 23 Years Ago. yrom the Press oi Oct. l'J 154 TEAS and SPICES from the ORIENT "THE CUP THAT CHEERS'-that's what tea drinkers call our teas. There are many grades and flavors on the market, but our choice selections of the most desirable qualities will surely please. SHILLING'S TEA per package ' 3f5c & 70c DEPENDABLE " " " 30c & 60c UPTON'S 40c & 75c JAPAN, GUNPOWDFR, and SP1DERLEG TEAS in bulk 60c per pound Our Spices are pure and wholesomeof full strength and flavor. They help to make Baking Day "goodies" more tempting. FIX & RADTKE Main St. THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" Athena AMDS FOURS 5-PASSENGER Big Four, 5 Passenger, $1,010 Athena; Little Four,. 5-Passenger, $840 Athena; Easy riding and easy controlled. VACUUM GUP TIRES Guaranteed for 6000 Miles Valvoline Motor Oils. Best brands of Cup and Axle Grease. rJMitchell and Studebaker Wagons We also have a complete line of Oils constantly on hand C. A. Barrett & Co ne?tiiiiiiinntiiiiiiiiiii inniiiMiiiiinniii The heaviest wheat we have heard of so far this season, was at the Pro ducers Warehouse, in this city. The other day live sacks of what were taken in that tipped the beam at 8110 pound, an average of 178 pounds to the sack. The wheat was raised by W. M. Steen, and was of the Blue Stum variety. The trucking was done by CharleB Bergevin. The case of the city of Athena vs. Mike Ryan, in the circuit court was decided in Ryan's favor. The case was the outgrowth of Mr. Ryan's pro miscuous flourishing of firearms on the streets of Athena, which is prohibited by ordinance. Ryan was fined 150 by the city recorder, and took an appeal to the circuit court with the above re sult. The Athena Flouring Mill company are at present taxed to their utmost to fill orders for their China trade. During the past week 10,000 bushels of wheat passed through the rolls turn ing out 1800 barrels of flour, and Monday the company commenced on a 1,000 barrel order. Clark Wood, erstwhile city editor of the East Oregonian, but at present constable for Weston precinct is fast getting onto his job. He is a rustler and has the genuine official expression of "yer my man," down pat. Last Saturday while attempting to arrest a drunken Indian, Jim Cash Cash, a dusky policeman, was severely cut on the arm and the Indian, resist ing arrest, was shot in the shoulde. Robert Renick and Miss Etta B. Hodgen, both of Milton, were wedded in Walla Walla, Tuesday last. The band will render some fine se lections at the concert this evening. Go and hear them. General Lew Wallace delivered a lecture in Walla Walla last week. A Neat Fit Is Essential for Wear as Well as Looks We Can Fit You For Instance Suppose you are tired of your present Clothes Service, wouldn't a change be beneficial? Try me once for the change Thtro Street J. H. BOOHER Athena Oregon HMM MMMMt IMIUIIIMIH Foley's Kidney Cure make kidneys and bladJer r(gft Foley's Honey and Tar tor cbUiir4tusalejuire. No opiate, Script Porm Butter Wrappers Are Best